Link an external library at runtime in .NET -

Is it possible for my application to monitor a folder that if we copy a DLL (library) in it, the application will pick it up and link it?
I did a similar thing in C++ back in the days but is it possible to dynamically link a library in .NET?

Using reflection you could.
Poll the directory for added files, and then if you find one, load it using reflection and run some Main method inside it.
However you can't "unload" these DLLs unless they are loaded into seperate AppDomains.

Absolutely. See this SO question or consider using the MEF.


c# Centralized UI Development

We have a lot of websites with common functionality developed by 3 persons, in the business logic we use a common library project (in a shared directory) so we all use the same functions. This way the corrections and improvements are shared for the following projects or when we recompile an existing project. We have a class for some UI common functions too (loading a ListControl with x data and so)
The problem is with some web parts like CSS, Javascripts, Common Pages (login, configuration, customer management), those we don't know exactly how we can centralize them so we have those parts in the shared project so we don't have to copy paste corrections/improvements manually to the other websites each time...
Example of current website structure:
-Funx.cs (Functions specific to this site)
-Consx.cs (Session and other variables specific to this site)
-CommonProject (In a network shared directory)
Is there a way of doing this?
For now the closest we have come to solving this problem is following this article for the Javascript part:
We are now investigating using only one reference to a js file and including the other javascript references dinamically and the common CSS and MasterPages parts...
Maybe you can add those common references files as Linked File in Visual Studio. In this way you can maintain one file, while kept in a different location.
From Microsoft:
Link file leaves the file in its current location and maintains a link to the file from your current project.
Another solution would be to create a copy script before compile in Visual Studio. Reference over here.

VS2010 Automatically rebuild minified .js/.css files

I have been trying to integrate minification of javascript and css files in our VS2010 (.net 4.) projects. From what I hear, .net 4.5 and VS2012 will have minification build into the editor, so it will be as easy as setting a flag it will work. Unfortunately we are sill on VS2010 (.net 4.0).
Let me explain what I want to do and what I dont want to do.
I dont want to do big setups with classes/config file(s)/etc just to minify because all that stuff will have to be loaded on our build machine and even the build xml files might have to be modifies to make it work. Also, once we go to vs2012 and .net 4.5 all these configs/classes/etc will have to be discarded because vs2012 will have the build in functionality.
Here is what I think might be the best option. Since I am using the ScriptManager and it can already pull either a .debug.js (non-minified) or a .js (minified) script based on the build type, it seems all i need to do is to have some sort of (pre?) build event that will re-build a non-minified .js file into a minified one. Obviously the build event will have to call a minication module which would have to be installed on local computer (the YUI Compressor seems very nice). The module would update the minified .js file.
I have been reading about this, but I am getting a little bit lost. There are a lot of third party tools with bunch of setup and classes which I do not want to add.
Did anyone do something similar as I explained about?
If not what is the next best simple solution?
(By the way, if you are going to say move to VS2012/4.5, thats not a solution for us at this point)
Thank you Parv Sharma for your answer.
I would just like to explain what I did so that it may help someone in the future.
I installed the Microsoft Ajax Minifier
Created a batch file to add minifer to ENVIRONMENT PATH variables: setx path /m "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Microsoft Ajax Minifier"
Added the following pre-build events into my project:
ajaxmin $(ProjectDir)Script.js -out $(ProjectDir)Script.min.js -clobber
If Script.min.js does not exist, it will be created by the build event, but it will not be added to the project (not sure how to do that through the events).
When you add a new script file, mynewscript.js, just create a second blank file called mynewscript.min.js and add an pre-build event for it.
Using this approach the only thing you have to do to the build machine is run the Microsoft Ajax Minifier setup package and the batch file. Thats it everything else will be part of your pre-build events.
what you are looking for is probably this
by using this you would be able to use this third party tool as the minifier
after downloading the tool you have 2 options
1. edit the MSBUILD file to include building the js as per build event
OR 2. to attach this tool to VS and assign a key compbination to it.. this way you would be able to minify whenever you want just like we do F5 OR Cntrl-Shift-B
Attaching to VS is easy just to to external tools and in the Tools menu and add this tool with the required params

