Slow javascript with IE8 -

I'm developing a grid with excel-like functionality using the telerik controls. For example users can click on a cell and the cell turns into an input control for editing. Users can tab to move onto the next cell or use arrow keys for up/down to get the cell above or below. I've found the standard telerik grid is good but I've had to extend it with custom javascript to achieve what I need.
My problem is performance in the IE browser. While Firefox, Chrome, Safari are all fine, IE is a real pain. IE8 is considerably better than IE7 however moving around with the cursor keys is a bit unnatural, and nothing like as smooth as Chrome or FF.
I can't really post sample code due to the complexity of what the grid is doing, but generally I'm displaying the standard telerik grid and using the telerik javascript API to fill and bind in the browser. When a cell is clicked a javascript function moves a previously hidden input control into the cell from a hidden collection and gives it focus. When you tab away the cell value is cleared and the server is updated using ajax pagemethods and the next cell is selected in a similar manner.
The grid has approx 40 columns and 20 rows, i.e. 800 extra controls are hidden on the page and only activated by clicking a cell or through navigating with the keyboard. I originally had just one hidden control for each column but moving up and down with the cursor keys became problematic in IE.
Any advice for things to check that might speed up IE8 would be greatly appreciated.
//selects a cell and sets the value = function(value) {
this.moveFromTo(this._hiddenCell, this._gridCell);
this._bIsSelected = true;
//clears inner content for a cell
this.removeChildrenFromNode = function(node) {
if (node == undefined || node == null) {
var len = node.childNodes.length;
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
//move back or forwards between hidden or active cell
this.moveFromTo = function(from, to) {
var currChild = null;
var i = 0;
if (from.childNodes != null) {
while (i < from.childNodes.length) {
currChild = from.childNodes[i];
if (to != null) to.appendChild(currChild);
i += 1;

Load up your page in IE8, open the developer toolbar F12 and turn on the profiling:
Profiler (tab) > Start Profiling
Use your grid for a bit as normal, and let IE profile your code.
When done, click Stop Profiling, and verify which function calls are chewing up the memory or taking the most time.
They may be ones that are beyond your control (e.g. in Telerik's code) but if anything you've added is the bottleneck post the function(s) back here on SO to ask for advise on how to optimize.

It sounds as though most if not all of your controls related to the grid are created from within JavaScript?
If so there are a couple of things to keep in mind:
IE hates string concatenation: there are numerous posts about it's poor performance
Ensure your clearing your events when switching controls and not just overwriting them
memory leaks are not your friend
IE hates adding controls as much as you do - so reuse them when possible
IE is faster if the controls are created via HTML (why oh why?)
IE hates it when you add lots of dynamic images and CSS with on-the-fly HTML controls
IE prefers innerHTML to addChild() (seems counter intuitive to string issue above)
There's many more, but with IE you also have to implement almost every single JavaScript performance suggestion you can find:
short variable names
ensure variables are properly scoped (otherwise the runtime will jump up scopes until nothing is left to search)
iterators from frameworks like prototype and jQuery are often slower than traditional for and while loops (VERY VERY sad but quite true)

When a cell is clicked a javascript
function moves a previously hidden
input control into the cell from a
hidden collection and gives it focus.
You have to explain the quote above in more detail. How exactly do you move the previously hidden control into the cell? Check the site below for a benchmark that uses different methods to generate a dynamic table. Moving the control using the W3C DOM methods or table methods could slow down IE while working fine in other browsers.
Edit: Try this to check if it's faster(not as a final solution):
this.moveFromTo = function(from, to) {
to.innerHTML = from.innerHTML; }

Here are some useful links
Understanding and Solving Internet Explorer Leak Patterns
IE Sieve, Memory Leak detector for Internet Explorer
JavaScript Profiling

Try Google Frame. It pushes the performance on IE8 ;)

Test you code with


Detect blocking overlay with selenium

I'm testing a website that opens in-browser pop-ups to display object details. These pop-ups are sometimes modal, by which I mean that they render the rest of the screen inoperative and trigger a gray transparent overlay that covers everything but the pop-up. This overlay is intended behavior, which means that I need a way to detect whether or not it was correctly triggered.
However, I am not familiar enough with the implementation of such overlays to determine where in the DOM I should look to find the properties that govern such behavior. As such, I was hoping someone with more information on how such overlays are usually configured could point me in the right direction.
The obvious solution is to simply try to click a button and see what happens but I was hoping to write a method that I could implement throughout the test suite rather than having to write a different check for each circumstance.
For those interested I'm scripting in Java using Selenium.
I know this is old, but it may still help someone else. I had just recently solved a similar problem for our React site. I believe we were using the react-block-ui module to implement our blocking overlays.
Basically, I was able to detect a certain element was blocked by an overlay because of 2 known facts:
The element was within a containing div ("the overlay") that followed a certain naming convention. In our case, it was section-overlay-X.
This overlay would have a class attribute (named av-block-ui) if it was blocking.
(Hopefully, you have access to this information, too... or something similarly useful.)
With this information, I wrote up a couple utility methods to help me determine whether or not that particular WebElement is blocked by an overlay. If it was blocked, throw a ElementNotInteractableException.
For Java:
By SECTION_OVERLAY_ANCESTOR_LOCATOR = By.xpath("./ancestor::div[contains(#id, 'section-overlay-')][1]");
private WebElement findUnblockedElement(By by) {
WebElement element = driver.findElement(by);
if (isBlockedByOverlay(element)) {
throw new ElementNotInteractableException(String.format("Element [%s] is blocked by overlay", element.getAttribute("id")));
} else {
return element;
private boolean isBlockedByOverlay(WebElement element) {
List<WebElement> ancestors = element.findElements(SECTION_OVERLAY_ANCESTOR_LOCATOR);
WebElement overlayAncestor = ancestors.get(0);
String overlayClass = overlayAncestor.getAttribute("class");
return !StringUtils.isBlank(overlayClass);
Here's my snippet on it:
This won't work in all situations, but I solved this problem by checking the overflow value of the body element. The flavor of modal I was trying to get past disabled scrolling of the page while it was active.

