Our company has a "MyAccount" where we would like to put a knowledge base behind. We have a CRM system where the help calls are recorded and some knowledge base articles are written into the database. The master problem (same basic help call) is tagged with keyword(s). We also have CHM help files for the software we sell (some users never use the internal help system, they go online), PDF whitepapers and tutorials in a protected directory. I would like to either buy, or quickly build an ASP.NET solution where a user can search the database to display the help article and also show tutorials or whitepapers or a help file from the CHM.
Requirements: It must look like our website. I have a master page, so any content page has to pretty much be white...no graphics, colors, etc.
Does anyone know a 3rd party search engine, or an example with some source code on how to use Lucene.NET to build a search index database from an existing database?
You can build such solution with Lucene .Net.
Keep your docs in database (as already) and index with Lucene.Net docs you want.
Lucene will have its own index in file system.
You need to provide synchronization between your docs in DB and Lucene index, so when document in DB changes, you need to re-index it with Lucene.
Synchronization (matching between DB and Lucene index) can be based on some unique key value from DB (ex: ID).
So, when you want to add some document to Lucene index, you index the document content (you don't need to save content in Lucene) and 'save' it in Lucene with unique key value from DB (lets say ID).
Then you can search Lucene index and get list of matching document IDs.
And retreive them from your DB by those IDs and show to user.
Below is example method from my project, it adds document to Lucene index.
InformationAsset in method argument is the document from DB I want to index.
This method creates 'Lucene document' with few 'fields':
'field': content of the doc from db (InformationAsset from method argument)
'fieldId': it's ID of the InformationAsset from database, to match Database and Lucene index
'fieldPubDate': publication date, I can create advanced queries to Lucene engine basing on all fields.
'fieldDataSource': it's some kind of category.
public void AddToIndex(Entities.InformationAsset infAsset, IList<Keyword> additionalKeywords)
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(LuceneDir, analyzer, false);
Document doc = new Document();
// string z dodatkowymi slowami po ktorych ma byc tez zindeksowana tresc
string addKeysStr = "";
if(additionalKeywords != null)
foreach (Keyword keyword in additionalKeywords)
addKeysStr += " " + keyword.Value;
addKeysStr += " " + m_RootKeyword;
string contentStr;
contentStr = infAsset.Title + " " + infAsset.Content + addKeysStr;
// indeksacja pola z trescia
Field field = new Field(LuceneFieldName.Content, contentStr, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.TOKENIZED,
// pole z Id
Field fieldId = new Field(LuceneFieldName.Id, infAsset.Id.ToString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED);
// pole publish date
Field fieldPubDate = new Field(LuceneFieldName.PublishDate,
DateTools.DateToString(infAsset.PublishingDate, DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE),
Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.YES);
// pole DataSource
// pole z Id
Field fieldDataSource = new Field(LuceneFieldName.DataSourceId, infAsset.DataSource.Id.ToString(), Field.Store.YES,
I just started using Microsoft Exchange Web Services for the first time. Want I want to be able to do is the following:
Create Meeting
Update Meeting
Cancel/Delete Meeting
These meetings are created in an ASP.NET MVC application and saved into a SQL Server database. I simply wish to integrate this with the on site Exchange Server. So far, I'm able to created my meeting with the following code:
public static Task<string> CreateMeetingAsync(string from, List<string> to, string subject, string body, string location, DateTime begin, DateTime end)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
service.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
//service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
// I suspect the Service URL needs to be set from the user email address because this is then used to set the organiser
// of the appointment constructed below. The Organizer is a read-only field that cannot be manually set. (security measure)
//service.Url = new Uri(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExchangeServer"]);
Appointment meeting = new Appointment(service);
meeting.Subject = subject;
meeting.Body = "<span style=\"font-family:'Century Gothic'\" >" + body + "</span><br/><br/><br/>";
meeting.Body.BodyType = BodyType.HTML;
meeting.Start = begin;
meeting.End = end;
meeting.Location = location;
meeting.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 60;
foreach (string attendee in to)
catch (Exception ex)
return tcs.Task;
This successfully creates my meeting, places it into the user's calendar in outlook and sends a meeting request to all attendees. I noticed the following exception when attempting to call meeting.Save(SendInvitationsMode.SendToAllAndSaveCopy); twice:
This operation can't be performed because this service object already has an ID. To update this service object, use the Update() method instead.
I thought: Great, it saves the item in exchange with a unique id. I'll save this ID in my application's database and use it later to edit/cancel the meeting. That is why I return the id: tcs.TrySetResult(meeting.Id.UniqueId);
This is saved nicely into my application's database:
Now, I am attempting to do the next part where I update the meeting, but I cannot find a way to search for the item based on the unique identifier that I'm saving. An example I found on code.msdn uses the service.FindItems() method with a query that searches the subject:
string querystring = "Subject:Lunch";
FindItemsResults<Item> results = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, querystring, view);
I don't like this. There could be a chance that the user created a meeting outside of my application that coincidentally has the same subject, and here come's my application and cancel's it. I tried to determine wether it's possible to use the unique id in the query string, but this does not seem possible.
I did notice on the above query string page that the last property you can search on is (property is not specified) that searches in "all word phase properties.". I tried thus simply putting the id into the query, but this returns no results:
FindItemsResults<Item> results = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, "AAMkADJhZDQzZWFmLWYxYTktNGI1Yi1iZTA5LWVmOTE3MmJiMGIxZgBGAAAAAAAqhOzrXRdvRoA6yPu9S/XnBwDXvBDBMebkTqUWix3HxZrnAAAA2LKLAAB5iS34oLxkSJIUht/+h9J1AAFlEVLAAAA=", view);
Use the Appointment.Bind static function, providing a service object and the ItemId saved in your database. Be aware with meeting workflow (invite, accept, reject) can re-create a meeting on the same calendar with a new ItemId. But if you are just looking at the meeting you make on your own calendar, you should be OK.
I would like to create a .NET page residing on the CMS server that shows all components that are based on a specific Schema(tcm:3-3-8) and from a specific Publication(tcm:0-3-1) including BluePrinted and Localized items, but only if they have the value "http://www.google.com" for the field "URL" in that Schema.
Is this possible, without using the search service as this is rather slow and unreliable?
Your search might be slow because of not indexing the search collection.
You should do indexing the search collection on regular intervals for better and fast results.
That's an expensive operation to do because of the cost of opening each individual component to check the value of a field, but certainly do-able.
Get the schema object
Get a list of components that use this schema (WhereUsed on the schema with filter on ItemType = component)
Open each component and check the value for the field(s), add to a List<Component> if it matches
Display list (possibly using a ASP.NET GridView)
I have not had any chance to test it, but something like this
Common common = new Common();
TDSE tdse = new TDSE();
ListRowFilter ComponentFilter = tdse.CreateListRowFilter();
Schema schema = (Schema)common.getObject("tcm:126-238630-8", ItemType.ItemTypeSchema);
ComponentFilter.SetCondition("ItemType", ItemType.ItemTypeComponent);
ComponentFilter.SetCondition("Recursive", true);
XDocument doc = common.ReadXML(schema.Info.GetListUsingItems(ListColumnFilter.XMLListID, ComponentFilter));
List<Component> MatchedComponents = new List<Component>();
XmlNamespaceManager NS = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
NS.AddNamespace("tcm", "http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0");
NS.AddNamespace("Content", "uuid:4432F3C3-9F3E-45E4-AE31-408C5C46E2BF");
foreach (XElement component in doc.XPathSelectElements("/tcm:ListUsingItems/tcm:Item", NS))
Component comp = common.getComponent(component.Attribute("ID").Value);
XDocument compDoc = common.ReadXML(comp.GetXML(XMLReadFilter.XMLReadData));
foreach (XElement compNode in compDoc.XPathSelectElements("/tcm:Component/tcm:Data/tcm:Content/Content:Content/Content:feederUrl", NS))
Content in the CMS is tagged with Keywords and after publishing they are used as Tracking Keys and the value is incremented each time a Page is loaded. In the past a DB Query was used with the Tridion Broker DB to produce a tag cloud. I would like to change this and use the Tridion Broker API instead.
The Tridion Online Documentation has a nice example (login to http://sdllivecontent.sdl.com/ first). The example shows how to get the count of a keyword using the API.
I would like to have an aggregate query instead of getting the count 1 keyword at a time. Is it possible with the Broker API or using Ambient Framework?
string strTaxURI = "tcm:34-70-512", strTaxKeywordURI = "tcm:34-549-1024";
Query myQuery = new Query();
Criteria myCriteria = null;
TaxonomyKeywordCriteria taxonomyKeywordCriteria = new TaxonomyKeywordCriteria(strTaxURI, strTaxKeywordURI, false);
myCriteria = taxonomyKeywordCriteria;
myQuery.Criteria = myCriteria;
// filter code limiting results commented out....
string[] itemURIs = myQuery.ExecuteQuery();
foreach (string itemURI in itemURIs)
Response.Write(itemURI + ", ");
Don't think you can achieve what you need by using the BrokerQuery API. You can, however, use the Taxonomy API to get a full taxonomy and to look at the ReferencedContentCount of each Keyword in that Taxonomy.
