ASP.NET MVC Forum software using ASP.NET Membership? -

Does anybody know of any free ASP.NET forum software than can integrate with an ASP.NET MVC site that runs on the ASP.NET membership API?

YetAnotherForum (YAF) is a popular open source .NET based discussion forum. It's been a while since I last worked with it but the latest 1.9.3 release is meant to integrate with the ASP.NET membership providers:


which version of mvc is using in core 2.0? is is MVC 6 or use different name?

which version of mvc is using in core 2.0? is is MVC 6 or use different name ?
What is .net 5?
what is .net standard ?
these questions are from an interview.plz help
The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations. .ASP.NET5.0 Is Called ASP.NET Core 1.0 and In the ASP.NET Core 1.0 release, Web API is merged with ASP.NET MVC, termed as MVC 6
They're totally unrelated. "MVC 6" was sort of like a codename for Core when it was still in early stages. ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Api are totally separate from ASP.NET Core. Now, it's just "Core". There is no "MVC" or "Web Api", because Core controllers do both functions. ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Api live on and although they will probably eventually be deprecated, they could presumably (though not likely at all) get new releases. At the very least, they'll be patched for the foreseeable future.
ASP.NET Core is a complete rewrite from the ground up. It was originally created simply to be a cross-platform alternative to ASP.NET, and I think the original plan was to keep both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core as potential development options. However, as ASP.NET Core became more competent, it has pretty fully eclipsed ASP.NET; we now have a cross-platform framework that can run on Windows, Mac and Linux and can do virtually anything the Windows-only framework can. Therefore, why keep the Windows-only framework? Core 2.0 is MVC 6 and The framework is 4.6.1
To start with development you need to have VS-2017 and for 1.X you can start with VS-2015.
Please refer the below link for clear presentation of .NetCore 2.0 so that you can get good knowledge to kick start your development.
Official Asp.Net Core Documentation Url

Is running Umbraco within an ASP.NET Core API possible?

Is it possible to utilize Umbraco with an ASP.NET Core API project?
Can these two techs work together or do I have to use .NET 4.x ?
:::::::::::::::::::::::: UPDATE ::::::::::::::::::::::::
I accepted #mortenbock's answer, but I strongly suggest to people interested in this question to also read the comments below, where #Tseng has provided some very useful answers.
Umbraco will not run on .Net Core in the current version 7.x
I believe they are working towards making it possible in version 9, which is still a long way off.
See the System requirements for Umbraco 8: IIS is still required and it will not run on ASP.NET Core
Shannon Deminick has been doing some PoC work on it: his blog post about "Umbraco CLI running on ASP.NET Core" has more details
You could use Umbraco as a headless CMS in a separate application, and then consume the content from you .Net Core application via REST or similar. At codegarden 2016 an example to use Umbraco CMS as an headless cms with custom frontend was shown web form migration to dot net core

I have an application in 2.0 web forms.
I want to migrate it to core web forms.
Is it feasible?
I did not see any link on internet for migration of web forms.
Please provide any link or insight for this.
ASP.NET Core doesn't have a web forms part. It's an old model and won't be includeded in the ASP.NET Core according to Microsoft. The new and recommended model is MVC. There is no interoperability between them, because they have a differt architechture and behavior.
You have two opportunities. First: you don't migrate, everything will work as it has been. Second: you re-implement your solution with ASP.NET Core and with MVC architecture.
Have you seen DotVVM?
It is not Web Forms on .NET Core, but:
many concepts in DotVVM are similar to ASP.NET Web Forms (postbacks, server controls, master pages, even the names of the controls and page lifecycle events)
it is easy to learn for ASP.NET Web Forms developers
no cryptic viewstate hidden field
the controls don't produce ugly HTML
the MVVM pattern is used
no need to know or write JavaScript - C#, HTML and CSS is enough to start coding
DotVVM supports both .NET Core and full .NET Framework
can be added to existing ASP.NET Web Forms or MVC applications on .NET Framework
DotVVM is open source
Visual Studio extension with IntelliSense and project templates
Disclaimer: taken from
There are some useful resources I'd like to share with the StackOverflow community just in case you are having troubles to decide what to do:
modernization of your existing Web Forms app
migration to MVC or Core
or whether to start a new project on Web Forms, MVC and Core.
Here you go:
Modernizing ASP.NET Web Forms Applications by Tomáš Herceg (Microsoft MVP ) -
Migrating Old ASP.NET Applications to .NET Core by Edi Wang (Microsoft MVP) -
Choose between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core (Microsoft docs) - -
Migrate from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (Microsoft docs) -

Owin Katana with MVC

As mention below statement from Article link how we can implement in MVC?
Katana allows you to build web based applications, such as MVC or Web API (2) where you can decide which web features to include in the project.
Article link
Katana is no longer being developed. According to their roadmap,
The next major version of Katana is part of the ASP.NET vNext project on GitHub
"ASP.NET vNext" is the early name for what is now ASP.NET Core. The architecture of ASP.NET Core continues (and improves on) the modular architecture that Katana used. You can build an ASP.NET Core MVC project using only the packages you need.
For further reading, check out my answers to Is Owin/Katana supposed to replace Web API? and Does ASP.NET Core still use OWIN?

Azure and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

I just got my azure invitation code...yay!
Are there any official samples for windows azure + MS MVC?
I still don't get the storage providers and services that come with Azure, it's a bit confusing. I don't think MS have done a very good of explaining it.
You can find more details in Jim Nakashima's blog: ASP.Net MVC Projects running on Windows Azure and ASP.Net MVC on Windows Azure with Providers
Just found this tutorial post through Phil Haack's blog.
A sample/walkthrough of MVC in Azure is myTodo at Please note that Refactoring of the myToDo sample code is required (until the sample code is updated) when the "Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.1 (February 2010)" and later is used. The Refactoring is described at
Here's another full example of a Blog and a Forum, using ASP.NET MVC and Window Azure
