Play flash one video on top of another? - apache-flex

I'm looking at a project that requires the ability to play one flash video over the top of another... sort of like an animated watermark, where the video on top has transparent regions ans may not be the same width/height as the one underneath.
Using Flash/Flex, can this be done in a web-app at real time? Or would you have to use an offline server app?
EDIT: This is not an HTML question. It's about making a simple video-editing kind of tool solely in Flex. Maybe I want to overlay a video of a galloping horse over a video of passing scenery or something. Ultimately, being able to output a single mixed video is useful, but for video editing that's too slow, real-time playback as the position of the overlay video is changed would be needed.
Hope this clarifies things somewhat?

Put the 2 videos on different layers inside your fla. The video files will have to be .flvs. Make sure the alpha channel is encoded in the video that's meant to go on top... this is done using your encoding program, like Flash Video Encoder. This is probably why it's not working for you right now.

I haven't done much flash work lately, but what I remember of flash (and I assume this is part of flex) you could draw in several files and place them on different levels, like a z-index.
If you need some sort of real-time keying or something of that nature, that is beyond my knowledge of flash.
You may be able to use CSS with z-indexing to do this through basic HTML/CSS means as well. But I would look to having flash do all the heavy lifting of layering, if you can.

I don't think you'll get such features,
Well, I am thinking, why you need to play flash files overlapped on each other .. If you want some water mark (static or Dynamic content), you can have it in a single flash file, you need not overlap the two files for that ..
Even if it was possible to make two flash files overlap on web-page, it is not recommended as good practice, because it needs lot of data to be transfered over to browser(in worst case, 2 files, so double the data), in-turn introducing more delay to load the page.. it is a degradation to your own web-page .. Instead try to merge files (image or flash) to save the amount of memory to be transfered via browser ..


How can I seek to an exact point in a Flash video without a Flash Media Server?

Is the Flash Video (or Flex VideoDisplay) component capable of seeking to an exact moment in a video?
It seems to always 'snap' to keyframes (which is understandable). I'm just wondering if there are any mechanisms in the video classes for seeking to exact frames, ie it should do the translation from keyframe to specific frame in the background rather than having to actually play the video forward to the desired frame.
This is not a streaming file and has nothing to do with buffering. The player is just downloading a movie file from the web and playing it from memory.
You need a streaming media server to jump to an exact moment in the video.
Otherwise you are stuck using progressive downloading, which will download every moment between the first one, and the moment you want to jump to.
You do not need to use Flash Media Server, though. Red5 is an open source alternative.
I do not know specifics on the code needed to jump to a specific point, though.

How can I create CSS sprites from images stored in the database?

