Calculate a Vector that lies on a 3D Plane - math

I have a 3D Plane defined by two 3D Vectors:
P = a Point which lies on the Plane
N = The Plane's surface Normal
And I want to calculate any vector that lies on the plane.

Take any vector, v, not parallel to N, its vector cross product with N ( w1 = v x N ) is a vector that is parallel to the plane.
You can also take w2 = v - N (v.N)/(N.N) which is the projection of v into plane.
A point in the plane can then be given by x = P + a w, In fact all points in the plane can be expressed as
x = P + a w2 + b ( w2 x N )
So long as the v from which w2 is "suitable".. cant remember the exact conditions and too lazy to work it out ;)
If you want to determine if a point lies in the plane rather than find a point in the plane, you can use
x.N = P.N
for all x in the plane.

If N = (xn, yn, zn) and P = (xp, yp, zp), then the plane's equation is given by:
(x-xp, y-yp, z-zp) * (xn, yn, zn) = 0
where (x, y, z) is any point of the plane and * denotes the inner product.

And I want to calculate any vector
that lies on the plane.
If I understand correctly You need to check if point belongs to the plane?
You mast check if this equation: nx(x − x0) + ny(y − y0) + nz(z − z0) = 0 is true for your point.
where: [nx,ny,nz] is normal vector,[x0,y0,z0] is given point, [x,y,z] is point you are checking.
Now I'm understand Your question. You need two linearly independent vectors that are the planes base. Sow You need to fallow Michael Anderson answerer but you must add second vector and use combination of that vectors. More:


Panning via normal vector and plane

I have got a camera and the direction it is looking at. Therefore I can create a plane out of this direction vector if I take it as a normal vector. So now I want to move my camera which should be on this plane along the plane. Everything's in 3D but I couldn't come up with an idea how to do so. How can I implement the navigational method of panning - so moving in this specific plane?
To pan your camera to the left and to the right you need to know not only lookAt direction, but also up direction for the camera. Then you can calculate cross product of lookAt and upAxis and this gives you direction to the right, negated vector gives you direction to the left.
Definition: A vector N that is orthogonal to every vector in a plane is called a normal vector to the plane.
An equation of the plane containing the point (x0, y0, z0) with normal vector N = (A, B, C), is A(x − x0) + B(y − y0) + C(z − z0) = 0.
Note: The equation of any plane can be expressed as Ax + By + Cz = D.
This is called the standard form of the equation of a plane. From the eqn you can get any other point you want on the plane.
Example: A plane passing through the point P = (1, 6, 4) and the normal vector, R = (2, - 3, - 1). Then the eqn is,
2(x-1) - 3(y-6) - (z-4) = 0
=> 2x - 3y - z = -20

Get a plane's center X, Y, Z, Cartesian coordinates

I need to get a plane's center X, Y, Z, Cartesian coordinates. I have the plane's normal and its center point distance to origin.
I can place a point(s) anywhere and get the distance from it. I suppose that some kind of triangulation COULD be in order. Like placing three (or however many you need) points in some fashion to get a single point.
If your plane is given in the following form:
dot(x, n) = d
, then it's quite easy to get an x that lies on the plane. Assuming that n is a unit vector, then dot(n, n) = 1. So, dot(d * n, n) = d. So one point on the plane is d * n.

Distance from origin to plane (shortest)

