website problem -

I have my asp .net website. I have uploaded that. But is shows code of default.aspx page and not the design.
Please help me

IIS will by default display the page default.aspx.
You can change this in your IIS settings and change it to pick up another file by default (though it will allow multiple names).
Alternatively, change the filename of your default page to default.aspx.
Other possibilities:
The .NET framework is not installed on the server
The .NET framework is not registered on IIS (in the framework directory run aspnet_regiis)


ASP.NET IIS 6 deployment error - Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet

I am working on an ASP.NET website. I am trying to deploy the website on Windows 2003 server, IIS 6. The website works fine when I run using Visual studio 2010. but I am not able to deploy on IIS 6 and access the website login page.
I published the website and created a new Virtual directory in IIS 6 pointing to the precompiled website folder under c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\App-name folder.
I get the below error message when i try to access the website login page.
The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource
''. Line 1, Po...
<%# page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="Login, App_Web_rmgltjnq" %>
In IIS, under ASP.NET tab, I selected the ASP.NET version as v2.0. In IIS, under Web service extensions folder ASP.NET 2.0 is allowed.
Why the does the browser show the message is The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet when I access the aspx page from the IIS?
Please let me know how to fix this issue when access the website from IIS 6.0
The error you are receiving means that IIS is not processing the pages at all. It is simply displaying the HTML directly to the browser. The error you are getting is the same one you would receive if you opened the .aspx page directly in the browser from the file system.
Steps to make sure
the .net framework is actually installed on the server.
if it is, make sure it is enabled to be served. MS disabled many application development features by default to avoid servers becoming a potential viral attack vector.
Go to the Server Manager on the server
Select the Web Server (IIS) Role to show the details under the Role Services list ensure that the Web Server | Application Development | ASP.Net and .Net Extensibility nodes are Installed.
If not, select the Add Role Services options to add those and any other Application Development eatures you need.
If correct, you may need to run aspnet_regiis to update the mappings. Usually the -i or -ir options are most commonly selected.

Trouble setting up IIS for ASP

Windows 7 Ultimate
At first I enabled all settings in IIS, the default page of IIS could be viewed but when I tried to view pages in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyWeb, I used to get a 404 error.
Then I tried:
ISAPI extensions
Request filtering
It didn't show me the default IIS page even. Then I tried:
ISAPI Extensions
Default document
Static content
Request filtering
It showed me the default page but when I tried to view files in the directory, Chrome said that the link appears to be broken. At present my settings are:
IIS management console
.net extensibility
isapi extensions
isapi filters
server-side includes
default document
static content
request filtering
Still, I am getting the "link broken" message.
Oh, and I am using Dreamweaver CS5 and when I preview the ASP page from Dreamweaver it asks me if I would like to specify a testing server. I choose No as I am new to this and not aware of how to specify a server. Is that the problem?
This is the official site for your problem:
The first entry is probably what you need.
I recently set up ASP on IIS8 by simply installing the server features you listed first (ASP and ISAPI Extensions). Maybe you have another problem, like a wrongly setup website in IIS. You could enter a simple default.asp or maybe you should try a iisreset and check that some static file is available where you expect the asp files to work.

