embedding sources dynamically - apache-flex

is it possible to embed sources dynamically. instead of doing this
[Embed(source = '../../../../assets/levels/test.xml')]
I could probably do something like this
var src = '../../../../assets/levels/test.xml'
[Embed(source = src )]

It's not possible for anything within metadata annotations to be dynamic :/. That is, you can't place variables into metadata annotations. If that was possible, there would be SO many cool possibilities. So your first option is the only way to directly embed xml.
You could, however, write a custom metadata parser that figured out how to load (not embed) your xml file. Something like:
public var source:String = "../../../../assets/levels/test.xml";
I would implement that like the code below (just wrote this right now, haven't tested it). And then you'd "process" your class via something like MyMetadataUtil.process(this). Lots of ways to do that.
public function extractMetadata(target:Object):void
var description:XML = flash.utils.describeType(target);
var tag:String = "LoadFile"
var metadata:XMLList = description.accessor.metadata.(#name == tag);
metadata += description.variable.metadata.(#name == tag);
var i:int = 0;
var n:int = metadata.length();
// usually called a 'directive'
// holds values from metadata annotation
var token:Object = {};
for (i; i < n; i++)
metadataXML = metadata[i];
token.property = metadataXML.parent().#name;
// token.source = myClass.source;
token.source = target[token.property];
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(token.source);
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loader_completeHandler);
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loader_ioErrorHandler);
protected function loader_completeHandler(event:Event):void
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, loader_completeHandler);
protected function loader_ioErrorHandler(event:Event):void
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, loader_ioErrorHandler);
That stuff would go into some util/manager/processor class. Then anywhere in your code, you could use this:
public var source:String = "myFile.xml";
And that could be dynamic. Check out the Swiz Framework for some example source code on how to implement custom metadata processors. Or even better, Openflux's MetaUtil. Once you set that up once, you can do some hardcore stuff in your code. Makes coding fun and fast.
Hope that helps,

Your use case is basically why I created the ability to add extra frames to Flex SWFs that are treated as late-loaded modules. Instead of embedding your level, stream it in after the main application.
Documentation on -frame is sparse. Sorry! Here's some external stuff, that links back to stuff I wrote and Alex Harui wrote. Good luck!


Accent insensitive searching in RadComboBox

I'm relatively new to using ASP webforms and Telerik, but I'm looking for a way that allows me to type special characters (é, ù, à, ...) in a RadComboBox.
Lets say I have a name in my ObjectDataSource called "René Somebody". I need to be able to find him by searching for "Rene" and "René", but so far no luck.
In the application they managed to do this on a RadGrid with filters, but this same solution doesn't work for the RadComboBox as far as I know.
The solution they used in the RadGrid: http://www.telerik.com/forums/accent-insensitive-filtering-filtering-on-a-different-column#YS1QT8P1U0-cRPFNfjvDzA
I have no access to the backend components but the demo you linked contains frontend code and it looks like you can hack in there. It looks like this control may be both client-server and client-side only. For client-side only hacks looks kind of complicated and invloves non-public API (_onInputChange) but for client-server case (which is probably your case) the doc on client side of RadComboBox Object mentions requestItems method so hacking it is probably reasonably future safe:
var hackRadComboBoxFilter = function (combobox, filterProcessingFunction) {
var oldRequestItems = combobox.requestItems;
combobox.requestItems = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// requestItems has several arguments but the text seems to be the
// first one, so let's modify it and call the original method
var origFilter = args[0];
args[0] = filterProcessingFunction(origFilter);
oldRequestItems.apply(this, args);
Unfortunately I don't know a built-in way to deal with accents in JS but you can hack something simple here as well:
var accents = 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëðÇçÐÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÑñŠšŸÿýŽž';
var mappedAccents = "AAAAAAaaaaaaOOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeeCcDIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuNnSsYyyZz";
var removeAccents = function (origStr) {
var components = [];
var len = origStr.length;
var afterLastAccent = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var mapPos = accents.indexOf(origStr[i]);
if (mapPos != -1) {
components.push(origStr.substr(afterLastAccent, i - afterLastAccent) + mappedAccents[mapPos]);
afterLastAccent = i + 1;
if (afterLastAccent < len)
components.push(origStr.substr(afterLastAccent, len - afterLastAccent));
return components.join('');
So now you can combine it in something like this:
// In real app you probably want something like this
// var targetComboBox = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
// but for test let's just hack first combobox on the page
var targetComboBox = Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.ComboBoxes[0];
hackRadComboBoxFilter(targetComboBox, removeAccents);
or if you want to modify all the comboboxes on the page, you can change prototype using the same trick:
hackRadComboBoxFilter(Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.prototype, removeAccents)

