Spam emails strange wordpress site - wordpress

I'm receiving strange emails can't stop them even using re-captcha in my site where it says they're comming from.

My answer to you is that you should redirect your question to
You're not giving us any information for your WordPress configuration to help determine what might be happening. I am guessing, but this looks like your form has been exploited. My suggestion would be to disable your forms to see if that stops the traffic. I also suggest you look at your WordPress configurations and disable comments or any other way someone can contact you, since that could be the other issue.
Good luck.


Wordpress Site Is Blank - Only Links Showing For Homepage

Just an FYI, I'm an amateur blogger who doesn't know much about coding.
I've been facing a problem recently and I don't know what to do.
My website homepage shows up blank, with just links (
I've tried to check for any errors in my backend but all seems to be working fine!
I've also uninstalled all plugins to check, but that didn't make a difference.
Please let me know how to go about this! I'm happy to provide any specific additional information needed. Also, since I'm not very well versed in coding, I apologise for my use of lay-man terms in advance!
If I get to your website, most content is not coming from your domain, but is loaded from
Also your own site is not using SSL (https), but insecure http.
Many browsers and most anti spamer browser plugins like privacy badger or uBlock Origin will refuse to load this.
Another point may be that you are using canvas data, but also this is blocked by default in modern browsers.
Maybe take a look in the wordpress server site settings and check your servername.

My websites is hacked and IP is on a Spam Blacklist

I created a wordpress blog few months ago and left updating it, because i was busy in other things. Today when i tried to log in to my wordpress i received a message
Your IP is on a Spam Blacklist.
When i visited my blog i saw a anchor text link right under my logo and i never put it there.
Now i can't log in to my WordPress and my Ip is added to spam list.
I,m worried, what should i do to remove the anchor text link and to clear the spam allegation. Your help will be highly appreciated thanks in advance and sorry for bearing my bad English.
My blog: trueinfoforyou(.)com
I'd suggest getting the support e-mail off of the host providing your WordPress site, either yourself if possible or through another means. Once you've got it, contact them and just explain the situation. I'm sure once you've explained it they'll be happy to resolve the problems you're facing; as at the end of the day, it's commonplace for things like this to occur nowadays.
No host wants to lose business. I'm positive they'll be happy to oblige in removing you from any blacklist.

URL hijacked, sort of - how, why and should I be worried?

I'm seeing a weird url in my google analytics. It's and it redirects to an ecommece site. My clients site is What's the story with this - is it something I need to be worried about? How do the .ru's leverage it to their benefit? What actions should I take?
It could just be someone is duplicating your GA account number and using a rewrite redirect. the .ru is a russian extension. I did find this page that may help you. but if it isn't actively redirecting any of the links on the site (which I tried several) I don't think there is anything to worry about, but someone who knows more about site security may be able to tell you more.

Wordpress preview issue with facebook

I just want to start of by saying that I'm a complete noob when it comes to programing, and don't have a lot of experience with HTML or CSS. I know this place is a bit more advanced and geared mainly for programmers and developers, but the only reason I come here is because I couldn't find an answer in any of the other forums. I don't know if I can solve my problem by editing the CSS file in wordpress, but I'm hoping that some of you can chime in and let me know. The problem I have in a nutshell is that when I post a link of my blog to facebook, facebook doesn't generate the correct data or show any image preview. Here's the post I submitted at the wordpress forum:
I just got a new website, and setup a new wordpress blog on their server. It took a while, but everything is up and running for the most part. I am however, having a really hard time getting any of my post preview to show up when linking to facebook. My website is When I run the same link through facebook's debugger, I get the following error sometimes:
Could Not Follow Redirect Path: Using data from . because there was an error following the redirect path.
Circular Redirect Path: Circular redirect path detected (see 'Redirect Path' section for details).
Could Not Follow Redirect: URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed.
My wordpress URL is : but I made the site URL pointing to : since it's easier. Original blog is hosted with the site I have my hosting with, so the original WordPress is at Can anyone tell me why I am getting these errors, or why the preview is not showing up?
Again, I apologize if this is too simple of a questions, but I just can't figure it out on my own. If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful. Thanks a lot.
My advice would be to try appending a trailing slash to your og:url tag (example: ""). Sounds stupid, I know, but it's worked for some
Another thread on this issue has yielded the following information, courtesy of Lizzbizz on this Wordpress Support thread:
"From what I can tell, this turned out to be a problem with GoDaddy
hosting services. They were applying a 302 Redirect Filter to the
server that was hosting my domain and it caused the problems. After I
emailed them a few times they finally fixed it. Try googling "GoDaddy
302 Redirect Problem" and you will see lots of other posts!
If you are not getting the 302 problem, but just have trouble getting
the image or description to appear when you share a link on Facebook,
you can use one of the WP plugins for Open Graph data like Simple
Facebook Connect or Facebook Open Graph Meta in WordPress and that
should fix it!"

Wordpress website is automatically redirecting after load [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I asked the following question on and the question was closed. Maybe it should be asked on Not sure.
But here it is on SO hoping it will get some traction.
I have a wordpress website. It is NOT a website. This website is hosted at This weekend whenever I fired up my browser and loaded the landing (or any other page) there it would load (firefox would say "Done") and then after a 1 second pause the browser would redirect to some seemingly random website.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) this is an intermittent problem.
I use difficult to break passwords for my wordpress admin.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot or what the problem is?
Yes, the url is For the record, the reason I did not include the url when I reposted my question here is because I thought that someone might think that I am just trying to promote the software that I reference on the website. That is genuinely not my purpose.
EDIT Thanks for the help. I have taken the site down by simply renaming the hosting folder (so it now returns a 404 which is fine.) I will clean it up and redeploy after cleaning it up.
For the life of me I don't know how this could have happened.
Your Weblog has definitely been hacked. I can see very evil-looking JavaScript code in the source code of your blog:
<script language=javascript>document.write(unescape('%3C%73%63%72%69......
It is probably code to redirect to other sites, as you say. Your Blog's security must have been compromised somehow, this is definitely in your template's source code.
You should download everything and take the site down immediately to protect your visitors, and your site's reputation (to prevent it from getting on any malware blacklist). Check out the "Getting your site off line" chapter in the 2nd link. I don't know which version of Wordpress you're using, maybe WP's forums can be helpful in finding out how the break-in occurred. Maybe it's also a good idea to inform the hosting company and see whether they can provide any additional information. If you have access to any log files, fetch a copy and look whether they tell you anything.
Google Webmaster Tools: My Site has been hacked
My site's been hacked - now what? Very nice article on Google Webmaster Central
For later maybe:
Hardening WordPress
Specific to Wordpress (and linked numerous times in the Wordpress forums): FAQ: My site was hacked « WordPress Codex and how-to-completely-clean-your-hacked-wordpress-installation.
I would try accessing the site with JavaScript turned off. That would be a quick way of verifying if someone had put that in an onLoad. It certainly could have been written to fire intermittently.
If you have file access to the server, I would look at the .htaccess file, which might have rewrite rules in it.
Lastly, I would try accessing the website by IP address to detect DNS problems, but I find it highly unlikely it would work that way.
Don't forget to look closely at changes to your theme, which is the most likely avenue of attack.
