Scheme max on sub lists - recursion

I've written a function to get the maximum value from a list of nested lists, I have the general form of the function down right; it works on flat lists and nested lists but seems to fail when there are sibling nested lists.
Here is my code:
(define (multi-max array)
((null? array) 0)
((number? (car array))
(if (> (car array) (multi-max (cdr array)))
(car array)
(multi-max (cdr array))))
((pair? (car array))
(multi-max (car array)))
(multi-max (cdr array)))))
Here is a test list that it fails on: (multi-max '(1 9 83 9 (332 (334) (2 3 4224))))
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong, logically, some help would be nice!

I didn't locate the logical error so I rewrote it in a more recursive way :)
It's important to identify the recursive parts first before writing our function.
multi-max can be defined recursively as multi-max = max(multi-max(car), multi-max(cdr))
(define (multi-max array)
(cond ((pair? array) (max (multi-max (car array)) (multi-max (cdr array))))
((number? array) array)
(else 0)))
(multi-max '(1 9 83 9 (332 (334) (2 3 4224))))
now outputs 4224.
Edit: Ok, I think I found the error:
((pair? (car array))
(multi-max (car array)))
(multi-max (cdr array))))
The code ignores the (cdr array) in the (pair? ) part and (car array)
in the (else ) part.
It should be:
(else (max (multi-max (car array)) (multi-max (cdr array))))
(*) note that the (pair? ) is removed.


How to remove the last element in a list using scheme

I have a requirement to return the last negative number in a list, using a recursive procedure. Right now I have a recursive procedure that returns all negative numbers in the list.
(define returnLastNeg
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(if (positive? (car lst))
(returnLastNeg (cdr lst))
(cons (car lst) (returnLastNeg (cdr lst)))))))
calling it with (returnLastNeg'(1 -2 -3 4 -5 6)) returns
'(-2 -3 -5)
I need it to only return -5 though. I tried to modify my procedure to check to see if the last element in the list is positive. If it is, I want to remove the last element and then call the procedure again. But when I do that I get an error (below)
Modified procedure:
(define returnLastNeg-modified
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(if (positive? (last lst))
(remove (last lst) (lst))
(cons (car lst) (returnLastNeg-modified (cdr lst)))))))
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: '(1 -2 -3 4 -5 6)
arguments...: [none]
A simpler approach would be with a helper procedure (called "sub") in this example:
(define returnLastNeg
(lambda (lst)
(define sub
(lambda (lst last-neg)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((c (car lst)))
(sub (cdr lst)
(if (negative? c) c last-neg))))))
(sub lst null)))
Knowing that
(define <procedureName> (lambda (<params>) ... )
is the same as
(define (<procedureName> <params>) ... )
and reformatting a little, this becomes:
(define (returnLastNeg lst)
(define (sub lst last-neg)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((c (car lst)))
(sub (cdr lst) (if (negative? c) c last-neg)))))
(sub lst null))
I hope it's clearer
last-neg gets set to null by the very last expression
the recursive call to sub has 2 parameters (split on 2 lines in the initial version, but newlines don't matter).
This is the same as the even shorter version
(define (returnLastNeg lst)
(let sub ((lst lst) (last-neg null))
(if (null? lst)
(let ((c (car lst)))
(sub (cdr lst) (if (negative? c) c last-neg))))))
using a so-called "named let".

Member function for nested list in Scheme

Can someone show me the error in this code please?
I want to generalize the member function to support nested lists. I need to search thing inside the nested list and return the rest of the list when I found thing. I don't really understand whats wrong with the code below.
(define (memberk thing lis)
((null? lis) #f)
((list? (car lis))
(cons (memberk thing (car lis))
(memberk thing (cdr lis))))
(if (equal? (car lis) thing)
(memberk thing (cdr lis))))))
Expexted output: (memberk 3 '(1 4 (3 1) 2)) = '((3 1) 2)
Actual output from the code above: '((3 1) . #f)
So how I see this you would like the top level cons that has the key found somewhere in car. I'm thinking something like:
(define (memberk needle lst)
(define (found? haystack)
(or (equal? needle haystack)
(and (pair? haystack)
(or (found? (car haystack))
(found? (cdr haystack))))))
(let loop ((lst lst))
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((found? (car lst)) lst)
(else (loop (cdr lst))))))
(memberk '(a) '(a b (b (a) c) c d)) ; ==> ((b (a) c) c d)
Something like this?
It is a bit unclear what you want - since there is only one test case.
(define (memberk thing lis)
[(null? lis)
[(and (cons? (car lis)) (memberk thing (car lis)))
=> (λ (found) (cons found (cdr lis)))]
[(equal? (car lis) thing)
(memberk thing (cdr lis))]))

Scheme syntax error when recursing

I'm writing a recursive function that will convert an expression from prefix to infix. However, I need to add in a check to make sure part of the input is not already in infix.
For example, I may get input like (+ (1 + 2) 3).
I want to change this to ((1 + 2) + 3)
Here is what I have so far:
(define (finalizePrefixToInfix lst)
;Convert a given s-expression to infix notation
(define operand (car lst))
(define operator1 (cadr lst))
(define operator2 (caddr lst))
(display lst)
((and (list? lst) (symbol? operand));Is the s-expression a list?
;It was a list. Recusively call the operands of the list and return in infix format
(display "recursing")
(list (finalizePrefixToInfix operator1) operand (finalizePrefixToInfix operator2))
(else (display "not recursing") lst);It was not a list. We can not reformat, so return.
However, this is giving me syntax errors but I cant figure out why. Any help?
You have to check to see if the lst parameter is a list at the very beginning (base case), otherwise car and friends will fail when applied to an atom. Try this:
(define (finalizePrefixToInfix lst)
(cond ((not (pair? lst)) lst)
(define operand (car lst))
(define operator1 (cadr lst))
(define operator2 (caddr lst))
((symbol? operand)
(list (finalizePrefixToInfix operator1)
(finalizePrefixToInfix operator2)))
(else lst)))))

how to write a reduce-per-key function in scheme?

"define a procedure 'reduce-per-key' which a procedure reducef and a list of associations in which each key is paired with a list. The output is a list of the same structure except that each key is now associated with the result of applying reducef to its associated list"
I've already written 'map-per-key' and 'group-by-key' :
(define (map-per-key mapf lls)
[(null? lls) '()]
[else (append (mapf (car lls))(map-per-key mapf (cdr lls)))]))
(define (addval kv lls)
[(null? lls) (list (list (car kv)(cdr kv)))]
[(eq? (caar lls) (car kv))
(cons (list (car kv) (cons (cadr kv) (cadar lls)))(cdr lls))]
[else (cons (car lls)(addval kv (cdr lls)))]))
(define (group-by-key lls)
[(null? lls) '()]
[else (addval (car lls) (group-by-key (cdr lls)))]))
how would I write the next step, 'reduce-per-key' ? I'm also having trouble determining if it calls for two arguments or three.
so far, I've come up with:
(define (reduce-per-key reducef lls)
(let loop ((val (car lls))
(lls (cdr lls)))
(if (null? lls) val
(loop (reducef val (car lls)) (cdr lls)))))
however, with a test case such as:
(lambda (kv) (list (car kv) (length (cadr kv))))
(map-per-key (lambda (kv) (list kv kv kv)) xs)))
I receive an incorrect argument count, but when I try to write it with three arguments, I also receive this error. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Your solution is a lot more complicated than it needs to be, and has several errors. In fact, the correct answer is simple enough to make unnecessary the definition of new helper procedures. Try working on this skeleton of a solution, just fill-in the blanks:
(define (reduce-per-key reducef lls)
(if (null? lls) ; If the association list is empty, we're done
<???> ; and we can return the empty list.
(cons (cons <???> ; Otherwise, build a new association with the same key
<???>) ; and the result of mapping `reducef` on the key's value
(reduce-per-key <???> <???>)))) ; pass reducef, advance the recursion
Remember that there's a built-in procedure for mapping a function over a list. Test it like this:
(reduce-per-key (lambda (x) (* x x))
'((x 1 2) (y 3) (z 4 5 6)))
> '((x 1 4) (y 9) (z 16 25 36))
Notice that each association is composed of a key (the car part) and a list as its value (the cdr part). For example:
(define an-association '(x 3 6 9))
(car an-association)
> 'x ; the key
(cdr an-association)
> '(3 6 9) ; the value, it's a list
As a final thought, the name reduce-per-key is a bit misleading, map-per-key would be a lot more appropriate as this procedure can be easily expressed using map ... but that's left as an exercise for the reader.
Now that you've found a solution, I can suggest a more concise alternative using map:
(define (reduce-per-key reducef lls)
(map (lambda (e) (cons (car e) (map reducef (cdr e))))

Scheme sum of list

First off, this is homework, but I am simply looking for a hint or pseudocode on how to do this.
I need to sum all the items in the list, using recursion. However, it needs to return the empty set if it encounters something in the list that is not a number. Here is my attempt:
(DEFINE sum-list
(LAMBDA (lst)
(IF (OR (NULL? lst) (NOT (NUMBER? (CAR lst))))
(CAR lst)
(sum-list (CDR lst))
This fails because it can't add the empty set to something else. Normally I would just return 0 if its not a number and keep processing the list.
I suggest you use and return an accumulator for storing the sum; if you find a non-number while traversing the list you can return the empty list immediately, otherwise the recursion continues until the list is exhausted.
Something along these lines (fill in the blanks!):
(define sum-list
(lambda (lst acc)
(cond ((null? lst) ???)
((not (number? (car lst))) ???)
(else (sum-list (cdr lst) ???)))))
(sum-list '(1 2 3 4 5) 0)
> 15
(sum-list '(1 2 x 4 5) 0)
> ()
I'd go for this:
(define (mysum lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (accum 0))
((empty? lst) accum)
((not (number? (car lst))) '())
(else (loop (cdr lst) (+ accum (car lst)))))))
Your issue is that you need to use cond, not if - there are three possible branches that you need to consider. The first is if you run into a non-number, the second is when you run into the end of the list, and the third is when you need to recurse to the next element of the list. The first issue is that you are combining the non-number case and the empty-list case, which need to return different values. The recursive case is mostly correct, but you will have to check the return value, since the recursive call can return an empty list.
Because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do this in one function, let's be painfully explicit:
#lang racket
; This checks the entire list for numericness
(define is-numeric-list?
(lambda (lst)
((null? lst) true)
((not (number? (car lst))) false)
(else (is-numeric-list? (cdr lst))))))
; This naively sums the list, and will fail if there are problems
(define sum-list-naive
(lambda (lst)
((null? lst) 0)
(else (+ (car lst) (sum-list-naive (cdr lst)))))))
; This is a smarter sum-list that first checks numericness, and then
; calls the naive version. Note that this is inefficient, because the
; entire list is traversed twice: once for the check, and a second time
; for the sum. Oscar's accumulator version is better!
(define sum-list
(lambda (lst)
((is-numeric-list? lst) (sum-list-naive lst))
(else '()))))
(is-numeric-list? '(1 2 3 4 5))
(is-numeric-list? '(1 2 x 4 5))
(sum-list '(1 2 3 4 5))
(sum-list '(1 2 x 4 5))
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I suspect your homework is expecting something more academic though.
Try making a "is-any-nonnumeric" function (using recursion); then you just (or (is-any-numeric list) (sum list)) tomfoolery.
