Summation notation in Haskell - math

On the Wikipedia page about summation it says that the equivalent operation in Haskell is to use foldl. My question is: Is there any reason why it says to use this instead of sum? Is one more 'purist' than the other, or is there no real difference?

foldl is a general tail-recursive reduce function. Recursion is the usual way of thinking about manipulating lists of items in a functional programming languages, and provides an alternative to loop iteration that is often much more elegant. In the case of a reduce function like fold, the tail-recursive implementation is very efficient. As others have explained, sum is then just a convenient mnemonic for foldl (+) 0 l.
Presumably its use on the wikipedia page is to illustrate the general principle of summation through tail-recursion. But since the Haskell Prelude library contains sum, which is shorter and more obvious to understand, you should use that in your code.
Here's a nice discussion of Haskell's fold functions with simple examples that's well worth reading.

I don't see where it says anything about Haskell or foldl on that Wikipedia page, but sum in Haskell is just a more specific case of foldl. It can be implemented like this, for example:
sum l = foldl (+) 0 l
Which can be reduced to:
sum = foldl (+) 0

One thing to note is that sum may be lazier than you would want, so consider using foldl'.

As stated by the others, there's no difference. However, a sum-call is easier to read than a fold-call, so I'd go for sum if you need summation.

There is no difference. That page is simply saying that sum is implemented using foldl. Just use sum whenever you need to calculate the sum of a list of numbers.

The concept of summation can be extended to non-numeric types: all you need is something equivalent to a (+) operation and a zero value. In other words, you need a monoid. This leads to the Haskell function "mconcat", which returns the sum of a list of values of a monoid type. The default "mconcat" of course is defined in terms of "mappend" which is the plus operation.


Struggling with building an intuition for recursion

Though I have studied and able am able to understand some programs in recursion, I am still not able to intuitively obtain a solution using recursion as I do easily using Iteration. Is there any course or track available in order to build an intuition for recursion? How can one master the concept of recursion?
if you want to gain a thorough understanding of how recursion works, I highly recommend that you start with understanding mathematical induction, as the two are very closely related, if not arguably identical.
Recursion is a way of breaking down seemingly complicated problems into smaller bits. Consider the trivial example of the factorial function.
def factorial(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
To calculate factorial(100), for example, all you need is to calculate factorial(99) and multiply 100. This follows from the familiar definition of the factorial.
Here are some tips for coming up with a recursive solution:
Assume you know the result returned by the immediately preceding recursive call (e.g. in calculating factorial(100), assume you already know the value of factorial(99). How do you go from there?)
Consider the base case (i.e. when should the recursion come to a halt?)
The first bullet point might seem rather abstract, but all it means is this: a large portion of the work has already been done. How do you go from there to complete the task? In the case of the factorial, factorial(99) constituted this large portion of work. In many cases, you will find that identifying this portion of work simply amounts to examining the argument to the function (e.g. n in factorial), and assuming that you already have the answer to func(n - 1).
Here's another example for concreteness. Let's say we want to reverse a string without using in-built functions. In using recursion, we might assume that string[:-1], or the substring until the very last character, has already been reversed. Then, all that is needed is to put the last remaining character in the front. Using this inspiration, we might come up with the following recursive solution:
def my_reverse(string):
if not string: # base case: empty string
return string # return empty string, nothing to reverse
return string[-1] + my_reverse(string[:-1])
With all of this said, recursion is built on mathematical induction, and these two are inseparable ideas. In fact, one can easily prove that recursive algorithms work using induction. I highly recommend that you checkout this lecture.

Why is there no generic operators for Common Lisp?

