Can I make QCompleter complete inline and show a popup - qt

Qt 4.5 (PyQt 4.6.1)
I'm looking for a widget similar to a QComboBox that automatically filters its entries to the ones starting with the input in the text field. There are around 300 items in the combo box.
I've tried two approaches:
QLineEdit with QCompleter
Filtering the items works.
Doesn't show a popup if the text field is empty.
Doesn't do inline completion.
Allows to insert items not in the list.
Editable QComboBox with insertion set to no
Nice popup
Completes inline in the text field.
No filtering
Input is only possible in either the text field or the popup. Clicking on the popup doesn't select the best-matching item in the popup.
What I need
A popup to select the items.
Slow tippers should be able to start tipping the name of an item and the popup switches to the best matching one.
Preferably I should filter the items so that only partially-matching items are shown.

Concerning you first try with QLineEdit, you can set the completionMode to do it inline.
For your second try, you can add a QCompleter object to you QCombBox in order to filter your items as you want.The QCompleter member of the QComboBox is to offer an easy way to use QCompleter.
Anyway, if you are not satisfied with this method, you can manage a QCompleter object by yourself. This allows you to choose how item list is display (using any views) and to define items order in the list. See basic QCompleter details.


Does Qt have combo boxes like Word?

In Microsoft Word, if you want to use Bullets you have a combo box (If we can call it a combo box) to select the shape of the bullet (by clicking the little triangle) or you can just apply the default one by clicking the combo box's button.
Actually the combo box in Word has two parts. For an example let's consider a situation where I want to have a combo box in Qt that has these items as menu items:
"Restart", "Shutdown" and "Log off". User needs to choose one of them but he also can apply previously selected item by clicking its button exactly like Windows shutdown menu in start. You can click Shut down or select another option.
How can we achieve this in Qt?
If you are pursuing after a menu that looks like in the second picture, you can use QToolButton to achieve your goal. Use a QToolButton with popupMode set to MenuButtonPopup. It will render a control something similar to following.
Then you can style the look & feel further more using Qt Style Sheets. Read this example on how to style a QToolButton.
Create a QMenu dynamically, so you can attach it to the QToolButton at run-time in such a way that all items will be included in the menu except for the default item. Default action has to be assigned to the QToolButton itself.
You can use void QToolButton::setMenu (QMenu * menu) to assign a QMenu to your QToolButton at run-time.
If you are trying to design a control that is in your 1st screenshot, you will have to create a custom Qt control I guess. There is no default control available, which can yield that look & feel out of the box.

Customizing the checkboxes of the items of a QTreeView

I'm having the following situation: I need to create a custom tree control, whose checkboxes are also customized. I have easily made most of the customizations for the tree control by using style sheets; I have succeeded adding checkboxes to the QTreeView's items, but I'm having big problems with customizing them - I need to display a custom image for the checked state, and another for the unchecked state.
The place I concluded this can be done is in my subclass of QStyledItemDelegate, in the paint event (i.e. CheckBoxItemDelegate::paint). What I need is to display the text, the icon, and the checkbox for the item. But the problems are:
- I can't get the style of the item (which I set using the stylesheet) - otherwise my text can be drawn with the incorrect color;
- I don't know the rects of each subitem (the checkbox, the icon, the text);
- I don't know how to get the icon of an item (given its QModelIndex) to draw it.
P.S. I had subclassed the QTreeView (obviously), and, as I am working with QFileSystemModel, I have subclassed it too in order to add the checkbox functionality to it.
Can anybody help me, please?
Is QStyledItemDelegate::paint the proper place for changing the visuals of the checkbox of the tree items? If yes, can you please give me a small example or something, how I can do that?
This is how I rendered checkable items inside a QTreeView with two images (eye opened/eye closed, to represent their visibility state) instead of a checkbox:
"QTreeView::indicator:unchecked {image: url(:/icons/eye_grey.png);}"
"QTreeView::indicator:checked {image: url(:/icons/eye.png);}"
Items should be set as checkable, of course. Hope this helps.

How to use Qt's Model-View programming

I'm trying to display some cards into a QListView but I'm really having trouble understanding how to use Qt's model/view pattern, and I can't find any simple examples.
Basically, I have two classes:
Card - my "model" which contains the name of the card, id, etc.
CardWidget - can load and render a Card object (display the card name and other info)
So how can I use Card and CardWidget to display a list of cards into a ListView? Do I need to change something to my classes, or should QListView be able to display them directly?
If someone could show me the basic steps or point me in the right direction that would be perfect.
See the documentation of QAbstractItemDelegate, which has an example of rendering items in a QTableView.
Its not obvious what you are trying to do here - in a list view, you can render a view of an item which is not the same as having a widget in every cell.
An item delegate can provide a widget as an editor and also how to render a cell's contents.
If you actually want fixed widgets in the view, you could use QListView::openPersistentEditor on all the cells you want a fixed widget for. The item delegate should outline how to create an editor for the cell in question.

click feature in Qt

I just want to clarify, weather the feature is present or not in Qt.
The scenario is like this,
I have a list view with items, I want to place the icon to the listview when the item is selected.
The selection I mean is, first time when I click item should be selected, next time if I click the same item then it should display some icon. Please note
It is not the double click. again if do select some other item same feature should continue
So is there any feature which handles this feature by default, any property or flag which I need to set to listview to behave like this or manual implementation
Is required for this.
No problem (: Now I understand what you mean... So if you click on an item it should be selected (for example highlighted in blue) and then when you click on this item again, an icon should be displayed.
I can't think of a regualar way to do this, there is no such flag or something.
The easiest way I can think of would be to store the index in a QList when you select it. And when you deselect it, you delete the index from the list. SO, when you click on an item you can check if it is in that list and if so you can display your icon.
Another way would be to create your own type of QModelIndex. Everytime, this index is selected, you set a bool like is_already_selected on true. When clicking on this item again you check this bool and then decide whether an icon should be displayed or not.
For further information, see: QListView, QAbstractItemView::currentIndex, QModelIndex

Advanced DataGrid Flex 3 - ItemRenderer and Tree display

I am using Advanced DataGrid of Flex 3 with hierarchical data. The itemRenderer is a TextInput which accepts numbers. When I enter data into the given field and click the corresponding expand tree icon for the row, I want the amount entered in tree node should get cascaded to its child rows. But I found the nature of advanced DataGrid erroneous.
When I enter data and click on tree icon, the data is not populated in child windows unless i wont take the focus out from the editing control.
I tried using itemEditEnd, itemFocusOut etc but of no use. I have to explicitly click on any of the other columns and then expand tree.
Am I making any mistake anywhere?
I found solution to my problem, its bit ugly but it works. I had to register two events for textinput as follows
addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, allocateAmount);
addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, allocateAmount);
and then by using IViewCursor I could able to update data.
