AS3 Flex dynamically loading images does not allow images' id - apache-flex

I need to load dynamically a few images (4-6) so that by clicking on particular image user would invoke particular action. Embedding images solves the problem but at the expense of file size. If I load them dynamically, they lose their ID.
<comps:ExercisesScroller id="scroller" x="300" y="100"
and so forth this works. But instantiated in CDATA it does not work:
import components.ExercisesSCroller;
private var custScroller:ExercisesScroller;
private function init():void {
custScroller = new ExercisesScroller();
custScroller.ex1 = "#Embed(source='assets/Exerc_1.png')";
I thought it should be quite a trivial task, but so far I can't solve it.

You can't use #Embed that way. The last line in your init() function should be something like this:
custScroller.ex1.source = "";
This might need some adjustment, since I don't know what the innards of your ExercisesScroller component look like. You might, for instance, have to just take the URL as a string property, and have code inside the component to apply the change to the internal image.
EDIT: By the way, I'm confused about why your code above isn't using a URL to reference the replacement image. A relative path, like you show, assumes the files are local already, but you said you don't want to download them to the end user's machine until you're sure the user wants them. Giving a URL like this achieves the result you want: the image isn't downloaded until you change the image's source property.


Adobe Scene7 BasicZoomViewer: How to reset zoom

I'm working with Adobe Scene7 BasicZoomViewer and I'm looking for a way to tell the ZoomViewer to reset the zoom so that the user is no longer zoomed in on an image but instead will show the default "zoom" level.
What I've found
The closest thing I found to what I need is this reset property ZoomView.reset which "Resets the viewport when the frame (image) changes. If set to 0 it preserves the current viewport with the best possible fit while preserving the aspect ratio of the newly set image".
This looks close to something I need but it states that it will reset or preserve the aspect ratio when a new image has been inserted but I am not inserting new images.
Demo from Adobe
There is a button on the image that the API inserts into the page that resets the zoom level. Adobe provides a demo page that shows what I'm working with. If you look at the bottom left, the right-most button is the reset button. When clicked, it has to make some kind of API call and I need to figure out which one it is.
I've been able to find a minified version of the BasicZoomViewer and I am currently attempting to make sense of the code.
There is an event listener placed on the "Zoom Reset Button" that just simply calls a reset() method on line 274 in the uglified version of the file. Currently, I am trying to make sense of the file and figure out how to access this method.
c.zoomResetButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
I will be answering my own question. If someone finds a better way please feel free to answer as well.
Create a variable to hold the instance of your s7viewers.BasicZoomViewer() and inside of that you can access the event handlers and much more.
Example of calling the reset zoom handler
// instantiate the s7viewers class and save it in a variable
var s7BasicZoomViewer = new s7viewers.BasicZoomViewer({
containerId: 's7viewer',
params: {
asset: assetUrl,
serverurl: serverUrl
// example of how to call the "zoomReset()" method[0].handler()
After digging through the minified code that was uglified I found an event listener on the s7zoomresetbutton DOM class name, or perhaps it's watching for the ID of that DOM element which is the same ID as the container div for your S7 BasicZoom Viewer plus some added text to make this ID unique. For example, if the container div is s7viewer then the reset zoom button will have an ID of s7viewer_zoomresetbutton.
Now, going through the code I found this event listener which let me know there must be some way to call the zoomReset() method.
c.zoomResetButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
In the code above, the value of c is this or in other words it's the instance of your S7 BasicViewerZoom and in my case I have multiple depending on how many images I need to zoom on.
When instantiating the s7viewers class you can then reference that instance later and access the event handlers on each button and other properties and methods.
From there it was just looking through the object returned from the instance and calling the handler for the reset button.

How to change the Apache Wicket's CSVDataExporter's link type to a button?

I have a Grid, which have a TopToolbar and BottomToolbar. In the BottomToolbar, I added a CSVDataExporter:
CSVDataExporter csvDataExporter = new CSVDataExporter();
csvDataExporter.setDataFormatNameModel(new ResourceModel(""));
addBottomToolbar(new ExportToolbar(this).addDataExporter(csvDataExporter));
I have the link, so I can export the table to CSV fine!
BUT! How could I change the CSV export link to be a Button, but do the same and be at the same place as it was? Thank you!
The Link is generated by your ExportToolbar using the createExportLink method. To generate something else (as in any other component) you can extend the ExportToolbar to override this method. If this is the only place where you need this functionality, you can do so by implementing an anonymous inner class.
Generally you'll want this method to return a Component that has it's own markup, like a Panel, that contains whatever you want to display as your Exportlink or -button.

