asp pagination problem - asp-classic

Hi i have a problem with this asp pagination. it seems to be putting all the links in the one row, so i think it might have something to do with the check of the int i...
but im not that familar with asp. can anyone shed any light on this problem.
the folders contain pdfs for each day of the month, named A08P2.pdf A09P2.pdf etc...
i = 1
Set fc = f.Files
Set ff = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 in fc
intPage = cint(mid(,2,2))
chrEdition = mid(,1,1)
if chrEdition = "A" then
if i = 1 then
Response.Write "<tr>"
end if
Response.Write "<td width='40' align='center'><a href=" & sUP & & " class='blue_11px'>" & intPage & "</a></td>"
if i = 10 then
Response.Write "</tr>"
i = 0
end if
end if
i = i + 1

You should move the incrementing of the i (i=i+1) inside the if...end if, since if i is 9 and you encounter two chrEditions that are not 'A' then i will become 11 and will never match the closing condition i=10:
if chrEdition = "A" then
if i = 1 then
Response.Write "<tr>"
end if
Response.Write "<td width='40' align='center'><a href=" & sUP & & " class='blue_11px'>" & intPage & "</a></td>"
if i = 10 then
Response.Write "</tr>"
i = 0
end if
i = i + 1
end if


Change response to only respond one set of values

I am very novice at asp. Here is my code:
dim counter: counter = 0
do until rs.EOF
for each x in rs.Fields
counter = counter + 1
response.write "var CC" & counter & "=" & x.value & ";"
This currently returns both columns from my DB:
<script>var CC1=ALFKI;var CC2=13579;var CC3=ALFKI;var CC4=246;</script>
I only want the second column to return, which is the numbers (13579 & 246).
What should I change?
Not sure I should be answering this, but to loop and only write out on the even iteration use Mod() to test the remainder.
dim counter: counter = 0
do until rs.EOF
for each x in rs.Fields
counter = counter + 1
'Use Mod() to check counter is even
If counter Mod 2 = 0 Then response.write "var CC" & counter & "=" & x.value & ";"
Useful links
The Magical Mod Function
Ad an IF statement, based on your counter.
for each x in rs.Fields
counter = counter + 1
if(counter = 1) then
response.write "var CC" & counter & "=" & x.value & ";"
end if
Try this
dim counter: counter = 0
do until rs.EOF
for each x in rs.Fields
counter = counter + 1
if IsNumeric(x.value) then
response.write "var CC" & counter & "=" & x.value & ";"
end if
The trick is to check "If IsNumeric" then do what you want.

How to reuse an array in vb

I'm having to build a table of web pages and languages, i.e. page 1: en it de in a schema where there could be up to 14 languages. The page contents are held in a database. So to build the table I'm doing the following:
Dim rowArrayList As New ArrayList
Dim thisRow(languageNum) As String 'languageNum equates to number of columns -1
Database access then:
'# Create row array of cell arrays
If pageName <> lastPageName Then
lastPageName = pageName
If j >= languageNum Then
Array.Clear(thisRow, 0, thisRow.Length)
j = 0
End If
thisRow(0) = "<td class=""pageName"">" & pageName & "</td>"
End If
'# Iterate each cell in the row
For i As Integer = 1 To languageNum - 1
If thisRow(i) = "" Then
If transReady = False And active = False Then
thisRow(i) = "<td class=""trans"">" & langISO & "</td>"
ElseIf transReady = True And active = False Then
thisRow(i) = "<td class=""notActive"">" & langISO & "</td>"
ElseIf transReady = True And active = True And i = thisLangID Then
thisRow(i) = "<td class=""active"">" & langISO & "</td>"
End If
End If
j = j + 1
The build the table:
'# Build output table
For Each row As String() In rowArrayList
tableBody.Text += "<tr>"
For Each cell As String In row
If cell = "" Then
tableBody.Text += "<td class=""notTrans""> </td>"
tableBody.Text += cell
End If
tableBody.Text += "</tr>"
The table displays beautifully BUT every row contains the data for what should be the last row. How can it be fixed it so each thisRow is unique in the the rowArrayList? At the moment, every time thisRow is added to rowArrayList, every rowArrayList index is overwritten, not just the one being added.
For the quick fix, instead of this:
Array.Clear(thisRow, 0, thisRow.Length)
Do this:
thisRow = New String(languageNum) {}
or this:
ReDim thisRow(languageNum)
However, I suspect there are some simple design choices you could change that would drastically change this code for the better.

