Behavior of shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) with TCP - networking

When using a TCP socket, what does
shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD);
actually do? Does it just make all recv() calls return an error code? If so, which error code?
Does it cause any packets to be sent by the underlying TCP connection? What happens to any data that the other side sends at this point - is it kept, and the window size of the connection keeps shrinking until it gets to 0, or is it just discarded, and the window size doesn't shrink?

Shutting down the read side of a socket will cause any blocked recv (or similar) calls to return 0 (indicating graceful shutdown). I don't know what will happen to data currently traveling up the IP stack. It will most certainly ignore data that is in-flight from the other side. It will not affect writes to that socket at all.
In fact, judicious use of shutdown is a good way to ensure that you clean up as soon as you're done. An HTTP client that doesn't use keepalive can shutdown the write-side as soon as it is done sending the request, and a server that sees Connection: closed can likewise shutdown the read-side as soon as it is done receiving the request. This will cause any further erroneous activity to be immediately obvious, which is very useful when writing protocol-level code.

Looking at the Linux source code, shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) doesn't seem to cause any state changes to the socket. (Obviously, shutdown(sock, SHUT_WR) causes FIN to be set.)
I can't comment on the window size changes (or lack thereof). But you can write a test program to see. Just make your inetd run a chargen service, and connect to it. :-)

shutdown(,SHUT_RD) does not have any counterpart in TCP protocol, so it is pretty much up to implementation how to behave when someone writes to a connection where other side indicated that it will not read or when you try to read after you declared that you wont.
On slightly lower level it is beneficial to remember that TCP connection is a pair of flows using which peers send data until they declare that they are done (by SHUT_WR which sends FIN). And these two flows are quite independent.

I test shudown(sock,SHUT_RD) on Ubuntu 12.04. I find that when you call shutdown(sock,SHUT_RD) if there are no any type of data(include FIN....) in the TCP buffer, the successive read call will return 0(indicates end of stream). But if there are some data which arrived before or after shutdown function, read call will process normally as if shutdown function was not called. It seems that shutdown(sock,SHUT_RD) doesn't cause any TCP states changed to the socket

It has two effects, one of them platform-dependent.
recv() will return zero, indicating end of stream.
Any further writes to the connection by the peer will either be (a) silently thrown away by the receiver (BSD), (b) be buffered by the receiver and eventually cause send() to block or return -1/EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK (Linux), or (c) cause the receiver to send an RST (Windows).

shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) causes any writer to the socket to receive a sigpipe signal.
Any further reads using the read system call will return a -1 and set errno to EINVAL.
The use of recv will return a -1 and set errno to indicate the error (probably ENOTCONN or ENOTSOCK).


C++ TCP connection unexpected write() result

I'm working on a C++ TCP server - multi client program. The problem is why the return value of write() may be a number greater than 0 even a client has been disconnected (in this case, I test with localhost and press Ctrl+C so one of the client programs ends, but it forces the main program to close).
There are some questions:
1. How to detect if write to client failed
2. Why the return value of write() is not <= 0 when it failed?
3. How to prevent the server program force close caused by a client program closed?
This is inherent nature of TCP protocol. Succeeding in write() does not mean the message was read (or even reached) the server. Without going into too much details on TCP stack implementation, just accept this as a fact of life.
If you want to make sure the message has been read, you'd have to introduce your own acknowlegement protocol on top. Lack of acknowlegement would mean the message was lost.
Answering question on crash when writing to closed socket:
Application terminates because writing to closed socket by default causes SIGPIPE signal. There are two ways to prevent this:
Set SIGPIPE handler to SIG_IGN and deal with write() errors.
Depending on your OS, either set SO_NOSIGPIPE on the socket using setsockopt(), or use MSG_NOSIGNAL as a flag to your send().

