Wordpress website is automatically redirecting after load [closed] - wordpress

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I asked the following question on SuperUser.com and the question was closed. Maybe it should be asked on ServerFault.com. Not sure.
But here it is on SO hoping it will get some traction.
I have a wordpress website. It is NOT a wordpress.com website. This website is hosted at godaddy.com This weekend whenever I fired up my browser and loaded the landing (or any other page) there it would load (firefox would say "Done") and then after a 1 second pause the browser would redirect to some seemingly random website.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) this is an intermittent problem.
I use difficult to break passwords for my wordpress admin.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot or what the problem is?
Yes, the url is http://www.meeting-minutes.org. For the record, the reason I did not include the url when I reposted my question here is because I thought that someone might think that I am just trying to promote the software that I reference on the website. That is genuinely not my purpose.
EDIT Thanks for the help. I have taken the site down by simply renaming the hosting folder (so it now returns a 404 which is fine.) I will clean it up and redeploy after cleaning it up.
For the life of me I don't know how this could have happened.

Your Weblog has definitely been hacked. I can see very evil-looking JavaScript code in the source code of your blog:
<script language=javascript>document.write(unescape('%3C%73%63%72%69......
It is probably code to redirect to other sites, as you say. Your Blog's security must have been compromised somehow, this is definitely in your template's source code.
You should download everything and take the site down immediately to protect your visitors, and your site's reputation (to prevent it from getting on any malware blacklist). Check out the "Getting your site off line" chapter in the 2nd link. I don't know which version of Wordpress you're using, maybe WP's forums can be helpful in finding out how the break-in occurred. Maybe it's also a good idea to inform the hosting company and see whether they can provide any additional information. If you have access to any log files, fetch a copy and look whether they tell you anything.
Google Webmaster Tools: My Site has been hacked
My site's been hacked - now what? Very nice article on Google Webmaster Central
For later maybe:
Hardening WordPress

Specific to Wordpress (and linked numerous times in the Wordpress forums): FAQ: My site was hacked « WordPress Codex and how-to-completely-clean-your-hacked-wordpress-installation.

I would try accessing the site with JavaScript turned off. That would be a quick way of verifying if someone had put that in an onLoad. It certainly could have been written to fire intermittently.
If you have file access to the server, I would look at the .htaccess file, which might have rewrite rules in it.
Lastly, I would try accessing the website by IP address to detect DNS problems, but I find it highly unlikely it would work that way.
Don't forget to look closely at changes to your theme, which is the most likely avenue of attack.


Spam emails strange wordpress site

I'm receiving strange emails can't stop them even using re-captcha in my site where it says they're comming from.
My answer to you is that you should redirect your question to https://wordpress.stackexchange.com
You're not giving us any information for your WordPress configuration to help determine what might be happening. I am guessing, but this looks like your form has been exploited. My suggestion would be to disable your forms to see if that stops the traffic. I also suggest you look at your WordPress configurations and disable comments or any other way someone can contact you, since that could be the other issue.
Good luck.

WORDPRESS: Where do I delete my site?

I've looked absolutely everywhere for an answer to this, and so far have not gotten any that have solved my problem. It seems like it should be simple, but Im either getting answers that tell me to press a "Delete Account" button in my dashboard that simply IS NOT there, or someone says "look it up on Google" or something else that is not at all helpful. I've looked and am getting very frustrated. So, here's my question(s):
If I cancel the hosting (Blue Host), will it automatically cancel all payments relating to the site? That is, is signing up on WordPress free, with the hosting being the part that is paid? I can't find statements or anything related to the WordPress part of it, so I'm hoping that the hosting is the only part I'm paying for (this site was started a few years ago, and I just don't have time for it, so I don't remember anymore.)
Can a Wordpress.org account/site actually be deleted? I've emptied all the contents as stated in the documentation, but when it comes to actually pressing "Delete Account," the button is no where to be found in my dashboard! As long as I'm not paying for it to just sit there, I guess I can leave it, but I'd prefer to delete it altogether, if possible.
Thank you to anyone who offers constructive advice on this topic. I know others have asked about this, but none of those solutions have worked, so I'm asking again. (It also doesn't help that WordPress doesn't offer direct support, only forums, so if you happen to know of a good resource outside of their own documentation--which, as stated, hasn't helped me--I'll appreciate the referral.)
if you want to delete your site just delete all the file for this site in public_html folder. or if you want delete hosting for this site contact with your hosting provider. you can do it if you want to do.
But I think you can sell your domain, if your domain age is above 5 years may be your domain has SEO domain authority (DA) . you can sell it .