I have an ASHX handler that I am using to display images that are stored in a database. I display the images as thumbnails and then full size if the user mouses over them.
How can I combine the images at runtime to produce CSS sprites for use in this situation?
If it can be done does anyone have suggestions on where to start?
It seems like most people are saying this is not a good situation to use sprites in. I'm new to the sprite concept so please bear with me.
If I am going to be loading 30 thumbnails on a page from my database everytime why would it not make sense to pass them from the server to the client as one large image instead of passing 30 individual images? Wouldn't this be faster? Isn't this the purpose of CSS Sprites?
As far as the browser is concerned, an HTTP resource is an HTTP resource and it is irrelevant if the server produced it by reading a file from a hard disk, taking data out of a database, or spewing the content of a random number generator through an algorithm that would output valid PNG data.
You just need to generate your images from the data as normal.
That said, since the images are content, CSS would be an inappropriate tool to include them in the document. You should use an <img> element.
You have a couple options.
Your handler can combine the images on the fly that it gets from the database and send the whole thing down to the browser.
OR (and I like this one better)
You create the merged image at the time the images are uploaded to your site.
The second is better as the conversion only has to happen once and therefore means that you only have to spend those resources once. It does mean you are essentially storing 2 copies of the image, but that's fine.
I believe I misinterpreted what you were trying to do. I thought you were trying to combine the thumbnail with the full blown image. Instead, you appear to be really asking how to combine all of the thumbnail images.
In that case, it's even more of a bad idea. As David Dorward stated CSS is used to control layout. You're talking about content. However, the semantic issue aside, in the event you want to make tweaks to the layout your going to have to modify your code which creates the sprites to begin with. What if you decide to do 35 images? Or, change that to do 18?
By going the sprite route your pretty well screwed by being forced to modify code for any layout change which is NOT good style.
To cover that last question: wouldn't it be faster? Probably not. Under this scenario you would have to create the sprite on the fly, which introduces server overhead, which slows everything down. At most it might be a wash in the delivery time. At worst, you incur a large server and development performance negative impact.
Check out It not only creates the sprite file automatically, but it does it on the fly through an HttpModule along with merging and minifying all CSS. It lso optimizes the sprite image using quantization and lossless compression and it handles the serving of the generated files using ETags and Expires headers to ensure optimal browser caching. The setup is trivial involving just a simple web.config change. See my blog post about its adoption by the Microsoft Visual Studio and MSDN Samples gallery.
I completely agree with David. Just a quick note regarding David's last point: That's only if the images are content. However, if they were part of the layout, then CSS would be appropriate.
That said, with this use case, sprites aren't a good choice. One of the purposes of thumbnails is to cut down loading time, which a sprite would make worse for a gallery. A better pattern might be using a lightbox or something similar with two images rather than one, with the larger being requested on demand.
Sprites are not a good solution here.
To answer your update, sprites are ideal for many small images, where the overhead of a new HTTP request outweighs the few bytes being sent for a small png or gif (e.g. 16x16 icons, etc). For larger images the time of the HTTP request becomes less important overall as the download time increases.
Packing images into a sprite also means that they will execute one longer request and other requests will have to queue behind it. If the important thing is to get the thumbnails showing quickly, then make sure those get loaded first before starting to load any larger views of the same images.
Any larger files that don't display at the initial page load should be late-loaded (window.onload) or lazy-loaded (as needed by click or hover actions).

How can I get a smooth text crawl using Flex?

