Set value of PayPal Buy Now Button - button

I am setting up a simple shopping cart type system, and i was wondering how i set the value of a paypal button? Whats the best way to do this?

PayPal has rather extensive documentation on their buttons. I suggest you visit PayPal's website for their full documentation.
When you create a Buy It Now button using the PayPal interface, it asks you to enter the price. If you are creating one programmatically, then the documentation provides details on setting a wide range of the values including the price, currency, etc.
You can find all of this information by logging into PayPal and then Choosing the "Merchant Services" tab. Start with the "Buy Now" link in the Create button section.

PayPal will generate the code for you.


month payments option in paypal page using paypal button does not show

I've been searching for this question before I post my own but did not find any. (I got here sent by the paypal page support).
I am testing the paypal paynow button in paypal sandbox, when I am abble to pay directly the amount lets say 1000 and it works ok, the page doest not display an option to select months for example to use 9 months. I have correctly activated in the configuration the option with months. To test the fake accounts I have to to login with them for being able to pay. I'll try the next example:
-Click on pay now button
-The button sends me to paypal
-At first there are 2 options the first one login with paypal account and the second one create a new one. (this option gives me
months 3,6,9,12 but since I am using a fake account to test, the page
does not allow me to enter any fake data, for instance: a fake
credit card)
-So I login with the sandbox account
Once I have loged in I dont have more options but "pay now" or "use a gift certificate".
So theres no way to select months there then.
This is the first time I am trying to integrate paypal on a site, so first I want to familiarize with the functionality first. I have to say as well I had locked for in the documentation and in the advance variables but nothing about when it comes with paynow button. Thank you very much in advance (please excuse my broken english). :)

Embedding pay now button

I currently use Big Cartel for my online shop. Big Cartel is a web-based eCommerce solution specifically designed to help artists, whether musicians or crafters, sell their merchandise online easily. So when customers order my products online they can checkout through big cartel which they have an option to use PayPal after trying name, address, email address, etc, however, to add a more efficient/speedy checkout so they don't have to type out all of their info, I embedded a PayPal express button. The problem is when they order by clicking the pp button, it doesn't take away from my current stock resulting in overselling. It's acting like a separate entity and I can't see what they actually purchased- Only a PayPal message that they sent me funds. Obviously I want to avoid overselling and need to know how to get the PayPal button to collaborate with my big cartel shop when someone purchases with the "pay now" PayPal button. Is there an additional code I'm missing? Any advice and help with this issue is very appreciated! (This is the first time I've used code and inserted anything before so I'm not tech lingo savvy)
You must verify that you have entered your PayPal API information in Big Cartel settings. You should also add "Return URL" in your Admin Panel.
I would also suggest you to use Sandbox and test it yourself so you don't have to worry when real orders come in.
The API login credentials look like this:

PayPal Express Landing Page and SolutionType having no effect

I am using the PayPal Express NVP checkout process and my customer has a requirement for the following:
The user is initially presented with the login screen and not the billing page
The user should not be able to checkout anonymously by credit card
The documentation makes it quite clear that this is possible:
Setting the following options should achieve what I require:
This stackoverflow article describes how to achieve the second option as part of the account settings which I have also done.
I've cleared all cache and stored cookies yet it appears these properties are having no effect whatsoever. I am still taken to the billing page and the ability to checkout anonymously remains.
Am I missing something, or is there anything else I need to do to make this work?
There is also a setting in the PayPal profile to turn off the guest checkout option. Go to profile/settings, my selling tools, and then Website preferences. Toward the bottom of the page you will find a setting "PayPal Account Optional" which should be turned off and then save the change at the bottom of the page.
when 'MARK' is passed it overrides the paypal account optional setting. That said, have you tried just passing LANDINGPAGE=LOGIN ? You don't have to pass SOLUTIONTYPE=MARK.
Just had the same issue and came across this post. What solved it for me was an additional property LandingPageSpecified, which must be set to true.

wooCommerce wirecard plugin giving issues

When after selecting wired card as a payment option in the checkout page,
instead of redirecting to the wiredcard checkout page. I get an incomplete form error saying please select a payment type.
Any idea what's wrong?
on the wirecard checcout settings i have selected two types of payments . i.e credit card and maestro
Also one more thing when I used the iDeal Payment option it will give me the error: payment type is not activated.
Please add the secret key and customer id number in backend side.

remove cart functionality from nopcommerce

I want to develop a dynamic web page where admin can add their product specification and images and other promotio offers.
I read about nopcommerce shopping cart with want to know to remove cart functionality from nopcommerce to achieve my goal..Or is it better to use pure coding..
In admin: You go to Configuration->Access Control List
Then just simply uncheck "Public store. Enable shopping cart"
And in regards to Ciwan's comments, I found many of my clients want their site like this. Such as a liquor store that simply wants to display prices but not sell online.
nopCommerce is an e-Commerce solution. Without Cart Functionality, it will be like a Photographer without a Camera !
If you simply want dynamic content displayed on a page, then go for a CMS, I personally like Umbraco, but that has quite a steep learning curve.
you need do some code fixes set ShoppingCartEnabled = false in
In HeaderLinks Action
and second one to disable to "Add To Cart" button by setting
In PrepareProductVariantModel method
you can also do all these setting rom admin area Admin-> Configuration-> Setting -> AllSetting
in admin it will do all changes tempery. if you want to do it permanently then modified
InstalltionService (Nop.Service/Installtion/InstalltionService.cs)
Note:This is applicable to version 2.0 to 2.65
