Drupal RSS feed links - drupal

I'm creating some feeds of news items and such. These items have URL aliases set for them. Is there a reason why the URL alias do not get used in the RSS feed?
I have a multi-language site which uses the path aliases to show correct navigation, and so when I get a 'node' link from the feed, it breaks everything.
I'm creating the rss feed as using views
When I do a live preview in the view the correct link is shown. So the incorrect link comes somewhere after that.

Are you creating the feeds using Views? if not you should do it. It may be happening that the code that's returning the feed is printing the links to the nodes without using the l() function so aren't being translated to the corresponding alias.
Just in case, here it's a nice tutorial about how to do a feed with Views http://drupal.org/node/314097


How to get news from another website via RSS

I have a blog and I want some automatically - generated news on it. I have found a few news websites which generate RSS feeds and I want to auto-post them to my blog.
I have done this using the WP-o-Matic plugin, but since the RSS feed's content is limited to some point, the entire news' text does not show up on my blog.
Is there a way to get the whole content of the post the RSS feed is linking to ?
You're going to have to code this yourself. Let's say you subscribe to an RSS feed for Google News. You can parse their feed to get the original URL of the summarized article, but then you're going to have to make a request to that URL and fetch the content on that page. Unless the source happens to make whole articles available via its own RSS feed (unlikely), you're probably in markup-scraping territory.
Have to say this: consider the ethical/legal implications of duplicating entire original content on your site (as opposed to summary snippets), even with proper attribution.
For people that need a solution to the problem I described ..
There are services like:
You can use them to do the job for you. They fetch the RSS feed, crawl the websites and extract the full articles for you. After that, they provide a RSS feed of their own with the extracted data.
You can combine the extracted data (the RSS feed the service provides you with) with a wordpress plugin like WP-o-Matic. That way the plugin connects to the RSS feed of the service and the service extracts the content from the original RSS feed.
Have in mind that those services are not perfect. Due to complex website layouts, these services might be unable to find the content, or include things that are not a part of the articles. A manual check of the output is advised.
To the services alrady listed at the top, you can also check http://www.FeedsAPI.org , FeedsAPI brings to the table that it takes the process of posting the articles directly to your secret blog email for you, so all you need to do is manage the publication in the wordpress admin, and you can also get it targeting a specific feed to receive the results you want. Anothe alternative will be the combinations of one of those services with IFTTT . I hope this could help.

Module to parse RSS feed in Drupal?

I'm trying to simply display an RSS feed as part of my site. A user will put in an RSS URL into a CCK field and I want to take that URL and display the latest RSS results.
I assume there's a module for this but I can't seem to find it.
http://drupal.org/project/feeds will do this and a lot more.
Here's a good video to get started
Regarding your request about integrating with CCK, I don't know how you can do that but that may not be necessary because the feed URL is entered through a dialog of its own. And you can always add other CCK fields to the Feeds Content type.
I ended up using the simplepie module and used the function simplepie_get() included within.
The main feed aggregators are the the core aggregator module, feedAPI module, and the newer feeds module. I'm not sure any of them are set up to integrate with CCK in quite the way you're describing. I suspect that will require some custom development.
If you don't need the feed data in the Drupal database, you could use a javascript library to bring in the feeds on the client side.

Can I have both full text RSS and an excerpt RSS in Wordpress?

I like giving my users the full text RSS feed, but I also have a few sites which pull the RSS feed and link to us from it. They want me to provide the excerpt/blurbs for the articles rather than the full text. Can anyone give me some direction on how to make this happen?
It should be possible. Wordpress has multiple feed types (see WordPress Feeds) and there are hooks for each feed type (see Feed Actions API). This suggests that you should be able to set up one feed type as a partial feed, and another as a full-text feed. Basically, you'd just be re-writing one of these feed types to ignore the setting you indicated on the "Reading Settings" admin screen.
I bet this could be done w/ a pretty simple plug-in.

Custom fields in WordPress RSS feed

I have 2 custom fields in my WordPress system when creating new posts. One is called homethumb (is the title of an image) and another called description.
I would like to edit the RSS feed so it shows the image and the description rather than the complete post.
But I don't know how to do this. I would like to fetch that RSS with simple pie to integrate it on another website (sort of auto-submit system).
You also have
that runs in the loop for every item in the RSS feed.
Hook in to that and output anything extra you need in to the feed item.
To show the excerpt instead of the entire article, go to "reading" in Settings section of your admin menu and half way through the options there's a setting to use excerpts instead of full text.
No plugins required. Just a little custom programming.
Custom fields for Feeds Wordpress plugin
This puts images or videos into your feeds through the use of custom
fields. You can alter the custom field Keys and what is displayed.
Update 11/27/2015: The plugin is old, but the site says it still works
I found some tutorials on how to add things to your rss reader, so I fixed this.
it's in french -> http://www.webinventif.fr/wordpress-ajouter-du-contenu-dans-son-flux/
Here is another option if you want to display anything other than images and videos in your feed: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss-custom-fields/
All of your custom fields will now be displayed in your feed.
Further options to be able to select which custom fields display in a feed will be available in subsequent releases of the plugin!

How to show article link and sub-feed link in an RSS feed?

I'm working on some RSS feeds for a custom task system we have. The main feed will show a list of tasks assigned to the current user. The link attribute for each task returned points to the web page for that task. However, tasks themselves have an RSS feed for updates, and I want to be able to provide a link for that RSS feed with the main feed as well. How can I do both?
The solution I'm thinking of right now is setting the article's title attribute to include an <a href="..." link to the actual article, and the it's link attribute to be a link to the feed (or vice versa). However, I'm not sure that will work well since most readers display the title as linking to the link (if that makes any sense to you).
Also, is this something that's supported natively by atom?
Make the content of each item in the original RSS feed HTML. (I believe you'll have to CDATA escape the block). Within this content put a hyperlink to the updates feed RSS.
Why not add it to the entry summary as links?
