AS3: reading embedded metadata in flex - apache-flex

I saw that you can embed meta-data into images very much like you can in mp3s, here.
Can someone point me to a tutorial of how to embed and read this sort of information w/ photoshop and flex together?
I really wouldn't know where to start... Tried googling but I'm not sure I have the right keywords down.

I've written a small snippet on the matter. this snippet is far from being proper tested, and is most definite not written in a clear and coherent way. But for now it seems to work. I'll update as I work on it.
private function init(event:Event):void
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);
var s:String = "link/to/asset.jpg";
ldr.load(new URLRequest(s));
private function imgLoaded(e:Event):void{
var info:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
var xmpXML:XML = getXMP(info.bytes);
var meta:XMPMeta = new XMPMeta(xmpXML);
private function trim(s:String):String{
return s.replace( /^([\s|\t|\n]+)?(.*)([\s|\t|\n]+)?$/gm, "$2" );
private function getXMP(ba:ByteArray):XML{
var LP:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var PACKET:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var l:int;
ba.readBytes(LP, 2, 2);
read part 3: Storage in Files.
that will explain the -2 -29 and other things you see here.
l = LP.readInt() - 2 -29;
ba.readBytes(PACKET, 33, l);
var p:String = trim(""+PACKET);
var i:int ='<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/"');
/* Delete all in front of the XMP XML */
p = p.substr(i);
For some reason this left some rubbish in front, so I'll hardcode it out for now
TODO clean up
var ar:Array = p.split('<');
var s:String = "";
var q:int;
var j:int = ar.length;
s += '<'+ar[q];
i ='</x:xmpmeta>');
i += ('</x:xmpmeta>').length;
s = s.slice(0,i);
/* Delete all behind the XMP XML */
return XML(s);
Originally from

Photoshop (CS4+ I think) can also add XMP headers (XML style) which will be easier to parse than bytes but it contains different information.
Here is a class that should do the job. It is non-commercial only but there is another option.
Here is a php script that will do it that could be ported to as3 - it might be easier than creating one from scratch. If you did want php to read the info I would use the built in exif functions :)

Well AS3 don't have a built-in class to read jpg header.
BUT, if you are loading the image using URLLoader you can use the ByteArray to read if manually.
You can find the spec here:
If you need some tutorial of using Bytearray you can start from here:
How to convert bytearray to image or image to bytearray ?
or here:
The principle is the same -read the bytes, convert them to readable data using the spec above and use it.
Good luck!

Yes, entirely possible. ByteArray is your friend.
You may want to give a read to this:
This may also be of use, but I'd rather go with the first option:


c# Tiff files compression methodology

I am trying to understand and implement a piece of code for Tiff compression.
I have already used 2 separate techniques - Using 3rd party dll's LibTiff.NEt (1st method is bulky) and the Image save method, (2nd method works only on windows 7 machine but not on windows 2003 or 2008 server).
Now I am looking to explore this 3rd method.
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
int width = 800;
int height = 1000;
int stride = width/8;
byte[] pixels = new byte[height*stride];
// Try creating a new image with a custom palette.
List<System.Windows.Media.Color> colors = new List<System.Windows.Media.Color>();
BitmapPalette myPalette = new BitmapPalette(colors);
// Creates a new empty image with the pre-defined palette
BitmapSource image = BitmapSource.Create(
FileStream stream = new FileStream(Original_File, FileMode.Create);
TiffBitmapEncoder encoder = new TiffBitmapEncoder();
encoder.Compression = TiffCompressOption.Ccitt4;
But I don't have a full understanding of what is happening here.
There is obviously some kind of a memory stream that the compression technique is being applied to. But I am a bit confused how to apply this to my specific case. I have an original tiff file, I want to use this method to set its compression to CCITT and save it back. Can anyone help?
I copied the above code and the code runs. But my end output file is a solid black background image. Although on the positive side it is of the correct compression type. is a little bulky because it's based off LibTiff, which has its own set of problems.
My company (Atalasoft) has the ability to do that fairly easily, and the free version of the SDK will do the task you want with a few restrictions. The code for re-encoding a file would look like this:
public bool ReencodeFile(string path)
AtalaImage image = new AtalaImage(path);
if (image.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Pixel1bppIndexed)
TiffEncoder encoder = new TiffEncoder();
encoder.Compression = TiffCompression.Group4FaxEncoding;
image.Save(path, encoder, null); // destroys the original - use carefully
return true;
return false;
Things you should be aware of:
this code will only work properly on 1bpp images
this code will NOT work properly on multi-page TIFFs
this code does NOT preserve metadata within the original file
and I would want the code to at least check for that. If you are inclined to have a solution that better preserves what's in the content of the file, you would want to do this:
public bool ReencodeFile(string origPath, string outputPath)
if (origPath == outputPath) throw new ArgumentException("outputPath needs to be different from input path.");
TiffDocument doc = new TiffDocuemnt(origPath);
bool needsReencoding = false;
for (int i=0; i < doc.Pages; i++) {
if (doc.Pages[i].PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Pixel1bppIndexed) {
doc.Pages[i] = new TiffPage(new AtalaImage(origPath, i, null), TiffCompression.Group4FaxEncoding);
needsReencoding = true;
if (needsReendcoding)
return needsReencoding;
This solution will respect all pages within the document as well as document metadata.

