Azure and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC -

I just got my azure invitation code...yay!
Are there any official samples for windows azure + MS MVC?
I still don't get the storage providers and services that come with Azure, it's a bit confusing. I don't think MS have done a very good of explaining it.

You can find more details in Jim Nakashima's blog: ASP.Net MVC Projects running on Windows Azure and ASP.Net MVC on Windows Azure with Providers

Just found this tutorial post through Phil Haack's blog.

A sample/walkthrough of MVC in Azure is myTodo at Please note that Refactoring of the myToDo sample code is required (until the sample code is updated) when the "Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.1 (February 2010)" and later is used. The Refactoring is described at

Here's another full example of a Blog and a Forum, using ASP.NET MVC and Window Azure


Hosting .Net Core Web API using Topshelf

I have a .Net Core 3.1 Web API project which is currently hosted using IIS.
Is there a way to Host this web api in windows service Using TopShelf Nuget package as I don’t want to host it in IIS
If any reference document is available share that as it will be useful for understanding.
Here are some wonderful documents from Microsoft MVP to explain how to running Asp.Net Core as Windows service by TopShelf. I hope it can help you.

Is running Umbraco within an ASP.NET Core API possible?

Is it possible to utilize Umbraco with an ASP.NET Core API project?
Can these two techs work together or do I have to use .NET 4.x ?
:::::::::::::::::::::::: UPDATE ::::::::::::::::::::::::
I accepted #mortenbock's answer, but I strongly suggest to people interested in this question to also read the comments below, where #Tseng has provided some very useful answers.
Umbraco will not run on .Net Core in the current version 7.x
I believe they are working towards making it possible in version 9, which is still a long way off.
See the System requirements for Umbraco 8: IIS is still required and it will not run on ASP.NET Core
Shannon Deminick has been doing some PoC work on it: his blog post about "Umbraco CLI running on ASP.NET Core" has more details
You could use Umbraco as a headless CMS in a separate application, and then consume the content from you .Net Core application via REST or similar. At codegarden 2016 an example to use Umbraco CMS as an headless cms with custom frontend was shown

Which Technology Stack Should I Use for Claims-Aware Applications

This is a second attempt with better wording of the problem I'm facing.
I have a simple requirement to implement an application that will allow web applications and standalone services that will be claims-aware (using ADFS). Note that I am talking about windows services in addition to web applications.
Which enabling interoperable technologies should a developer pick?
For the life of me, I can't find a resource that says: to build a claims-aware application using the latest upcoming frameworks, install these packages.
From a framework point of view, I am talking about the following:
Which should I be using? Alpha / Beta packages are fine.
Thank you,
in .net 4.5 IdentityModel is now part of the core libraries (so it no longer called Microsoft.IdentityModel).
So for your system you would need the following:
System.IdentityModel for the FederationAuthenticationModule (which intercepts and verifies your SAML token submission) and for the SessionAuthenticationModule (which serializes/deserializes your claims.)
To create the claims that you will send between your applciations you would use:
as I mentioned these are both in .net 4.5.
Microsoft.IdentityModel is the one you are looking for.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims for IClaimsIdentity interface.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web for WSFederationAuthenticationModule.
Yup - System.IdentityModel is the way to go.
Refer: What's New in Windows Identity Foundation 4.5.
If you are wondering what the difference between WIF 3.5 and 4.5 is, refer:
Guidelines for Migrating an Application Built Using WIF 3.5 to WIF 4.5

Web API for vs 2010 installation & configuration

I want to start learning Web API for that i need to set it up on my visual studio 2010.
In order to get started i looked at online tutorial regarding installation & configuration of web API on vs 2010 which some what confused me and decide ask expert advice on this.
I have couple of basic question regarding web API.
How can i install Web API on VS 2010?
What are the basic requirement for setting up Web API on VS 2010?
Can Web API's be used with web forms ( As i have been working on web form, i don't have experience in MVC)
I am sure answers to these few question may help other user who want to start using web API on VS 2010.
Any help in this regarding is highly appreciated
Web API is in the ASP.NET MVC 4 project. You can install it in VS 2010:
In Visual Studio 2010 to add a project of type ASP.NET MVC Web API we can:
1 - Have .NET Framework 4 & ASP.NET MVC 4 installed.
2 - Add a new project and select MVC 4
( on this screen there is no Web API template which is where many users may expect to see it )
3 - Select the Web API Template
This was a great question that helped me; I hope this answer helps too.
You have to downlaod and install SP1 for VS 2010 , then download the ASP.NET MVC 4 Project from Microsoft
and install it.
I would rather download VS 2013 , it has the Web Api (also Web Api 2) as standard - no need to download anything else.

ASP.NET MVC Forum software using ASP.NET Membership?

Does anybody know of any free ASP.NET forum software than can integrate with an ASP.NET MVC site that runs on the ASP.NET membership API?
YetAnotherForum (YAF) is a popular open source .NET based discussion forum. It's been a while since I last worked with it but the latest 1.9.3 release is meant to integrate with the ASP.NET membership providers:
