Simulating a 6-faced die in Ada-2005 - ada

I have very definitively come across the 'simulating a 6-faced die' (which produces a random integer between 1 and 6, all outcomes are equally probable) in Java, Python, Ruby and Bash. However, I am yet to see a similar program in Ada. Has anyone come across one?

See Random Number Generation (LRM A.5.2) for packages to assist with doing this. Either Ada.Numerics.Float_Random for uniform random number generation (range 0.0 .. 1.0) which you can then scale on your own, or instantiate Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random with a suitable (sub)type (works for d4, d10, d12, and d20s as well!).

You might enjoy this simulation of the children's card game of war, which uses an instance of Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.
subtype Card_Range is Positive range 1 .. 52;
package Any_Card is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Card_Range);
G : Any_Card.Generator;
N : Card_Range := Any_Card.Random(G);

With Ada 95, a random number generator was defined as part of the standard library making it a required component of every Ada 95 compilation system.
Therefore, yes you can simulate a 6-faced die in Ada quite easily. usually have these kind of typical programs. You can find a simple 6-faced dice implementation in Pig the dice game.
These are the relevant parts of that program for a dice implementation.
You define the wanted range in a type:
type Dice_Score is range 1 .. 6;
instantiate Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random with your type:
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
package RND is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Dice_Score);
Use the instantiation to get a random value in the range:
Gen: RND.Generator;
P.Recent_Roll := RND.Random(Gen);


Is there a way to do a right bit-shift on a BigInt in Rust?

I get this error when attempting to do >> or >>= on a BigInt:
no implementation for `BigInt >> BigInt
using the num_bigint::BigInt library
Edit: More Context:
I am rewriting this program from python/c++ into rust however I will focus on the python implementation as it is written to handle 1024 bit prime numbers which are extremely big.
In the code we run the Miller Rabin Primality test which includes shifting EC: (prime-candidate - 1) to the right by 1 if we find that EC % 2 == 0. As I mentioned in the python implementation EC can be an incredibly large integer.
It would be convenient to be able to use the same operator in rust, if that is not possible can someone suggest an alternative?
According to the documentation for the num-bigint crate, the BigInt struct does implement the Shr trait for the right-shift operator, just not when the shift amount is itself a BigInt. If you convert the shift amount to a standard integer type (e.g. i64) then it should work.
It is unlikely you would ever want to shift by an amount greater than i64::MAX, but if you do need this, then the correct result is going to be zero (because no computer has 2^60 bytes of memory), so you can write a simple implementation which checks for that case.

Simple function to generate random number sequence without knowing previous number but know current index (no variable assignment)?

Is there any (simple) random generation function that can work without variable assignment? Most functions I read look like this current = next(current). However currently I have a restriction (from SQLite) that I cannot use any variable at all.
Is there a way to generate a number sequence (for example, from 1 to max) with only n (current number index in the sequence) and seed?
Currently I am using this:
cast(((1103515245 * Seed * ROWID + 12345) % 2147483648) / 2147483648.0 * Max as int) + 1
with max being 47, ROWID being n. However for some seed, the repeat rate is too high (3 unique out of 47).
In my requirements, repetition is ok as long as it's not too much (<50%). Is there any better function that meets my need?
The question has sqlite tag but any language/pseudo-code is ok.
P.s: I have tried using Linear congruential generators with some a/c/m triplets and Seed * ROWID as Seed, but it does not work well, it's even worse.
EDIT: I currently use this one, but I do not know where it's from. The rate looks better than mine:
((((Seed * ROWID) % 79) * 53) % "Max") + 1
I am not sure if you still have the same problem but I might have a solution for you.
What you could do is use Pseudo Random M-sequence generators based on shifting registers. Where you just have to take high enough order of you primitive polynomial and you don't need to store any variables really.
For more info you can check the wiki page
What you would need to code is just the primitive polynomial shifting equation and I have checked in an online editor it should be very easy to do. I think the easiest way for you would be to use Binary base and use PRBS sequences and depending on how many elements you will have you can choose your sequence length. For example this is the implementation for length of 2^15 = 32768 (PRBS15), the primitive polynomial I took from the wiki page (There youcan find the primitive polynomials all the way to PRBS31 what would be 2^31=2.1475e+09)
Basically what you need to do is:
SELECT (((ROWID << 1) | (((ROWID >> 14) <> (ROWID >> 13)) & 1)) & 0x7fff)
The beauty of this approach is if you take the sequence of the PRBS with longer period than your ROWID largest value you will have unique random index. Very simple. :)
If you need help with searching for primitive polynomials you can see my github repo which deals exactly with finding primitive polynomials and unique m-sequences. It is currently written in Matlab, but I plan to write it in python in next few days.
What about using good hash function and map result into [1...max] range?
Along the lines (in pseudocode). sha1 was added to SQLite 3.17.
sha1(ROWID) % Max + 1
Or use any external C code for hash (murmur, chacha, ...) as shown here
A linear congruential generator with appropriately-chosen parameters (a, c, and modulus m) will be a full-period generator, such that it cycles pseudorandomly through every integer in its period before repeating. Although you may have tried this idea before, have you considered that m is equivalent to max in your case? For a list of parameter choices for such generators, see L'Ecuyer, P., "Tables of Linear Congruential Generators of Different Sizes and Good Lattice Structure", Mathematics of Computation 68(225), January 1999.
Note that there are some practical issues to implementing this in SQLite, especially if your SQLite version supports only 32-bit integers and 64-bit floating-point numbers (with 52 bits of precision). Namely, there may be a risk of—
overflow if an intermediate multiplication exceeds 32 bits for integers, and
precision loss if an intermediate multiplication results in a greater-than-52-bit number.
Also, consider why you are creating the random number sequence:
Is the sequence intended to be unpredictable? In that case, a linear congruential generator alone is not enough, and you should generate unique identifiers by other means, such as by combining unique numbers with cryptographically random numbers.
Will the numbers generated this way be exposed in any way to end users? If not, there is no need to obfuscate them by "shuffling" them.
Also, depending on the SQLite API you're using (for your programming language), there may be a way to write a custom function to convert the seed and ROWID to a random unique number. The details, however, depend heavily on the specific SQLite API. Another answer shows an example for Perl.

