Convert to Master Page -

I have 3 ASP.Net pages. Each one has a form, a submit button, and a Javascript submit function, which it validates textbox data.
When I convert these 3 pages to Master Page/Content Page, what is the best way to merge three forms and submit functions?
Thanks in advance!

Just because multiple pages have forms doesn't mean the form processing logic should be refactored into a master page. In the codebehind of wherever a form is defined is typically the best place for the form processing logic to go.

If they only differ by the contents of the form, then put everything else into the Master page, and the form alone into each Content Page.
I'd leave the Submit method for each form in it's Content page's code-behind, because these will be independent of each other.
You could have them all link to the same javascript validation file, for neatness, and call different validation methods
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptReference Path="Validation.js" />
and have each form's Submit button call its own method, e.g.
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" OnClientClick="ValidateFormA" OnClick="Save" Text="Save" />

I would create a web user control to encapsulate the UI and functionality of the submit button, Javascript submit function, and textbox.
Then you could add the control to a master page if you wanted to.

You can put the submit function in the master page and make the content pages define per-page functions or variables that the submit function uses.
For more specific advice, please post more details.


can I run multiple server side forms in asp .net

In my project I want to run 2 forms in one webpage which is master page one is for contact us and one is for signup user. but multiple server side forms are not allowed. is there any solution for fix it?
You can use postback ability of Webforms.
You should create one button for singup and another one for contact. You can catch event in server side and you do what want to do.
You can create regular client side forms created using HTML in the master page, and use the Request.Form to read the posted data. For this to work, all the input elements must have a name, and you can read them using Request.Form["ElementName"].
Take into account that forms cannot be nested.
So, your master page needs to llok like this
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<form id="contact" action="Contact.aspx" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Message"/>
<input type="submit" value="Contact us!"/>
The first <form> is the regular ASP.NET server side form, which supports server side components
The second <form> is a custom HTML form. It doesn't have the runat="server" attribute, and it's outside the server side <form>.
The second form action points to a .aspx page. In its page load event you can use the Request.Form["Name"] to acces the name of the contact form. Note that you also need to include a submit button to send the data to the server, and a method="post" to specify the method to send the page.
This is resorting to "basic" HTML controls, so there is no View State, and the posted values will be lost if they're not reset in the server. I.e. if the form is posted, and there's an error, the previously posted values will be lost when rendering the page again.
If you want to make it more sophisticated you can use Javascript and, optionally AJAX. But that's a more complex solution. See this for an example.
ASP.NET Forms only supports one form. You could use an iFrame and render your second page (second form) inside of the iFrame.
Here is an interesting post about placing some page content after the tag. This may be helpful to you.

How can I refresh a dropdownlist during an event of another dropdownlist without refreshing whole web page?

I am developing my first website, my requirement is to refresh DropDownListB at SelectedIndexChanged event of DropDownListA, I have set AutoPostBack="True" for DropDownListA. Now the problem is whole web page gets refreshed, its unnecessary for me, is there any other technique that i can use to refresh only that control or only that panel rather than refreshing whole page?
Put the dropdowns inside
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server">
// Dropdowns
and include <asp:ScriptManager ID="sm" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager> at the top
1- You can simply place the dropdown in an UpdatePanel, this will avoid a complete post back.
You can get more details on UpdatePanel here
2- You can use jQuery AJAX to fetch the data in JSON format and bind it to the dropdown list, this approach is more efficient but little complex in comparison to UpdatePanel
You can find so many articles on this if you search this on google , like
You can find a similar implementation here

UpdatePanel update without trigger button

I have an UpdatePanel with ContentTemplate specified. When page loads, user can do some AJAX work in other part of the page. Then, after that work is finished, I would like to update only content inside UpdatePanel, but without pressing any buttons etc. I should be done automatically using JavaScript when previously started AJAX work finishes. How to do it without manual clicking on the trigger button?
Ok, I've followed that _doPostBack rule, and whole page is posted.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="panelAttachments" runat="server">
<input type="text" name="test" onchange="__doPostBack('<%=panelAttachments.UniqueID %>',''); return false;" />
Thanks, Pawel
To refresh an update panel from javascript:
The first parameter is the UniqueID (not CientID) of the UpdatePanel.The 2nd parameter is optional arguments you can pass which will be available to your server code. Both are stored in hidden form fields by ASP.NET, you can access them in codebehind:
But if you just want to refresh a panel and don't need to pass any additional info from the client, you can ignore then 2nd argument.
If you look at the HTML generated by ASP.NET for an async postback control, you'll see it's exactly this.

