Render a ASP.NET control in the master page code-behind -

I'm using a Substitution control in my master page, and I want to render a user control content (related to the login area of my website) in the Substitution .
Seems like I must have a reference for the requested page so that it could render the control. But I need to render the control in the master page itself, as it's shared across multiple pages in my website. What are the guidelines to achieve that?

So you want to render a user control from your MasterPage code-behind, and add it to a Substitution that's also in the master page? Why do you need a reference to the page that's using the master?
Assuming your using VB and that I understand your question, try this in your MasterPage code-behind:
Dim someControl As MyControl = CType((New Page()).LoadControl("~/Path/To/MyControl.ascx"), MyControl)


Dynamically adding ASP.Net userControl with Google Map

İ downloaded gMap.dll and created an userControl which include Map.When i used this userControl in a aspx page directly there is no problem.But When i insert this usercontrol to page dynamically it only gives a gray box.This is my dynamically adding code
Control userControl = LoadControl("kcfinder/upload/userControl/googleMap.ascx");
So, are some components not loaded with this method ?What is the problem?Thanks.
Add it in the Pre-Init method. Then refer to it as late as possible in the page life cycle, eg: Pre-Prender(...)

how to use functionality from existing aspx page in usercontrol?

I am trying to use existing functionality which is embedded in a aspx page. So I have controls on this page and code behind for it. What is the best way to reuse this functionality in a new ascx control? Or do I just have to copy everyting into the control?
Can you not just take the controls you want to use from the aspx page and turn those into a control? Then you can use that control wherever you like.
To access the page parent just written this.Page in your control. But for access to these methods, you must apply an interface to the aspx page.

Where to put Datagridview be Place in ASP.NET Webforms?

I am studying webforms and i am confused where to placed Datagridview and other Controls
from webpage.aspx or in a Control.ascx .
//Which Validation and CRUD operations was performed
Which is the Best Practice.
Thanks in Regards
- fragment
- re-usable you can place it anytime in your webpages(aspx)
- Need to attached to aspx to make it works
aspx - the actual page it self which you call on your browser which your ascx are placed
have a look at this same post:
Post 1
post 2
Building User Controls
You can put the thing in both but its depends on your requirement
aspx - is page so when you put control on it , it get utilize with in that page only i.e not resuable.
ascx - is user control , i.e usable control with in your application . once you design it you can use it in any page of by registering it on page.
so go for ascx when its resuable and going to use in no pages. go for aspx when its page specific.
If you want your DataGridView (maybe including some search form, button) appear on every page. Then use ascx. Else aspx. Ascx is a page fragment, not page!

Custom server control, with form and scriptmanager

I am building a set of server controls and in one of them, essentially a container control, I want to add a form control, a script manager and an update panel. Is this possible or will I have to create these in a Page base class that I have for the web project for page/control life cycle reasons?
I am not using master pages.
ASP.NET allows only one form on the page. When you create controls, they are used on a page. You need a Page object to add controls to. This is why controls like the form and ScriptManager (who can only have one instance on a page) are put on the Page itself, or on the masterpage (if you have one). Putting them in a control would provide the opportunity to have two instances on the page, which would not work.

Using javascript on an aspx page that uses a master page, which contains the page in a form?

I have a master page which contains everything that inherits it within a form. A page inheriting from it needs to run some javascript to act on a text field on a page. However, I can't seem to reference that text field through the javascript, since the form begins on the master page.
The following line will come up bogus:
document.form1.txtFindUser.value = blah.responseText;
This is because form1 is defined on the master page, while txtFindUser is on the current page.
How can these situations be handled?
How about that :
document.getElementById('txtFindUser').value = blah.responseText;
But if txtFindUser is your server control's id, then you should use the code above like that :
document.getElementById('<%= txtFindUser.ClientID %>').value = blah.responseText;
Page elements don't always have the same name at runtime than they do in design time in .NET. View the source of your page when you ran it and see what txtFindUser is called after it was interpreted by IIS.
any server controls on the page will render with a different name since that page is derived from a master page. (I guess this removes complexities which can arise out of using same names for controls in your master page as well as in the derived page).
var ctrl = '<%= txtBox1.ClientID %>';
document.getElementById(ctrl).value='Hello world';
Refer to this post for more info
