subsonic multiple database connection failover -

am using MVC and Subsonic but i cant seem to pin down a specific point for multiple database connection.
normally in normal .net i would have my 2 strings in the web.config file
and have a database class for my project, within this db class i would do something like this:
conn.ConnectionString = server1;
catch (MySqlException)
conn.ConnectionString = server2;
I am trying to pin down the one place in subsonic's created files where something like this would be best to place and maybe an up to date example on how to achieve it. I have googled etc but the examples shown are for an older subsonic.
many thanks

If you look in at line 35 you'll see the following code:
public <#=DatabaseName#>DB()
DataProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider("<#=ConnectionStringName#>");
This is where the provider is getting setup for you so if you add a BackupConnectionStringName variable in Settings.ttinclude after the ConnectionStringName at line 20 then you should be able to check your connection is working and user your fallback if not. For example:
public <#=DatabaseName#>DB()
DataProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider("<#=ConnectionStringName#>");
DataProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider("<#=BackupConnectionStringName#>");
NB You may need to do some clean up to make sure a connection is not left open by CreateConnection.


Changing dataset connection string in web config at runtime

I have a c# generated dataset.
How can I change the connection string so I can use the dataset with another (identically structured yet differently populated) database?
This has to occur at runtime as I do not know the server or database name at compile time. I am using c# 3.5.
I think there is no simple way and you cannot change the Connection-String programmatically for the entire DataSet since it's defined for every TableAdapter.
You need to create the partial class of the TableAdapter to change the connection-string since the Connection property is internal (if your DAL is in a different assembly). Don't change the designer.cs file since it will be recreated automatically after the next change on the designer. To create it just right-click the DataSet and chose "show code".
For example (assuming the TableAdapter is named ProductTableAdapter):
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1.DataSet1TableAdapters
public partial class ProductTableAdapter
public string ConnectionString {
get { return Connection.ConnectionString; }
set { Connection.ConnectionString = value; }
Now you can change it easily:
var productTableAdapter = new DataSet1TableAdapters.ProductTableAdapter();
productTableAdapter.ConnectionString = someOtherConnectionString;
Here's a screenshot of my sample DataSet and the created file DataSet1.cs:
ide mvs 2008
in your settings.designer.cs verifier or edit this
public string NamOfappConnectionString{
get {
return ((string)(this["NamOfappConnectionString"]));
//add this line
set {
//atr untime use this
string myconnexion = "Data Source=" + txt_data_source.Text + ";Initial Catalog=" + txt_initial_catalog.Text + ";Persist Security Info=True;";
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Set("NamOfappConnectionString", myconnexion);
//save into setting
Properties.Settings.Default.NamOfappConnectionString= myconnexion;

"Unable to open database file" using SQLite on Windows Phone 7

I am using SQLite for Windows Phone 7 ( and I have done every steps from this tutorial (
Then I try to make some simple application with basic features like select and delete. App is working properly till I want to make one of this operations. After I click select or delete, compiler shows me errors that he is unable to open database file...
I have no idea why?
I used the same Sqlite client, and had the same problem. This problem occurs because the sqlite try to create file in IsolatedFileStorage "DatabaseName.sqlite-journal" and it does not have enough permissions for that. I solved the problem, so that created "DatabaseName.sqlite-journal" before copying database to IsolatedFileStorage. Here's my method that did it:
private void CopyFromContentToStorage(String assemblyName, String dbName)
IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
string uri = dbName + "-journal";
using (Stream input = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("/" + assemblyName + ";component/" + dbName,UriKind.Relative)).Stream)
IsolatedStorageFileStream dest = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(dbName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, store);
input.Position = 0;
CopyStream(input, dest);
it helped me, and worked well.
hope this will help you
Are you sure the file exists?
You can check like that:
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
exists = store.FileExists(DbfileName);

