How to create button without icon in CKEditor - button

When I create toolbar button in CKEditor 3.0 with following code I need to uncomment icon property to get button visible. Otherwise space is occupied but no label is shown. When I hover over it I get caption popping up.
editor.ui.addButton('customButton', {
label: 'Custom Action',
//icon: this.path + 'images/anchor.gif',
command: commandName
Do you know how to create toolbar button without icon? Just a pure text.

An easier way is that CKEditor creates a CSS class on your custom label automatically called:
For example, if your command for the button was called 'myCommand', and you set 'label: 'My Command', then CK would render something like:
<a id="cke_27" class="cke_off cke_button_myCommand" ....>
<span id="cke_27_label" class="cke_label">My Command</span>
Therefore (assuming you are using the 'kama' skin - substitute for your skin if not), you can use the following CSS to override the cke_label ==> display:none
.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_myCommand .cke_label {
display: inline;

This is how I did it. A button looks like this:
<span class="cke_button">
<a id="cke_..." class="cke_off cke_button_cmd" ...>
<span class="cke_icon"/>
<span class="cke_label">Label</span>
.cke_label is styled "display:none" by default. This would do exactly what we want:
<span style="display:none;" class="cke_icon"/>
<span style="display:inline;" class="cke_label">Label</span>
So the selectors are a bit tricky, put this in the Style Tag on the page with the editor:
<style type="text/css">
.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_CMDNAMEHERE span.cke_icon{display:none !important;}
.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_CMDNAMEHERE span.cke_label{display:inline;}
The ckeditor authors applied css to get the label on the source button (presets.css):
/* "Source" button label */
.cke_skin_kama .cke_button_source .cke_label
display: inline;


Svelte custom button component or style with css

I'm very new to Svelte and I want to build a theme for a website.
When I want buttons to have a certain look and animations, do I create a new Button component and use that every time with slots or do I just create a class for this button that has some css code and use the standard html button?
Of course I can do it both ways, but which one is preferred in svelte?
You could use this strategy for theming your application. You can use $$restProps to capture your classes and in your components, you can also set up the events for the buttons.
import Button from "./Button.svelte"
<Button class="primary">
My Button
<Button class="danger">
My Button
let buttonProps = {
<button on:click
.danger {
Example REPL. Components are the right way to go for build large applications.

Angular 9: Disable label checkbox (not the box)

I need it in order to make clickable just a piece of the checkbox label (Privacy Policy). This is the snippet:
<mat-checkbox required formControlName="privacyCheck" [checked]="false">
<b style="color: crimson">*</b>Accetto la
<i style="color: #770E0E" (click)="printDebug()">privacy policy</i>
e i termini di condizione dell'utilizzo del servizio.
At the moment, if i click on the italic text ("privacy policy"), i got the printDebug but of course the checkbox will be setted to "checked".
I tried several solutions using CSS property pointer-events: none !important; on .mat-checkbox-layout .mat-checkbox-label span, .mat-checkbox-layout .mat-checkbox-label, and so on.
How about a good old fashioned stopPropagation()?
I was a bit too quick with my answer
You need to do preventDefault(), because the content of the mat-checkbox will be put inside a <label> and it's default browser behavior to check a checkbox if you click on the attached label.
<i style="color: #770E0E" (click)="printDebug($event)">privacy policy</i>
printDebug(event: MouseEvent) {
// ...
If you are using the ripple effect from material, this will still be triggered. If you do not want this, you will have to do a .stopPropagation() on mousedown:
<i style="color: #770E0E" (mousedown)="$event.stopPropagation()"
(click)="printDebug($event)">privacy policy</i>

