I'm using Gnat (old compiler of ada95) and I'm having problem to print the date.
I declared : (with Ada.calendar)
Cdate: Calendar.Time;
Cdate := Calendar.Time_Of(Year => 2010, Month => 1, Day => 10);
Now I've tried to print it -
Put_Line("Year : " & Year(Cdate)'Img);
But I didn't managed to do so...
You only provided program fragments, so it's hard to tell what you actually wrote and are trying to run. And you didn't indicate "how" it didn't work. Did it not compile? Did it compile but not run correctly?
If the fragments were cut as-is from your code and pasted here, you've probably gotten syntax errors.
Here's a fully working program that does what you appear to want:
with Calendar;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure Cdate_Test is
Cdate : Calendar.Time;
Cdate := Calendar.Time_Of(Year => 2010, Month => 1, Day => 10);
Put_Line("Year: " & Calendar.Year(Cdate)'Img);
end Cdate_Test;
This was compiled and run using Gnat, and while you may be using an old version of it, it is not itself an "old compiler", the latest/greatest free version of it, GNAT GPL 2009, is readily available.
Our team is trying to use Moment.js in our instance, but can't seem to get it to work. Here are a couple questions we have about it:
We noticed that there is a dependency out of the box called moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020-v0.5, is this the same as moment.js? If so, does this mean we don't need to bring in moment.js as a new dependency?
We tried using the above ootb dependency AND tried to bring in moment.js to use in a widget, and we keep getting a console error saying that moment is undefined. Can someone provide some instructions on how to correctly get either one of these dependencies to work?
If we wanted to use moment.js on a platform business rule, what do we have to do to make that happen? Are you able to access a dependency via business rule?
Here's how I was able to do it:
Create a Script Include with the following attributes:
script name is "moment" (it needs to have this exact name)
scope is either global or the same scope as your project (I used global)
set as client callable
Paste the code from MomentJS 2.22.1 into the script body.
To verify that you can access your Script Include, open a Background Script and run the following test code:
var calendar = moment().add(1, 'days').calendar();
gs.log("calendar test: " + calendar);
var dayCount = moment().diff('1809-02-12', 'days');
gs.log('Abraham Lincoln was born ' + dayCount + " days ago!");
To answer your question on moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020-v0.5: no's it's not the same; here's a link to Moment Timezone which is a different library by the same organization.
As of the time of this post, 2.22.1 is the newest version that runs in ServiceNow. There are newer versions of MomentJS, but they're too new for the SN interpreter.
You can also create a UI Script with version 2.22.1.
Load the code for Moment.js into a script include and then you can call that like any other script include.
If you are going to use the timezone functions you would need to rewrite the calls to moment from the timezone javascript to use the above script include.
On April 1st, 2022, the most recent version of moment.js to work on SNOW San Diego is 2.22.1:
Any version > 2.22.1 will give you the following error:
Could not save record because of a compile error: JavaScript parse error at line (1) column (37954) problem = missing name after . operator (<refname>; line 1)
On April 1st, 2022, the most recent version of moment-timezone.js to work in SNOW San Diego is 0.5.28:
Any version > 0.5.28 will give you the following error:
Could not save record because of a compile error: JavaScript parse error at line (1) column (236) problem = missing name after . operator (<refname>; line 1)
sadly you can not use momentjs on the server side in ServiceNow. Here are the installation instruction for momentjs for Rhino (the javascript interpreter SNOW uses): https://gist.github.com/UnquietCode/5614860
As you can see you would need to write new Java classes which SNOW will not allow you to do.
On the Client on the other hand you can use it, just copy paste the "Browser" implementation and include it as a global ui script: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/use-it/browser/
I have a very old piece of code to handle Excel files in Delphi 5, which I adapted to work with Delphi 2005, which I used professionally until 2010. Since then, there was no reasonable free version of Delphi. Therefore, it is only now that using Delphi 10.2.3 Tokyo I would like to adapt it once again.
A problem that I was not able to solve is related to the use of OleStream.Seek(...) in the function given below, where I get a fatal error with all expressions in OleCheck(...).
Also, I didn't find any hint on a similar problem searching for the function OleStream.Seek(...) on the Internet.
The code is the following
function Streamseek(offset : longint; origin: word):string;
Pos : longInt ; // Pos: largeint;
if FBIFFVersion > biff4 then begin
case Origin of
OleCheck(OStream.Seek(Offset,STREAM_SEEK_SET,Pos)); // ENUM: set =0
OleCheck(OStream.Seek(Offset,STREAM_SEEK_CUR,Pos)); /// 1 cur
OleCheck(OStream.Seek(Offset,STREAM_SEEK_END,Pos)); // 2 end
Of course, it is just one function in a much bigger program, which is not relevant here.
My problem is: I searched for
OStream.Seek(Offset,STREAM_SEEK_SET,Pos) on the Internet, but I could only find OleStream.seek(offset : longint; origin: word):string; except for one webpage, but there the same types were used.
Working with IStream in Delphi
So, I wonder what parameter types need to be used.
In the German version of Delphi 10.2.3, I get the error:
[dcc32 Fehler] line(878): E2033 Die Typen der tatsächlichen und formalen Var-Parameter müssen übereinstimmen
In English:
The types of the real and the formal var parameters must be the same.
It is clear that largeint is not a modern parameter type, and I only see the possibility that, instead of Integer, LongInt, Int64 or else is needed since the number of parameters should be OK.