Javascript permission denied error when using Atalasoft DotImage

Have a real puzzler here. I'm using Atalasoft DotImage to allow the user to add some annotations to an image. When I add two annotations of the same type that contain text that have the same name, I get a javascript permission denied error in the Atalasoft's compressed js. The error is accessing the style member of a rule:
In the debugger (Visual Studio 2010 .Net 4.0) I can access
but not
What in javascript would cause permission denied when accessing a membere of an object?
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I see several people using Atalasoft on SO and I even saw a response from someone with Atalasoft. And yes, I'm talking to them, but it never hurts to throw it out to the crowd. This only happens in IE8, not FireFox.
Thanks, Brian
Updates: Yes, using latest version:
By same name (see comment below) I mean, I created default annotations and they are named so they can be added with javascript later.
// create a default annotation
TextData text = new TextData();
text.Name = "DefaultTextAnnotation";
text.Text = "Default Text Annotation:\n double-click to edit";
//text.Font = new AnnotationFont("Arial", 12f);
text.Font = new AnnotationFont(_strAnnotationFontName, _fltAnnotationFontSize);
text.Font.Bold = true;
text.FontBrush = new AnnotationBrush(Color.Black);
text.Fill = new AnnotationBrush(Color.Ivory);
text.Outline = new AnnotationPen(new AnnotationBrush(Color.White), 2);
In javascript:
CreateAnnotation('TextData', 'DefaultTextAnnotation');
function CreateAnnotation(type, name) {
var ann = WebAnnotationViewer1.CreateAnnotation(type, name);
There was a bug in an earlier version that allowed annotations to be saved with the same unique id's. This generally doesn't cause problems for any annotations except for TextAnnotations, since they use the unique id to create a CSS class for the text editor. CSS doesn't like having two or more classes defined by the same name, this is what causes the "Permission denied" error.
You can remove the unique id's from the annotations without it causing problems. I have provided a few code snippets below that demonstrate how this can be done. Calling ResetUniques() after you load the annotation data (on the server side) should make everything run smoothly.
-Dave C. from Atalasoft
protected void ResetUniques()
foreach (LayerAnnotation layerAnn in WebAnnotationViewer1.Annotations.Layers)
ResetLayer(layerAnn.Data as LayerData);
protected void ResetLayer(LayerData layer)
foreach (AnnotationData data in layer.Items)
LayerData group = data as LayerData;
if (group != null)
ResetLayer(data as LayerData);
protected void ResetUniqueID(AnnotationData data)
data.SetExtraProperty("_atalaUniqueIndex", null);

ASP.NET Cache - circumstances in which Remove("key") doesn't work?

I have an ASP.NET application that caches some business objects. When a new object is saved, I call remove on the key to clear the objects. The new list should be lazy loaded the next time a user requests the data.
Except there is a problem with different views of the cache in different clients.
Two users are browsing the site
A new object is saved by user 1 and the cache is removed
User 1 sees the up to date view of the data
User 2 is also using the site but does not for some reason see the new cached data after user 1 has saved a new object - they continue to see the old list
This is a shortened version of the code:
public static JobCollection JobList
if (HttpRuntime.Cache["JobList"] == null)
return (JobCollection)HttpRuntime.Cache["JobList"];
private static void GetAndCacheJobList()
using (DataContext context = new DataContext(ConnectionUtil.ConnectionString))
var query = from j in context.JobEntities
select j;
JobCollection c = new JobCollection();
foreach (JobEntity i in query)
Job newJob = new Job();
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("JobList", c, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Default, null);
public static void SaveJob(Job job, IDbConnection connection)
using (DataContext context = new DataContext(connection))
JobEntity ent = new JobEntity();
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?
Edit: I am using Linq2SQL to retreive the objects, though I am disposing of the context.
I would ask you to make sure you do not have multiple production servers for load balancing purpose. In that case you will have to user some external dependency architecture for invalidating/removing the cache items.
That's because you don't synchronize cache operations. You should lock on writing your List to the cache (possibly even get the list inside the lock) and on removing it from the cache also. Otherwise, even if reading and writing are synchronized, there's nothing to prevent storing the old List right after your call to Remove. Let me know if you need some code example.
I would also check, if you haven't already, that the old data they're seeing hasn't been somehow cached in ViewState.
You have to make sure that User 2 sent a new request. Maybe the content it saws is from it's browser's cache, not the cache from your server

Changing Databases in Crystal Reports for .NET

I have a problem which is perfectly described here (
Windows smart client app and the CrystalReportViewer for windows.
Using ServerFileReports to access reports through a centralized and disconnected folder location.
When accessing a report which was designed against DB_DEV and attempting to change its LogonInformation through the CrystalReportViewer to point against DB_UAT, it never seems to actually use the changed information.
It always goes against the DB_DEV info.
Any idea how to change the Database connection and logon information for a ServerFileReport ????
Heres code:
// event that fires when the views run report button is pressed
private void RunReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.view.LoadReport(Report, ConnectionInfo);
protected override object Report
ServerFileReport report = new ServerFileReport();
report.ObjectType = EnumServerFileType.REPORT;
report.ReportPath = #"\Report2.rpt";
report.WebServiceUrl = "http://localhost/CrystalReportsWebServices2005/ServerFileReportService.asmx";
return report;
private ConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo
ConnectionInfo info = new ConnectionInfo();
info.ServerName = servername;
info.DatabaseName = databasename;
info.UserID = userid;
info.Password = password;
return info;
public void LoadReport(object report, ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
viewer.ReportSource = report;
private void SetDBLogon(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
foreach (TableLogOnInfo logOnInfo in viewer.LogOnInfo)
logOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
I know this isn't the programatic answer you're looking for, but:
One thing that helps with this sort of thing is not creating your reports connected to the database directly, but first you create a "Data Dictionary" for Crystal Reports (this is done in the Report Designer). Then you link all of your reports to this dictionary which maps the fields to the proper databases.
Done this way, you only have one place to change the database schema/connection info for all reports.
Also, in your report designer set the report to not cache the results (sorry I don't remember the exact option). Reports can either have their initial results included or not.
Don't you have to browse all the "databaseTable" objects of the report to redirect the corresponding connections? You'll find here my VB version of the 'database switch' problem ...
In your CrystalReportViewer object you should set
