PSD slicing outsourcing service [closed] - css

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Closed 7 years ago.
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There are a couple of online services that offer PSD to XHTML/CSS. Which one do you recommend? How should I choose one?

First, I recommend using someone in your own network of people first. If you know someone with this skill who is open to freelancing, offer the project to them. Talk to local schools with web design/development classes and ask if they keep a list of freelance students. Build up your business relationships with people close to you.
If that doesn't work, choose one online the way you would choose anything. Research. Look at their portfolios. Go to one of the sites they did and "view source" in your browser to look at their code. Ask a web developer friend if she thinks it's well done. Look at more than one example and make sure they have consistent quality. Try to find out how long they've been around. (Do a whois search and find out how long the site has been registered, for one). Look at the person's resume if they offer it, or ask for a resume and any references they may have. You might even try to contact one of their clients and ask how their experience was with them.
In the end, when you've balanced price and your research, you have to take a leap of faith, but with your research, you probably will choose well.

You might want to consider learning how to do it yourself. I find that even with a complex design, I usually spend 90% of my time making the design in Photoshop and only 10% converting that to HTML+CSS. It's really worth getting to know HTML and CSS inside-out so you can complete the process.

Some clue here
alt text
You can get help from this site
And I think this one is mostly recommended
But first of all consider answer of #josh
And here are links of some good tutorials of PSD 2 HTML conversion
You can learn yourself

If you have to convert for once you may look at
and if you have requirements for many projects or future projects then looks to be a good tool.


Google App Maker will soon be deprecated. What alternative will App Maker experts like Markus Malessa move to? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Markus Malessa has provided some fantastic answers to Goole App Maker questions here on Stack Overflow. However, App Maker will soon be decommissioned. What will be the preferred alternative for App Maker experts like Markus?
I appreciate the call out although I would not necessarily consider myself an ‘expert’ by any means. I do have to say that the initial choice for AM was largely due to the fact that it was part of our G Suite subscription and I was somewhat familiar with Google Apps Script and HTML/CSS due to some free standing app development using the HtmlService. Given that my background and education is actually not programming related at all I would consider myself to be the target market for these types of programs were little to no code is required.
Unfortunately the reality is that my place of work never really committed much funding to this project outside of my time and more so this was probably what some coders would apparently refer to as their 20% project. So really at the moment I am not sure yet where I will end up after this. I’m afraid though that unless we decide to pony up some funds for something else we will be back where we used to be before this without a lot of functionality.
Anyway best of luck to all citizen developers that took a plunge into App Maker, you guys are all great and it has been a pleasure providing feedback to you all.
I recommend using Angular, since it's also based on JavaScript.

Devepole a journal system with Drupal [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am going to develop a journal system which has paper submission and review actions with evalution forms,something like OJS system. I want to use drupal for it but I am not sure if it is a good choice.
Does Drupal have ability to create such applications ?
It is a very generic question. To answer some part:
Drupal can be customized and used for a lot of projects, thanks to the powerful community and module developers.
Let me give a glimpse of possibilities, you can find the rest:
Each paper can be a content type. Each user can have specific roles and permissions (eg. publisher, editor, reviewer etc) who are allowed to do specifically what you allow them to do. They can apply for higher roles as well.
Each review process can be captured and maintained using workflow module. There are plenty of tutorials for that.
List of articles can be shown with various properties and filters using views. They can be shown in various regions of a theme you select or make of your own (or customize).
The community can be built using forums.
In short there are thousands of possible ways you can make this. But one note from personal experience: sometimes you will find extremely tough things to be done in simple ways, while simple things will take time. This is mostly because like all systems, it takes a bit of time to get used to with the drupal api.
Best of luck!