Flex 3 & Air 2: Automatically detect when files on a directory are updated

A crazy idea just dropped from the sky and hit me in the head xD. I was wondering if it is possible to make and App capable of listening when the user "adds" new files to a directory.
The User opens up our Application.
The user adds new files on the desktop (using the Microsoft Explorer).
Our application automatically detects that new files have been added and executes a function or whatever.
Sound interesting right?
Maybe, this could be done using a programming language like Visual Basic and open the executable with the NativeProcess api and listen for an stdOut event... (:
Anyone got and idea to share with us? :)
AIR can handle this natively...
the FileSystemList class fires an event directoryChange whenever a file in the watched directory changes.
You can even use it to watch for drives being mounted (I think Christian Cantrell showed that one off)
Ok, I think I'm getting closer, check out this solution! :)
private var CheckDelay:Timer = new Timer(5000, 0);
private function InitApp():void
CheckDelay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.Timer, CheckForNewFiles, false, 0, true);
private function CheckForNewFiles(event:TimerEvent):void
var FS:FileStream = new FileStream();
var Buffer:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("FilesBuffer.cmd");, FileMode.Write);
FS.writeUTFBytes("cd " + File.desktopDirectory.nativePath + "\r\n" +
"dir /on /b > " + File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("FileList.txt").nativePath);
var Process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
var NPI:NativeProcessStartupInfo = NativeProcessStartupInfo(); // What a large name! xD
NPI.executable = Buffer;
Process..addEventListener(NativeProcessExitEvent.EXIT, ReadFileList, false, 0, true);
private function ReadFileList(event:Event):void
var FS:FileStream = new FileStream();
var Buffer:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("FilesBuffer.cmd");, FileMode.Read);
var FileData:String = FS.readUTFBytes(FS.bytesAvailable);
var FileArray:Array = FileData.split("\r\n");
var TempArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayColletion();
var TempFile:File;
for(var i:int = 0;i<FileArray.length;i++){
TempFile = new File(FileArray[i]);
At the end we got an Array (TempArray) that we could use on a datagrid (for example) with colums like: "extension, File Name, FilePath, etc.."
The files are updated every 5 seconds.
And, why we use all that code instead of a simple "File.getDirectoryListing()"? Because we are updating our application every 5 seconds, if why use getDirectoryListing(), our application will take much more RAM and also, the cmd command is much faster... :)
If you have a better idea, please share it with us! Thank you! :D
1 excellent solution for Windows: use Visual Studio, build the .net app found here
In Adobe AIR use the native process to listen for change events dispatched by .net

