I need to create a installer package which application i developed using flex air. Now how can i create a installer package of this application?
Main menu -> Project -> Export release build
It will make you an .air installation file of your app.
I need to create windows service from installed components from the installer created with the Qt Installer Framework. Is there any way to handle for each of the components has been installed or not and create a windows service for them. Found this article but it`s not bringing an example.
I have a javafx application and i have built it using netbeans. I am able to create a desktop shortcut for the application. But what i need is a new empty folder on the desktop while installing the application. Is it possible?
I have tried adding mkdir dir=${user.home}/Desktop/new folder in the post-deploy tag of build file but it creates the folder before installing the application.
I just got CS5 master suite which includes Flash Builder 4 and Flash CS5 Pro.
When I create a new AIR app in CS5 pro it says "AIR 2" but when I create a new AIR project in Flash Builder I do not see anything indicating that it is AIR 2 or 1.5?
Is there a way to tell which AIR runtime it is using?
I think you'll have to download the SDK and st it up yourself; but Flash Builder should work fine:
How to overlay the Adobe AIR SDK for use with the Flex SDK
Copy the contents an existing Flex SDK folder to a new folder. For
example, in Flex Builder, copy the
following folder located at:
* Windows: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0
* Mac OS: /Applications/Adobe Flex Builder
Download the appropriate AIR SDK file for your operating system and
save it to the root folder of the Flex
* Windows: AIR20_win_sdk_XXXXXX.zip
* Mac OS: AIR20_mac_sdk_XXXXXX.tbz2
Extract the contents of the AIR SDK archive and overwrite the existing
SDK files in the copied folder.
* Windows: Right-click on the ZIP file and select "Extract All"
or use the decompression tool of your
* Mac OS: In Terminal, cd to the root folder of the Flex SDK and
run this command:
* tar jxvf AIR20_mac_sdk_XXXXXX.tbz2
If you have trouble overwriting files due to file
permissions, try this command
sudo tar jxvf AIR20_mac_sdk_XXXXXX.tbz2
In Flex or Flash Builder, open the Properties dialog and choose the
Flex Compiler page
Click the Configure Flex SDKs... link
Add the combined Flex and AIR 2 SDK folder created above
Use this SDK for any projects accessing AIR 2 APIs.
To update this for the production release; go downlod your preferred version of the Flex SDK at http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Downloads and download the AIR 2 SDK at http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=airsdk .
Overlay the two using the instructions above (1-3); then configure the new SDK in Flash Builder (also using the instructions above (4-7).
Update: Since my original post of this; Flex 4.1 SDK was released which includes the relevant AIR 2 bits. You can get it here
The fastest way to use AIR 2 is to download a new version of the Flex framework. I've downloaded version from here and it comes with AIR 2 already installed.
Today Adobe release the stable version of AIR 2 SDK so probably they come up with a new stable release of the Flex SDK.
I've been having trouble exporting Adobe Flex using Adobe Air. I can't find the runnable application Air, and so when I export something to be opened in air it can't be opened. I'm on a Mac Powerbook G4 running OS 10.5.8. Help?
If you are using the Export Release Build feature in Flex Builder then it will ask you where you want to create the .air file at. That .air file is your installer. You can use an AIR Install badge (see Tour de Flex for an example) to create a web page installer for the Air app.
I am using the linux Flex builder with eclipse 3.3 on my ubuntu 8.04 machine for the very first time, and I need to modify a preexisting flex project. How do I import this project (its version controlled branch of the flex project) to my eclipse environment.
I have tried creating a new flex project in eclipse and linking the source folder to it, but it does not work.
Any pointers?
when all else fails just create a new flex project of the correct type, exit eclipse and copy the project files over to that folder .. restart builder and you'll be up
You should be able to install Eclipse plugins for SVN (or whatever SCM you are using) and then check out the project. If that doesn't work then try to import it (File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace). If that doesn't work then create a new Flex Project pointed at the base directory for your project.