Using a pointer to array - pointers

I'm having a little play with google's Go language, and I've run into something which is fairly basic in C but doesn't seem to be covered in the documentation I've seen so far
When I pass a pointer to a slice to a function, I presumed we'd have some way to access it as follows:
func conv(x []int, xlen int, h []int, hlen int, y *[]int)
for i := 0; i<xlen; i++ {
for j := 0; j<hlen; j++ {
*y[i+j] += x[i]*h[j]
But the Go compiler doesn't like this:
sean#spray:~/dev$ 8g broke.go
broke.go:8: invalid operation: y[i + j] (index of type *[]int)
Fair enough - it was just a guess. I have got a fairly straightforward workaround:
func conv(x []int, xlen int, h []int, hlen int, y_ *[]int) {
y := *y_
for i := 0; i<xlen; i++ {
for j := 0; j<hlen; j++ {
y[i+j] += x[i]*h[j]
But surely there's a better way. The annoying thing is that googling for info on Go isn't very useful as all sorts of C/C++/unrelated results appear for most search terms.

The Google Go docs state the following about passing arrays - they say you usually want to pass a slice (instead of a pointer?):
As indicated by #Chickencha's comment, array slices are references which is why they are efficient for passing. Therefore likely you will want to use the slice mechanism instead of "raw" pointers.
From Google Effective Go doc
Slices are reference types,
It's under the heading
An Interlude about Types
[...snip...] When passing an array
to a function, you almost always want
to declare the formal parameter to be
a slice. When you call the function,
take the address of the array and Go
will create (efficiently) a slice
reference and pass that.
Editor's note: This is no longer the case
Using slices one can write this function (from sum.go):
09 func sum(a []int) int { // returns an int
10 s := 0
11 for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
12 s += a[i]
13 }
14 return s
15 }
and invoke it like this:
19 s := sum(&[3]int{1,2,3}) // a slice of the array is passed to sum
Maybe pass the whole array as a slice instead. Google indicates Go deals efficiently with slices. This is an alternate answer to the question but maybe it's a better way.

Types with empty [], such as []int are actually slices, not arrays. In Go, the size of an array is part of the type, so to actually have an array you would need to have something like [16]int, and the pointer to that would be *[16]int. So, what you are actually doing already is using slices, and the pointer to a slice, *[]int, is unnecessary as slices are already passed by reference.
Also remember that you can easily pass a slice referring to the entire array with &array (as long as the element type of the slice matches that of the array). (Not anymore.)
package main
import "fmt"
func sumPointerToArray(a *[8]int) (sum int) {
for _, value := range *a { sum += value }
func sumSlice (a []int) (sum int) {
for _, value := range a { sum += value }
func main() {
array := [...]int{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }
slice := []int{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
fmt.Printf("sum arrray via pointer: %d\n", sumPointerToArray(&array))
fmt.Printf("sum slice: %d\n", sumSlice(slice))
slice = array[0:]
fmt.Printf("sum array as slice: %d\n", sumSlice(slice))
Edit: Updated to reflect changes in Go since this was first posted.

The semicolon and the asterisk are added and removed.
*y[i+j] += x[i]*h[j]
Is interpreted as
(*y)[i+j] += x[i] * h[j];
EDIT: Please read the comments. The answer is probably no longer valid. and I haven't touched up on go for quite some time and can't even read this anymore.

The length is part of the array's type, you can get length of an array by the len() built-in function. So you needn't pass the xlen, hlen arguments.
In Go, you can almost always use slice when passing array to a function. In this case, you don't need pointers.
Actually, you need not pass the y argument. It's the C's way to output array.
In Go style:
func conv(x, h []int) []int {
y := make([]int, len(x)+len(h))
for i, v := range x {
for j, u := range h {
y[i+j] = v * u
return y
Call the function:
conv(x[0:], h[0:])

Here's a working Go program.
package main
import "fmt"
func conv(x, h []int) []int {
y := make([]int, len(x)+len(h)-1)
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(h); j++ {
y[i+j] += x[i] * h[j]
return y
func main() {
x := []int{1, 2}
h := []int{7, 8, 9}
y := conv(x, h)
fmt.Println(len(y), y)
To avoid wrong guesses, read the Go documentation: The Go Programming Language.