Set background-url css property to a memory image in .net

Please read about my following situation. So we have a web application in .net. Because some customers wanted to pay for some custom layout, we first started to use themes. It was ok until there were more than 10. Because after that it was difficult to maintain and more of them wanted custom design, I had to design a solution so that the user could change only a few css attributes through a front-end page.
So when a user clicked a button a folder with its name and another css file was generated and he could change the attributes and save the new file. This file was dynamically loaded on the Page_Load on some basebage. This was ok, until more and more users payed for this and now we have tens of folders and expect hundreds. There is also the problem of rights, by default IIS doesn't have writing right to the application folder. Also the deployment process builds a new version by deleting the whole app folder and recreating one so we had to do a workaround and make a copy of this mega folder that holds the users css. And anyway, I don't like the idea of having hundreds of files not under source control.
And now, I have a new requierement. The users to be allowed to upload a custom image to replace one of our own. So i said it is time to move evrything to the database. For basic attributes I solved it.
I have a "mutant" aspx page:
<%# Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/css" %>
color:<%= WebApplication1.UserProfile.LabelColor%>
So the UserProfile class gets it's data from a table.
And then in the page_load of the basepage
HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink();
link.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
link.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
link.Attributes.Add("href", "~/Styles/Override.aspx");
It works ok, the problem the images are used like this:
background: 15px 0 url("logo.gif")
That logo.gig will be uploaded by the user,but I would like to be saved in the database. However when reading it as a stream I can't do something like:
background: 15px 0 url(WebApplication1.UserProfile.Logo)
Is there any otehr way I can specify an object in a css class?If it isn't what is the best approach? I was thinking about keeping the image in the db and also as a file, something similar to what we have now.
I realize that if it were for an image control it would have been a lot easier, but this is the design now, and remaking it is a little bit troublesome
Thanks for reading this novel and for any oppinions on this.
I hope you're saving the mime-type value of every image that you save to database (mime type is reported by the request during upload). If you don't, you'll have to look up what a mime type would be based on image-file extension or its content format. You'll need this value when images are requested (from within CSS files).
Implement an HTTP handler (.ashx) specifically for these images (new file > generic handler > fill up ProcessRequest).
Then, replace url(logo.gif) in your css files with something like this:
Obviously, you can have the filename and query to be whatever you like/need. Maybe you have user info in session, so you don't have to include user id there. Maybe you'll want to implement this handler only for logo images, and if you have user info in session, you can simply say (css):
Then, within that ashx handler, write code to get the image from the database (or where ever it is), and stream it to the browser. Something like this:
byte[] imageData = ... // get this from db
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageData); // System.IO namespace
Response.ContentType = "image/png"; // remember the mime-type?
ms.WriteTo(context.Response.OutputStream); // context is current HttpContext
Alternatively, you can inject the whole image into the CSS, by encoding it to base-64 format. Note that the size of css file will grow for the size of the image, and you're practically combining multiple downloads into 1, which may be a good or a bad thing.
Example below (google's logo); paste this in CSS (notice the size of that thing).
Besides CSS, the data in this example ( ...) can be used as URL with IMG tags, or manipulated by JS.
background-image: url();
+1 if you like this :)

