Convert graph in to data points using Mechanical Turk? - graph

I looked around but did not see anyone using Mechanical Turk for this. I've heard of the service, but never used it before. I need to take the following graph and digitize it so I get a list of data points for each line (noting that there are two Y-axes, and thus depends on which line we are talking about). This is pretty time consuming for me, and I saw other posts on StackOverflow about digitizing software doing a poor job at this. Would Mechanical Turk be well suited to my task?
Here is the graph for reference:

Depends how many of these you have. Mechanical turk could work quite well, but you'd have to check the accuracy carefully (eg by re-plotting the graphs, and comparing them yourself).
If you have a lot, though - you should be able to design an image processing algorithm to pick up the data.


Improve a puzzle game AI using machine learning

My motivation for asking this question is that I have found an interesting problem using machine learning on a graph data set. There are papers out there on this subject. For example, "Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data on a Directed Graph" (Zhou, Huang, Scholkopf). However I do not have a background in artificial intelligence or machine learning so I would like to write a smaller program for a more general audience before working on anything scientific.
Several years ago I wrote a game called Solumns. It is an evil variant of the classic Sega game Columns. Inspired by bastet, it bruteforces for colour combinations disadvantageous to the player. It is hard.
I would like to improve upon its AI. I figure the game space (grid of coloured blocks, column positions, column colours) fits a graph structure better than a list of attributes. If that is the case, then this problem is similar to my research problem.
I am considering using the following high-level plan to solve this problem:
I'm thinking what would be useful is if the AI opponent could assign a fitness rating to a possible move based on more data than the number of existing squares on the board after the move. I'm thinking using a categoriser. Train on the move and all past moves, using the course of the rest of the game as a measure of success.
I am also thinking of developing a player bot that can beat the standard AI opponent. This could be useful when generating data for 1.
Use a sample of the player bot's games to build an AI that beats the strategic player. Maybe use this data for 1, too.
Write a fun AI that delegates to a possible combination of 1, 3, and the original AI, when appropriate, which I will determine using experimentation to find heuristic fudge factors.
To build the player bot, I figured I could use brute force to compute the sample space. Then use machine learning techniques such as those used in building Random Forests to create some kind of decision maker.
Building the AI opponent is where I am most perplexed.
Specific questions then:
Rating moves sounds like the kind of thing people do with chess, and although I'll admit my approach may be ignorant, there is a lot about this in literature and I can learn from that. Question is, should the player bot and AI opponent create the data sample? It sounds like I'm getting confused between different sample sets, which sounds like a recipe for bad training. Should I just play the game a bunch?
What kind of algorithm should I consider for training the player bot against the current AI?
What kind of algorithm should I consider for training an AI opponent against the player bot?
Extra info:
I am deliberately not asking if this strategy is a good fit for programming a game AI. Sure, you might be able to write a great AI more simply (after all it is already difficult to play). I want to learn about machine learning by doing something fun.
The original game was written in a mixture of racket and C. I am porting it to jruby for various reasons, likely with extensions or RPC calls to another faster language. I am not so interested in existing language-specific solutions here. I want to develop skills in this area and am not afraid to implement an algorithm for myself.
You can get the source for the original game here
I would not go for machine learning here. Look at game playing AIs.
You have an adversarial games (like Go) with two asymmetric players:
The user who places the pieces,
and the computer who chooses the pieces (instead of choosing pieces by chance).
I would probably start with Monte Carlo Tree Search.

How to test Math-related units?

I'm giving TDD a serious try today and have found it really helpful, in line with all the praise it receives.
In my quest for exercises on which to learn both Python and TDD i have started to code SPOJ exercises using the TDD technique and i have arrived at a question:
Given that all of SPOJ's exercises are mostly math applied to programming; How does one test a math procedure as in the TDD Fashion? Sample known-to-be-correct data? Test against a known implementation?
I have found that using the sample data given in the problem itself is valuable but it feels overkill for something you can test so quickly using the console, not to mention the overhead to design your algorithms in a testable fashion (Proxying the stdout and stdin objects is nothing short of too much work for a really small reward), and while it is good because it forces you to think your solutions in testable terms i think i might be trying way too hard on this.
All guidance is welcome
test all edge cases. Your program is most likely to fail when the input is special for some reason: negative, or zero values, very large values, inputs in reverse order, empty inputs. You might also want some destructive tests to see how large the inputs can be before things break or grind to a halt.
Sphere online Judge may not be the best fit of TDD. For one the input data might be better behaved than what a real person might put in. Secondly there is a code size limit on some problems. An extensive test-suite might put you over that limit.
You might want to take a look at Uncle Bob's "Transformation Priority Premise." It offers some guidance on how to pick a sequence of tests to test drive an algorithm.
Use sample inputs for which you know the results (outputs). Use equivalence partitioning to identify a suitable set of test cases. With maths code you might find that you can not implement as incrementally as for other code: you might need several test cases for each incremental improvement. By that I mean that non maths code can typically be thought of as having a set of "features" and you can implement one feature at a time, but maths code is not much like that.

