Subclipse installation in Flex Builder 3 - apache-flex

I am getting an error in subclipse installation in flexs builder 3 professional
"No Features found on the selected site. Choose a different site or site category."
In past also, I have successfully installed sunclipse on FB3 taking help from links like '' and ''.
This time however I am facing some issues. I have taken following steps
(1)Help > Software updates > Find and install > new feature install > New Archive site.
(2) Then I have browsed it to the place where I have kept the downloaded zip 'site 1.0.6'.
(3) This was reflected in the list as 'site-1.0.6'
(4) As I clicked 'Finished' an error is popping up:
"No Features found on the selected site. Choose a different site or site category."
What could be the reason for this, any idea ?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

Look like you are trying to use a subclipse plugin for an older version of Flex Builder. Flex Builder 3 is based on Eclipse 3.3 and you will have to use the 1.6 or the 1.4 series. Also, the "bare" zip file is usually not designed to be installed with "Software Updates".
An easy way to install Subclipse on FB 3 is:
Help -> Software Updates -> Find and install...
Click "Search for new features to install" then click Next
Add the following remote sites:
Name: (whatever you like, I used "Subclipse")
Name: Mylyn
Check "Mylyn", "Subclipse" and "Europa Discovery Site" then click "Finish"
Check the whole "Subclipse" tree
From the "Mylyn" tree select everything except "Java Development" and "Plug-in development"
From the "Europa Discovery Site" group open the "Graphical Editor and Frameworks" tree and select "Graphical Editing Framework"
If you don't need Mylyn integration don't add the remote Mylyn site and uncheck "Subclipse Integration for Mylyn 3" from the "Subclipse" subtree.
If you don't need the revision graph tool don't enable "Europa Discovery Site" and uncheck "Subversion revision graph" from the "Subclipse" subtree.

The downloaded zip is designed to be extracted into the Eclipse plugins directory, not to be used with the built-in update mechanism.
In the install updates dialog, add a new remote site with name "Subclipse" and URL Install everything with "(Required)" in the name.

Thanks Lorenzo and Andrew for your support.
I have got the solution to this problem. Actually, the 'subclipse' was already installed for that Flex builder but I wasn't aware of. So whenever I was trying to add 'new local site' or 'new archive site' it was displaying an error. Actually, the message should have been that the feature is already installed but it was displaying 'No Features found on the selected site. Choose a different site or site category'.
Thanks again for your help.
Also, as I am working behind a proxy, direct upgradation using URL doesn't work for me and hence I downlaod the zip and then add it.


Aptana Studio Code Assist for WordPress is incomplete

I installed the WordPress bundle/ruble for Aptana Studio, but it's only providing code assistance for a subset of WordPress functions. I'd like code assistance for all WordPress core functions (or as many as possible). My projects have PHP as their nature, and are connected via SFTP to remote WordPress installations.
After the bundle (which hasn't been updated in over a year) didn't provide everything I was looking for, I tried using a local copy of WordPress as an external library, then adding it as an external directory to the PHP Buildpath. Neither one added any more functions than the bundle provided. These actions were suggested in Aptana Studio Support and WordPress Answers.
Am I doing something wrong, or is the level of code assistance I'm looking for not available?
It's true that the WordPress bundle offers just some limited auto-completion support. Though including the local copy of another WordPress installation as a PHP external library seemed to solve this in the latest Aptana Studio version (3.4.0,) as you already mention to have tried, and as it is suggested in this one of the links that you pointed out.
Here are all the specific steps I took, so you can check if there was something different in the procedure you followed.
Open the Preferences menu going to Window > Preferences
Select Aptana Studio > Editors > PHP > Libraries
Click "New user library"
Add the path to another local WordPress installation (not the same WordPress files in the current project,) selecting the root folder of a freshly extracted WordPress download (e.g.: C:\wordpress-3.5.1\wordpress)
Make sure the new library is selected in the user libraries list (marking it with a checkmark next to the library icon.)
Apply the changes and press OK
Make sure your project is a PHP project. Right click the project folder, select Properties > Project Natures and mark the PHP checkbox.
Now, inside PHP code, I get autocompletion suggestions for all core WordPress functions - and I can even go to check their source by pressing F3 on their function name.
I followed the steps of E. Serrano and it works perfectly. What is silly is that if you want autocompletion for, say, add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'scripts.js', 1); the moment that you type the quote, autocompletion is lost... if you try add_action( wp_ you get all WP commands. Hope it helps...