aspx: a form is always forwarded to the same page

on the page products.aspx i created a form:
<form id="send_info_form" method="post" action="send_email.aspx">
<input type="text" name="the_name />
<input type="submit" />
when i click on submit it's forwarded to the same page (products.aspx) and not to the page i set in action attribute of the form.
It looks like you have a misunderstanding about how ASP.NET's logic works- ASP.NET has a much different paradigm than PHP or ASP does.
It seems like you're taking more of an ASP classic or PHP approach of directly handling the landing pages of forms and POST values, which you no longer have to do. You shouldn't need a separate page to handle the logic of the form submission either; this is all handled by event handlers in the submitting page's codebehind.
Instead of handling input elements directly, you should use ASP.NET's server controls to handle all the inputs for you.
What you should be doing is:
In the Products.aspx page:
E-mail Address: <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtEmail" />
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSubmit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" Text="Submit" />
Note that there's no form tag required (besides the one already provided to you when you first make the ASPX page.
Since you're working with an object-oriented language with a business objects representing all of your HTML elements with ASP.NET, you don't have to handle reading from the POST values of the form directly.
In the codebehind for Products.aspx (I'm assuming C#, so Products.aspx.cs), add a method for btnSubmit_Click:
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string sendEmailTo = txtEmail.Text;
// insert mail sending logic here
In ASP.NET, the tag will by default always post itself to the same page. This allows you to handle any events in the codebehind in the ASPX page. It's not clear from your question what exactly you're trying to do. I can think of three possible scenarios:
1) You want to post back to the same page, and toggle visibility of UI elements (other panels, etc.) based on the result of the processing, or redirect the user to a second destination page once processing is complete. This is the most common scenario and the approach I recommend be taken, because it keeps all the logic regarding the processing of the form in one place.
2) You can specify a PostBackUrl to specify another (ASP.NET) page for button controls and whatnot. From there you can do the processing from elements on the first page on the second page using the PreviousPage property. See for more information.
3) If you have a separate page you wish to post to that you don't control that's not ASP.NET-based (i.e., another site's form, or a PHP/ASP3.0 site you run), things get significantly more difficult. ASP.NET puts everything in one giant elements. Since tags cannot reliably be embedded within each other in HTML, you will either have to do a silent POST manually from your codebehind, or use Javascript to quietly submit an ajax request upon submission.

Form tag on page

I have a web application that has a page that loads the content from the database. I want to be able to put a form in the dynamic content, but .net doesn't let the inside form perform it's action. Is there a way to allow this or some other way I can get a form on a dynamic content page?
I think I need to clarify something. This is an aspx page that loads content from the database. As far as I know, the text I pull from the db and stick in the Label is never compiled or processed by the .net wp, thus I can't use the code behind to fix this issue.
This is a common problem, when you want to have a non-postback form to a 3rd party site (like a PayPal button, for example).
The problem occurs because HTML doesn't let you have form within a form, and most ASP.NET pages have a <form runat="server" /> "high up" in the HTML (or in the Master page).
My favorite solution is to hide the "high up" form tag, while still showing all of the content. Then you can feel free to dump any tags you want in the body. If you do this dynamically you can choose on a page-by-page basis which pages have custom forms.
I created a class called GhostForm.cs to handle this. You can read all about it here:
There can only be one form on the page (the asp form); you have to use that form somehow.
To clarify, there can only be one form processed.
Not with webforms, no. You have to work within the one, full page form by using an event handler connected to a Button to LinkButton. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to do:
<asp:TextBox id="txtFoo" runat="server" />
<asp:Button id="btnFoo" runat="server" onclick="btnFoo_Click />
protected void btnFoo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string s = txtFoo.Text;
// do something with s
Dino Esposito has an article from MSDN magazine that covers handling multiple forms or "simulating" sub forms in ASP.Net that might just answer all your questions.
Any work around would be hacky and very ugly. By design uses a form tag to post and get data. This is why they call it a Web Forms Application. Html does not allow nested forms. What you want to do is use a WebRequest in your code behind.
If you are trying something like a paypal button you could simply use something like this.
<div id="PayPalButtonContainer" runat="server"></div>
Code Behind:
public static string GetPayPalButtonMarkup()
const string markup = #"
return markup;
PayPalButtonContainer.InnerHtml = string.format(GetPayPalButtonMarkup,"YOUR PAYPAL USER NAME", "YOUR PRICE VALUE");
you either have to deal with the postback by adding a server side click event handler to what you want to be the "sub forms" submit button (this is how web formas deals with multiple submit type buutons on the same page) or do soemthing clever with AJAX if you dont want a full post back
I've run across this issue before. One workaround that I have done is to place my code that I want my action to be done upon inside of an asp:Panel. With the panel you can set the attribute of "DefaultButton" to a button inside of the panel, and clicking the button (or pressing "enter") will fire that button's click event. I've found this quite handy when wanting to submit a "form" by pressing enter when I have a master page that contains the only allowable asp:Form.
Hope this helps.
When I first came across this problem, I found the simplest solution for me was to simple COPY and PASTE the Master page and give it a slightly different name, something like:
SiteNameMasterPage 'Default page with FORM tag
SiteNameMasterPageNF 'No Form tag
And then depending on wether I wanted a FORM tag or or not, simply change the masterpage link at the top of my CONTENT-PAGES, like this
<%# Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SiteName.master" %>
<%# MasterType VirtualPath="~/SiteName.master" %>
<!-- This masterpage has the default FORM tag -->
<%# Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SiteNameNF.master" %>
<%# MasterType VirtualPath="~/SiteNameNF.master" %>
<!-- This masterpage does NOT have the default FORM tag -->
and then in the content page, wherever I want to place my form I can include the <form> tag
