Persisting data cross domains? - http

I have 2 applications, each in different domains. When a user comes to the first application, clicks a link, the user is sent to the second application.
My problem is as follows: I need to persist a sessionId from the first application to the second application. Simple enough but here's the catch. I can't use query string and I can't use cookies(since in different domains). I was thinking, is there a way to insert custom values into HTTP Headers or set some form values on an intermediate page which would then POST to the second application? So the process would be as follows:
User clicks a link on the first page, this takes the user to an "intermediate" page, this "intermediate" page sets a sessionId value in the form or http Header, then the "intermediate" page sends the user to the second application via a POST where the app will have the sessionId.
I can't use a Server.Transfer since the app is not on the same server. Help?

This is how Microfot tried to do it Does Issuing Passports Make Microsoft a Country?.

You could try and make a secure SOAP or XML request with a secure token referencing a session id you stored for the user in a shared database. You could then load the user's session based on that session id stored in the db if a match is found.

One way that you could do it is to use webservices. Before the user is to switch sites, you could give the user an unique authentication token that has been agreed upon prior to leaving.
Another thing you could do (this is not a great solution, but it works) is to use frames, and to send the child frame information through javascript (login information). I really don't like this method, because it presents so many problems that its best avoided.
What I mean:
Web services: Communicate with the other site to say "this user is currently logged in here," you can do this at login (depends how much you trust the other domain), or you can do it when the user requests to leave
Giving the user an authentication token: You can post it as a form element. Or if you had an agreement with both domains you could send it to a URL that could later be interpreted as a rediection service+authentication token confirmation portion. I.E.:

Use OpenID. It's designed for this purpose (common authentication to web sites on multiple domains). The protocol's been under development for years and has probably encountered and solved a lot of the problems you'd be likely to run into if you roll your own solution.


Not handling authentication, but need claims and cookie

I am creating a new MVC 5 application. Authentication is handled by a third party using smart cards. Once a user is authenticated by the third party, I am sent the user's unique ID (inside the http header) which I match up against my database in order to find relevant information about said user (roles, display name, etc.).
Currently, on every page request, the sent user ID is compared against the database, and checks are performed to ensure the user has the proper permissions to view the requested page. While this works, it sure seems like a bunch of needless database hits when all the user information could just be stored in a cookie.
If I was using Individual User Accounts for authentication, what I am looking to do would simply be built in using Identity and OWIN. But since I am not handling the authentication, but merely the authorization, is there a way to use all the nice features of Identity and OWIN (claims and cookies specifically)? If not, how might one go about this?
Also, of particular interest to me is when a role is added or removed. Using OWIN with Individual User Accounts, updating the cookie is as simple as logging the user out, and then back in immediately in the background. That functionality would also be desired for any solution presented.
Any insight would be extremely helpful. Thanks for reading!
You could do what you're asking by directly storing values in a custom cookie, but for your purposes it sounds to me like you might be more interested in utilizing sessions to track that info. This will keep all of your actual data stored server-side, which is more secure as it isn't vulnerable to cookie modification and it allows you more freedom to control the state (for your role example, you wouldn't have to "update" the cookie at all, just update the session variable on the server side to add or remove the role as needed).
Figured it out. Found a great article that really helped: cookies being shared between instances on same browser (formsauthentication)

Hi so this probably has a very simple answer..
So my question is I'm using formsauthentication with webmatrix in razor pages.. what my application does is let one user have multiple "subscriptions" and when the user logs in they get to select what "subscription" they want to log in as now the problem is I want the user to be able to have two windows open and have different "subscriptions" on each window.
If I'm storing the current subscription in the session cookie then they will always be the same subscription.
Is there a way to distinct the two browsers? (Keep in mind this is not a one page website so I do need to have some way of storing the subscription id so I can show the right data for that specific instance)
I don't think you'll be able to do it with the basic aspxauth cookie, since it is issued per user, i.e. per log in. The same with the session cookie, which is shared between the browser instances. Since you support multiple "subscriptions" per user, you'd have to track them manually in each page post.