Google showing "This site might be hacked" under search results

I have newly installed WordPress copy on my live server but on google search it show
"this site might be hacked "
message under my site link. i have applied the search console verification method of uploading html file into root folder but this error is not gone. checked into Security options tab it shows "content injection" spam issue with my site but i have not found any accurate method to solve that issue .
Carefully follow FAQ - My Site Was Hacked - WordPress Codex.
Then take a look at the recommended security measures in Hardening WordPress - WordPress Codex and Brute Force Attacks - WordPress Codex
Change all passwords. Scan your own PC. Tell your web host you got hacked; and consider changing to a more secure host: Recommended WordPress Web Hosting
You might find this page valuable, it seems to be talk specifically to the problem you are referring to with the warning: How to Remove Google Blacklist Warnings
This warning seems to be specific to SEO spam. From what I understand there are many different things that might be contributing to this. I think if you do a Fetch as Google via the console you should see exactly what Google is seeing. These Sercuri folks seem to have another guide that might help you too: How to Clean a WordPress Hack
Good luck, keep us posted

yahoo and bing search results caching old version of my website [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I just put up a new site for my friends company.
If you search on google the link takes you to the correct home page www.durangoshadecompany.com.
However, if you search using yahoo or bing the link that comes up goes to a cached version of the page www.durangoshadecompany.com/index.html. This worked for the old site because it was static.
The new site is dynamically built on Wordpress so the index.html file brings up an error. Can I fix this or will I just have to wait until yahoo caches the correct home page.
I've tried searching for a remedy, but can't find anything that solves this problem.
Just install the redirection plugin and create the rule for the index.html file to point to /. That should fix the issue immediately without coding knowledge.
Caching is done on the search engine's servers, so there isn't much you can do about it.
If I had to hazard a guess at the methodology, most search engines probably only re-cache a site after a certain amount of change has occurred. Therefore, your best bet might be restructuring your site's code in a way that common different utilities like diff would see as large changes.
But that's just a guess.
Best of luck.
As the other answer mentioned, it is outside your direct control since you are at the mercy of specific search engines re-indexing you.
Each search engine is going to have its own rules, but I would suggest that your switching to WordPress will help in getting it updated. If you went with the standard install of WordPress, it hits ping-o-matic when you publish posts. That is a way to notify various services (although not Bing and Yahoo directly, I believe) that you have an update.
You can submit to ping-o-matic directly as well. Just go there and fill out the form.
You can (and should) sign up for Bing and Google webmaster tools (Yahoo is part of Bing's tools). This will give you an opportunity to let them know you've updated and that you would like to be crawled. It will also give you a chance to know when they have crawled you and what errors they may have encountered (so that you can correct them).
To make yourself even more friendly for being crawled, you should have an XML sitemap. You can submit the location of your sitemap through those tool sites for indexing. If you do not already have an XML sitemap, there are plugins for WordPress that will build it for you. Then all you need to worry about is submitting it.
For your index.html issue, if the site gets reindexed, that should remedy itself. However, if you want to be sure, what you want to use is a 301 redirect message. This tells the bot that it has been moved permanently and they will note that (i.e. you want to let them know that mysite.com/index.html has been permanently moved to mysite.com or something like that).
There are different ways to do that. You could create an index.html that delivers a 301 redirect message; or you could do it with .htaccess. I would lean toward the .htaccess method.

Wordpress Questions plugins: Questions not found!

I am currently constructing a wordpress website with a page that allows questions to be asked. However, when the question is asked, the page for that particular question can not be found.
I have tried different question and answer plugins and i have had the same problems. Clicking on the question (or on the link that says "All Questions") takes me to an error page that says "this page can not be found".
Normally the questions page from the plugin uses the single.php template file.
I dont know if anyone else has done this before or has had this problem before. I am currently testing the wprdpress site on my machine so i am not able to provide u with a link.
I hope someone can help me with this even though i understand that the information ive given is quite limited.
Thanks in advance
ps, the plugin website is: http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/qa-wordpress-questions-and-answers-plugin-lite
If your using the free light version of the plugin you should directly ask the plugin author on the WordPress.org support forums.
A lot of users feel this plugin is a blatant Stackoverflow rip off so your likely not going to get much help here.