TCP keep-alive to determine if client disconnected in netty

I'm trying to determine if a client has closed a socket connection from netty. Is there a way to do this?
On a usual case where a client closes the socket via close() and the TCP closing handshake has been finished successfully, a channelInactive() (or channelClosed() in 3) event will be triggered.
However, on an unusual case such as where a client machine goes offline due to power outage or unplugged LAN cable, it can take a lot of time until you discover the connection was actually down. To detect this situation, you have to send some message to the client periodically and expect to receive its response within a certain amount of time. It's like a ping - you should define a periodic ping and pong message in your protocol which practically does nothing but checking the health of the connection.
Alternatively, you can enable SO_KEEPALIVE, but the keepalive interval of this option is usually OS-dependent and I would not recommend using it.
To help a user implement this sort of behavior relatively easily, Netty provides ReadTimeoutHandler. Configure your pipeline so that ReadTimeoutHandler raises an exception when there's no inbound traffic for a certain amount of time, and close the connection on the exception in your exceptionCaught() handler method. If you are the party who is supposed to send a periodic ping message, use a timer (or IdleStateHandler) to send it.
If you are writing a server, and netty is your client, then your server can detect a disconnect by calling select() or equivalent to detect when the socket is readable and then call recv(). If recv() returns 0 then the socket was closed gracefully by the client. If recv() returns -1 then check errno or equivalent for the actual error (with few exceptions, most errors should be treated as an ungraceful disconnect). The thing about unexpected disconnects is that they can take a long time for the OS to detect, so you would have to either enable TCP keep-alives, or require the client to send data to the server on a regular basis. If nothing is received from the client for a period of time then just assume the client is gone and close your end of the connection. If the client wants to, it can then reconnect.
If you read from a connection that has been closed by the peer you will get an end-of-stream indication of some kind, depending on the API. If you write to such a connection you will get an IOException: 'connection reset'. TCP doesn't provide any other way of detecting a closed connection.
TCP keep-alive (a) is off by default and (b) only operates every two hours by default when enabled. This probably isn't what you want. If you use it and you read or write after it has detected that the connection is broken, you will get the reset error above,
It depends on your protocol that you use ontop of netty. If you design it to support ping-like messages, you can simply send those messages. Besides that, netty is only a pretty thin wrapper around TCP.
Also see this SO post which describes isOpen() and related. This however does not solve the keep-alive problem.

How does TCP connection terminate if one of the machine dies?

If a TCP connection is established between two hosts (A & B), and lets say host A has sent 5 octets to host B, and then the host B crashes (due to unknown reason).
The host A will wait for acknowledgments, but on not getting them, will resend octets and also reduce the sender window size.
This will repeat couple times till the window size shrinks to zero because of packet loss. My question is, what will happen next?
In this case, TCP eventually times out waiting for the ack's and return an error to the application. The application have to read/recv from the TCP socket to learn about that error, a subsequent write/send call will fail as well. Up till the point that TCP determined that the connection is gone, write/send calls will not fail, they'll succeed as seen from the application or block if the socket buffer is full.
In the case your host B vanishes after it has sent its ACKs, host A will not learn about that until it sends something to B, which will eventually also time out, or result in an ICMP error. (Typically the first write/send call will not fail as TCP will not fail the connection immediately, and keep in mind that write/send calls does not wait for ACKs until they complete).
Note also that retransmission does not reduce the window size.
Please follow this link
now a very simple answer to your question in my view is, The connection will be timed out and will be closed. another possibility that exists is that some ICMP error might be generated due to due un-responsive machine.
Also, if the crashed machine is online again, then the procedure described in the link i just pasted above will be observed.
Depends on the OS implementation. In short it will wait for ACK and resend packets until it times out. Then your connection will be torn down. To see exactly what happens in Linux look here other OSes follow similar algorithm.
in your case, A FIN will be generated (by the surviving node) and connection will eventually migrate to CLOSED state. If you keep grep-ing for netstat output on the destination ip address, you will watch the migration from ESTABLISHED state to TIMED_WAIT and then finally disappear.
In your case, this will happen since TCP keeps a timer to get the ACK for the packet it has sent. This timer is not long enough so detection will happen pretty quickly.
However, if the machine B dies after A gets ACK and after that A doesn't send anything, then the above timer can't detect the same event, however another timer (calls idle timeout) will detect that condition and connection will close then. This timeout period is high by default. But normally this is not the case, machine A will try to send stuff in between and will detect the error condition in send path.
In short, TCP is smart enough to close the connection by itself (and let application know about it) except for one case (Idle timeout: which by default is very high).
In normal cases, each side terminating its end of the connectivity by sending a special message with a FIN(finish) bit set.
The device receiving this FIN responds with an acknowledgement to the FIN to indicate that it has been received.
The connection as a whole is not considered terminated until both the devices complete the shut down procedure by sending an FIN and receiving an acknowledgement.

Does asynchronous receive guarantee the detection of connection failure?