Simple installed tool for digital Scrum Board [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a basic and simple-to-install digital version of a Scrum board.
I do prefer physical index cards, but in this case logistics makes it hard. Thus, I need to have it on the computer.
No real need to share data between several clients. To us it is enough if it runs on one single machine.
Just need basic functionality. A drag-drop board and a sprint burndown would do fine.
Due to regularly constraints I cannot use an online SaaS, must keep the data local.
Time is short, so simple install and ready-to-go.
Does not need to be free, but of course price is interesting.
I have not had this set of constraints earlier, so I am unfamiliar.
I have done some research and have some general experience. For example VersionOne, Mingle and Hansoft seem to have a good reputation. Anyone can comment on how those fit the above list? Anyone have other recommendations?
This thread is a bit old now, but leaving my find in the hope to help others searching the same topic.
If you are looking for a simple tool for developers to collaborate on a Scrum project, is very simple and intuitive. Absolutely no clutter and easily lets a small team manage their cards.
I would have a look at Atlassian Jira with the GreenHopper plugin - it has a nice dashboard.
Have a look at Mingle from ThoughtWorks. A really great tool. Wall looks like this
Free download/install for 1 year / 5 users.
Excel (or OpenOffice) spreadsheet? Why do you need a special tool for this?
I had a similar decision to make a year ago and went for Version One Team Edition - which is free.
It's easy to deploy the SQL database wherever you want it - so locally in your case.
Our team found using the software easy and intuitive.
The free version (up to 10 users) has ample features - the sprints/stories/tasks are easy to setup and view. The burndown chart is good.
All in all, I've no regrets with choosing Verison One - it's easy to install, easy to use and free.

Scrum backlog excel templates [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to try scrum with my team. Studied a lot of posts about scrum tools here, but i think it's all superfluous and excel file is ok for product and sprint backlog. But it's problem to fing a good template. Maybe somebody could share excel template he is using for scrum backlog? Thanks.
Excel is really an extremely powerful tool and is very appropriate for the product backlog (and it has my preference if suitable: just share the product backlog on a network drive and there you go). I have used the following templates successfully in the past:
Henrik Kniberg's Index Card Generator and a wall for the sprint backlog
Petri Heiramo's advanced product and sprint backlog template (video tutorial here)
You can browse my personal collection for more of them but I recommend the two above.
Don't have any templates, but what tool you use for scrum is indeed whatever works for you, so excel could be just as good as any other. Just so long as it's quick and easy for all to use.
I was taught scrum techniques using physical props. Sticky notes and meeting drawing boards. The idea is you use that for a while, and then see if you can fit it into technology after if it doesn't hinder the scrum process.
I'd just try and knock up an excel template that fits for you, starting from a blank worksheet and just build up whatever seems to work.
Though for backlogs it may be better to have a tool that manages it if you are going to have a lot of items, and especially if you will have many stakeholders inputting into it. Maybe a bug tracking kind of tool. Plenty of good open sources ones about. Don't know how they fit into scrum, but always thought the likes of bugzilla could work but haven't tried it.
I'll say it is a good idea to start for a couple of sprints on paper.
It will let you understand the process before having to fight against the difficulties in using the software tool.
On the other hand, scrum can be used for projects of different nature, and not in all cases will have computers available.

Software Design Description Practise [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How many people actually write an SDD document before writing a single line of code?
How do you handle large CSCI's?
What standard do you use for SDD content?
What tailoring have you done?
I certainly have. Historically and on recent projects.
Years ago I worked in organisations where templates were everything.
Then I worked other places where the templates were looser or non-existent or didn't fit the projects I was working on.
Now the content of the software design is pretty much governed by what I need to describe to get the idea across to the audience.
"before writing a single line of code" there wouldn't be a a lot of detail. The documents I produce before I start coding are meant to get the idea of what we need to build across to the affected teams and senior management so they introduce high level architecture, functionality, technologies, risks and scope. Those last two are really important. The rest is to show other teams where you need to interface with them and to leave managers with a lingering notion that cool stuff is happening.
Most big software companies have their own practices. For example Motorola has detailed documentation for every aspect of software development process. There are standard templates for each type of documents. Having strict standards allows effectively maintain huge number of documents and integrate it with different tools. Each document obtains tracking number from special document-tracking system. They even have system (last time I seen it was in stage of early development) for automatically requirements tracking - you can say which line of code relate to given requirement\design guideline.
I would suppose that most people who write SDD documents and use terminology like CSCI have to be using a specific software development methodology and most likely are working for some serious government customer. They usually tend to take their preparations quite seriously and the documents are ready and approved before any development starts.
In an Agile process the development and the design document could be developed in parallel. It means that there will be plenty of refactoring to be done but it usually delivers very good results in the end.
In more formal processes (like RUP) a SAD document is mostly created during the elaboration/prototyping phase based on the team research.