Downloading data posted to server as a file from Flex

This should be trivial, and I'm pretty sure I did it once before.
I'm trying to post data up to a server and have it bounced back to me as a file download, prompting the native browser file download box. I know the server part works just fine becasue I can post from a demo web form, but when I run the following Flex 3 code, I can't even get the request to fire.
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function saveXmlAsFile(event:MouseEvent):void
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
fileRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
fileRequest.url = "";
var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariables.content = "Test content to return" ;
// fileRequest.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded ";
urlVariables.fileName = "test.xml";
fileRef.addEventListener(SecurityEvent.ALL, onSecurityError);
fileRef.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError2);
fileRef.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.NETWORK_ERROR, onNetworkError);
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
{, "test.xml");
}catch(error:Error) {
model.logger.error("unable to download file");
Note, when the call to is called, I can't see any request being made across the network using the traditional Firebug or HTTPWatch browser tools.
EDIT: I should add that this is for < Flash Player 10, so I can't use the newer direct save as file functionality.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
You need to add fileRef.upload to trigger the upload.
Also I would move the download statement to the onComplete so the file isn't requested before it's been uploaded.
Your explanation is pretty clear, but when I look at your code, I'm feel like I'm missing something.
The code looks like you're trying to do half of the upload part and half of the download part.
I think the code you currently have posted would work to trigger a download if you set the .method value to GET. I believe you will also need to include the filename as part of the .url property.
However, to post something and then trigger a download of it, you need two separate operations - the operation to post the data and then an operation to download it, which should probably be called from the upload operation's onComplete handler.
OK, I believe I figured out one of the things that's going on.
When you don't set the property, it defaults the request method to "GET".
So, the working code looks like, with the data set to the posted URL variables:
private var fileRef:FileReference;
private function saveRawHierarchy(event:MouseEvent):void
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
fileRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
fileRequest.url = "http://foo/bounceback";
var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariables.content = "CONTENT HERE";
urlVariables.fileName = "newFileName.xml"; = urlVariables;
fileRef = new FileReference();
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
{, "appHierarchies.xml");
}catch(error:Error) {
model.logger.error("unable to download file");
Not sure what was wrong about the request not being made before, though.

embedding sources dynamically

is it possible to embed sources dynamically. instead of doing this
[Embed(source = '../../../../assets/levels/test.xml')]
I could probably do something like this
var src = '../../../../assets/levels/test.xml'
[Embed(source = src )]
It's not possible for anything within metadata annotations to be dynamic :/. That is, you can't place variables into metadata annotations. If that was possible, there would be SO many cool possibilities. So your first option is the only way to directly embed xml.
You could, however, write a custom metadata parser that figured out how to load (not embed) your xml file. Something like:
public var source:String = "../../../../assets/levels/test.xml";
I would implement that like the code below (just wrote this right now, haven't tested it). And then you'd "process" your class via something like MyMetadataUtil.process(this). Lots of ways to do that.
public function extractMetadata(target:Object):void
var description:XML = flash.utils.describeType(target);
var tag:String = "LoadFile"
var metadata:XMLList = description.accessor.metadata.(#name == tag);
metadata += description.variable.metadata.(#name == tag);
var i:int = 0;
var n:int = metadata.length();
// usually called a 'directive'
// holds values from metadata annotation
var token:Object = {};
for (i; i < n; i++)
metadataXML = metadata[i]; = metadataXML.parent().#name;
// token.source = myClass.source;
token.source = target[];
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(token.source);
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loader_completeHandler);
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loader_ioErrorHandler);
protected function loader_completeHandler(event:Event):void
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, loader_completeHandler);
protected function loader_ioErrorHandler(event:Event):void
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, loader_ioErrorHandler);
That stuff would go into some util/manager/processor class. Then anywhere in your code, you could use this:
public var source:String = "myFile.xml";
And that could be dynamic. Check out the Swiz Framework for some example source code on how to implement custom metadata processors. Or even better, Openflux's MetaUtil. Once you set that up once, you can do some hardcore stuff in your code. Makes coding fun and fast.
Hope that helps,
Your use case is basically why I created the ability to add extra frames to Flex SWFs that are treated as late-loaded modules. Instead of embedding your level, stream it in after the main application.
Documentation on -frame is sparse. Sorry! Here's some external stuff, that links back to stuff I wrote and Alex Harui wrote. Good luck!

How can you save out a String into a file in AS3?

I have a string the user has typed and I want to save it into a file on the users harddrive. Can you do that? And if so, how?
Yes you can, with FileReference.
This is basically how it's done:
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var fileRef:FileReference=new FileReference();"fileContent", "fileName");
Doesn't look too hard, does it?
And here's a video-tutorial on it too:
And the documentation:
Hope that helps.
Since I had a function to output bytes to a file (because I was doing something with bitmaps), I reused it to output a string as well, like this:
var filename:String = "/Users/me/path/to/file.txt";
var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
outFile(filename, byteArray);
private static function outFile(fileName:String, data:ByteArray):void {
var outFile:File = File.desktopDirectory; // dest folder is desktop
outFile = outFile.resolvePath(fileName); // name of file to write
var outStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
// open output file stream in WRITE mode, FileMode.WRITE);
// write out the file
outStream.writeBytes(data, 0, data.length);
// close it
In addition, you must have Flash Player 10 and a Flex Gumbo SDK installed in your Flex Builder 3.
You can also have a look the following example:
In Flex 3 no you can't do it unless you upload the file to the server and then download the file via a url to the desktop.
In Air or Flex 4 you can save it directly from the application to the desktop as detailed above.