From what I know, a blocking receive on a TCP socket does not always detect a connection error (due either to a network failure or to a remote-endpoint failure) by returning a -1 value or raising an IO exception: sometimes it could just hang indefinitely.
One way to manage this problem is to set a timeout for the blocking receive. In case an upper bound for the reception time is known, this bound could be set as timeout and the connection could be considered lost simply when the timeout expires; when such an upper bound is not known a priori, for example in a pub-sub system where a connection stays open to receive publications, the timeout to be set would be somewhat arbitrary but its expiration could trigger a ping/pong request to verify that the connection (and the endpoint too) is still up.
I wonder whether the use of asynchronous receive also manages the problem of detecting a connection failure. In boost::asio I would call socket::asynch_read_some() registering an handler to be asynchronously called, while in java.nio I would configure the channel as non-blocking and register it to a selector with an OP_READ interest flag. I imagine that a correct connection-failure detection would mean that, in the first case the handler would be called with a non-0 error_code, while in the second case the selector would select the faulty channel but a subsequent read() on the channel would either return -1 or throw an IOException.
Is this behaviour guaranteed with asynchronous receive, or could there be scenarios where after a connection failure, for example, in boost::asio the handler will never be called or in java.nio the selector will never select the channel?
Thank you very much.
I believe you're referring to the TCP half-open connection problem (the RFC 793 meaning of the term). Under this scenario, the receiving OS will never receive indication of the lost connection, so it will never notify the app. Whether the app is readding synchronously or asynchronously doesn't enter into it.
The problem occurs when the transmitting side of the connection somehow is no longer aware of the network connection. This can happen, for example, when
the transmitting OS abruptly terminates/restarts (power outage, OS failure/BSOD, etc.).
the transmitting side closes its side while there is a network disruption between the two sides and cleans up its side: e.g transmitting OS reboots cleanly during disruption, transmitting Windows OS is unplugged from the network
When this happens, the receiving side may be waiting for data or a FIN that will never come. Unless the receiving side sends a message, there's no way for it to realize the transmitting side is no longer aware of the receiving side.
Your solution (a timeout) is one way to address the issue, but it should include sending a message to the transmitting side. Again, it doesn't matter the read is synchronous or asynchronous, just that it doesn't read and wait indefinitely for data or a FIN. Another solution is using a TCP KEEPALIVE feature that is supported by some TCP stacks. But the hard part of any generalized solution is usually determining a proper timeout, since the timeout is highly dependent on characteristics of the specific application.
Because of how TCP works, you will typically have to send data in order to notice a hard connection failure, to find out that no ACK packet will ever be returned. Some protocols attempt to identify conditions like this by periodically using a keep-alive or ping packet: if one side does not receive such a packet in X time (and perhaps after trying and failing one itself), it can consider the connection dead.
To answer your question, blocking and non-blocking receive should perform identically except for the act of blocking itself, so both will suffer from this same issue. In order to make sure that you can detect a silent failure from the remote host, you'll have to use a form of keep-alive like I described.

unix network process

I was wondering how tcp/ip communication is implemented in unix. When you do a send over the socket, does the tcp/level work (assembling packets, crc, etc) get executed in the same execution context as the calling code?
Or, what seems more likely, a message is sent to some other daemon process responsible for tcp communication? This process then takes the message and performs the requested work of copying memory buffers and assembling packets etc.? So, the calling code resumes execution right away and tcp work is done in parallel? Is this correct?
Details would be appreciated. Thanks!
The TCP/IP stack is part of your kernel. What happens is that you call a helper method which prepares a "kernel trap". This is a special kind of exception which puts the CPU into a mode with more privileges ("kernel mode"). Inside of the trap, the kernel examines the parameters of the exception. One of them is the number of the function to call.
When the function is called, it copies the data into a kernel buffer and prepares everything for the data to be processed. Then it returns from the trap, the CPU restores registers and its original mode and execution of your code resumes.
Some kernel thread will pick up the copy of the data and use the network driver to send it out, do all the error handling, etc.
So, yes, after copying the necessary data, your code resumes and the actual data transfer happens in parallel.
Note that this is for TCP packets. The TCP protocol does all the error handling and handshaking for you, so you can give it all the data and it will know what to do. If there is a problem with the connection, you'll notice only after a while since the TCP protocol can handle short network outages by itself. That means you'll have "sent" some data already before you'll get an error. That means you will get the error code for the first packet only after the Nth call to send() or when you try to close the connection (the close() will hang until the receiver has acknowledged all packets).
The UDP protocol doesn't buffer. When the call returns, the packet is on it's way. But it's "fire and forget", so you only know that the driver has put it on the wire. If you want to know whether it has arrived somewhere, you must figure out a way to achieve that yourself. The usual approach is have the receiver send an ack UDP packet back (which also might get lost).
No - there is no parallel execution. It is true that the execution context when you're making a system call is not the same as your usual execution context. When you make a system call, such as for sending a packet over the network, you must switch into the kernel's context - the kernel's own memory map and stack, instead of the virtual memory you get inside your process.
But there are no daemon processes magically dispatching your call. The rest of the execution of your program has to wait for the system call to finish and return whatever values it will return. This is why you can count on return values being available right away when you return from the system call - values like the number of bytes actually read from the socket or written to a file.
I tried to find a nice explanation for how the context switch to kernel space works. Here's a nice in-depth one that even focuses on architecture-specific implementation:
