How do i check the client browser SSL certificate -

How do i check the client browser SSL certificate in my code behind
I want to ensure that if any https proxy like fiddler is running then my application does not load
I have done the following till now without any success:
My site is on Https
In IIS i have set
Require SSL= true
Require 128 bit encryption =true
accept certificate = true
in my default.aspx Page_Load i am trying to read the value of Request.ClientCertificate, the collection is coming as empty.

There is no way to do what you're trying to do unless you run an ActiveX control on the client.
Internet Explorer and other browsers do not expose the server's SSL certificate information to the JavaScript in the page, meaning that there's no way for your page, running on the client, to know whether or not it was delivered with your certificate or another certificate.
Having said that, even if such a method was offered, it probably wouldn't help you anyway. Presumably, you want to do this to prevent viewing/modification of your traffic, but there are other tools that plug into the browser directly (post HTTPS-decryption, pre HTTPS-encryption) that can view/modify traffic without resigning it as Fiddler and other proxies do.
Furthermore, your code would fail in corporate environments where the edge proxy (e.g. BlueCoat, Forefront) does content-inspection using the same mechanisms that Fiddler uses.

Are you expecting the client to have a certificate installed? Most users do not have client certificates installed.
Nonetheless, I'm not sure how exactly a client certificate is going to protect you in the situation you describe...


Need to intercept & redirect http requests because IP for site is invisible from test machine yet the webserver is accessible from an internal address

I need to access a website we have from a machine that isn't able to see the external IP of the webserver. All http requests are of the form http://a.b.c.d/sitelauncher/sitelauncher.aspx and fail to see the site since that IP is inaccessible, yet the webserver happens to be on the local network. How can I somehow intercept and replace so all requests are of the form http://192.168.x.y/sitelauncher/sitellauncher.aspx
Silverlight is required on the client side in case this helps although have no access to source.
Is there some tool available that would permit some kind of string replacement on each occasion an http request is made?
Have tried a thing called rinetd which complains because it can't bind to the original IP target:port (no surprise since it'll be invisible).
Any ideas folks?

Fiddler decrypt from all process causing site to not load

I have fiddler set to decrypt https request. But for some reason, the site I'm trying to check, always fail when I set it to decrypt "from all processes".
The decrypt https only seem to work with that option - as I get the "tunnel to" stuff, so it's my only choice to see the encrypted contents.
Any way to fix this - or know what's wrong with it? I can't find anything that explains what might be wrong. I know for a fact, it was working a few days ago. If the ssl cert was changed for the site - might that be the problem?
What does always fail mean, specifically?
What browser or client are you using?
Have you configured Windows to trust Fiddler's root certificate?
No, Fiddler doesn't care about the remote site's certificate, unless the remote certificate is invalid and you click the Don't continue button shown in Fiddler.

Windows Azure VM SSL and

I installed an application on a windows Azure VM (IIS 7). SSL certificate is installed, configured and the application works correctly. I have removed Http binding and http endpoints.
The issue I am having is that if I use the link (using https), the application still opens with a mismatched certificate.
What can I do to deny any user from opening my application using
It seems really silly that people are saying this isn't the right place for this question, since some of the solutions could be code related. ie: In your application, check the host and if it's, do a URL redirect.
There's a few different options here but it sounds like what you're looking for is just the ability to prevent someone from viewing the application using that URL.
What I would do is set up a site in IIS that uses Host Header resolution to look for If that URL is recognized, do a redirect using the HTTP redirect settings to the https version of your app. Don't bind the SSL port to this site or you'll run into SSL errors like you showed above.
The other option is to leave it out entirely and simply use the Host Header resolution to filter out requests for your site. I suspect what you've done is assign all incoming requests to the only IP address on the system, which is why the is showing your app and the cert is failing.
This would cause to fail to show any site at all but I think that might be what you want to do anyway.

Load SSL dynamically with code

My question is so far, a purely theoretical one.
I want to make a CMS that supports multiple sites.
The question I haven't been able to figure out so far is this one:
How do I attach the ssl certificate for https protocol from the code-behind, instead of attaching it through the hosting interface or on the iis itself (the main problem is that i want a different ssl certificate for every site, instead grouping them on one certificate, which allows maximum of 5 domains, and will still say they are the same entity)
This is not solvable on ASP.NET level.
The reason is that with HTTPS requests the SSL handshake (where certificates are presented) is performed before the client sends HTTP request, from which you can learn the domain.
The only exception is server-name-indication extension in TLS, which lets the client specify the desired domain in SSL request. But this extension is not supported by many clients and it's not present in still used SSL3 protocol version. And even with this extension it's the SSL server that decides which certificate to present.
As mentioned by Eugene, administering the SSL cert is beyond the level of ASP.Net; however, you may create some form of administration routine to execute the command-line tool for IIS7 (and up) AppCmd.exe to manage the certs:
ie (shell command --security rights is important):
appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /+"[name='Default Web Site'].bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:']" /commit:apphost
The System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate namespace might also come in handy.

SecureAMFChannel with certificat

Basically, I'm using a remote object that access to a secure EndPoint. This
EndPoint is located into my server. It means that my channel is a
SecureAMFChannel. If I accept the certificat by going directly to this URL with
my browser, then I'm able to run my flex application and to exchange some data.
However, if I'dont go to this url to accept the server's certificat, and launch
my Flex application, the remoteObject is not able to accept the certificat. And
of course, any information can be exchanged.
My problem is, how to accept automatically a certificat in a Flex application.
Do I need to configure something to accept it? Maybe my manipulation is not
My certificat is self-signed, do you think that this problem could be solved by buying a Certificat signed by a CA?
Could you tell how to solve this?
Thank you very much,
You can't accept a self-signed certificate in Flex. The Flash Player trusts only those CAs that are trusted by the browser.
So, either add your own CA which you used to sign your certificate to the trusted CAs of your browser or buy a certificate from a well known CA. I'd strongly advise you to do the latter since using self-signed certificates is more or less as insecure as using no SSL/TLS at all.
