How do I test my TCP protocol app? - tcp

When creating apps that interface on various TCP protocols (apart from HTTP), we need to test our app and how it communicates with a real server.
Now typically with shared hosting you can't install any low level service to talk protocols like POP3, IMAP for email, SIP or XMPP and for instant messaging.
So are there "test" servers that exist (like that help you debug or test if you app is speaking that protocol correctly?
Or maybe its easy enough to install some email/IM protocol server on another local PC and then we can use Wireshark to test with that?

I think wireshark is probably your best bet. I have never heard of publicly available test servers, I would install a server on your LAN and use that for testing.

Windows Server comes with a built in SMTP server. Try here for some information
There is a list of XMPP servers here, I have personally used OpenFire on Windows.


what Trafic between users and server must i encrypt in my app before deploying to play store?

I have a simple app connected to a server via some sockets and the traffic is not yet encrypted users must log in or create accounts before using the app and afterwards traffic is shared between users and server. i want to know if i must encrypt all traffic or just the authentication and account creation?
Use https for all traffic (or an equivalent TLS-based protocol for non-HTTP traffic). Yes, encrypt and certificate-authenticate everything. For modern systems, there are vanishingly few cases where TLS is not the correct answer for network traffic. It is ubiquitously available across platforms, languages, and protocols.
On any modern network system you need an argument for why you wouldn't encrypt and authenticate the connection. It's not a matter of "must" you. It's a matter of "why wouldn't you?"

How to enable https for access within local network?

I have a little server in my local network running some web services, pihole and a nextcloud instance. All services are available via http only and it would be nice if I could switch to https instead, i.e. add encryption.
All the instructions I found in the internet assume that the server is available through the internet and that one wants to encrypt this connection. But I definitely don't want to have the server exposed to the internet.
Could someone maybe share a tutorial or so on how to do this? Thanks in advance!
You would have to create a self-signed SSL certificate and install that on your devices to achieve HTTPS
Steps would be:
create a self-signed certificate, you may follow this guide
Install the certificate on your devices
Configure your webserver to use this certificate, (it will vary depending on what web server you use)

Is gRPC not suited for small projects?

For the past 2 weeks I have been struggling to setup a simple backend that utilises gRPC and communicates with a mobile client.
Reading online about this technology it feels like it is the proper easy going solution for my needs.
Bridging client/server communication written in multiple languages Java/Kotlin/Swift/Go.
Backwards compatibility checks for the API realized with buf
Efficient communication by transferring binary data and utilising HTTP2
Support for both RPC and REST thanks to grpc-gateway
However when I decided to go down the gRPC path I faced a ton of issues (highlights of the issues, not actual questions):
How to share protobuf message definitions across clients and server?
How to manage third party protobuf message dependencies?
How to manage stub generation for projects using different build tools?
How to secure the communication using SSL certificates? Also keep in mind that here I am talking about a mobile client <--> server communication and not server <--> server communication.
How to buy a domain because SSL certificates are issued agains public domains in order to be trusted by Certificate Authorities?
How to deploy a gRPC server as it turns out that there aren't any easy to use PaaS that support gRPC and HTTP2? Instead you either need to configure the infrastructure like load balancers and machines hosting the server by installing the appropriate certificates or just host everything on your own bear metal.
How to manage all of the above in a cost effective way?
This is more of a frustration question.
Am I doing something wrong and misunderstanding how to use gRPC or is it simply too hard to setup for a small project that should run in production mod?
I feel like I wasted a ton of time without having made any progress.

Is there a network communication protocol whose use won't require an app's user to grant permissions in Windows Firewall?

I want my client program to communicate with a server without making the user add an exception to Windows Firewall in elevated mode. Is there a way to do this? HTTP? For instance, uTorrent and Google Chrome can both be installed by a regular (non-admin) user, and both programs network quite extensively - how do they do this? Am I missing something about how the firewall and/or ports works?
Yes there is a way. Assuming that your client program is the one running on the users machine and that your client program is the one initiating communication with the server then your client program generally would not need to require end user to open any exceptions in the windows firewall as long as you stick to using http over port 80. Http on port 80 is generally open for outbound traffic (initiated by the client) and therefor you could build your communication (and if needed your own protocol) on top of the http protocol. This is the typical scenario for webserver and webbrowsers (clients).
If you need the server to initiate the communication it becomes more complex and a lot of different approaches could be used. Choice of communication channels and structure should depend on factors like whether you would want to communicate to one client at a time or many (broadcast/multicast), do you need encryption, what are your needs for speed (throughput and latency), what kind of system are you trying to build and so on.
Many webapplications achieve an effect of a server initiated communication by using special techniques called polling, long polls, comet, websockets and so on. these work through http on top of tcp/ip on port 80. Other systems employs subscription mechanisms to be able to get notified through a third part if something new has happened. If you need server initiated communications please let me now and i will try to give a better explanation on the options.

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I have 50 machines in a LAN and each of these have internet access. Can a program be developed using vc++ which will tell what are all the websites which is being opened by users in each machine?
You can easily accomplish this by writing an application which captures packets outbound on port 80 (and the associated DNS information). The problem is that this application must run on every client computer which you want to trace. The easier method, as stated by others, is to take advantage of your network architecture and tunnel all traffic through a central proxy which can record the same information.
There are many-many enterprise tools suited for just this task in the latter instance.
Route your internet traffic through a centralized proxy and monitor the traffic from proxy say using Fiddler, or something else. In case proxying is not possible, use Fiddler to generate data at known location and then collate it at required intervals.
Install a firewall, if you don't already have one, and use it to log connections.