TaxonomyFactory taxonomyFactory = new TaxonomyFactory();
Tridion.ContentDelivery.Taxonomies.Keyword category = taxonomyFactory.GetTaxonomyKeywords("tcm:9-3-512");
if (category.HasChildren)
// get the category.KeywordChildren and loop over them
Hope this helps.
i developed CMS to one of my customers and he wants that when a user fill in the contact form, it will automatically generate lead in his CRM.
what is the easiest way to do that?
by the way, the contact form is ajax and the data is transfered to asmx, so it will be easy to call to CRM webservice or something like that, because i'm already in the server side.
can someone point me to tutorial or some code example?
Your best start will be with the SDK available here, which contains example code and the sdk dlls etc...
Here is a page with a quick reference to all the web service endpoints available in the different flavors of CRM 2011.
From the SDK samplepcode\cs\quickstart creating account, but very similar for lead:
// Connect to the Organization service.
// The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri,
// This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.
_serviceProxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
// Instaniate an account object.
// See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine
// which attributes must be set for each entity.
Account account = new Account { Name = "Fourth Coffee" };
// Create an account record named Fourth Coffee.
_accountId = _serviceProxy.Create(account);
Console.Write("{0} {1} created, ", account.LogicalName, account.Name);
// Retrieve the account containing several of its attributes.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(
new String[] { "name", "address1_postalcode", "lastusedincampaign" });
Account retrievedAccount = (Account)_serviceProxy.Retrieve("account", _accountId, cols);
Console.Write("retrieved, ");
// Update the postal code attribute.
retrievedAccount.Address1_PostalCode = "98052";
// The address 2 postal code was set accidentally, so set it to null.
retrievedAccount.Address2_PostalCode = null;
// Shows use of a Money value.
retrievedAccount.Revenue = new Money(5000000);
// Shows use of a boolean value.
retrievedAccount.CreditOnHold = false;
// Update the account record.
Console.WriteLine("and updated.");
I want to send an alert in Ax, when any field in the vendor table changes (and on create/delete of a record).
In the alert, I would like to include the previous and current value.
But, it appears that you can't set alerts for when any field in a table changes, but need to set one up for EVERY FIELD?! I hope I am mistaken.
And how can I send this notification to a group of people
I have created a new class with a static method that I can easily call from any .update() method to alert me when a record changes, and what changed in the record.
It uses the built in email templates of Ax as well.
static void CompareAndEmail(str emailTemplateName, str nameField, str recipient, Common original, Common modified)
UserInfo userInfo;
Map emailParameterMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);
str changes;
int i, fieldId;
DictTable dictTable = new DictTable(original.TableId);
DictField dictField;
for (i=1; i<=dictTable.fieldCnt(); i++)
fieldId = dictTable.fieldCnt2Id(i);
dictField = dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId);
if (dictField.isSystem())
if (original.(fieldId) != modified.(fieldId))
changes += strfmt("%1: %2 -> %3 \n\r",
//Send Notification Email
select Name from UserInfo where userInfo.id == curUserId();
emailParameterMap.insert("modifiedBy", userInfo.Name);
emailParameterMap.insert("tableName", dictTable.name());
emailParameterMap.insert("recordName", original.(dictTable.fieldName2Id(nameField)));
emailParameterMap.insert("recordChanges", changes);
SysEmailTable::sendMail(emailTemplateName, "en-us", recipient, emailParameterMap);
Then in the .update() method I just add this one line
//Compare and email differences
"RecChange", //Template to use
"Name", //Name field of the record (MUST BE VALID)
"user#domain.com", //Recipient email
this_Orig, //Original record
this //Modified record
The only things I want to improve upon are:
moving the template name and recipient into a table, for easier maintenance
better formatting for the change list, I don't know how to template that (see: here)
As you have observed the alert system is not designed for "any" field changes, only specific field changes.
This is a bogus request anyway as it would generate many alarts. The right thing to do is to enable database logging of the VendTable table, then send a daily report (in batch) to those interested.
This is done in Administration\Setup\Database logging. There is a report in Administration\Reports. You will need to know the table number to select the table.
This solution requires a "Database logging" license key.
If you really need this feature, then you can create a class that sends a message/email with the footprint of the old record vs the new record. Then simply add some code in the table method "write"/"update"/"save" to make sure you class is run whenever vendtable gets edited.
But I have to agree with Jan. This will generate a lot of alerts. I'd spend some energy checking if the modifications done in vendtable are according to the business needs, and prohibit illegal modifications. That includes making sure only the right people have enough access.
Good luck!
I do agree with suggestion of Skaue.you just write and class to send the mail of changes in vend table.
and execute this class on update method of vendtable.
thanks and Regards,
Deepak Kumar