Setting up Google weather extended forecast with classic ASP

Just a little background, our marketing department has been using static weather images on their signage and asked if it would be possible to pull something that updated in realtime. Since I'm the only person in our department with any type of programming experience, and I'm a novice at best, I got asked to come up with a solution. I have worked with classic asp in the past for a couple of other small projects I've done, so I decided to go that route. I have everything working the way I want it to with the exception of the extended forecast data. In the sample below I have the variables that I want to display with a For statement to pull the extended forecast xml data for each day. But for some reason it is only pulling the the last day of the extended forecast.
If (objXMLDOM.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
Response.Write("<p>Error parsing XML: " & objXMLDOM.parseError.reason & "</p>")
For i = 0 to 3
Set objFuture = objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("forecast_conditions").Item(i) 'pull the XML node for each from one to three
For Each xmlNode In objFuture.childNodes 'loop through the dom tree
If (xmlNode.nodeName = "icon") Then
strIcon1 = "<img src=""" & xmlNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("data").text & """ border=""0"">" & vbCrLf
End If
If (xmlNode.nodeName = "condition") Then
strCondition1 = xmlNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("data").text & vbCrLf
End If
If (xmlNode.nodeName = "low") Then
strLow = xmlNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("data").text & vbCrLf
End If
If (xmlNode.nodeName = "high") Then
strHigh = xmlNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("data").text & vbCrLf
End If
If (xmlNode.nodeName = "day_of_week") Then
strDay = xmlNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("data").text & vbCrLf
End If
Set objFuture = nothing
End if
I am then outputing the 4 day forecast into my main page with the following code:
<%For Each Item in objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("forecast_conditions")
Response.Write ("<td>" & strDay & "<br>" & strIcon1 & "<br>" & strCondition1 & "<br>" & "Low:&nbsp" & strLow & "°F" & "<br>" & "High:&nbsp" & strHigh & "°F" & "<br>" & "</td>")
Next %>
I have been looking at this off and on for a couple of days now and just can't seem to find what I am missing to pull each day instead of the just the last one. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it!
You are using the same set of variables to store the forecast data for each day. So during every iteration of your for loop you are overwriting the previous day's information.
The solution is to move the code that writes the data to the screen insideyour first for loop, like such:
If (objXMLDOM.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
Response.Write("<p>Error parsing XML: " & objXMLDOM.parseError.reason & "</p>")
For i = 0 to 3
Set objFuture = objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("forecast_conditions").Item(i)
For Each xmlNode In objFuture.childNodes
' Write to the page here
Response.Write ("<td>" & strDay & "<br>" & strIcon1 & "<br>" & strCondition1 & "<br>" & "Low:&nbsp" & strLow & "°F" & "<br>" & "High:&nbsp" & strHigh & "°F" & "<br>" & "</td>")
End if

