WordPress Media Manager cannot rename my images? - wordpress

[Edit > I understand its the default behavior of WordPress Media Manager to do this and I'm seeking a workaround]
I've found that if you rename an image using the WordPress Media Manager, it appears to rename the image, however, it only renames the "Title" of the image that you see in Media Manager. It does not, as I would expect it should, rename the actual filename of the image.
This is misleading in that I expect when I rename the image its actually renaming the file itself, not the "friendly name" that WordPress uses to display the image in media manager.
So if I "rename" an image in wordpress from say "MyImage.jpg" to "MyNewImage.jpg" and then try to link to MyNewImage.jpg, I will get a 404 error.
Is there are workaround or setting for this, or am i missing something?

What you're seeing is the behavior as it works. It's debatable whether it should work a different way, but that's an issue for the WordPress folks. I'd recommend the WordPress support forum or if you feel that it's a bug, you can submit a WordPress bug report.


swiper.js is redirecting my lightbox to the original media URL

The swiper.min.js file that was part of my WordPress them is not allowing any lightbox related plugins on my website to load. When you click on it, you can see the lightbox arrows for a split second, then it redirects to the original media URL. Can someone pinpoint what it is in the swiper.js file that is making this happen. That way I can remove it. I would so appreciate it. I've been spending days trying to figure out what the issue is, and I've finally at least pin pointed that it's coming from swiper.min.js.
Website link where lightbox plugin is used: https://smithspecialized.com/edmonton-drawworks/
I tried removing some things in the file that I thought had something to do with the lightbox redirecting to media URL, but then it broke the code so I think I removed too much, or the incorrect section in the code.
Hey there it's difficult to find any error without accessing website from inside. If don't want to give access then-
please use different plugin or
try to disable and enable plugin, as sometime confliction between plugin caused the issue.

Logos missing after Wordpress migration

For some reason I cant find a place to edit the header logo. The logo will appear in chrome browser. In most browsers, it will just be a blank square and say logo.
This all happened after a migration to a different server/database.
There is some info about plugins needing an authentication key. However, Im unsure if this is the problem as it requires purchase. Any ideas? Thank you!
It's a bit unclear on why this would happen as there are a number of reasons.
Here are a few main things to check:
Did the wp-content/uploads/ folder get copied across fully?
If point-1 is correct, can you access the logo file via URL?
Are you using a theme builder to add in the logo? If so, you might need to export and import a theme builder file.
No need to purchase anything. Since you mentioned that this happened after migration. This could be a source issue, the url of the image could be broken or still leading to the old website url. You can check this by going to the DevTools on chrome by tapping F12. Then, click colsole to check if there's an error and let us know about it.

Images won't appear in wordpress.org site

Here is the site that I am working on.
Here is an example of the logo image that I want at the top
The theme is mayashop, and I am having issues with the images loading. In the media library I am able to see all the images. In the theme options menu in the backend, it asks me to enter the url of the logo image/ favicon/ etc. into the text field. So for the logo, I am simply pasting that second url from above, save, but I still get the placeholder box, not even the correct size.
I was having a redirect issue earlier and couldn't even view any of the images.
It just kept taking a while to load and coming up with a redirect loop. I found online someone had switched the permalink, so I switched mine from "month and name" to "default" and now I can at least see the images on the second link, but I still cannot figure out why they don't show up in the proper places. I hope this makes sense.
I will also mention that I don't really know any php so if this is what it takes, please be very specific for me, thanks!
You're using the wrong urls for the header image and, possibly, the other images that are giving you trouble as well. Instead of referencing http://afinderskeeper.com/?attachment_id=64, you want to edit that image from the media library and get the file url. It will be something like http://afinderskeeper.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/afk_header_logo.jpg
I am just a random stranger on the internet, but I have to thank you guys! Your solution fixed a problem on my site that has bugged me for ages!

WordPress Media Library Issue

I've uploaded my images using the WordPress Media Library. Permissions are set on the Uploads directory. Images are showing up in the proper uploads directory and re-sized correctly. Database is updated correctly and has proper path to images.
When in the media library, I see the thumbnails to the images, but when I click on a thumbnail to view the image, it doesn't display the image at all. Nothing shows up.
I've also tried using these images in an image slider and when i browse the media library, it finds them. I select the image to use in my slider and the thumbnail of the selected image gets displayed fine, but when I view my slider from the web page the image doesn't get displayed there either. Just an empty slider.
I have no plugins activated at all.
I'm using the Bizniz theme purchased off Themeforest.
I've updated WordPress to 3.3.2
Running off my local machine using Apache.
When i copy the image path from the database and paste it into the browser, the image gets displayed fine.
Everything is working except for the images. Any help is really appreciated!
Ok, i tried switching my theme back to Twenty Eleven and then clicked my media library thumbnails and the images are displaying correctly. So it looks like it has something to do with the Bizniz theme i'm using. Is it possibly a jquery conflict or something? Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks again!
Ok, i've found a "temporary" solution to the problem. It seems the issue is with the version of TimThumb (which was v2.8.10 installed with the Bizniz theme).
I ended up using an older version (1.14) in place of this new version and it seems to have resolved the issue.
Although this has resolved the issue, i'm saying "temporary" as i'm not sure what features i might be missing between the two versions and am hoping the new version gets updated to correct this issue.

WordPress - Changed directory and images do not appear

I changed the folder that my WordPress installation was in.
However, this worked fine, except now all my images are not showing up.
The problem is that each post has the full url of the image in it. (not my doing, this seems to be the default setting)
Is there a tool or a quick fix available for this?
There is a Update URLs plugin for Wordpress to help you with that. Hope that helps!
You need to update your settings to reflect the directory change on the settings page in your admin section.
Since it seems to be a problem in the posts themselves, you'll probably have to write a quick fixme script that runs through your post table searches for '="/' or something similar and updates any hardcoded links.