So I was reading over something on this page (
The author mentioned
d = - D3DXVec3Dot(&vP1, &vNormal);
where vP1 is a point on the plane and vNormal is the normal to the plane. I'm curious as to how this gets you the distance from the world origin since the result will always be 0. In addition, just to be clear (since I'm still kind of hazy on the d part of a plane equation), is d in a plane equation the distance from a line through the world origin to the plane's origin?
In the generic case the distance between a point p and a plane can be computed by
<p - p0, normal>
where <a, b> is the dot product operation
<a, b> = ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz
and where p0 is a point on the plane.
When n is of unity length the dot product between a vector and it is the (signed) length of the projection of the vector on the normal
The formula you are reporting is just the special case when the point p is the origin. In this case
distance = <origin - p0, normal> = - <p0, normal>
This equality is formally wrong because the dot product is about vectors, not points... but still holds numerically. Writing down the explicit formula you get that
(0 - p0.x)*n.x + (0 - p0.y)*n.y + (0 - p0.z)*n.z
is the same as
- (p0.x*n.x + p0.y*n.y + p0.z*n.z)
Indeed a nice way to store a plane is to save the normal n and the value of k = <p0, n> where p0 is any point on the plane (the value of k is independent on which point you choose of the plane).
The result is not always zero. The result will only be zero if the plane goes through the origin. (Here let's assume the plane doesn't go through the origin.)
Basically, you are given a line from the origin to some point on the plane. (I.e. you have a vector from the origin to vP1). The problem with this vector is that most likely it's slanted and going to some far away place on the plane rather than to the closest point on the plane. So, if you simply took the length of vP1 you will get a distance that is too big.
What you need to do is get the projection of vP1 onto some vector that you know is perpendicular to the plane. That of course is vNormal. So take the dot product of vP1 and vNormal, and divide by the length of vNormal and you have the answer. (If they are kind enough to give you a vNormal that already is magnitude one, then no need to divide.)
You can work this out with Lagrange multipliers:
You know that the closest point on the plane must be of the form:
c = p + v
Where c is the closest point and v is a vector along the plane (which is thus orthogonal to n, the normal). You are trying for find the c with the smallest norm (or norm squared). So you are trying to minimized dot(c,c) subject to v being orthogonal to n (thus dot(v,n) = 0).
Thus, set up Lagrangian:
L = dot(c,c) + lambda * ( dot(v,n) )
L = dot(p+v,p+v) + lambda * ( dot(v,n) )
L = dot(p,p) + 2*dot(p,v) + dot(v,v) * lambda * ( dot(v,n) )
And take the derivative with respect to v (and set to 0) to get:
2 * p + 2 * v + lambda * n = 0
You can solve for lambda by in the equation above by dot producting both sides by n to get
2 * dot(p,n) + 2 * dot(v,n) + lambda * dot(n,n) = 0
2 * dot(p,n) + lambda = 0
lambda = - 2 * dot(p,n)
Note again that dot(n,n) = 1 and dot(v,n) = 0 (since v is in the plane and n is orthogonal to it). Then subtitute lambda back in to get:
2 * p + 2 * v - 2 * dot(p,n) * n = 0
and solve for v to get:
v = dot(p,n) * n - p
Then plug this back into c = p + v to get:
c = dot(p,n) * n
The length of this vector is |dot(p,n)| and the sign tells you whether the point is in the direction of the normal vector from the origin, or the reverse direction from the origin.

Calculating intersection point of two tangents on one circle?

I tried using a raycasting-style function to do it but can't get any maintainable results. I'm trying to calculate the intersection between two tangents on one circle. This picture should help explain:
I've googled + searched stackoverflow about this problem but can't find anything similar to this problem. Any help?
Well, if your variables are:
C = (cx, cy) - Circle center
A = (x1, y1) - Tangent point 1
B = (x2, y2) - Tangent point 2
The lines from the circle center to the two points A and B are CA = A - C and CB = B - C respectively.
You know that a tangent is perpendicular to the line from the center. In 2D, to get a line perpendicular to a vector (x, y) you just take (y, -x) (or (-y, x))
So your two (parametric) tangent lines are:
L1(u) = A + u * (CA.y, -CA.x)
= (A.x + u * CA.y, A.y - u * CA.x)
L2(v) = B + v * (CB.y, -CB.x)
= (B.x + v * CB.y, B.x - v * CB.x)
Then to calculate the intersection of two lines you just need to use standard intersection tests.
The answer by Peter Alexander assumes that you know the center of the circle, which is not obvious from your figure
Here is a solution without knowing the center:
The point C (in your figure) is the intersection of the tangent at A(x, y) with the line L perpendicular to AB, cutting AB into halves. A parametric equation for the line L can be derived as follows:
The middle point of AB is M = ((x+x2)/2, (y+y2)/2), where B(x2, y2). The vector perpendicular to AB is N = (y2-y, x-x2). The vector equation of the line L is hence
L(t) = M + t N, where t is a real number.