asp .net 4.0 app on IIS7 Error 404.17

I am having a problem setting up a website under IIS 7. I have created an application and the application pool for the application. Application pool is using .Net Framework 4.0 as my .net app is written in .Net Framework 4.0. Application pool is set to use classic Pipeline Mode. MIME Types have been automatically added to .asp & .aspx.
When I run the website windows explorer is showing me "View Downloads" and trying to download "application name localhost" when it downloads the file I notice that its the html of my default.aspx. I have checked Default Document and it contains Default.aspx.
If I remove .asp & .aspx MIME Types then I get an error: HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.
I have seen this problem many times. IIS is not serving aspx pages and most likely is not running for the entire server or that site.
For the entire server: Check to see if iis world wide web service is running.
For the site alone: Hit run inside IIS.
You can easily know if IIS is running properly by going to IIS and hit the browse option from inside a web site.
With the data you have put these are the things I would try in order if I were you:
Check in Server Manager/ Features if ASP.NET is installed (ServerManager/Roles/Web Server(IIS) look for ASP.NET
Check IIS Manager if everything is ok by:
Try to browse a test.html file to see if you are able to browse normal
Check Basic settings by clicking Test Settings
Check Handler Mappings to see if aspx is there.
Try to browse a sample test.aspx page with test data.
Check Application pool settings.
Reinstall Framework 4.0
Reboot machine ( a classical)
If you gave us more info and/or the ouput of my proposed tests maybe can help more. Good Luck :)
I had the 404.17 error happening on a server today. As you and cad mentioned, I checked the framework of the Application Pool that my site was using to make sure it was set to ASP.Net 4.0, and it was. What happened in my case is that my site was not using the application pool that I thought it was. My site was nested under another site, meaning my site pointed to a subfolder but another site was pointing to the root folder. Even though I had my site set to use the ASP.Net 4.0 Application Pool, the root site used a different Pool that had ASP.Net turned off, it was set to "No managed code". When I set the framework to 4.0 for the Pool the parent site was using, then my site started working.
In my case the solution was fixing the Handler mappings as explained here:
IIS Manager->high-light you web site->click Handler Mappings icon on
the home pane->click Revert to Parent...
on the right Actions pane

Master Page cannot be loaded in C# ASP.Net publish

I am currently new to ASP.NET C# programming and have created a Web application project in visual studio 2010, .NET 4.0. I have researched thoroughly to find a solution to my problem the last couple days but had no luck.
My issue is, debugging my project has no issues running on my local machine. I have a Site.Master page that is reference with a site.css. All my .ASPX pages run through the master site. However when i publish my website using File System
and setting my target location to my desktop, any call on a < href> tag to my default.aspx cannot load the site.master page. the error is as follows:
"The Master Page file 'Site.Master' cannot be loaded.
Correct the problem in Code View".
now i do have IIS 7.5 installed, and i have tried to create a website through the inetmgr by following various steps through google searches and videos and still have no luck. is there something specific i am missing? everything is named the same in reference to stylesheet.
In addition to WraithNath's comment, might want to ensure IIS is configured to allow ASP.NET

ASP.NET Routing (in WebForms) not working when deployed under IIS, works in IDE

I have an ASP.NET web application(webforms,not MVC) developed in VS 2008 and I have implemented ASP.NET web forms URL routing by following this link
It works pretty good when I run it on the Visual studion IDE.But does not works when I created a site under my IIS (IIS 5.1 in XP) and deployed the same files there. I have set ASP.NET version as 2.0 in the Properties window of my application too.But does not work. Any idea why? Is there anything else to be setup?
Try using the following content from "Using ASP.NET MVC with Different Versions of IIS" #
Creating a Wildcard Script Map
If you don’t want to modify the URLs for your ASP.NET MVC application, and you have access to your web server, then you have an additional option. You can create a wildcard script map that maps all requests to the web server to the ASP.NET framework. That way, you can use the default ASP.NET MVC route table with IIS 7.0 (in classic mode) or IIS 6.0.
Be aware that this option causes IIS to intercept every request made against the web server. This includes requests for images, classic ASP pages, and HTML pages. Therefore, enabling a wildcard script map to ASP.NET does have performance implications.
Follow these steps to create a wildcard script map with IIS 6.0:
1. Right-click a website and select Properties
2. Select the Home Directory tab
3. Click the Configuration button
4. Select the Mappings tab
5. Click the Insert button (see Figure 4)
6. Paste the path to the aspnet_isapi.dll into the Executable field (you can copy this path from the script map for .aspx files)
7. Entery ".*" in the Extensions field
8. Uncheck the checkbox labeled Verify that file exists
9. Click the OK button
Check this System.Web.Routing RouteTable not working with IIS?
Are you trying to rewrite for a specific file extension, or are you trying to route all requests?
The reason I ask is because you may not have success with wildcard routing on IIS 5.1.
It works on IIS6 if you specify a wildcard map for the ASP.NET ISAPI filter.
Link with more info
IIS7 supports this via the integrated pipeline.