CSS3 toggle icon

Please find the code here
I toggle a class min upon button click. To show this the color is toggled. Is there a way to add an icon to the button, which toggles for example between: icon-double-angle-right and icon-double-angle-left. I linked Font-Awesome CDN. I only care about recent browser, so mainly looking for pseudo elements based sol.
You can achieve this with pseudo attributes :
btn.min { background:red; }
.btn:after {
content: attr(data-active-icon);
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
.btn.min:after {
content: attr(data-inactive-icon);
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
<button class="btn" ng-class="{min: min}" ng-click="toggle()" data-active-icon='' data-inactive-icon=''></button>
Where your data-active-icon and data-inactive-icon is taken from this table.
Demo :
I haven't included bootstrap in the demo, but it will integrate just fine.
Make your HTML like this: <button class="btn" ng-class="{min: min}" ng-click="toggle()"><span class="arrow-left"></span></button>
Then use javascript or jquery to replace the class on the <span> with a different class on toggle. Then make your two CSS class rules, one with background image for your left facing arrow, one for your right facing arrow, or whatever the stylistic thing it is you want to achieve.
consider that your button is #butt:
and CSS:
To toggle an icon via class, have a look here:

CSS Two-state button

I need a button-like control that has a checked property, so that when clicked it stays pressed. Something like the "Purge responses" button in the example image below.
How can I do this in CSS? I'm a CSS newbie. Can someone provide an example or point to one that is similar to this?
PS: I know that I need to use Javascript to update a boolean variable that holds the state of the button, and dynamically apply a style to the button. My problem is more like how to create a button that contains a checkbox , as I have only one image for background.
As for CSS you can do the following:
<style type='text/css'>
/* this is the style of an unchecked "button" */
padding:5px 8px;
/* This is the style for a checked "button" */
/* Hide the checkbox */
.input-check input{
Next is the HTML. To reduce JavaScript coding, it's best to nest a checkbox inside a label. This will make it automatically handle the checking/unchecking of the checkbox when you click on the label.
<label class="input-check"><input onchange="change_state(this)" type="checkbox" value="something" name="test"/> click me </label>
Finally the JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript">
/* If you have more experience in JavaScript, I recommend not binding the change event this way, I didn't bother much about this part, since I guess it isn't part of the question */
function change_state(obj){
if (obj.checked){
//if checkbox is being checked, add a "checked" class
//else remove it
This is a jsFiddle for you to test.
Why don't you just style a checkbox to look like a button?
Then you can use the :checked CSS psudeo selector to style it the way you want without adding classes through javascript.
Here's an elaborate example in CodePen:
See the section here titled checkbox button. If I'm understanding your question correctly, that seems to do what you're after, maybe with a little modification.
No CSS needed, if I understand what you want correctly
<button><input type="checkbox" /> Purge</button>
Then you'll likely need javascript to check and uncheck the box when the button is clicked, but the above is the basic idea.
Here's with a bit of quick js
<script type="text/javascript">
function check() {
var c = document.getElementById('check') ;
c.checked = (c.checked) ? false : true ;
<button onclick="check()"><input type="checkbox" id="check" /> Purge</button>

how to style a selected button/link with css or javascript?

I would like to style my selected button.
I would like to display a light-blue border around the image of my selected button to show which page the user is on. (or just use the same hover image as the selected button image when the button is pushed.)
I didn't have success with the css link selectors :visited, :focus, or :selected.
Does this require a javascript solution?
thanks for any pointers!
i usually just a extra class name called selected
<div class="button selected">Button 1</div>
<div class="button">Button 2</div>
.selected {
border: 1px solid #0000ff;
It depends on how you display your page (using ajax or refresh on every click). If you are using javascript to load the page content than you just put an extra classname using javascript when the button is clicked.
you should use :active pseudo class in css to achieve what you want.
jQuery Solution with your CSS
You would probably want to check first if it is selected, that way this solution works with things like Twitter Bootstrap, where you can make any element act like a button:
$(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('selected') {
//Insert logic if you want a type of optional click/off click code
//Insert event handling logic
You will, in fact, need to use javascript. I did this in a project a while back, by iterating through the links in the navbar, and setting a class called "selected" on the one the user is currently visiting.
If you use jQuery, you can accomplish it like this:
$(function() {
$('#navbar li').each(function() {
if ($(this).children('a').attr('href') == window.location.pathname)
The CSS Pseudo-selector :active won't still be active after a pagereload.
