redirecting main blog url - wordpress

If I have a wordpress blog, is it possible to have the main url to redirect to a basic HTML page, while keeping the permalinks still displaying the blog posts within a wordpress theme?

Set your front-page to a custom (static) page (Settings -> Reading in WP 2.8)
More info here


Wordpress custom permalinks redirecting posts to root

My blog url is like and my posts url is like and permalinks are set as custom. /index.php/%postname%/
I want to remove blog/index.php for post urls so that post url is
If I change the permalinks to use custom with /%postname%/, it redirects my posts to 404 page.
Any guidance how I can achieve it?

WooCommerce remove parent folder from URL

I have installed wordpress and WooCommerce in folder "blog" (not root directory), so URL of this WP is
Now when visiting e-shop, I am getting URL
What I need is to rewrite URL of e-shop to (remove "blog/" from URL)
So when user clicks "blog", he will be redirected to
when "e-shop", redirect to
How to do it? Thanks for help.
You need to move Wordpress to the root directory instead.
This will solve your e-shop/ address issue; as for the blog, you can simply create a page in Wordpress, call it 'Blog', and then on the Settings -> Reading page in the Wordpress admin panel, set your new Blog page as the 'Posts Page'. This will move the blog back to for you, without affecting the address of the e-shop.
If you have Wordpress installed under the blog/ folder, everything that Wordpress does - including your blog and your Woocommerce setup - also have to be inside that folder.

Swapping the default blog and shop sections in Woocommerce

I have installed the latest version of Wordpress. I then installed the latestest version of Woocommerce.
When my website loads up it displays the blogs on and the shop products on This seems to be the default configuration for these 2 setups.
However, my main site is a shop and not a blog. The blogging part is extra. So what I would like to see is the shop on, and everything related to shop under this URL structure, and the blogging part I would like to see under and everything related to blogging I need under this URL structure.
I'm not sure how to "switch" the 2 URLs around? All that I did was create a Blog page.
From your Wordpress admin area go to 'Settings' > 'Reading'. There you will see a section called 'Front page displays', set Front page to your main shop page, and your Posts page to your new Blog page.

How does Wordpress route index.php when a front-page.php is present in the theme?

I just set up a wp theme featuring a front-page.php.
When I point my browser to the front-page.php is loaded. That's ok.
But... which URL will now trigger the index.php template?
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
index.php is the main file for the theme. It contains the code for the Main Area (below header & above footer) and will specify where the other files will be included.
Your site may be loading front-page.php because you may have set static page in your settings to be shown as home page.
Acording to wordpress official doc:
The main template. If your Theme provides its own templates, index.php must be present.
The front page template, it is only used if you use a static front page.
The home page template, which is the front page by default. If you use a static front page this is the template for the page with the latest posts.
See this Link for more details on wordpress template hierarchy: WordPress Codex « Theme Development « Template File List
Having said that, mention your site URL in question and may be I can help you more.

Wordpress posts go to homepage

When you go to a post page - such as:
What you see is the same as the main blog homepage:
What's going on?
Make sure you have a single.php in your theme, and you've setup your permalinks in the backend properly (Settings -> Permalinks).