LongInt instead of Integer for offset does not work, Longint instead of LargeInt does not work for pos.
Has anyone an idea what might be the reason for the error? What are the required types of this function in Delphi 10.2.3?
In standard Pascal (ISO7185), there was no procedure Assign that would've let a programmer to assign some kind of file name to a file variable. It only appeared in Turbo Pascal and other derivates.
So... how am I supposed to open a handle to a specific file if I comply with the standard?
Closest I've found is this Irie Pascal example:
program vowels(f, output);
f : file of char;
tot, vow : integer;
c : char;
tot := 0;
vow := 0;
while not eof(f) do
read(f, c);
case c of
'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u',
'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'
: vow := vow + 1;
tot := tot + 1;
writeln('Total characters read = ', tot);
writeln('Vowels read = ', vow)
which suggests I might be able to give the file name as a startup parameter. This works using Irie Pascal. However, if I try to use that with P5, which should be closest to standard-compiliant Pascal compiler for modern computers I've found, I get (after replacing 'otherwise') **** Error: external file unknown 'f '. So, what'd be the standard way? Or is this actually the standard way and P5 is doing something wrong?
Edit: standard also gives a sample
program copy (f, g);
var f,g : file of real;
reset(f) ; rewrite(g);
while not eof(f) do
g^ := f^ ; get(f) ; put(g)
but I haven't been able to get that to work with any compiler.
Doing it like this:
program copy (f, g);
var f,g : file of char;
reset(f) ; rewrite(g);
while not eof(f) do
g^ := f^ ; get(f) ; put(g)
works just fine in Irie and is compliant with the standard. Using that, file name can be given as a startup parameter.
However, as explained by Marco van de Voort,
ISO 7185 does not have any standard way for a program to specify
file names at all, so any such way is already beyond 7185 (Bind
is ISO 10206, Assign is UCSD/BP, the 2nd parameter to Reset is
an extension of GPC and I think some other compilers).
IIRC this was for VMS support where the OS bound files before starting the program.
Unbound files were automatically tempfile iirc. Search the GNU Pascal maillists (old archives, say 2005 or so), they had quite some discussions about ISO file implementation.
It was Scope on the CDC 6000 series machines. However, the rest is correct. You basically assigned external files to logical header file names in the Scope command language.
Of course this seems very tedious now, but these were the days of the batch mode computer, where everything was submitted as a "deck" of cards to be run as input, then collected as a series of output "cards". Tape reels got rid of the actual cards, but tapes were treated as a collection of cards on a tape.
In normal use, Wirth's original compilers were actually limited to just an input and an output file. If you wanted more than one input file, you concatenated them. This was easier than it sounds, since most input and output files were text, and every file had distinct end tolkens in it.
This paradigm fit well with the idea that you mounted an input tape and an output tape for a job on a batch system. The job of the batch computer was to linearly process the input tape and produce the output tape. A large and fast machine would have several jobs concatenated onto a single tape and run sequentially.
The option of a high speed printer typically rounded out the system. Thus, a college kid in the 1960s learning computer science would punch a deck on what looked like a typewriter (or get it typed by a keypunch operator), then that deck would be collected and transcribed to a tape deck and scheduled to run. An hour or more later, you were handed a section of greenbar from the printer that represented the output from your program.
Anyways, its always a good debate question as to why Wirth put that limitation in the language. Probabaly it was for the simple reason that the CDC 6000 machines could not have dealt with a feature that randomly opened a file by name. Also remember that the predecessor to Pascal, Algol, had no I/O statements whatever! They considered I/O to be inherently machine specific.
Scott Moore
I want a program to do X task twice a month. So I though about getting the current day as number so I could do something like if day == 1 or 15 then do X
Does someone has a simple masm example to get the current day as a number?
I am looking for code simplicity so I can understand what it does, maybe there's some win api I could call.
.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096
option casemap :none
include masm32.inc
include kernel32.inc
include macros.asm
wYear WORD ?
wMonth WORD ?
wDayOfWeek WORD ?
wDay WORD ?
wHour WORD ?
wMinute WORD ?
wSecond WORD ?
wMilliseconds WORD ?
main PROC
invoke GetLocalTime, ADDR localTime
invoke ExitProcess,eax
main ENDP
END main
You can pull the current day of the week or month from the localTime STRUCT. Visit my blog Set up visual studio 10 for masm32 programming for details on how to setup visual studio.
I am trying to use joda-time with its Scala wrapper.
Saying val dt is a DateTime and contains a date (zero time), how do I get the date of the day befor it? dt - 1.days doesn't work and gives
"type mismatch" ("found: org.scala_tools.time.Imports.DateTime, required: ?{val -:?}").
Scala-time examples like 2.hours + 45.minutes + 10.seconds don't work either saying that hours is not a member of an Int.
Joda-time examples like DateTime.dayOfWeek().addToCopy(3) don't work either as dayOfWeek, for example, is not a member of org.scala_tools.time.Imports.DateTime.
Formatted DateTimeinput and output seem to work as meant.
UPDATE: Seems to be a bug of NetBeans IDE.It shows the error, while compiler compiles ok and the program works as expected with dt - 1.days syntax.
Seems to be a bug of NetBeans IDE. It shows the error, while compiler compiles ok and the program works as expected with "dt - 1.days" syntax.
It seems that the code cannot find the implicit conversions. Are you sure you import org.scala_tools.time.Imports._ in the scope that you are using it?