address a Flex checkbox in a component

I have a checkbox in a component:
<s:CheckBox id="myCB_1" />
In my main.mxml I need to test for the state of the checkbox. I originally had all my code in main.mxml, but it was getting really long, and I thought that it was better practice to break my code into components. Also, I have other projects where the same concept will apply, so I really want to figure this out.
I have the following function :
private function checkAlarms(currentTime:Date):void
if (!breakfastAlarmSounded)
if ((currentTime.hours > breakfastTime.hours) || ((currentTime.hours == breakfastTime.hours) && (currentTime.minutes >= breakfastTime.minutes)))
if (myCB_1.selected)
if (myCB_2.selected)
breakfastAlarmSounded = true;
simply addressing the component, as in:
doesn't work. Someone mentioned that I need to create a variable in my component that refers to the id (myCB_1) of checkbox, but I don't really understand or know how to do that, and they didn't elaborate.
How do I test for the status of the CheckBox "myCB_1" in the component from within my main.mxml?
many thanks,
With very little information, I'm going to suspect you originally had the CheckBox included in main.mxml and moved it to a custom component. If so, you need to address the CheckBox's ID via the custom component's ID. Something like this (from main.mxml):
If this isn't the case, please edit your post and give us more detail.
You said you created a new custom component and moved the CheckBox into it. Great, that's a helpful start :) When you included your new component in your main.mxml file, it should look something like this:
<component:YourNewComponent />
Of course, however you named it (and whichever namespace is used to reference it) will be different from my example, but the principle should still apply. In main.mxml, you need to give your custom component a unique ID string so you can reference it within main:
<component:YourNewComponent id="myComponent" />
From here on, you should be able to reference the component, and any public elements within it: myComponent.myCB_1.
It would be useful to provide more details about the context in which you're using this script. Nonetheless I'm going to throw out some information that may help.
In order for the script to access the component, it has to be within the scope of the component. Usually that means one of the following:
You have a <script> tag in the MXML, with code in it that references components within the same MXML file.
You have a <script source=''/> tag in the MXML, where is referencing components in the MXML file.
You are creating the component in your script and you have a definition for the component within ActionScript (ex. var myCB_1:CheckBox; is within the class definition).
If the script and the component aren't within the same scope then they can't see one another.
You need to refer to the checkbox through the component. Lets say that you use your component in your main like this:
<local:MyComponent id="myComponent" />
In your script, you want to refer to it:
if(myComponent.myCB_1.selected) { // do something }
Strangely enough, it works. I was getting a getting an 1119 error (Description 1119: Access of possibly undefined property myCB_1 through a reference with static type Class.) when I refer to the component with dot notation (myComponent.myCB_1.selected) and an 1120 error (Description 1120: Access of undefined property myCB_1) when not addressing it via myComponent.
With these errors I never thought to try running the thing. Long story short - it runs with or without addressing the component (???) go figure!
thanks for all the input and would love to hear any other comments.

Moving children of a container (defined in MXML) inside an "inner container"

I'm currently working on a custom component which extends Canvas (let's call it SuperCanvas) ; it's basically a container that let you zoom & pan its contents.
It would be too long to explain why, but I can't use scrollRect, so I was forced to declare a Canvas object (called innerCanvas)... inside my SuperCanvas (I know, not very nice =/)
I would like to know if there's a proper way to "redirect" the creation of my component's children in this canvas.
Let me explain:
<comp:SuperCanvas id="superCanvas">
<mx:Image id="img" source="image.jpg"/>
<mx:Label id="lbl" text="Sample"/>
With this, img and lbl are added to my SuperCanvas. I want them to be added to superCanvas.innerCanvas instead.
I can't override the add/removeChild methods to do the "redirection", since I won't be able to add this innerCanvas...
So I tried this :
<mx:Image id="img" source="image.jpg"/>
<mx:Label id="lbl" text="Sample"/>
But Flex complains that "In initializer for 'contents': type mx.controls.Image is not assignable to target type mx.containers.Canvas". I read I could use an array of UIComponents with a [ArrayElementType] metatag, and manually instanciate objects, but I I'm looking for a simplier (and probably proper) solution.
I also saw the childDescriptor property (which contains descriptions for every child defined in the MXML file), but it's read-only, so I can't pass it to my innerCanvas.
If I'm not clear enough, do not hesitate to ask me precisions, english isn't my native tongue, so it's pretty hard to explain things well =/
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm totally stuck.
My SuperCanvas class (minus the imports and the zoom & pan logic that doesn't matter here) :
public class SuperCanvas extends Canvas
public innerCanvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
public function SuperCanvas()
addChild( innerCanvas );
This blog entry details an approach where you add components to the SuperCanvas, but then move them all to the inner canvas after creation. So that's one workaround.
Alternatively, you could set the DefaultProperty to be a dataProvider-type object, and then add things to the inner canvas from there, rather than making them children of the SuperCanvas first.
I ran across this blog entry which, among other things, talks about the Panel component and how it handles this problem. You might look at it and at the Panel source code.