Game Theory with prediction

To impress two (german) professors i try to improve the game theory.
AI in Computergames.
Game Theory:  Intelligence is a well educated proven Answer to an Question.
This means a thoughtfull decision is choosing an act who leads to an optimal result.
Question -> Resolution -> Answer -> Test (Check)
For Example one robot is fighting another robot.
This robot has 3 choices:
-move forward
-hold position
-move backward
The resulting Programm is pretty simple
randomseed = initvalue;
while (one_is_alive)
choice = randomselect(options,probability);
We are using pseudorandomness.
The test for success is simply did he elimate the opponent.
The robots have automatically shooting weapons :
struct weapon
struct life
Now for some Evolution.
We let 2 robots fight each other and remember the randomseeds.
What is the sign of a succesfull Roboter ?
struct {
list_of_opponentrandomseed; // the array of the beaten opponents.
Now the question is how do we choose the right strategy against an opponent ?
We assume we have for every possible seed-strategy the optimal anti-strategy.  
Now the only thing we have to do is to observe the numbers from the opponent
and calculate his seed value.Then we could choose the right strategy.
For cracking the random generator we can use the manual method :
or the brute Force :
It depends on the algorithm used to generate the (pseudo) random numbers. If the pseudo random number generator algorithm is known, you can guess the seed by observing a number of states (robot moves). This is similar to brute force guessing a password, used for encryption, as, some encryption algorithms are known as stream ciphers, and are basically (sometimes exactly), a one time pad that is used to obfuscate the data. Now, lets say that you know the pseudorandom number generator used is a simple lagged fibonacci generator. Then, you know that they are generating each number by calculating x(n) = x(n - 2) + x(n - 3) % 3. Therefore, by observing 3 different robot moves, you will then be able to predict all of the future moves. The seed, is the first 3 numbers supplied that give the sequence you observe. Now, most random number generators are not this simple, some have up to 1024 bit length seeds, and would be impossible for a modern computer to cycle through all of those possibilities in a brute force manner. So basically, what you would need to do, is to find out what PRNG algorithm is used, find out all possible initial seed values, and devise an algorithm to determine the seed the opponent robot is using based upon their actions. Depending on the algorithm, there are ways of guessing the seed faster than testing each and every one. If there is a faster way of guessing such a seed, this means that the PRNG in question is not suitable from cryptographic applications, as it means passwords are easier guessed. AES256 itself has a break, but it still takes theoretically 2 ^ 111 guesses (instead of the brute force 2 ^256 guesses), which means it has been broken, technically, but 2 ^ 111 is still way too many operations for modern computers to process in a meaningful time frame.
if the PRNG was lagged fibonacci (which is never used anymore, I am just giving a simple example) and you observed that the robot did option 0, then, 1, then 2... you would then know that the next thing the robot will do is... 1, since 0 + 1 % 3 = 1. You could also backtrack, and figure out what the initial values were for this PRNG, which represents the seed.

