ASP.Net Cannot tab through all radio buttons when selected -

I'm trying to implement accessibility (keyboard only) ability on my site, but I'm having problems with Radio Button lists. When using radiobuttonlists, when initially, none of the radio buttons is selected, I am able to tab through every single value and select one upon hitting "enter". However, after a value is selected, I can only tab to the selected values, which presents a problem if I want to change the selected value.
From what I understand, radio buttons are grouped at the container controller level, thus when it is considered a group, only one can be selected at a time.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

Actually, this is not an issue at all. If a value is not selected, the browser will go through each value within the group. Once a value is selected, the browser will only jump to the chosen value within that group. Thus to change values within the group, the user is to use the keyboard arrows.

I believe you're correct about the RadioButtonList being one control (and therefore tabbing doesn't work). An alternative could be to create individual radio buttons and use the GroupName property to assign them all into one group. This should let you tab between them and still ensure they work in sync with each other.


Toogle single radiobutton (on and off) in bokeh radiobutton group

I am using bokeh single radio button with single title . Initially it is inactive and when i click on radio button it changed to active but if I click again in active it is not changing to inactive state.
How i need to acheive this functionality??
Whether it's RadioGroup or RadioButtonGroup, neither of those two widgets is meant for a single element usage. Per design they are meant to be used as a group of elements. I advice you to use Toggle for your application. Other alternatives are CheckboxButtonGroup and CheckboxGroup. See Bokeh documentation for specific examples.

RadGrid Filter is showing error

In RadGrid filter , i am using
Every thing is fine , But one issue I've noticed is that if the user types in the the filter text box and then clicks on the menu to select another option, the default filter is immediately applied, and what i have chosen option from menu that is not opening.
And also i don't want use "FilterDelay" because it is filtering automatically after time interval.
Here i want, When Press on Enter or Tab Buttons filter should work and when user type some text in filter textbox next click on any option from menu that will open.
Can any one give solution?
Well, basically with RadGrid and filtering you can't have it both ways. If you define both CurrentFilterFunction and set AutoPostBackOnFilter to true. You can't expect the filtering menu to work the way you want to. That is because AutoPostBackOnFilter will rebind the grid when the filter textbox loses focus (if the value has changed), so if you change the value of the filter textbox and then you want to select a different filter function(using the filtering menu) the grid will refresh before you get to select an item from the filtering menu. What you can do is...
Keep the CurrentFilterFunction, set the AutoPostBackOnFilter to true and then set ShowFilterIcon to false so that users can NOT select a different filtering function, or...
Keep the CurrentFilterFunction, set the AutoPostBackOnFilter to false and then set ShowFilterIcon to true so that users are able to select a different filtering function but notice that you will be dropping a functionality here as well...users will have to MANUALLY select a filtering function in order to filter the grid rather than pressing ENTER
As mentioned, you can't enable both AutoPostBackOnFilter and the filter icon at the same time otherwise you will get exactly these unexpected results

How to: Allow for a ListBox to have no selection

I am wanting to allow for a user to deselect all values in a ListBox. Normally, when the user deselects all but one item, that one item cannot be deselected. I want to make it so it can be.
Essentially I'm aware of two ways of doing this:
Add an empty item to the list. You can even name this item "None" or something similar. Using a text has the additional advantage that it informs the user.
Use JavaScript to unselect the item that is clicked if it is the last item.
Note, either way, you change the default behavior of the listbox, which is what users are accustomed to. Changing the default behavior is generally not a good idea, which is why I would go for option (1) being the clearest towards your users.

List Component that acts as if control was permanently pressed

I have a list control and i want the user to be able to select many items at a time. Thus I want it to act that if the control key is pressed while he is clicking. Eg if he clicks on a selected row it should become unselected and if he clicks on a unselected row it should become selected.
Do you have any idea how to do this?
If you want to follow standard UI Precedent; then set allowMultipleSelection to true and teach your users to use the control and/or shift button to select multiple items.
If you want to select multiple items without having the using press the shift or control button you'll have to extend the List class. I did a sample a while ago using the DataGrid:
You can probably use the same technique with a List. But, I don't recommend this approach.

Display old inactive data in dropdown

I have a dropdown which displays some programs (active and inactive). I have a column (isActive) in the programs table in the database which either has a value N or Y.
Now I want to filter the dropdown to display only active programs. So, I will just do a sql select to get all programs which are active. Everything is fine up to here.
Now if a user tries to access his record and the program which this user selected (sometime earlier) is no longer active now, the dropdown will now show the first value.
What is a possible solution for this issue? How can I only show active programs in the dropdown without messing up with users record?
Make your first option in the select be a blank value. That way it will default blank if no value is present in the dropdown to select. Then, just validate your form so you don't get a blank value.
