I have Dojo 1.4, and the lightbox is working. But the close button doesnt work with IE, I can see it, just not click it.
With Firefox it workes all ok. So I assume the code and css are all ok.
Any ideas?
Try adding this to your page?
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.dojoxLightboxText { padding: 0 }
I'm trying to hide parts of my page for print. Found a solution with #media print and added this code to my page:
#media print
.no-print, .no-print *
display: none !important;
Then I've added the class="no-print" to divs I didn't wont to print. Works like magic on Chrome but IE (8-11) ignores it completely and print all objects.
You can see the print function in the following page.
You can see that the print icon and the green tabs are not show in Chrome but are in IE.
BTW, on FireFox for some unknown reason I don't even see the print icon... /:
Thanks in advance for any help provided,
I'm not sure why your method won't work on IE. IE is a pain.
Adding a stylesheet like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://rom.guywalderonline.com/templates/shaper_istore_ii/css/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
and adding your print specific CSS to the print.css file works for me in IE.
This is what the free AddPrintStylesheet extension does: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/style-a-design/print-a-pdf/20611
I am having some issues with one of my html forms. It looks like because the select drop downs and the input text boxes are not the same size all my controls are misaligned in ie6. You can see that all the controls under selected date get pushed out of alignment more and more as we go down. This does not happen in firefox.
I am using yaml as my css framework and I thought that it would be covered but it doesn't seem to be. Can someone please give me an idea on how to make the controls the same size or give ma an idea on an alternative fix.
I've put the html for the form here.... http://pastebin.com/cVrVadQf
To fix this I just piggy backed onto yaml conditional css foe ie6. I added my own stylesheet as you can see below...
<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<link href="resources/css/custom-myer-ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="resources/css/yaml/yaml/core/iehacks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Then added some simple styling to make sure alignment was ok...
.ym-form .ym-fbox-select select#businessDateFilterType,
.ym-form .ym-fbox-select select#exceptionFilterType {
margin:2px !important;
.ym-form .ym-fbox-select select#registerFilterType,
.ym-form .ym-fbox-select select#teamMemberFilterType {
margin:4px !important;
.ym-form fieldset.border {
border: none !important;
Im using a rockettheme template and have edited some of the css code using a custom css file.
I have managed to get it how I want it to look on Firefox and Chrome however IE looks werid. the navigation is too low (the buttons) and the header is also too low.
The website link is found below.
as you can see on the link the menubar is down too low and the header.
at the moment im using a css code edit .rt-menubar {padding: 0px !important; margin-left:210px;} when i remove the margin-left:210px; it fixes my problem but then the menu goes behind the logo on chrome and firefox.
so i pretty much need to keep the margin-left:210px for chrome and firefox but have margin-left:0px for internet explorer
any ideas would be great!
For versions of Internet Explorer up to IE9, you could use conditional comments to differentiate between IE and other browsers.
Here's a quick example:
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie9-and-below.css" />
Then in ie9-and-below.css you could apply a style such as:
#ieParagraph.rt-menubar {
Where your HTML could look like so:
<div class="rt-menubar" id="ieParagraph">
<ul>Other stuff here...</ul>
If no styling was applied in your other stylesheets to #ieParagraph where the class was also .rt-menubar , this would only change the left margin of the #ieParagraph div to 0px in IE9 and under only.
For IE10, conditional comments have been removed - look into using Modernizr for feature detection.
Lately I've noticed a strange behaviour in my browsers, when developing a website or doing some debugging.
When I click on View Source to check the site's HTML source code, the external stylesheets that I coded as links appear now inlined, that is, in its entirety.
What appears is something like this:
<style media="screen" type="text/css" style="display:none">
/*a bunch of CSS styles here, lines and more lines of CSS*/
...instead of the typical:
<link href="mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
It's happening with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE... with any browser I use.
Do you know guys what could be going on?
It happens to be only when I use my iPhone as a modem... no idea why.
Changing the font size with CSS is just not working in IE9. The font will change but the font size will not.
It works perfectly in chrome and firefox.
I tried to use em,pt instead of px. i tried font-size:40px. i tried everything.
The font size will just not change.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
font: 40px Arial;
font size test
I think your CSS is overridden with you browser settings. Check the accessibility settings of the browser.
body {
font-size: 40px;
font-family: Arial;
If you have tested this with the exact document you posted, then apparently your IE 9 is broken. Re-install it. Otherwise, please post a complete example code or a URL that demonstrates the problem.
Make sure your zoom in IE9 is set to 100%. To do this, Hit CTRL + 0 while in the browser.
Make another CSS definition is not overriding your font-size statement. You can even force the font size by using the !important attribute like this:
body {
font-size: 40px !important;
Make sure you are clearing your cache when you refresh the page. To do a cache-free reload of a page, Hit CTRL + F5 in your browser. This will flush the cache and reload the page completely.
As far as the code you posted, I copy/pasted it as is and it works as intended in IE9. You may want to reinstall IE on your computer if you still can't get it working.