Need to restrict the user to a single browser session

I have built an ASP.Net MVC site using Forms Authentication for a client.
Recently, they have requested that an authenticated user be restricted to a single browser session. That is, if the user raises a new browser instance, or opens a new tab on the original browser window, that he/she be logged out of the original. They insist on the added security.
Does anyone know how I might approach this? Thanks in advance.
Personally, I would push back and ask exactly what security this is bringing. Maintaining state like this counter to web architecture and is only going to bring you and your users grief.
Here is what I would do if presented with this problem:
Store the username of the user in your database (i.e. LoggedOn table).
When a user logs on, check to see if their username is already present in the LoggedOn table.
If the user isn't already logged on, insert a row into the table with the username and the current time; otherwise present the user with a message informing them that they can only log into the system from one device at a time.
Include logic to expire and delete the rows in the table if a user's session expires or if the user logs out.
First a disclaimer: I'm no expert in web programming.
Perhaps you might try a system where every user interaction requires the submission of a random value that's been generated for that page (much like what's used for CSRF protection.) That key could be kept under the user's session information on the server, and if a page is ever requested without the correct key as a URL parameter, the session is invalidated. The URL from one browser won't work in another, either, since once a URL is gone to, the user's session key has changed. The only way for a user to transfer a session between tabs would be to copy the URL of an unclicked link and paste it in a new tab's address bar. Switching browsers would be even more complex assuming that ASP.Net uses a session cookie: the user would have to transfer the cookie from one browser to another. Going back would also fail, as all the links on the previous page, and the URL for the page, would carry an incorrect session key.
Also, for reference, I believe the US Gov't TreasuryDirect site works in the way you've described, though I've never looked at how they manage it.
Thanks, people for the suggestions. Each had strong merits, however I had to take a hybrid approach. I found an incredibly simple suggestion from this post.
I implemented table of active users as Karl suggested as well. This will give the client the ability of deactivating the user on demand.
Thanks again.
Think of it as one active view at a time instead of one browser or tab. Or convince the customer to view it this way.
You can always issue a unique cookie for the browser session (ASP.NET Session) and allow communication to the latest cookie issued effectively making only one session active at a time, and therefore rendering other open sessions (browsers, tabs, etc) useless with the app by disallowing them communication any longer or serving up an error page for them. To do so you have to recognize who the user is and authenticate them against your app. This is half the puzzle and will force the user down to use your app in only a single browser at a time on their machine.
The other part of the problem is to pare down the windows and tabs that are part of the same browsing session of that browser, to allow only one view to be active at a time. To do so you can issue a unique sequential ID to the viewstate of each page for postback to the server to uniquely identify that page apart from other pages sharing the same session state (whether that page be in a browser tab, a frame or new window, etc). Or a code of your choice that's traceable. You then know which page is posting back within the session and can disallow others or deactivate previous ones by, again, shutdown down communication in some manner or serving up an error page, etc.
A new browser instance or a new tab may or may not be part of the same browsing session depending on how the browser is configured. I believe, for example, IE provides a setting that allows the behaviour to be set of whether a tab opens in a new process or session or shares the session. You won't necessarily get expected consistency across browsers to rely on for this feature, therefore you need to take programming steps to reign it in, like those described above.
You can additional steps like disallowing the user to be connected from a different IP# at the same time.

ASP.NET Session Management - User Decides Cookies Or HttpSessionState

I am working on a small web application right now and part of the requirements is to allow the user to pick how their session will be managed: with either cookies or HttpSessionState. I have researched how to use cookies ( and Sessions ( I will be using non-persistent cookies.
The application will collect some data about the user (name, age, school) and take this session data and display messages on another page depending on the data that the user entered.
The thing I am having problems with is how to deal with how the user will pick the management. That information is also part of the session! The selection will be checked on every page on the web application.
I have researched globals ( but that is not a good method because it can be shared among different users which is not what I want! Correct me if I am wrong. How can I store this data temporarily through the session without actually using a session or a cookie?
Is it even possible to do this with cookies and sessions being mutually exclusive?
At the end of the day, you should save it somewhere. This option if it is not persistent, as it may be asked/changed by every time user visits the web site, the easiest way is to save it in a hidden html field. As user submits the forms, the value will be passed to the next page if you are using html forms. Or you can retrieve the value and send it manually in (e.g. Transfer).
You may use ViewState (not recommended) as well. If the information should be persister for future, try using User Profiles in and save it as a custom field in database. This one is really cumbersome.

How to validate postback data in web applications

Consider a hypothetical bank application, where we have accounts and some group of admins. Each admin has modification rights on some of accounts. To save modifications done for an account, application sends account id on edit page. A admin can change post request by using tools like fiddler. If he/she changes account id to some account id on which he/she is not authorized. Then what is the best way to detect it.
What strategy should I use to re-validate every piece of data for authorization on post-back? My concern is more towards design, not code.
In other words, how real world applications make sure that even if user is changing postback request from any tool, application is able to detect it.
Should I re-validate every piece of data for authorization on post-back?
Yes, that is correct. You should start with a 'All input is evil' philosophy and then prove that statement incorrect by validating each data point. If your entire data doesn't pass your validation, then your input is indeed evil.
Smart web applications employ both client-side and server-side validation. Client-side validation to quickly alert user on whats wrong/missing without making a server round trip and server-side validation to make sure that wrong data doesn't fall through the cracks even if someone 'fiddles' with the client side validation code (and overrides it).
Unfortunately, encrypting the data on client side won't work as then you have the keys on the client side (in JS code) as well. That won't prevent a malicious user to encrypt a malicious payload. Also obfuscations like hidden field etc. are inefficient for a malicious attacker. FYI, you don't even require fiddler to change fields/post params etc. - all you require is a firebug extension.
The mantra is "Validate every thing on server side". Period.
For Critical Applications Like Banking, i will suggest follwing security steps
1) Send Encrypted Account ID
2) Keep that account id in a hidden field and when user post data take account id from hidden field not form the textbox or label.
3) re-validate every piece of data for authorization on post-back.