Equivalent of Flex DataBinding using Pure Actionscript

When Flex Sees Something Like This:
<mx:Label text="Hello {MyVar} World!"/>
It Must Translate That Somehow Into ActionScript. But What If I Need To Do Something Similar, At Runtime. How Can I Accomplish What DYNAMICALLY? WHEN I DO NOT KNOW THE CONTENTS OF THE BINDING TEMPLATE.
In ActionScript it would need it to look something like this:
public function CustomDynamicBinding(StringToBind:String):Label {
// *EXAMPLES* Of StringToBind:
// "Hello {MyVar} World!"
// "Product: {name} ${price}.00"
// "{data.label}, {data.description}"
// I've Written It This Way Because I DO NOT KNOW The Exact Text To Be Bound At Design Time.
var Lab:Label=new Label();
How can I accomplish this kind of "Dynamic" binding... Where I don't know the value of "StringToBind" until runtime? For the purposes of this question we can assume that I do know that any variable(s) mentioned in "StringToBind", are guaranteed to exist at runtime.
I already realize there are much more straightforward ways to accomplish this exact thing STATICALLY, and using only Flex/MXML. It's important for my project though that I understand how this could be accomplished without MXML.
Doing This:
lab.text = stringToBind.replace("{myVar}", str);
Will NOT work because this simply assigns ONCE the value of "{myVar}" - (which may not even BE the variable referenced in "stringToBind"!!) to the label, and does not take into account when and if myVar changes! Wouldn't I need to somehow use something Like bindProperty?
Use BindingUtils.bindSetter
var stringToBind:String = "Hello {myVar} World!";
var myVar:String = 'Flex';
var lab:Label = new Label();
BindingUtils.bindSetter(labelValue, this, "myVar");
function set labelValue(str:String):void
lab.text = "Hello " + str + " World!";
//or if you want it dynamic
lab.text = stringToBind.replace("{myVar}", str);
Note that this is not pure ActionScript in its strict sense as data binding itself is a Flex concept; this is just MXML-less syntax of doing it. You're still using Flex binding internally - but again, use of Label alone makes if Flexy
private function _BindingSource_bindingsSetup():Array
var result:Array = [];
result[0] = new mx.binding.Binding(this,
var result:* = "Hello " + (MyVar) + " World!";
return (result == undefined ? null : String(result));
return result;
It's only a part of generated code. Feel free to add -keep-generated-actionscript parameter to compiler options and read all generated ActionScript in bin-debug\generated.
Disclosure: shameless self promotion
The BindageTools library provides an intuitive builder API for setting up bindings in ActionScript.

AS3: reading embedded metadata in flex

I saw that you can embed meta-data into images very much like you can in mp3s, here.
Can someone point me to a tutorial of how to embed and read this sort of information w/ photoshop and flex together?
I really wouldn't know where to start... Tried googling but I'm not sure I have the right keywords down.
I've written a small snippet on the matter. this snippet is far from being proper tested, and is most definite not written in a clear and coherent way. But for now it seems to work. I'll update as I work on it.
private function init(event:Event):void
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);
var s:String = "link/to/asset.jpg";
ldr.load(new URLRequest(s));
private function imgLoaded(e:Event):void{
var info:LoaderInfo = e.target as LoaderInfo;
var xmpXML:XML = getXMP(info.bytes);
var meta:XMPMeta = new XMPMeta(xmpXML);
private function trim(s:String):String{
return s.replace( /^([\s|\t|\n]+)?(.*)([\s|\t|\n]+)?$/gm, "$2" );
private function getXMP(ba:ByteArray):XML{
var LP:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var PACKET:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var l:int;
ba.readBytes(LP, 2, 2);
read part 3: Storage in Files.
that will explain the -2 -29 and other things you see here.
l = LP.readInt() - 2 -29;
ba.readBytes(PACKET, 33, l);
var p:String = trim(""+PACKET);
var i:int = p.search('<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/"');
/* Delete all in front of the XMP XML */
p = p.substr(i);
For some reason this left some rubbish in front, so I'll hardcode it out for now
TODO clean up
var ar:Array = p.split('<');
var s:String = "";
var q:int;
var j:int = ar.length;
s += '<'+ar[q];
i = s.search('</x:xmpmeta>');
i += ('</x:xmpmeta>').length;
s = s.slice(0,i);
/* Delete all behind the XMP XML */
return XML(s);
Originally from http://snipplr.com/view/51037/xmp-metadata-from-jpg/
Photoshop (CS4+ I think) can also add XMP headers (XML style) which will be easier to parse than bytes but it contains different information.
Here is a class that should do the job. It is non-commercial only but there is another option.
Here is a php script that will do it that could be ported to as3 - it might be easier than creating one from scratch. If you did want php to read the info I would use the built in exif functions :)
Well AS3 don't have a built-in class to read jpg header.
BUT, if you are loading the image using URLLoader you can use the ByteArray to read if manually.
You can find the spec here:
If you need some tutorial of using Bytearray you can start from here:
How to convert bytearray to image or image to bytearray ?
or here:
The principle is the same -read the bytes, convert them to readable data using the spec above and use it.
Good luck!
Yes, entirely possible. ByteArray is your friend.
You may want to give a read to this:
This may also be of use, but I'd rather go with the first option:

Get item by index in a tree control

I'm doing a drag and drop operation on a tree using some help from Adobe's quick Starts:
The code suggested is roughly this:
var dropTarget:Tree = Tree(evt.currentTarget);
var i:int = dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(evt);
myTree.selectedIndex = i;
var node:XML = myTree.selectedItem as XML;
var drugXML:XML = XML(Tree(evt.dragInitiator).selectedItem);
if(node.localName() != drugXML.localName()){
This is all well and good, but I don't like the way it is selecting(highlighting) each item in the tree I'm dropping on, it's less clear where the item is going to drop. I want to implement this without the selection but there doesn't seem to be a way to get the XML of the node using just the index. I would like something like this:
var dropTarget:Tree = Tree(evt.currentTarget);
var i:int = dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(evt);
var node:XML = myTree.itemAt(i) as XML;
//AFAIK itemAt(i) or anything like it does not exist
var drugXML:XML = XML(Tree(evt.dragInitiator).selectedItem);
if(node.localName() != drugXML.localName()){
So does anyone know what function is, or what I can do to extend the tree to have a function, like "itemAt(i)"
EDIT: I forgot to post that my current workaround is setting the selectedIndex = -1 after I get my node:XML. I'm afraid that if something bogs on the processor the user may see it select then deselect.
Much simpler, though there may be gotchas:
var index:int = ...
var renderer:IListItemRenderer = tree.indexToItemRenderer(index);
var item:Object = renderer.data;
This won't work if the index is offscreen (since there might not be an active itemRenderer); shouldn't be an issue for drag and drop.
If your dataProvider is explicitly or implicitly a collection (see the linked docs for conversion rules), you should be able to use getItemAt to resolve the index.
It appears that an XML provider will be converted implicitly:
var tree:Tree = ...;
var data:XML = ...;
tree.dataProvider = data; // could just as well be from MXML
var provider:ICollectionView = tree.collection; // tree converted it for us
If you have something other than the convertible types (XML, Array, etc.), you might consider wrapping your dataProvider in an XMLListCollection or what have you to gain access to that method.
The above is aiming in the right direction but missing.
Turns out you don't want the dataProvider since Tree overrides that; you want the collection property (protected). So you could override Tree and provide an indexToItem method to go with the thisToThat methods already present in Tree.

Is there a API from Flex/Flash to list all the UIComponent?

I am trying to create an API utility using Adobe AIR where given a component name it should list all it methods, variables, and other properties of that component.
But I could not find an API to list all the UIComponents of Flex/Flash.
is there an API to lookup all the UIComponent or if there is no such API, can anyone tell me how do i lookup the components?
Note: I have tried using flash.utils.describeType() but it is not able to suit my requirement as the input to the method is passed dynamically using TextInput.
It sounds like you are asking two things:
How to list all of the properties/methods of a UIComponent.
How to list all of the UIComponents in the Flex SDK.
The first one can be done with describeType(). Given that the method is passed dynamically using TextInput, you need to just include all of the UIComponents into the SWF. You can do that with the following include statement for each component in the SDK (this example is with the Button):
include mx.controls.Button; Button;.
Then you can do something like this:
var className:String = myTextArea.text; // mx.controls::Button or mx.controls.Button
var clazz:Class = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName(className);
var methods:Array = getMethods(clazz);
var properties:Array = getProperties(clazz); // write a similar method for accessors and variables
* Returns a list of methods for the class.
* Pass in the superclass depth for how many classes
* you want this to return (class tree). If it's -1, it will return the whole method list
public static function getMethods(target:Object, superclassDepth:int = -1, keepGeneratedMethods:Boolean = false):Array
var description:XML = DescribeTypeCache.describeType(target).typeDescription;
var hierarchy:Array = getHierarchy(target);
var methodList:XMLList = description..method;
methodList += description.factory..method; // factory is required if target is Class
var methodName:String
var methods:Array = [];
var declaredBy:String;
var methodXML:XML;
var i:int = 0;
var n:int = methodList.length();
for (i; i < n; i++)
methodXML = methodList[i];
declaredBy = methodXML.#declaredBy;
methodName = methodXML.#name;
// we break because the xml list is orded hierarchically by class!
if (superclassDepth != -1 && hierarchy.indexOf(declaredBy) >= superclassDepth)
// ignore methods that start with underscore:
if (methodName.charAt(0) == "_" && !keepGeneratedMethods)
// sort the method list, so there's some kind of order to the report:
return methods;
The second one, listing the UIComponents in the SDK, is a bit more complex because there's no stable list of components in the SDK (depends on version, etc.). What you can do, however, is get a list of every class included in the swf. You do this by generating a Link Report (which is used for helping out modules), which is just a compiler argument:
Then you can figure out a way to find the unique xml nodes in that file, and which ones extend UIComponent. I use ruby and the nokogiri xml parser for ruby to do that. There is also a neat AIR app to visualize the Link Report.
If you're doing the first case, that method should get you started on listing all properties/methods of a UIComponent. If you're doing the second, that will give you a list of all UIComponents included in the swf.
Let me know if that helps,
Do you need to do anything with the data, other than displaying it? If not, it might be easiest to pull up the right page from Adobe's online API docs.