Grid exploration robots with no visions and completely blind

I am doing a research on how grid explorer robots move.
most articles are about robots with no vision but with sensors to see state of all surrounding cells, but my robot has really no vision and only can sense a cell after it could or failed to explore it(imagine the sensors are 4 pushed buttons that will be pushed when it hits the obstacles.)
I was hoping someone could lead me to some clues of how to find papers about this kind of robots. I am really having a hard time figuring out how to find related information.
If you have a priori knowledge of the environment, but imperfect ability to sense your location in the environment (and probably imperfect actions) then what you're describing may be a partially observable markov decision process (POMDP.) Your four-button sensor fits nicely into that idea.
If you don't even have prior knowledge of the environment, then you need to augment the POMDP notion with elements of exploration or machine learning.
Note that POMDPs are geared toward scenarios with "rewards", and that while POMDPs are pretty well understood, efficient solutions are still a topic of research. As are ML/POMDP hybrids.
Environmental exploration and traversal with just push-button sensors for obstacle awareness, and without priori knowledge sounds to me like a Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem.
If I recall correctly, Roombas use this, so there should be a fair bit of study done on it in that regard.

query language for graph sets: data modeling question

Suppose I have a set of directed graphs. I need to query those graphs. I would like to get a feeling for my best choice for the graph modeling task. So far I have these options, but please don't hesitate to suggest others:
Proprietary implementation (matrix)
and graph traversal algorithms.
RDBM and SQL option (too space consuming)
RDF and SPARQL option (too slow)
What would you guys suggest? Regards.
EDIT: Just to answer Mad's questions:
Each one is relatively small, no more than 200 vertices, 400 edges. However, there are hundreds of them.
Frequency of querying: hard to say, it's an experimental system.
Speed: not real time, but practical, say 4-5 seconds tops.
You didn't give us enough information to respond with a well thought out answer. For example: what size are these graphs? With what frequencies do you expect to query these graphs? Do you need real-time response to these queries? More information on what your application is for, what is your purpose, will be helpful.
Anyway, to counter the usual responses that suppose SQL-based DBMSes are unable to handle graphs structures effectively, I will give some references:
Graph Transformation in Relational Databases (.pdf), by G. Varro, K. Friedl, D. Varro, presented at International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools (GraBaTs) 2004;
5 Conclusion and Future Work
In the paper, we proposed a new graph transformation engine based on off-the-shelf
relational databases. After sketching the main concepts of our approach, we carried
out several test cases to evaluate our prototype implementation by comparing it to
the transformation engines of the AGG [5] and PROGRES [18] tools.
The main conclusion that can be drawn from our experiments is that relational
databases provide a promising candidate as an implementation framework for graph
transformation engines. We call attention to the fact that our promising experimental
results were obtained using a worst-case assessment method i.e. by recalculating
the views of the next rule to be applied from scratch which is still highly inefficient,
especially, for model transformations with a large number of independent matches
of the same rule. ...
They used PostgreSQL as DBMS, which is probably not particularly good at this kind of applications. You can try LucidDB and see if it is better, as I suspect.
Incremental SQL Queries (more than one paper here, you should concentrate on " Maintaining Transitive Closure of Graphs in SQL "): "
.. we showed that transitive closure, alternating paths, same generation, and other recursive queries, can be maintained in SQL if some auxiliary relations are allowed. In fact, they can all be maintained using at most auxiliary relations of arity 2. ..
Incremental Maintenance of Shortest Distance and Transitive Closure in First Order Logic and SQL.
Edit: you give more details so... I think the best way is to experiment a little with both a main-memory dedicated graph library and with a DBMS-based solution, then evaluate carefully pros and cons of both solutions.
For example: a DBMS need to be installed (if you don't use an "embeddable" DBMS like SQLite), only you know if/where your application needs to be deployed and what your users are. On the other hand, a DBMS gives you immediate benefits, like persistence (I don't know what support graph libraries gives for persisting their graphs), transactions management and countless other. Are these relevant for your application? Again, only you know.
The first option you mentioned seems best. If your graph won't have many edges (|E|=O(|V|)) then you might earn better complexity of time and space using Dictionary:
var graph = new Dictionary<Vertex, HashSet<Vertex>>();
An interesting graph library is QuickGraph. Never used it but it seems promising :)
I wrote and designed quite a few graph algorithms for various programming contests and in production code. And I noticed that every time I need one, I have to develop it from scratch, assembling together concepts from graph theory (BFS, DFS, topological sorting etc).
Perhaps a lack of experience is a reason, but it seems to me that there's still no reasonable general-purpose query language to solve graph problems. Pick a couple of general-purpose graph libraries and solve your particular task in a programming (not query!) language. That will give you best performance and space consumption, but will also require understanding of graph theory basic concepts and of their limitations.
And the last one: do not use SQL for graphs.