Performance issue with ASP.NET page with many (hundreds of) CollapsiblePanelExtenders

I'm maintaining an ASP.NET site where users can log on to register some set of data (for statistical purposes). One user registers data for a set of units, and for each of these units a set of forms are to be filled out (with a handful of fields in each form, but that doesn't matter here). One scenario is that a user has 12 units, and in each of these units there is 25 forms to be filled, meaning a total of 300 forms.
The ASP.NET page for registering these data is made the following way: each form is in a panel that can be collapsed using an AjaxControlToolkit CollapsiblePanelExtender, and all forms in a unit is inside another panel that also can be collapsed. The result is that you have a tree view-like structure with the units on the top, and under each unit you can expand a set of forms, and further each form can be expanded to fill data (the page is loaded with all panels collapsed by default).
The page is generated completely dynamically (as forms can be added in a database), and for generating the CollapsiblePanelExtenders I have the following code:
private CollapsiblePanelExtender GenerateCollapsiblePanelExtender(string id, Panel headerPanel, Panel contentPanel)
CollapsiblePanelExtender collapsiblePanel = new CollapsiblePanelExtender();
collapsiblePanel.ID = id + ID_COLLAPSIBLE_PANEL_POSTFIX;
collapsiblePanel.TargetControlID = contentPanel.ID;
collapsiblePanel.CollapseControlID = headerPanel.ID;
collapsiblePanel.ExpandControlID = headerPanel.ID;
collapsiblePanel.Collapsed = true;
collapsiblePanel.BehaviorID = collapsiblePanel.ID + ID_BEHAVIOUR_POSTFIX;
return collapsiblePanel;
With one user having 12 units each with 25 forms, this means a total of 312 CollapsiblePanelExtenders. As I said, they are all set to be collapsed by default, but here's the problem:
When the page loads, they all appear to be expanded, and then the browser "starts collapsing them". This however takes a very long time (in Firefox I even get a warning about an unresponsive script, IE and Chrome only takes forever but without the warning). When all the "collapsing" is complete it works smooth to open and close single panels, but users have complained about the extremely slow initial loading.
So my question is simple: is there a way to optimize this so that the loading goes smoother? Is it for instance possible to only load the header panels in each CollapsiblePanelExtender initially, and then load the content panel asynchronously in some way?
One final clarification:
I know I could simply change the design of the page to only include one unit and thus reducing size of the contents drastically, but I hope to avoid this (users prefer the way with everything in one page). It would also mean a rather large change to the logic of the page (yes, I know - it's a poor code base at that point)
After asking some more around other places, I finally managed to solve this issue. The solution was to skip the CollapsiblePanelExtenders altogether, and instead use jQuery to handle the collapsing/extending.
In my structure, all header panels use the css class HeaderPanel, and all content panels use the css class ContentPanel (all of these are hidden by default). I can then use the following script to handle all the collapse/expand logic:
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
function() {
function() {
The solution was really quite simple, and it works like a charm! The collapsing/extending is soo much smoother and nicer than what it looked like when I used the CollapsiblePanelExtenders, and the page loads really fast as well :)

