autocomplete extender or the combobox from the Ajax control toolkit -

Earlier, when I had a question about Depending source for drop down list, somebody advised me this link:
But in this article does not have arrow bar and some things that work like drop down list when nothing typed in the text box.
i like some things that works like below picture.

Check this out. But this ain't jQuery


How do you force Combobox dropdowns to stay open

How do you force Combobox dropdowns to stay open even when other Alert boxes appear. Looking at what to subclass from mx.Combobox, there doesn't seem to be much that i can do to short of implementing an entire combobox from scratch.Thx
For that you need to create a custom ComboBox which if created in following Link. and might be this link will going to be useful to you.
Please visit this LINK

ModalPopupExtender displays a black box when it contains a user control

I'm using the Ajax Control Toolkit's ModalPopupExtender. It works great but when I add a user control to the panel it is set to display, the modal popup is displayed with a black box over it.
This is how it looks like:
Is anyone familiar with the problem? Is there a workaround?
Take a look at this post:
Try setting drop shadow to false and then make sure your DOCTYPE is XHTML. If that doesn't fix it then definitely post your code and I'm sure somebody can figure it out.

Date picker calendar gets buried under the Drop Down List

I downloaded a Datepicker from the net and modified it a little bit according to my need. It works fine, but I have a small problem.
The calendar dropdown gets buried under the DropDown list that is just below the date picker.
Click For Image Here
Could you please help?
This is an IE Bug (the geniuses developing IE6 decided to use windows controls). You'll need to place an iframe on top of the dropdown element, and the calendar popup on top of that...most pickers like jQuery UI for example, do this.
Yep... IE bug. This is fixed in IE7+ I believe?
What I usually do is just add a little javascript to the datepicker that hides the dropdowns. Usually there is already some existing event or function to show/hide the calendar; just piggyback on top of that.

Using RadToolTip with RadComboBox without using ItemTempalte

Is there a way to connect a RadToolTip to each item within a RadComboBox (having a different tool tip come up for each item in the combo box) without having to use the ItemTemplate of the RadComboBox? The reason is because I like the built-in implementation of the combo box styles, etc. and don't want to write it all from scratch within the ItemTemplate. I am trying to have a tool tip come up when I am hovering over an item in my combo box which shows some more information about that item. Basically giving the user a little more information before making their selection.
Updated: I need the tool tip to support HTML or even a RadGrid. It cannot just be a text tool tip.
I'm pretty sure that there is no way to add a RadToolTip to the items without using the Item Template. What about the styling would be too difficult to replicate using the Item Template?

How to create a polldaddy like editor

Most of you here must have used polldaddy. I would like to get some advise from you guys about how can I design an editor like the one seen in polldaddy. Below is a screenshot.
On the left side there is a list of controls (Text box, list etc) and on the right there is a panel(editor). I can click and drag on of the control and as soon as I drop it in the panel it aligns itself int he panel and shows other options. How can I do this using Any samples or ideas would be great.
alt text
you have a lot of work to do.
Ignoring your server side model, you cashould probably use jQuery/jQuery UI/ExtJS or any other UI framework to allow drag/drop sort functionality.
I am not familiar with PollDaddy but I imagine that there's a lot of code there to achieve a poll/form builder. You could look at their code too assuming its not packed.
hope this helps.