How To: Pattern Recognition

I'm interested in learning more about pattern recognition. I know that's somewhat of a broad field, so I'll list some specific types of problems I would like to learn to deal with:
Finding patterns in a seemingly random set of bytes.
Recognizing known shapes (such as circles and squares) in images.
Noticing movement patterns given a stream of positions (Vector3)
This is a new area of experimentation for me personally, and to be honest, I simply don't know where to start :-) I'm obviously not looking for the answers to be provided to me on a silver platter, but some search terms and/or online resources where I can start to acquaint myself with the concepts of the above problem domains would be awesome.
ps: For extra credit, if said resources provide code examples/discussion in C# would be grand :-) but doesn't need to be
Hidden Markov Models are a great place to look, as well as Artificial Neural Networks.
Edit: You could take a look at NeuronDotNet, it's open source and you could poke around the code.
Edit 2: You can also take a look at ITK, it's also open source and implements a lot of these types of algorithms.
Edit 3: Here's a pretty good intro to neural nets. It covers a lot of the basics and includes source code (albeit in C++). He implemented an unsupervised learning algorithm, I think you may be looking for a supervised backpropagation algorithm to train your network.
Edit 4: Another good intro, avoids really heavy math, but provides references to a lot of that detail at the bottom, if you want to dig into it. Includes pseudo-code, good diagrams, and a lengthy description of backpropagation.
This is kind of like saying "I'd like to learn more about electronics.. anyone tell me where to start?" Pattern Recognition is a whole field - there are hundreds, if not thousands of books out there, and any university has at least several (probably 10 or more) courses at the grad level on this. There are numerous journals dedicated to this as well, that have been publishing for decades ... conferences ..
You might start with the wikipedia.
This is kind of an old question, but it's relevant so I figured I'd post it here :-) Stanford began offering an online Machine Learning class here -
OpenCV has some functions for pattern recognition in images.
You might want to look at this : (broken link: closest thing in the new doc is, although it is no longer what I'd call helpful documentation for a beginner - see other answers)
However, I also recommend starting with Matlab because openCV is not intuitive to use.
Lot of useful links on this page on computer vision related pattern recognition. Some of the links seem to be broken now but you may find it useful.
I am not an expert on this, but reading about Hidden Markov Models is a good way to start.
Beware false patterns! For any decently large data set you will find subsets that appear to have pattern, even if it is a data set of coin flips. No good process for pattern recognition should be without statistical techniques to assess confidence that the detected patterns are real. When possible, run your algorithms on random data to see what patterns they detect. These experiments will give you a baseline for the strength of a pattern that can be found in random (a.k.a "null") data. This kind of technique can help you assess the "false discovery rate" for your findings.
learning pattern-recoginition is easier in matlab..
there are several examples and there are functions to use.
it is good for the understanding concepts and experiments...
I would recommend starting with some MATLAB toolbox. MATLAB is an especially convenient place to start playing around with stuff like this due to its interactive console. A nice toolbox I personally used and really liked is PRTools (; they have an implementation of pretty much every pattern recognition tool and also some other machine learning tools (Neural Networks, etc.). But the nice thing about MATLAB is that there are many other toolboxes as well you can try out (there is even a proprietary toolbox from Mathworks)
Whenever you feel comfortable enough with the different tools (and found out which classifier is perfomring best for you problem), you can start thinking about implementing the machine learning in a different application.
