Date picker calendar gets buried under the Drop Down List -

I downloaded a Datepicker from the net and modified it a little bit according to my need. It works fine, but I have a small problem.
The calendar dropdown gets buried under the DropDown list that is just below the date picker.
Click For Image Here
Could you please help?

This is an IE Bug (the geniuses developing IE6 decided to use windows controls). You'll need to place an iframe on top of the dropdown element, and the calendar popup on top of that...most pickers like jQuery UI for example, do this.

Yep... IE bug. This is fixed in IE7+ I believe?
What I usually do is just add a little javascript to the datepicker that hides the dropdowns. Usually there is already some existing event or function to show/hide the calendar; just piggyback on top of that.


autocomplete extender or the combobox from the Ajax control toolkit

Earlier, when I had a question about Depending source for drop down list, somebody advised me this link:
But in this article does not have arrow bar and some things that work like drop down list when nothing typed in the text box.
i like some things that works like below picture.
Check this out. But this ain't jQuery

devexpress popup control from usercontrol rendered behind of news panel because of z-index

in my 4.0 web application i have a jquery based news panel. In that page, a devexpress popup control from a usercontrol appears behind the news panel. I looked at the css of the news panel z-index values ares set to 100.I changed this value to 0, minus values but popup window is still behind of the panel. I try to set the z-index of the popup control to int max but it did not help too.
Any help or clue would be helpful by the way i am using devexpress v10.2.4.
Thank you.
edit: I have updated devex version to v11.2.7 by the way it works perfectly with ie 9 but with ff and chrome i have not been able to see desired result. It seems like a bug or i am missing something i hate when component libraries became unstable between browsers. Still trying to solve the problem i will write here if i'll had one.
Here is the answer of the question. It is not a clear answer but hope gives someone a clue about what to do. Check the css settings of the wrapper elements for your popup control. Or take your popup control out of the element and try with this situation in order the understand where the problem.
in my case i just deleted this lines from the css of the div which contains my usercontrol.
border-radius: 6px;
opacity: 0.9;
To summarize check your css carefully.

Flex form inside Pop up window - Tab (order) between forms not working

when user clicks on Add button, then a pop up button will be opened with certain form elements (like textinput, date field, text area).. When i used 'TAB' inside this form,it is not working. I found in couple of Questions / forums that we need to create an instance of FocusManager and then bring/activate focus for the pop up. But still i didn't see the tab working inside the form. In order to tab order working inside a pop up, what steps we need to follow.
I tried using focusmanager and property like tabfocusenabled, tabenabled and also added taborder inside each form element. But no luck.
Iam using Flash Builder 4.5 and using spark components for development.
Is there any workaround for this problem?
Thanks in Advance,
Thanks for all your responses.
Finally the issue has been solved by one of my colleague. Problem is , the form has been loaded inside Horizontal accordion (flexlib HACCORDION). So inorder to draw focus inside the accordion to child elements, we need to add 'hasFocusableChildren="true"' for the HAccordion (horizontal accordion component). Adding this property solves the tab order problem.
I have also pasted the code below: ajax combobox doesn't display correctly when inserted inside a tab control

I have a display problem when I try to use a ajax combobox inside a tab control:
when my tab control loads on the page where the combobox is, everything works fine; however, if it loads on a another page, the you change to the page which contains the combobox, the right button (which opens the list of the combobox) isn't displayed at all.
Has someone been through this behavior? And maybe found a solution ?
Thanks in advance !
Use Firebug in FireFox (this tool is very good if you dont use it) and right-click the area where your drop arrow should be, then select "Inspect Element". At the bottom of your browser screen, you will see a couple windows. One window will detail teh styles being applied to the arrow area.
Look for a style that is making visibility of either a <td> or <img> to be hidden. The Ajax ComboBox control, sadly, is laid out in a table.

Best option for modal screens in ASP.NET

I'm looking for the best way to implement a modal popup in ASP.NET of another ASP.NET page. I'm coding for Firefox 2.x+ and can use JQuery, but I'm not very familiar with it.
I see a lot of solutions that use "AJAX", but I'm not sure in what context, so I haven't gone down that route.
I'm using the jQuery UI Dialog plugin. Works very well. Documentation for the plugin can be found at
I have used both the ajax modal extender as well as the jQuery jqModal, both have worked pretty well. At the end of the day, this decision should come down to what the rest of the code is like, what your comfort is with each, etc.
If I were to pick an option today, I would probably pick the jqModal or simple modal for jQuery. I'm pretty comfortable with these now.
For simple modal displays, I've found BlockUI to be a great solution.
For example, here's a post about using BlockUI as a modal progress indicator, and here's one about using BlockUI to display a modal confirmation dialog.
If you need something more complex, I'd second the jQueryUI Dialog.
i've used AjaxControlToolkit but jQuery option suggested by #tvanfosson seems a lot nicer
You could use radWindow from Telerik, the jQuery UI Dialog plugin like tvanfosson recommended or you could take a look at which review some jQuery plugins for popups.
Having only expericence with radWindow, I can tell you that with radWindow, you might have to use some hacks and quirks to make it work properly, but the result is good if you put enough time into it.
I make my own, using DOM methods. I've found it to be a lot simpler than adapting any of these plugins to our CSS.
A modal is simply an absolutely positioned window with a background.
We make ours using a larger transparent container with floated contents.
I use a function that returns some html with the floated contents. The class used for the modal box should be absolutely positioned with a high z layer.
function create_modal(doc_id,css_class,append_to)
if(typeof append_to==='undefined'){append_to='content';}
var container=document.getElementById(append_to);
if(!container){return false;}
var modal_box=document.createElement('div');
return modal_box;
var modal_window=create_modal('modal_id','a_css_class');
if(!modal_window){return false;}
so, it's all nice and simple without some 10 or 15 k plugin!