Registration-Free COM in ASP WebPage

I have a Webpage application which uses in the code behind DLL's and OCX's, some of these DLLs are VB6 ones and the others are C++. At the moment the access to these DLL's / OCX's is through the registy, i would like to change this using RegFree COM.
Problem: All examples i have found until now are demonstrating how to modify an EXE which accesses DLL to Registry Free one using the manifest files, assuming we have one EXE and one DLL the Registration Free access would produce one manifest file for the EXE (in which the dependency to the DLL's mnaifest is set) and another one for the DLL (which references the DLL), in my case i dont have an EXE but a Browser, so i am stuck with the EXE's manifest.
Is it possible to use Registry Free COM in my scenario? if yes where do i set the dependency between EXE->DLL, is it in somewhere Visual Studio??
thank you.
Perhaps you might look at which describes the process required.
If you truly mean ASP.Net try

How to package an ASP.NET application to prevent customers from modifying it?

Is there a tool or some general approach to packaging all the files of an ASP.NET application into binary form to prevent modification once its deployed? I am thinking there would be a set of signed binaries and a config file for settings that we allow the customer to modify. Has anyone attempted this, is it even possible?
I would pay a reasonable amount for a slick commercial product that did this with minimal hassle.
Sorry, from the answers I can see that I wasn't clear. I meant literally packaging ALL files, not just the code files. This means aspx, scripts, images etc. I'm not trying to prevent reverse engineering... this is a supportability issue, i.e. to avoid dealing with problems brought about by customer messing with the files.
If you made a web application project than you can compile your code into a single dll file. You can find it in the bin folder.
Just use aspnet_compiler.exe to precomple everything and then use aspnet_merge.exe to roll up all of the compiled assemblies into a single assembly. You can use an obfuscation tool like DotFuscator if you want to make it more difficult to reverse-engineer. Visual Studio pro and up include a "lite" edition of Dotfuscator that you can use for this.
Your codebehind files will be compiled in a single dll as ZippyV already mentioned. The aspx files will get deployed normally on the webserver.
But still, your dll files can be disassembled quite easily. So to be sure you have to use an obfuscator.
If you mean ALL files including the aspx you could also consider ngen. It precompiles everything into a dll so you can't even get at the aspx pages.
Although, ngen was designed to get rid of the JIT compiling feature of the framework and is definitely not a generally recommended approach but it may work in your case well.
From VS2008 select the menu option "Tools" and then "Dotfuscator Community Edition". You will have a "Learn More" link after it starts up.
I also sign mine using SN.exe to make it have a strong name. Given all this, I think it is complicated enough to figure out a system if you are given the source code and help.... so I don't worry about it anymore.
maybe Dotfuscator your customer won't be able to modify it nor reverse-engineer it :)

Using the same App_Code classes across websites

Let's say you have a solution with two website projects, Website A and Website B. Now inside Website A's App_Code folder, there is a Class X defined in a ClassX.cs file. What do you do if Website B also needs access to ClassX.cs?
Is there any way to share this file across App_Code folders? Assume that moving the file to a common library is out of the question.
Please please don't use these unholy website projects. Use Web Application projects instead, pack your shared classes into a library project and reference it from all your Web Applications.
Pack your shared classes into a Library (a DLL) and from each site right-click on add reference and select the library that you have created.
With the restriction of "Assume that moving the file to a common library is out of the question." the only way you could do this is to use NTFS junction points to essentially create a symlink to have the same .cs file in both folders.
This is a terrible option though (for versioning reasons)...moving it to a common library is the best option.
Here's the Wikipedia entry on NTFS junction points
and here's a tool for creating them
I don't believe that there is a way without moving ClassX into a new code library project. .NET requires all an assembly's dependencies to exist in the same folder as the assembly itself, or in the GAC, to be automatically detected.
You could try loading the assembly manually via the Reflection classes, although it's a bit hacky.
The best solution, if you have the time available and the inclination to undertake it, would be to go with JRoppert's solution of moving it to a web application project. You could then use web references (which work about as nicely as regular references inside VS) to refer to ClassX.