Rotation matrix that minimizes distance

Let's say I have two points in 3D space (a and b) and a fixed axis/unit vector called n.
I want to create a rotation matrix that minimizes the euclidan distance between point a (unrotated) and the rotated point b.
Q := matrix_from_axis_and_angle (n, alpha);
find the unknown alpha that minimizes sqrt(|a - b*Q|)
Btw - If a solution/algorithm can be easier expressed with unit-quaternions go ahead and use them. I just used matrices to formulate my question because they're more widely used.
Oh - I know there are some degenerated cases ( a or b lying exactly in line with n ect.) These can be ignored. I'm just looking for the case where a single solution can be calculated.
sounds fairly easy. Assume unit vector n implies rotation around a line parallel to n through point x0. If x0 != the origin, translate the coordinate system by -x0 to get points a' and b' relative to new coordinate system origin 0, and use those 2 points instead of a and b.
1) calculate vector ry = n x a
2) calculate unit vector uy = unit vector in direction ry
3) calculate unit vector ux = uy x n
You now have a triplet of mutually perpendicular unit vectors ux, uy, and n, which form a right-handed coordinate system. It can be shown that:
a = dot(a,n) * n + dot(a,ux) * ux
This is because unit vector uy is parallel to ry which is perpendicular to both a and n. (from step 1)
4) Calculate components of b along unit vectors ux, uy. a's components are (ax,0) where ax = dot(a,ux). b's components are (bx,by) where bx = dot(b,ux), by = dot(b,uy). Because of the right-handed coordinate system, ax is always positive so you don't actually need to calculate it.
5) Calculate theta = atan2(by, bx).
Your rotation matrix is the one which rotates by angle -theta relative to coordinate system (ux,uy,n) around the n-axis.
This yields degenerate answers if a is parallel to n (steps 1 and 2) or if b is parallel to n (steps 4, 5).
I think you can rephrase the question to:
what is the distance from a point to a 2d circle in 3d space.
the answer can be found here
so the steps needed are as following:
rotating the point b around a vector n gives you a 2d circle in 3d space
using the above, find the distance to that circle (and the point on the circle)
the point on the circle is the rotated point b you are looking for.
deduce the rotated angle
...or something ;^)
The distance will be minimized when the vector from a to the line along n lines up with the vector from b to the line along n.
Project a and b into the plane perpendicular to n and solve the problem in 2 dimensions. The rotation you get there is the rotation you need to minimize the distance.
Let P be the plane that is perpendicular to n.
We can find the projection of a into the P-plane, (and similarly for b):
a' = a - (dot(a,n)) n
b' = b - (dot(b,n)) n
where dot(a,n) is the dot-product of a and n
a' and b' lie in the P-plane.
We've now reduced the problem to 2 dimensions. Yay!
The angle (of rotation) between a' and b' equals the angle (of rotation) needed to swing b around the n-axis so as to be closest to a. (Think about the shadows b would cast on the P-plane).
The angle between a' and b' is easy to find:
dot(a',b') = |a'| * |b'| * cos(theta)
Solve for theta.
Now you can find the rotation matrix given theta and n here:
Jason S rightly points out that once you know theta, you must still decide to rotate b clockwise or counterclockwise about the n-axis.
The quantity, dot((a x b),n), will be a positive quantity if (a x b) lies in the same direction as n, and negative if (a x b) lies in the opposite direction. (It is never zero as long as neither a nor b is collinear with n.)
If (a x b) lies in the same direction as n, then b has to be rotated clockwise by the angle theta about the n-axis.
If (a x b) lies in the opposite direction, then b has to be rotated clockwise by the angle -theta about the n-axis.