Show/Split 4 rows in a table in Loop

The code below is how to show/split 2 rows in a table.
But how do I get it to show/split it to 4 rows and not only two ???
dim bCloseRow
bCloseRow = True
Do while not objTrucks.eof
If bCloseRow Then response.write "<tr>"
bCloseRow = Not bCloseRow
response.write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
If bCloseRow Then response.write "</tr>"
Thanks for any help.
If there are more rows then four in the recordset you have to make a row more. And if there is less then four you have to insert some empty td tags.
Hope this helps
const iCols=4
dim iCount:iCount=0
if not objTrucks.eof then
response.write "<table>"
Do while not objTrucks.eof
if iCount=0 then response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
iCount = iCount + 1
if iCount=iCols then
response.write "</tr>"
end if
if iCount>0 then
for i = iCount to iCols-1
response.write "<td></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
end if
response.write "</table>"
end if
I would do this using a counter instead of a Boolean flag:
Const numCols = 4
Dim counter
counter = 0
Do While Not objTrucks.EOF
If counter Mod numCols = 0 Then
Response.Write "<tr>"
End If
counter = counter + 1
Response.Write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
If counter Mod numCols = 0 Then
Response.Write "</tr>"
End If

Classic ASP sub procedure call in Response.Write

I have a classic ASP question.
Attempting to do this: the recordset is a simple list of years from 1995 to 2020; and i am trying to make 2010(current year) the default selection in the drop down.
issue: I trying to call a Sub proc in "Response.Write", but it keeps giving me this error:
"Error '800a000d' Type mismatch: 'selectyear' "
Below is the code, the Attempt 1 works with out any problem. But when i move that "if" logic to a sub procedure and call it in the Request.Write, it gives me the error.
Can any one please explain why Attempt1 works and Attempt2 wouldnt.
' Attempt 1:
rsYEAR.Open qYEAR, objconn, 0, 1
response.Write "<tr><td>Year:</td> <td> <select name='theyear' style=""WIDTH: 67px"">"
dim selyr
while not rsYEAR.EOF
if CINT(rsYEAR.fields("year")) = year(now) then
selyr = "selected"
else selyr = ""
end if
Response.Write"<option value='" & rsYEAR.fields("year") & "' "& selyr &" >" & cstr(rsYEAR.Fields("year"))
response.Write "</select></td></tr>"
' Attempt 2:
rsYEAR.Open qYEAR, objconn, 0, 1
response.Write "<tr><td>Year:</td> <td> <select name='theyear' style=""WIDTH: 67px"">"
dim selyr2
while not rsYEAR.EOF
Response.Write "<option value='" & rsYEAR.fields("year") & "' " & cstr(selectyear(cint(rsYEAR.fields("year")))) &" >" & cstr(rsYEAR.Fields("year"))
response.Write "</select></td></tr>"
'close and clean up
set rsYEAR = nothing
I would greatly appreciate your response.
thank you,
I am guessing that cint(rsYEAR.fields("year")) is throwing the error because there is data that cannot be converted to int. I would expect that to happen in both cases though.
You shouldn't need the cstr in cstr(selectyear(cint(rsYEAR.fields("year")))) in the second attempt, as I assume selectyear is already returning a string. Can you show the code for selectyear?
(How has this sat for so long without a correct answer?)
A Sub does not have a value, so you can't Response.Write it. You need to either use a function, or put the Sub call on its own line.
rsYEAR.Open qYEAR, objconn, 0, 1
response.Write "<tr><td>Year:</td><td><select name='theyear' style=""width: 67px"">"
dim y
while not rsYEAR.EOF
y = rsYEAR.fields("year")
Response.Write "<option value='" & y & "'" & IsCurr(y) & ">" & y & "</option>"
response.Write "</select></td></tr>"
Function IsCurr(yr)
if Cstr(yr) = Cstr(year(now)) then
IsCurr = " selected"
IsCurr = ""
end if
End Function
Using a sub instead of a function, this would become
rsYEAR.Open qYEAR, objconn, 0, 1
response.Write "<tr><td>Year:</td><td><select name='theyear' style=""width: 67px"">"
dim y
while not rsYEAR.EOF
y = rsYEAR.fields("year")
Response.Write "<option value='" & y & "'"
IsCurr y
Response.Write ">" & y & "</option>"
response.Write "</select></td></tr>"
Sub IsCurr(yr)
if Cstr(yr) = Cstr(year(now)) then
Response.Write " selected"
end if
End Sub