Almost all the other answers to this question talk about using slices instead of
array pointers but none answers how to solve the error, so I thought I would
write this answer. The error gives us a hint that it cannot access the index of
y because it is an invalid operation.
Your first approach is wrong as the Go compiler shouts at you. The problem in
the first approach is that *y[i+j] is wrong syntax. This is because
technically you are doing this *(y[i+j]) and you can't just do that because
y in your case is a pointer to an int array. If you print y it would print
the memory address of the array.
You are trying to get the i+jth index of y which does not simply exist
because y is not an array. You can fix your code by adding parentheses to the
statement which would indicate that you are trying to get the i+jth index of
the array that y is pointing to. Use (*y)[i+j] instead of *y[i+j]. The
function would look like this after making the changes:
func conv(x []int, xlen int, h []int, hlen int, y *[]int) {
for i := 0; i<xlen; i++ {
for j := 0; j<hlen; j++ {
(*y)[i+j] += x[i]*h[j]


convert array of strings from CGO in GO

Can I convert an array of strings (char**) returned from a C (cgo) function in Go?
The code below compiles and runs, but I'm unable to range through a list of strings.
And I'm not even sure if it breaks the rules on "passing pointers":
Any thoughts would be helpful, it's been years since I coded in C! Thanks in advance!
package main
#include "stdlib.h"
char** getlist ()
char **array = NULL;
array = (char**)realloc(array, 2*sizeof(*array));
return array;
import "C"
import (
func main() {
list := C.getlist();
log.Printf("\n========\n C.getList()=%s", list)
ulist := unsafe.Pointer(list)
log.Printf("\n========\nulist=%s", ulist)
In order to iterate over the strings in Go, you need to convert the array to a Go slice. We can skip allocation here, and convert it directly (your example statically sets the length to 2, but in practice you would likely have another source for this size)
cSlice := (*[1 << 28]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(list))[:2:2]
We can iterate over this directly, and use the C.GoString function to convert the C strings. This is safer to store since it's copying the data to Go memory, but if this slice were exceptionally large we could save the allocation with the same unsafe conversion as above, though you would first need to find the length of each string.
var slice []string
for _, s := range (*[1 << 28]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(list))[:2:2] {
slice = append(slice, C.GoString(s))
After a couple hours of browsing, I found this concise solution (source):
list := C.getList()
length := 2
slice := make([]string, length)
for _, v := range unsafe.Slice(list, length) {
slice = append(slice, C.GoString(v))
For your length guessing issue, you can just make your C function take a pointer to a string array and return the size. It would then look like this:
var list **C.char
length := C.getList(&list)
slice := make([]string, length)
for _, v := range unsafe.Slice(list, length) {
slice = append(slice, C.GoString(v))

Why do you have to use an asterisk for pointers but not struct pointers?

I think I am missing a part of technical background. But I don't get, why I have to use an * to access the value of a simple pointer, but not for accessing values of a struct.
For example with a simple value:
func main() {
i := 42
p := &i
*p = 21 // <<< I have to use an asterisk to access the value
// ...
And a example with a struct:
type Vertex struct {
X int
Y int
func main() {
v := Vertex{1, 2}
p := &v
p.X = 1e9 // <<< I do not have to use an asterisk
// ...
(yes, the samples are from the official go lang tour here:
Just from my thoughts I would expect something like this
*p.X = 1e9
or (yeah, this would be somewhat strange)
p.*X = 1e9
So, why don't I have to use an asterisk to access struct pointer?
The official Golang tour where you found that example [here] explicitly says:
To access the field X of a struct when we have the struct pointer p we could write (*p).X. However, that notation is cumbersome, so the language permits us instead to write just p.X, without the explicit dereference.

Can you return some or all of multiple values as pointers from a function?