In CL, we have many operators to check for equality that depend on the data type: =, string-equal, char=, then equal, eql and whatnot, so on for other data types, and the same for comparison operators (edit don't forget to answer about these please :) do we have generic <, > etc ? can we make them work for another object ?)
However the language has mechanisms to make them generic, for example generics (defgeneric, defmethod) as described in Practical Common Lisp. I imagine very well the same == operator that will work on integers, strings and characters, at least !
There have been work in that direction:
I see this as a major frustration, and even a wall, for beginners (of which I am), specially we who come from other languages like python where we use one equality operator (==) for every equality check (with the help of objects to make it so on custom types).
I read a blog post (not a monad tutorial, great serie) today pointing this. The guy moved to Clojure, for other reasons too of course, where there is one (or two?) operators.
So why is it so ? Is there any good reasons ? I can't even find a third party library, not even on CL21. edit: cl21 has this sort of generic operators, of course.
On other SO questions I read about performance. First, this won't apply to the little code I'll write so I don't care, and if you think so do you have figures to make your point ?
edit: despite the tone of the answers, it looks like there is not ;) We discuss in comments.
Kent Pitman has written an interesting article that tackles this subject: The Best of intentions, EQUAL rights — and wrongs — in Lisp.
And also note that EQUAL does work on integers, strings and characters. EQUALP also works for lists, vectors and hash tables an other Common Lisp types but objects… For some definition of work. The note at the end of the EQUALP page has a nice answer to your question:
Object equality is not a concept for which there is a uniquely determined correct algorithm. The appropriateness of an equality predicate can be judged only in the context of the needs of some particular program. Although these functions take any type of argument and their names sound very generic, equal and equalp are not appropriate for every application.
Specifically note that there is a trick in my last “works” definition.
A newer library adds generic interfaces to standard Common Lisp functions:
GENERIC-CL provides a generic function wrapper over various functions in the Common Lisp standard, such as equality predicates and sequence operations. The goal of the wrapper is to provide a standard interface to common operations, such as testing for the equality of two objects, which is extensible to user-defined types.
It does this for equality, comparison, arithmetic, objects, iterators, sequences, hash-tables, math functions,…
So one can define his own + operator for example.
Yes we have! eq works with all values and it works all the time. It does not depend on the data type at all. It is exactly what you are looking for. It's like the is operator in python. It must be exactly what you were looking for? All the other ones agree with eq when it's t, however they tend to be t for totally different values that have various levels of similarities.
(defparameter *a* "this is a string")
(defparameter *b* *a*)
(defparameter *c* "this is a string")
(defparameter *d* "THIS IS A STRING")
All of these are equalp since they contain the same meaning. equalp is perhaps the sloppiest of equal functions. I don't think 2 and 2.0 are the same, but equalp does. In my mind 2 is 2 while 2.0 is somewhere between 1.95 and 2.04. you see they are not the same.
equal understands me. (equal *c* *d*) is definitely nil and that is good. However it returns t for (equal *a* *c*) as well. Both are arrays of characters and each character are the same value, however the two strings are not the same object. they just happen to look the same.
Notice I'm using string here for every single one of them. We have 4 equal functions that tells you if two values have something in common, but only eq tells you if they are the same.
None of these are type specific. They work on all types, however they are not generics since they were around long before that was added in the language. You could perhaps make 3-4 generic equal functions but would they really be any better than the ones we already have?
Fortunately CL21 introduces (more) generic operators, particularly for sequences it defines length, append, setf, first, rest, subseq, replace, take, drop, fill, take-while, drop-while, last, butlast, find-if, search, remove-if, delete-if, reverse, reduce, sort, split, join, remove-duplicates, every, some, map, sum (and some more). Unfortunately the doc isn't great, it's best to look at the sources. Those should work at least for strings, lists, vectors and define methods of the new abstract-sequence.
see also