How to turn on line number tooltip while scrolling infragistics ultrawebgrid

I once saw this feature in action but I don't know how to turn it on. The grid can show a tooltip with the current row number (or row ID) while dragging the scrollbar. This helps you to stop the scroll in the right place. I'm assuming some property will turn this on, but I can't find it.
Maybe it is also dependent on the scroll mode?
In the image below you can see an example of the tooltip I'm looking for. This is displayed while the scrollbar is being dragged (up or down). The number in the tooltip is the row number (you can't see it in this image, way to the left in the grid). This is the same grid that I am using now. Just from a very old build of our product. Somehow this tooltip was turned off. And no one knows how to turn it back on :(
I'm pretty sure this is a built in feature of the ultrawebgrid. Not something that required extra coding.
alt text
Right! Now that we've established that you have version 6.3, I've hopefully got a solution for you. I don't have 6.3 myself, but I've got a slightly later one that I think didn't have Virtual Scrolling added as a feature yet.
So try this code:
webgrid.DisplayLayout.XmlLoadOnDemandType = XmlLoadOnDemandType.Virtual;
This should automatically put a tooltip on the grid as you scroll down. Have a look here for a running sample... (and remember to choose the virtual option)
Here's hoping!
Rob G
I don't know if there's a UltraWebGrid property to simply turn on the behavior you're looking for. I almost suspect you experienced this feature in another application, perhaps not even a web based one (sorry!). I do however, know exactly what you're talking about.
As a work-around, I would suggest allowing the user to input the destination row number, and to simply "jump" to it, using this technique.
If that doesn't satisfy you, it may be possible to achieve this behavior with JavaScript. You would need to use something like this technique to get the information you need, estimate (or actually detect, if possible) the row number, and the rest is up to the GUI. I would go with the work-around described above though :)
I'm typing this from memory here as I don't have it installed on this machine and I haven't seen that setting before, but how about adding something like this to the InitializeRow event:
foreach (UltraGridCell cell in e.Row.Cells)
if(cell.Column.Key == "Topic") //from your grid above
cell.Title = cell.Row.Index;
The row object itself does not have a "Title" property from memory, but the cell does.
See if that works...
Rob G
OK - I think I've found your illusive setting:
You can set the TipStyleScroll on the Override to Show on the Grid (this may be version dependant).
You can determine which field is displayed as the tooltip by using the ScrollTipField property of the band.
I did it like so:
myGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.TipStyleScroll = TipStyle.Show;
myTopBand.ScrollTipField = "Id";
...and it works like a charm!
If it's a really long list, sometimes setting the ScrollStyle to Deferred helps:
myGrid.DisplayLayout.ScrollStyle = ScrollStyle.Deferred;
Hope that helps...
Rob G
Once again - not sure which version you have, so to be safe here's somthing you can try from 2009 version:
myGrid.Behaviors.VirtualScrolling.Enabled = true;
myGrid.Behaviors.VirtualScrolling.TooltipVisibility = DefaultableBoolean.True;
If your scrolling mode is Deferred instead of Virtual, then the tooltip is normally enabled by default.
You can find full details about this feature here
Hope that helps,
Rob G

UpdatePanel - Any ideas on how to avoid a flicker in UI? - ASP.NET/Jquery

I have rather a complex UI. However, for the purpose of this question, let's say that there is a HTML table that renders UILayout1 by default (say default mode). There is a button that a user can use to toggle between the default mode and a preview mode (UILayout2)
When in preview mode, there are some columns in the table that are invisible and there are reordering of rows. I am using JS (jquery) on load to check the mode and change it accordingly.
The table and the toggle button are in UpdatePanels.
Functionally, everything works as expected. However, when a user toggles between default and preview mode or vice versa, there is this short time interval in which the the table renders in default and then JS runs to make changes.
This results in degraded UI experience. Are there any creative ways to avoid this "flicker"?
you can use DIVs or don't use update panel in your UI generation use any concept else
The problem is likely to be that your code is running on load. I'm assuming that you're doing this using the standard jQuery method of running code on load, and not using the window's onload event. In any case, even using jQuerys $(document).ready(...) will be too slow if you have a lot of other javascript files to load, as the .ready event isn't fired on the document until all javascript includes have loaded.
You should be able to work around the issue by including your code that modifies the table just after the html for the table in your page and not running it on load i.e. make sure you don't wrap it in $(document).ready(...);
For this approach to work, you will need to have all javascript required by the code which is modifying the table included earlier in the page.
If you have other non-essential javascript files included, you should try to include them later in the page.
I'm not 100% sure how being inside an update panel will affect it - you will need to make sure that your code is being re-triggered when the updatepanel updates, but I believe this should all happen automatically.
Presumably your UI is controlled by CSS? You might be able to get rid of the flickering by adding something like this at the start of your JavaScript or in the <head> of your HTML:
if (previewMode) {
document.documentElement.className = 'preview';
Then if you modify your CSS rules that apply to your preview mode to reflect the HTML element having the class="preview" to something like:
.preview table .defaultMode {
hopefully your table should render correctly first time and will not need to be re-drawn.

How print Flex components in FireFox3?

Thanks to FireFox's buggy implementation of ActiveX components (it really should take an image of them when printing) Flex components (in our case charts) don't print in FX.
They print fine in IE7, even IE6.
We need these charts to print, but they also have dynamic content. I don't really want to draw them again as images when the user prints - the Flex component should do it.
We've found a potential workaround, but unfortunately it doesn't work in FireFox3 (in FireFox2 it sort-of works, but not well enough).
Anyone know a workaround?
Using the ACPrintManager I was able to get firefox 3 to print perfectly!
The one thing I had to add to the example was to check if stage was null, and callLater if the stage was null.
private function initPrint():void {
//if we don't have a stage, wait until the next frame and try again
if ( stage == null ) {
var data:BitmapData = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
Thanks. A load of callLater-s added to our custom chart code seems to have done it.
