CSS for widgets in gwt - css

i have few listbox widget, and i need to change the color of the arrow that opens the drop down list, and its surrounding box
how can i do it with the CSS?
is there an attribute list for all styles that can be applied on a widget?

The javadoc for GWT specifies what styles you get by default on each of the Widgets:
See ListBox javadoc page, it states that it has the .gwt-ListBox { } style. For this particular style GWT doesn't have any property defined.
Open the css file inside your applications "war" folder and paste .gwt-ListBox { }, then put any CSS property you want to use inside that style, like .gwt-ListBox {
color: red;
You should probably notice that ListBox is using a select HTML element (have a look at the generated HTML code), and AFAIK you cannot style the color of the arrow, as it is browser dependent.
If you really need to do that you are going to have to try more complicated things like the ones suggested in here, but this involves doing some javascript hackery.

FWIW, I had a quasi-related problem, which may or may not help you. I needed to be able to set the color of the text in the label of a checkbox programmatically, depending on where the checkbox was in a list of checkboxes and a couple of other factors.
It turned out to be possible to construct the checkbox with some html, roughly like this (sorry, currently away from my code): "new CheckBox(new Html(""));
Hope that helps at all; I don't know for sure that the ListBox enables construction with additional html. And it took a bunch of experimentation to figure out exactly what worked in there. But now it does.


Styling the submit button on multiple forms 8.2

I am using Kentico 8.2 and running into the issue where I need to have different styles for my forms. I have been able to alter the input attributes without a problem, and thereby create different styling for the forms in the site. However, I cannot get the .FormButton to change style if attached to my CSS for the button, ie .newPage .FormButton { background:red color:white }.
Is there another way to populate a CSS on top of the form button in 8.2 without having to add a class attribute in the code behind?
You don't have to touch the code behind. You can just wrap the form in a div with a CSS class using either content before/after or a web part container and leverage CSS Specificty by creating a more specific CSS selector including your new class (e.g. .myRedForm). The resulting selector would look something like this: .newPage .myRedForm .FormButton { background:red color:white }. The last resort would be using the !important directive which I would rather avoid.
Best way to do this is to render the form on a page and inspect the element by using F12 or FireBug. Either one will allow you to view the source and inspect the elements in order for you to get your selector to style it accordingly.
You can also specify a css class by creating your form layout manually and adding CSS around the button. Not ideal because you'd have to build your forms manually each time.

How to to customize GWT components style?

I'm developing a multi-module application using GWT 2.5.1. I'm not using any GWT theme. I want to customize the style for some of the GWT widgets, for example Button and CheckBox.
I see two solutions:
Write a CSS file loaded in the application (link in the HTML page). The CSS will contain CSS rules using GWT defined names, like .gwt-Button for buttons and .gwt-CheckBox, .gwt-CheckBox-disabled for checkboxes. This solution don't takes the advantage of CSS optimizations made by the GWT compiler.
Use a CssResource and set the style name each time I use a Button or a Checkbox. This solution will take advantage of CSS optimizations but it requires to set the style name every time I create a new Widget.
There are other solutions? Which is the correct one?
You can put those styles in a CssResource as well.
Just put #external on top of those styles in your css file, and you are good to go.
For example:
#external gwt-DatePicker;
.gwt-DatePicker {
Hope it helps.
Other solution: Button is html element button and Checkbox an html element input[type=checkbox]. So you could set styles on those elements and use css selectors for specific states. i.e. button:disabled. That way you won't have to set style names, or don't have lots of extra style names and use cleaner css.
You could subclass whatever widgets you want to style (e.g. MyButton), and have your subclass either just add a style name to each widget that gets created, or do the styling inline using calls to this.setWidth(), this.getElement().getStyle.setXXX.
Also, what optimizations does the GWT compiler perform on CSS? I know that it will obfuscate style names to avoid collisions, but I'm not sure CSS is even able to be optimized?
I would personally use emanuele's solution, but just to offer an alternative: you can use a widget's getElement() method to access style names directly, so if you really want to, you can override the style names with ones you created. This gets rather difficult, however, with larger widgets and panels that have multiple styles.

gwt how to use setStyleName(String style, boolean add) - for a gwt standard widget

I want to style/mark a MenuItem in GWT MenuBar. So i have some logic that adds a style name to a menu item (the logic is working properly).
mItem.setStyleName("menuItemMarked", true);
with this set getStyleName yields "gwt-MenuItem menuItemMarked" as expected.
But how to use/apply this style in css (at the moment i put css in uibinder.xml)? (as you may see i am not a css expert)
update: what i tried is that.
.menuItemMarked{background-color: yellow}
this is not working. if i call "inspect element"(chrome) i can see "class="gwt-MenuItem menuItemMarked" but i can not find the style "menuItemMarked" in the list of applied styles?!
Where are you specifying your CSS?
If your code is located within your code packages, it is likely being obfuscated by the GWT compiler. This applies to <ui:style> blocks in .ui.xml files, and .css files included in ClientBundles.
In this case, you will want to check out Programmatic Access to Inline Styles from the GWT docs. This will allow you to change your code to:
mItem.setStyleName(style.menuItemMarked(), true);
Alternatively, you can tell GWT to not obfuscate certain CSS classes. Here is a detailed answer to a similar question
Finally, if GWT does not touch your CSS file (it is being served from your server like other files), then you will need to make sure that your file is being included in your page properly. Your browser's dev tools should be able to help with that.
Make sure you specify correct selector name in your css. In this case you need to have following:
.gwt-MenuItem.menuItemMarked {
background-color: yellow;
Since gwt-MenuItem remains the first class name in the list it takes precedence over any styles (incl. background-color) defined in the subsequent classes. The only way to overrule this is to define styles with more specific selector like above. Check this link out for more detailed explanation.

Drupal: Calendar navigator, placement

It's the red marked "navigator" I am talking about. I need to move them away so they don't mess up my design. I have tried to change a lot of different settings without no success.
Here is the View for it:
What should I do?
I am using the following themes: Pixture Reloaded 7.x-2.2 and AT Core 7.x-2.2
Modules: Calendar, chaos tools, views, date modules..
It is obvious some mix up in css. It is a large possibility that elements created by calender inherit some css properties.
Easy fix is to view the source code of he page. Using FireBug(for firefox) or some alternative will make it easier to find. You will find some css rules being applied to your menu. Just try to enable and disable some css rules and see what happens.
When you find mischief just write a css function with higher priority which would negate that other global rule.
I got the same problem and i solved just yesterday hacking some css. I share you here what i have done in my case that i think i will help you also or at least work around there.
First to fixing the big buttons of the calendar navigation you should look in your theme css files at some css class called "ul.pager li a" or "ul.pager li span" there must be a property like "display:block" that is causing this buttons see that way. i just commented that property and they look as normal them should be.
In my case the theme css file was "navigation.css" and this property inside that file is found at line 375. Maybe in yours could be similar, anyway you can check and find where is using the firebug extension for firefox inspecting that buttons.
Second for fix the position of this navigation buttons is something similar but in the css file of the calendar module itself, after modifying the core css file of the module i recommend you to override it placing a copy of it in your template css folder and declaring it on the .info file of the template. In my case the file was calendar_multiday.css, in the line 778 and 818 there are the classes ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-prev" and ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-next" inside them with the property "right" and "left" i controlled the positions where must be this buttons.
This is the work around on how i solved it, hope this works for you also but if not anyway the problem is close there.

jQuery UI datepicker - css class for datepicker's pop-up

Does anyone know how do I specify that jQuery UI's datepicker will have my own CSS class?
I'm not talking about the div\input that the datepicker is "made on", rather about the pop-up that comes up when you open up the datepicker.
This div's id is: ui-datepicker-div
I can define my own styles for that pop-up using
.ui-datepicker { blah }
but, what if I have several datepickers, and want different styles for each?
I can't even do something like
.myContainer .ui-datepicker { blah }
Since the datepicker's div is added by jQuery such that it is right under "body" in the DOM. That's why I'm asking if there is a way to specify to jQuery UI to add my own class to that div, sort of like the "dialogClass" option that exists with jQuery UI's dialog ...
You are correct that there is only one actual datepicker UI element on the page, but you could use the beforeShow event to add a class or change a theme for different elements. I added a small demo here that changes the border for different datepickers. You could add in other styles as you need. Might even be possible to swap to different jquery themes with enough effort :-)
I don't think it is possible with a simple option, but it is possible i think, the code can be seen here.
You should be able to see where the classes are set, I'm no javascript guru, but it should be possible to do something like this:
Datepicker.prototype._currentClass = Datepicker.prototype._currentClass + '-theme1';
then define a class as ui-datepicker-current-day-theme1
Somebody may correct me though!
By default JQuery UI doesn't support multiple calendar styles on 1 page. It could be possible to alter the datepicker component to include it, but you would have to take the time to figure out how to modify the javascript.