Trouble implementing a very simple mass flow source

I am currently learning Modelica by trying some very simple examples. I have defined a connector Incompressible for an incompressible fluid like this:
connector Incompressible
flow Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate V_dot;
Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
end Incompressible;
I now wish to define a mass or volume flow source:
model Source_incompressible
parameter Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate V_dot;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
Incompressible outlet;
outlet.V_dot = V_dot;
outlet.h = enthalpyWaterIncompressible(T); // quick'n'dirty enthalpy function
outlet.p = p;
end Source_incompressible;
However, when checking Source_incompressible, I get this:
The problem is structurally singular for the element type Real.
The number of scalar Real unknown elements are 3.
The number of scalar Real equation elements are 4.
I am at a loss here. Clearly, there are three equations in the model - where does the fourth equation come from?
Thanks a lot for any insight.
There are a couple of issues going on here. As Martin points out, the connector is unbalanced (you don't have matching "through" and "across" pairs in that connector). For fluid systems, this is acceptable. However, intensive fluid properties (e.g., enthalpy) have to be marked as so-called "stream" variables.
This topic is, admittedly, pretty complicated. I'm planning on adding an advanced chapter to my online Modelica book on this topic but I haven't had the time yet. In the meantime, I would suggest you have a look at the Modelica.Fluid library and/or this presentation by one of its authors, Francesco Casella.
That connector is not a physical connector. You need one flow variable for each potential variable. This is the OpenModelica error message if it helps a little:
Warning: Connector .Incompressible is not balanced: The number of potential variables (2) is not equal to the number of flow variables (1).
Error: Too many equations, over-determined system. The model has 4 equation(s) and 3 variable(s).
Error: Internal error Found Equation without time dependent variables outlet.V_dot = V_dot
This is because the unconnected connector will generate one equation for the flow:
outlet.V_dot = 0.0;
This means outlet.V_dot is replaced in:
outlet.V_dot = V_dot;
And you get:
0.0 = V_dot;
But V_dot is a parameter and can not be assigned to in an equation section (needs an initial equation if the parameter has fixed=false, or a binding equation in the default case).

Optimal NEON vector structure for processing vectors of uint8_t type with Arm Cortex-A8 (32-bit)

I am doing some image processing on an embedded system (BeagleBone Black) using OpenCV and need to write some code to take advantage of NEON optimization. Specifically, I would like to write a NEON optimized thresholding function and then a NEON optimized erosion/dilation function.
This is my first time writing NEON code and I don't have experience writing assmbly code, so I have been looking at examples and resources for the C-style NEON intrinsics. I believe that I can put some working code together, but am not sure how I should structure the vectors. According to page 2 of the "ARM NEON support in the ARM compiler" white paper:
"These registers can hold "vectors" of items which are 8, 16, 32 or 64
bits. The traditional advice when optimizing or porting algorithms
written in C/C++ is to use the natural type of the machine for data
handling (in the case of ARM 32 bits). The unwanted bits can then be
discarded by casting and/or shifting before storing to memory."
What exactly does this mean? Do I need to to restrict my NEON code to using uint32x4_t vectors rather than uint8x16_t? How would I go about loading the registers? Or does this mean than I need to take some special steps when using vst1q_u8 to store the data to memory?
I did find this example, which is untested but uses the uint8x16_t type. Does it adhere to the "32-bit" advice given above?
I would really appreciate it if someone could please elaborate on the above quotation and maybe provide a very simple working example.
The next sentence from the document you linked gives your answer.
The ability of NEON to specify the data width in the instruction and
hence use the whole register width for useful information means
keeping the natural type for the algorithm is both possible and
Note, the document is distinguishing between the natural type of the machine (32-bit) and the natural type of the algorithm (in your case uint8_t).
The document is saying that in the past you would have written your code in such a way that it used 32-bit integers so that it could use the efficient machine instructions suited for 32-bit operations.
With Neon, this is not necessary. It is more useful to use the data type you actually want to use, as Neon can efficiently operate on those data types.
It will depend on your algorithm as to the optimal choice of register width (uint8x8_t or uint8x16_t).
To give a simple example of using the Neon intrinsics to add two sets of uint8_t:
#include <arm_neon.h>
foo (uint8_t a, uint8_t *b, uint8_t *c)
uint8x16_t t1 = vld1q_u8 (a);
uint8x16_t t2 = vld1q_u8 (b);
uint8x16_t t3 = vaddq_u8 (a, b);
vst1q_u8 (c, t3);