Fixed-Point Combinators

I am new to the world of fixed-point combinators and I guess they are used to recurse on anonymous lambdas, but I haven't really got to use them, or even been able to wrap my head around them completely.
I have seen the example in Javascript for a Y-combinator but haven't been able to successfully run it.
The question here is, can some one give an intuitive answer to:
What are Fixed-point combinators, (not just theoretically, but in context of some example, to reveal what exactly is the fixed-point in that context)?
What are the other kinds of fixed-point combinators, apart from the Y-combinator?
Bonus Points: If the example is not just in one language, preferably in Clojure as well.
I have been able to find a simple example in Clojure, but still find it difficult to understand the Y-Combinator itself:
(defn Y [r]
((fn [f] (f f))
(fn [f]
(r (fn [x] ((f f) x))))))
Though the example is concise, I find it difficult to understand what is happening within the function. Any help provided would be useful.
Suppose you wanted to write the factorial function. Normally, you would write it as something like
function fact(n) = if n=0 then 1 else n * fact(n-1)
But that uses explicit recursion. If you wanted to use the Y-combinator instead, you could first abstract fact as something like
function factMaker(myFact) = lamba n. if n=0 then 1 else n * myFact(n-1)
This takes an argument (myFact) which it calls were the "true" fact would have called itself. I call this style of function "Y-ready", meaning it's ready to be fed to the Y-combinator.
The Y-combinator uses factMaker to build something equivalent to the "true" fact.
newFact = Y(factMaker)
Why bother? Two reasons. The first is theoretical: we don't really need recursion if we can "simulate" it using the Y-combinator.
The second is more pragmatic. Sometimes we want to wrap each function call with some extra code to do logging or profiling or memoization or a host of other things. If we try to do this to the "true" fact, the extra code will only be called for the original call to fact, not all the recursive calls. But if we want to do this for every call, including all the recursive call, we can do something like
loggingFact = LoggingY(factMaker)
where LoggingY is a modified version of the Y combinator that introduces logging. Notice that we did not need to change factMaker at all!
All this is more motivation why the Y-combinator matters than a detailed explanation from how that particular implementation of Y works (because there are many different ways to implement Y).
To answer your second question about fix-point combinators other than Y. There are countably infinitely many standard fix-point combinators, that is, combinators fix that satisfy the equation
fix f = f (fix f)
There are also contably many non-standard fix-point combinators, which satisfy the equation
fix f = f (f (fix f))
etc. Standard fix-point combinators are recursively enumerable, but non-standard are not. Please see the following web page for examples, references and discussion.

ternary operators for calculus class

I was wondering about the use ternary operators outside of programming. For example, in those pesky calculus classes that are required for a CS degree. Could a person describe something like a hyperbolic function with a ternary operator like this:
1/x ? 1/x : infinity;
This assumes that x is a positive float and should say that if x != 0 then the function returns 1/x, otherwise it returns infinity. Would this circumvent the whole need for limits?
I'm not entirely certian as to the specific question, but yes, a ternary can answer any question posed as 'if/else' or 'if and only if, else'. Traditionally however, math is not written in a conditional format with any real flow control. 'if' and other flow control mechanisms let code execute in differant ways, but with most math, the flow is the same; just the results differ.
Mathematically, any operator can be equivalently described as a function, as in a + b = add(a,b); note that this is true for programming as well. In either case, binary operators are a common way to describe functions of two arguments because they are easy to read that way.
Ternary operators are more difficult to read, and they are correspondingly less common. But, since mathematical typography is not limited to a one-dimensional text string, many mathematical operators have large arity -- for instance, a definite integral arguably has 4 arguments (start, end, integrand, and differential).
To answer your second question: no, this does not circumvent the need for limits; you could just as easily say that the alternative was 42 instead of infinity.
I will also mention that your 1/x example doesn't really match the programming usage of the ?: ternary operator anyway. Note that 1/x is not a boolean; it looks like you're trying to use ?: to handle an exception-like condition, which would be better suited to a try/catch form.
Also, when you say "This assumes that x is a positive float", how is a reader supposed to know this? You may recall that there is mathematical notation that solves this specific problem by indicating limits from above....

algorithm to find derivative

I'm writing program in Python and I need to find the derivative of a function (a function expressed as string).
For example: x^2+3*x
Its derivative is: 2*x+3
Are there any scripts available, or is there something helpful you can tell me?
If you are limited to polynomials (which appears to be the case), there would basically be three steps:
Parse the input string into a list of coefficients to x^n
Take that list of coefficients and convert them into a new list of coefficients according to the rules for deriving a polynomial.
Take the list of coefficients for the derivative and create a nice string describing the derivative polynomial function.
If you need to handle polynomials like a*x^15125 + x^2 + c, using a dict for the list of coefficients may make sense, but require a little more attention when doing the iterations through this list.
sympy does it well.
You may find what you are looking for in the answers already provided. I, however, would like to give a short explanation on how to compute symbolic derivatives.
The business is based on operator overloading and the chain rule of derivatives. For instance, the derivative of v^n is n*v^(n-1)dv/dx, right? So, if you have v=3*x and n=3, what would the derivative be? The answer: if f(x)=(3*x)^3, then the derivative is:
The chain rule allows you to "chain" the operation: each individual derivative is simple, and you just "chain" the complexity. Another example, the derivative of u*v is v*du/dx+u*dv/dx, right? If you get a complicated function, you just chain it, say:
u=x^3; v=sin(x)
du/dx=3*x^2; dv/dx=cos(x)
As you can see, differentiation is only a chain of simple operations.
Now, operator overloading.
If you can write a parser (try Pyparsing) then you can request it to evaluate both the function and derivative! I've done this (using Flex/Bison) just for fun, and it is quite powerful. For you to get the idea, the derivative is computed recursively by overloading the corresponding operator, and recursively applying the chain rule, so the evaluation of "*" would correspond to u*v for function value and u*der(v)+v*der(u) for derivative value (try it in C++, it is also fun).
So there you go, I know you don't mean to write your own parser - by all means use existing code (visit for automatic differentiation of Fortran and C/C++ code). But it is always interesting to know how this stuff works.
Better late than never?
I've always done symbolic differentiation in whatever language by working with a parse tree.
But I also recently became aware of another method using complex numbers.
The parse tree approach consists of translating the following tiny Lisp code into whatever language you like:
(defun diff (s x)(cond
((eq s x) 1)
((atom s) 0)
((or (eq (car s) '+)(eq (car s) '-))(list (car s)
(diff (cadr s) x)
(diff (caddr s) x)
; ... and so on for multiplication, division, and basic functions
and following it with an appropriate simplifier, so you get rid of additions of 0, multiplying by 1, etc.
But the complex method, while completely numeric, has a certain magical quality. Instead of programming your computation F in double precision, do it in double precision complex.
Then, if you need the derivative of the computation with respect to variable X, set the imaginary part of X to a very small number h, like 1e-100.
Then do the calculation and get the result R.
Now real(R) is the result you would normally get, and imag(R)/h = dF/dX
to very high accuracy!
How does it work? Take the case of multiplying complex numbers:
(a+bi)(c+di) = ac + i(ad+bc) - bd
Now suppose the imaginary parts are all zero, except we want the derivative with respect to a.
We set b to a very small number h. Now what do we get?
(a+hi)(c) = ac + hci
So the real part of this is ac, as you would expect, and the imaginary part, divided by h, is c, which is the derivative of ac with respect to a.
The same sort of reasoning seems to apply to all the differentiation rules.
Symbolic Differentiation is an impressive introduction to the subject-at least for non-specialist like me :) The code is written in C++ btw.
Look up automatic differentiation. There are tools for Python. Also, this.
If you are thinking of writing the differentiation program from scratch, without utilizing other libraries as help, then the algorithm/approach of computing the derivative of any algebraic equation I described in my blog will be helpful.
You can try creating a class that will represent a limit rigorously and then evaluate it for (f(x)-f(a))/(x-a) as x approaches a. That should give a pretty accurate value of the limit.
if you're using string as an input, you can separate individual terms using + or - char as a delimiter, which will give you individual terms. Now you can use power rule to solve for each term, say you have x^3 which using power rule will give you 3x^2, or suppose you have a more complicated term like a/(x^3) or a(x^-3), again you can single out other variables as a constant and now solving for x^-3 will give you -3a/(x^2). power rule alone should be enough, however it will require extensive use of the factorization.
Unless any already made library deriving it's quite complex because you need to parse and handle functions and expressions.
Deriving by itself it's an easy task, since it's mechanical and can be done algorithmically but you need a basic structure to store a function.