How to host and publish Alfresco WCM

I'm very new to Alfresco and trying to get hold of it. I'm using Community edition 4.2 and I've created one website using Alfresco Share and I did not imported Government/Finance website data. Below is the screenshot -
Now I've created two folders under Document Library tab and have uploaded few PDFs into that. It looks like below -
Now if I click on publish link then its saying that "There is no appropriate channel for this content".
I entered ubswcm as URL name while creating this site.
I followed the link which talks about stating but I could not find staging in this version of Alfresco 4.2.
My questions
How can I publish this content?
How can I run this website on localhost? Do I need to create war file? If so then please advice how to proceed on this.
http://:8080/wcmqs running fine. How can I build slimier site like this in http://:8080/ubswcm ? Please suggest if you have any tutorial on this.
Many thanks for your help!
You need to follow a tutorial on the Alfresco Web Quick Start capabilities. You should find that these capabilities are well-documented on, e.g. Using Alfresco Web Quick Start.
Do not confuse Web Quick Start with the Social Publishing framework (which the Publish action is associated with) or with the legacy AVM-based WCM services (which I assume the PDF refers to, but I could not tell for sure as you link gives me a 404) that are no longer supported in Alfresco 4.

Can't submit app with CorePlot using Xcode4

I created an application in XCode 4 that uses Core Plot.
I installed Core plot as an aditional SDK following the instructions from here: (Install SDK)
The instructions for "static Library" haven't been updated yet fro XCode 4.
I can run the app in the simulator, install it on my iPhone and everything works just ok. I was even able to send it to beta testers using several services like TestFlight. For this, I had to generate an archive and then "share" by generating the .ipa file. No single problem here.
Now, when I try to validate/submit the app I got this error:
I'm selecting the "distribution" configuration, then product -> archive, then in the Organizer I try "validate" or "submit", but I always get this same result.
I also made sure that the "skip install" is set to NO. This part is confusion, Apple says it should be YES and many posts here say it should be NO. If I set it to YES, the app is not even archived.
At this point I'm not even sure if the issue is the "skip install" flag or core plot. I found this question:, so I think my issue may be related.
If I open the archive file, this is what is inside:
Any ideas/suggestions will be truly appreciated.
I had the same issue for both TestFlight and App Store.
The solution for me was to archive the app, and in the organizer select "Don't sign" when you try to validate/submit or share (in the case of TestFlight).
Hope this helps.

How can I build for release/distribution on the Xcode 4?

Build for debug is just press on the PLAY symbol, but I don't know how to Build for distribution/release?
The short answer is:
choose the iOS scheme from the
drop-down near the run button from
the menu bar
choose product > archive in the
window that pops-up
click 'validate'
upon successful validation, click
You can use command line tool to build the release version. Next to your project folder, i.e.
$ ls
Type the following build command:
$ xcodebuild -configuration Release
The "play" button is specifically for build and run (or test or profile, etc). The Archive action is intended to build for release and to generate an archive that is suitable for submission to the app store. If you want to skip that, you can choose Product > Build For > Archive to force the release build without actually archiving. To find the built product, expand the Products group in the Project navigator, right-click the product and choose to show in Finder.
That said, you can click and hold the play button for a menu of other build actions (including Build and Archive).
XCode>Product>Schemes>Edit Schemes>Run>Build Configuration
They've bundled all the target/build configuration/debugging options stuff into "schemes". The transition guide has a good explanation.
I have a large app that was having problems uploading to the AppStore using the archive method you will find in XCode 4. The activity indicator kept spinning for hours whether I was trying to validate or distribute, so I created a support ticket to Apple. During that process, I found out you could right click on the .app in your Products folder inside the Project Navigator of XCode, and compress the app to submit using the Application Loader 2.5.1. (aka the old method). Only the Debug - iphoneos folder is accessible this way (for now) and once Apple responded, this is what they had to say:
I'm glad to hear that Application Loader has provided you a viable workaround. Discussing this situation internally, we're not sure that submitting the Debug build will pose too much of a problem (so long as it was signed with the App Store distribution profile, as you mentioned it was). The app will likely be slower as the debug switches are turned on and optimizations are turned off for the Debug configuration, though it will still run. App Review will ultimately determine whether or not that's ok, as I'm not sure that's something they check for. You could try reaching out directly to App Review to confirm this, if you wish. However, since App Loader is working for you, I do recommend rebuilding the app with your Release configuration and resubmitting to play it safe. To find your Release build in Xcode 4.x, control-click on the Application Archive on the Archives tab in the organizer, and choose "Show in Finder." Then, control-click on the .xcarchive file in Finder and choose "Show Package Contents." The release built .app file should be located within the /Products/Applications folder.
This was very helpful information for developers who are having problems with the archive method, and my app is now uploading successfully without any concern that it won't run to the best of it's ability.
To set the build configuration to Debug or Release, choose 'Edit Scheme' from the 'Product' menu.
Then you see a clear choice.
The Apple Transition Guide mentions a button at the top left of the Xcode screen, but I cannot see it in Xcode 4.3.
That part is now located under Schemes. If you edit your schemes you will see that you can set the debug/release/adhoc/distribution build config for each scheme.
Product -> Archive, later, press the distribute button and check the option Export as Application or what you want