Working with Go I was getting various errors trying to return a string as pointer while returning another value as well. Something like this (pls. excuse for this not being running code, I just wrote it to give a sense of what I want to do since I don't know how to exactly make it work):
func A (s string) *string, int {
// Stuff
return &a, b
*c, d := A("Hi there.")
When I try various combinations to say, return the string (var. a) as a pointer I get various errors. It's easy and there's dozens of examples with a single variable returned but I'm not sure if it's possible with multiple return values.
Sorry if this seems like a very basic question, I'm still wrapping my mind around Go.
as said here in golang spec, you are wrong in this part so:
func A (s string) (*string, int) {
is the compilable code
You can return multiple variables from a function:
func A (s string) (string, int) {
a := "hello world"
b := 99
return a, b
c, d := A("Hi there.")
One thing I would like to point out is that in Go, strings aren't pointers. In languages like C, you get used to thinking about a string as a char*, however in Go, a string is treated as a primitive much like you would an int.
This seems to trip people from time to time, however it is actually quite nice as you don't have to worry about pointers with strings.
If you find yourself in a situation where you want to return a nil string (which you can't do because it's not a pointer), then you would return an empty string ("").
Pointers: If you really want to do pointers...
func A (s string) (*string, int) {
a := "hello world"
b := 99
// NOTE: you have to have a variable hold the string.
// return a, &"hello world" // <- Invalid
return a, &b
// 'd' is of type *string
c, d := A("Hi there.")
var sPtr *string = d
var s string = *d // Use the * to dereference the pointer
#poy: I took your code and put in the playground and managed to get it working. I'm not sure what the issue was with why it wasn't working for me but there was probably something else going on. Anyway, with a little massaging this did work:
package main
import (
func A (s *string) (*string, int) {
b := 99
return s, b
func main() {
r := "Hi there."
var s *string = &r
c, d := A(s)
fmt.Println(*c, d)

Behavior of a pointer to an element of `slice` after the `slice` had been appended to

I am wondering what is the behavior of a pointer to an element of slice after the slice had been appended to, for example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
my_slice := []int {3}
silly_ptr := &my_slice[0]
// Do we know that silly_ptr points to value equal 3
// all the time? (If we don't explicitly change it).
fmt.Printf("%p\n", silly_ptr)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
my_slice = append(my_slice, i)
silly_ptr_2 := &my_slice[0]
fmt.Printf("%p\n", silly_ptr_2)
Produces: (no surprises)
I know that when appending to dynamic array, at certain points we have repopulate the entire array, and therefore memory address of the original array elements is not reliable. To the best of my knowledge similar code is valid in c++, but silly_ptr could be pointing to anything. rust does not allow mutating a vector if it is being borrowed, so the above logic would not compile.
But what about Go? I know that by escape analysis it is valid to return a pointer to a local variable, the variable would be just created on the heap for you. My intuition tells me that the same logic applies in the above case. The memory location where silly_ptr is pointing to will not be repopulated, and hence will always store 3 (if we don't explictly change it). Is this right?
No, it will not always store 3.
Go has memory management. As long as there is an active pointer to an underlying array for a slice, the underlying array is pinned, it will not be garbage collected. If you have a pointer to an element of an underlying array, you can change the value of the element. For example,
package main
import (
func pin() *int {
s := []int{3}
a := &s[0]
s = append(s, 7)
return a
func main() {
a := pin()
fmt.Println(a, *a)
*a = 42
fmt.Println(a, *a)
0xc82000a340 3
0xc82000a340 42
A slice descriptor contains a pointer to an underlying array so you can see something similar with a slice. For example,
package main
import (
func pin() []int {
s := []int{3}
d := s
s = append(s, 7)
return d
func main() {
d := pin()
fmt.Println(&d[0], d)
d[0] = 42
fmt.Println(&d[0], d)
0xc82000a340 [3]
0xc82000a340 [42]

How do I use a (generic) vector in go?

I am using a Vector type to store arrays of bytes (variable sizes)
store := vector.New(200);
rbuf := make([]byte, size);
That all works well, but when I try to retrieve the values, the compiler tells me I need to use type assertions. So I add those in, and try
for i := 0; i < store.Len(); i++ {
el := store.At(i).([]byte);
But when I run this it bails out with:
interface is nil, not []uint8
throw: interface conversion
Any idea how I can 'cast'/convert from the empty Element interface that Vector uses to store its data to the actual []byte array that I then want to use subsequently?
Update (Go1): The vector package has been removed on 2011-10-18.
This works fine for me. Have you initialised the first 200 elements of your vector? If you didn't they will probably be nil, which would be the source of your error.
package main
import vector "container/vector"
import "fmt"
func main() {
vec := vector.New(0);
buf := make([]byte,10);
for i := 0; i < vec.Len(); i++ {
el := vec.At(i).([]byte);
