I am using the linux Flex builder with eclipse 3.3 on my ubuntu 8.04 machine for the very first time, and I need to modify a preexisting flex project. How do I import this project (its version controlled branch of the flex project) to my eclipse environment.
I have tried creating a new flex project in eclipse and linking the source folder to it, but it does not work.
Any pointers?
when all else fails just create a new flex project of the correct type, exit eclipse and copy the project files over to that folder .. restart builder and you'll be up
You should be able to install Eclipse plugins for SVN (or whatever SCM you are using) and then check out the project. If that doesn't work then try to import it (File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace). If that doesn't work then create a new Flex Project pointed at the base directory for your project.
I have a javafx application and i have built it using netbeans. I am able to create a desktop shortcut for the application. But what i need is a new empty folder on the desktop while installing the application. Is it possible?
I have tried adding mkdir dir=${user.home}/Desktop/new folder in the post-deploy tag of build file but it creates the folder before installing the application.
When I create a Java Web project in NetBeans and select a Framework, in this case Spring Web MVC, only two options appear:
Version 4.0.1
Version 3.2.7
You can do this in Netbeans:
Download the Spring Framework you need from here
Extract the contents of the archive and copy the contents of the lib directory to your netbeans location e.g /home/stanley/netbeans-8.2/java/modules/ext/spring-(version) e.g 5.1.4
On your netbeans go to Tools > Libraries > New Library
Name your Library as Spring Framework (version) e.g 5.1.4 and add all the jars from the location in 2 above.
Restart your netbeans application.
You should have the new Framework as shown in the diagram below:
The easiest way to create a new spring project is using Spring Initializr. All you need to do is fill in the form, download the project, unzip it and open in NetBeans.
Regardless of a language and IDE, it is usually good idea to create a new project based on a standard build-tool for the language's ecosystem and avoid creating an IDE-specific project. That makes it easier to share the project with people who use a different IDE and switch your IDE in the middle of the project.
There are several build-tools for Java ecosystem but I'd suggest to pay attention to two of them: Maven and Gradle. Those are most widespread and supported by IDEs.
NetBeans supports Maven out of box. It supports Gradle too but in 8.2 you are supposed to install a support plugin for Gradle (from Tools -> Plugins menu).
You can generate a new Maven or Gradle project using NetBeans. Select corresponding menu item when selecting the type of the project.
Then you will have to add the dependencies of the project to its descriptor (pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle). See the documentation for the build-tool of your choice to understand how exactly to do that.
Spring provides Spring Initializr service to generate a new project based on spring's libraries. It is the easiest way for a quick start.
Since you are using Netbeans and it supports Maven out of the box, you can get an existing Maven archetype to setup a basic Spring application for you to start from.
Although there isn't any official archetype, there are a lot of really nice 3rd party ones like https://github.com/kolorobot/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype
The steps to start a new project are quite fast and straight forward (Netbeans 11)
File -> New Project -> Java with Maven -> Project from archetype
In the search filter enter spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype, enter your project details and click Finish
I downloaded Qt 5.4 and created Qt Quick application with Qt Quick Controls 1.3.
I didn't change anything in code, just built it (as release). Then I copied .exe to another folder, added all the .dll files I needed and when I launched my program there was no window, just the program process running in the Task manager.
However, I can launch program which uses QtQuick 1.1.
How can I fix it?
Here is an image for some more explanation:
Try to deploy your application using The Windows Deployment Tool which copies all DLL and other files necessary for deployment alongside your application executable automatically.
The Windows Deployment Tool could be found in QTDIR/bin/windeployqt.exe
Open your command prompt and add the path to your Qt directory and it's bin folder to the PATH variable like :
set PATH= path\to\Qt\bin
Next run the windows deployment tool with your application path as the argument:
windeployqt.exe <path-to-app-binary>
This way you make sure that the deployed application would work on any computer and you have included whatever necessary.
Sounds like you are missing the platform plugin. It should be in the folder of the executable, in a platforms subfolder. That's why you aren't getting a window - the runtime fails to load the platform support plugin. On windows that should be a qwindows.dll file.
I have a locally developed flex application which i would now deploy on a live server. Those are the constraints:
Using blazeDS with java code
Code depends on other project in eclipse
the other project has several dependencies on 3rd party libs.
Using some external flash .swc libs
some web.xml settings are custom
In another post the structure for the exported folder is explained:
What needs to be in a .war file to deploy a Flex application?
In the default usage of Flash Builder i can create a release build and store it somewhere. This will create the release version of all the flex content.
I now want to export the .war file within the export function of eclipse and here comes the problem:
How can i exclude the files not needed in the war file. There is a debug build of the flex app and some other files i do not need.
How can i automatically insert the dependend libs of the imported eclipse project to the web-inf lib folder. When i try to export the release the function sais that the imported eclispe project cannot be created by the release process but it is within the lib folder of web-inf on .war export except the dependencies.
Can somebody point me to the documententation of flashbuilder regarding exportinmg and deployment.
Maybe i need an ANT process to optimize that. What do you think?
Thank you
For everything you just said, there are 2 ways of doing it:
1) Create it manually by copy pasting what you need in your war file into a folder, removing what isn't needed then create said war file using command line.
2) Create an automation script that does it all for you. This could be ANT or Maven (I personally prefer Maven for it's dependency management).
The latter is the enterprise way of doing it because it's easy to run ("mvn clean install war") and you can attach the script to an automation engine (like hudson, bamboo, teamcity, etc) which can then compile/test/deploy everything something is committed to your source control.
I need to create a installer package which application i developed using flex air. Now how can i create a installer package of this application?
Main menu -> Project -> Export release build
It will make you an .air installation file of your app.