How to select debug/release mode in Xcode4? [duplicate]

Build for debug is just press on the PLAY symbol, but I don't know how to Build for distribution/release?
The short answer is:
choose the iOS scheme from the
drop-down near the run button from
the menu bar
choose product > archive in the
window that pops-up
click 'validate'
upon successful validation, click
You can use command line tool to build the release version. Next to your project folder, i.e.
$ ls
Type the following build command:
$ xcodebuild -configuration Release
The "play" button is specifically for build and run (or test or profile, etc). The Archive action is intended to build for release and to generate an archive that is suitable for submission to the app store. If you want to skip that, you can choose Product > Build For > Archive to force the release build without actually archiving. To find the built product, expand the Products group in the Project navigator, right-click the product and choose to show in Finder.
That said, you can click and hold the play button for a menu of other build actions (including Build and Archive).
XCode>Product>Schemes>Edit Schemes>Run>Build Configuration
They've bundled all the target/build configuration/debugging options stuff into "schemes". The transition guide has a good explanation.
I have a large app that was having problems uploading to the AppStore using the archive method you will find in XCode 4. The activity indicator kept spinning for hours whether I was trying to validate or distribute, so I created a support ticket to Apple. During that process, I found out you could right click on the .app in your Products folder inside the Project Navigator of XCode, and compress the app to submit using the Application Loader 2.5.1. (aka the old method). Only the Debug - iphoneos folder is accessible this way (for now) and once Apple responded, this is what they had to say:
I'm glad to hear that Application Loader has provided you a viable workaround. Discussing this situation internally, we're not sure that submitting the Debug build will pose too much of a problem (so long as it was signed with the App Store distribution profile, as you mentioned it was). The app will likely be slower as the debug switches are turned on and optimizations are turned off for the Debug configuration, though it will still run. App Review will ultimately determine whether or not that's ok, as I'm not sure that's something they check for. You could try reaching out directly to App Review to confirm this, if you wish. However, since App Loader is working for you, I do recommend rebuilding the app with your Release configuration and resubmitting to play it safe. To find your Release build in Xcode 4.x, control-click on the Application Archive on the Archives tab in the organizer, and choose "Show in Finder." Then, control-click on the .xcarchive file in Finder and choose "Show Package Contents." The release built .app file should be located within the /Products/Applications folder.
This was very helpful information for developers who are having problems with the archive method, and my app is now uploading successfully without any concern that it won't run to the best of it's ability.
To set the build configuration to Debug or Release, choose 'Edit Scheme' from the 'Product' menu.
Then you see a clear choice.
The Apple Transition Guide mentions a button at the top left of the Xcode screen, but I cannot see it in Xcode 4.3.
That part is now located under Schemes. If you edit your schemes you will see that you can set the debug/release/adhoc/distribution build config for each scheme.
Product -> Archive, later, press the distribute button and check the option Export as Application or what you want