I'm working on a standalone Flash application (written using Flex 3/ActionScript 3) that features a text crawl, like what you might see at the bottom of your TV when watching a cable news channel; it's a long narrow box that text moves across from right to left.
I've implemented it by creating a Label element, populating it with text, and then moving it using a mx:Move object with a Linear.easeNone easing function. It works, but it has ample room for improvement. It looks a bit jerky, and tends to have a fair amount of "tearing" (the top and bottom halves of the text sometimes fall out of sync).
I tried throwing math at the problem to get the crawl's movement rate synced with the monitor's refresh rate, but that was a bust. I found out the hard way that the app's frame rate jumps around too much; the "optimized" crawl varied between looking silky smooth and like it had epilepsy.
Is there anything else folks would recommend I try to smooth this thing out? Is there some alternate design you'd recommend I try?
Edit: Some context: the crawl is part of a digital signage application (played from a standalone Flash projector -- no web browser) that does stuff elsewhere on the screen, including video playback and rendering text and images. It definitely gets choppier during video playback, but it's never as smooth as I'd like it to be.
There are two potential solutions to this problem, but both have caveats, the first because of your use of Flex and a standalone projector, the second because it is a mitigator, not a complete solution.
Hardware Acceleration
When publishing your file, you can attempt to have Flash utilize hardware acceleration to alleviate the vertical refresh issue you are running into that is causing tearing. Sadly, Flex Builder 3 is incapable of enabling this setting at the SWF (projector) level (Link to bug). This has yet to be resolved and has been pushed from 4.0 to 4.1 to 4.x... If and when it is resolved, it will likely be a compiler argument in the project settings of Flash Builder 4.
You may be able to determine if this solution works for you by outputting your projector as a standard SWF and embedding it on an HTML document with the wmode set to "direct" or "gpu". Sadly, if it does (it should), you can't use it right now anyway. If you have Flash Builder 4, certain projects are capable of making round trips between FB4 and Flash Professional CS5, though I am not sure what the criteria for that is (my current AIR project has all the project modification menu options grayed out). If you do manage to get your project into Flash, you can enable hardware acceleration in the Publish Settings of the project (File->Publish Settings->Flash tab->Hardware Acceleration option in CS5).
This method is almost a certain solution for your problem, though it has two issues, one already highlighted above, and (for people publishing for the web) that by utilizing direct or GPU rendering on a webpage, you are unable to layer any DOM elements on top of flash.
direct: This mode tries to use the fastest path to screen, or direct path if you will. In most cases it will ignore whatever the browser would want to do to have things like overlapping HTML menus or such work. A typical use case for this mode is video playback. On Windows this mode is using DirectDraw or Direct3D on Vista, on OSX and Linux we are using OpenGL. Fidelity should not be affected when you use this mode.
gpu: This is fully fledged compositing (+some extras) using some functionality of the graphics card. Think of it being similar to what OSX and Vista do for their desktop managers, the content of windows (in flash language that means movie clips) is still rendered using software, but the result is composited using hardware. When possible we also scale video natively in the card. More and more parts of our software rasterizer might move to the GPU over the next few Flash Player versions, this is just a start. On Windows this mode uses Direct3D, on OSX and Linux we are using OpenGL.
Direct is the ideal option for this situation, as you can actually have performance degredation with "gpu" as well as visual differences from graphics card to graphics card.
Lower your framerate
The Flash player will continue to play video at its native refresh rate independent of the rest of your project as long as you keep the framerate at or above approximately 2FPS (though I suggest 5FPS minimum). You won't want to run that low for this example, but you are able to lower the framerate of the entire scene without impacting video performance. The closer your framerate is to the screen refresh rate, the more apt you are to actually create the tearing effect unless you are able to absolutely sync with the monitor's refresh rate, which you probably cannot do without the above... Hardware Acceleration.
This problem has existed in the Flash Player for as long as it has been able to move objects horizontally. What happens is that Flash updates a buffered snapshot of the running animation at the same time that the screen is refreshing. If the buffered snapshot changes partway through a screen refresh, you get a tear. This is why lowering the framerate actually reduces the amount of tearing, you are refreshing the buffer less frequently.
As #Tegeril mentioned, using Flex is one of the reasons. Flex is a pretty heavy framework and it does a lot of things behind the scenes. If you're familiar with the life cycle of a component(especially invalidating properties, invalidating the display list, etc.).
As a few minor things that might improve performance:
try to keep a simple display list. If you know the app will always be displayed at one size, then flex won't waste time traversing the display list/tree up to the top and back for measurements. Also, try to use a Canvas. I know, it's not very clean, but since it uses absolute values and doesn't check with the 'parents' much, it should be faster than other containers(like HBox,VBox, etc.)
try to display the video at it's full size(make sure the encoded video dimensions are right so there be any CPU cycles on resizing video
Ok, this was Flex stuff.
It might be very handy to read sencular's article on Asynchronous ActionScript Execution which explains how Flash Player handles updates and renders.
Frames both execute ActionScript and render the screen
ActionScript taking a long time to complete delays rendering
I imagine the jerkiness is related to this. Also, I'm guessing you might
get moments of smooth movement then sudden halts, every now and then, when
Flash Player catches it's breath(Garbage Collector cleans up)
Victor Drâmbă article on “Multithreading” in Actionscript might also
be useful.
Soo, to recap:
use Profiler or something and see if the Flex framework is slowing you down, or where the 'bottleneck' is
improve as much as you can on that side then check if it's how Flash Player handles all the actionscript('elastic' frames)
If the bottleneck comes from the Flex framework, worst case, you
can try to minimise the number of components that traverse the display list,
and use pure actionscript for the other things(as #PatrickS suggested, use TweenLite, etc.)
If it helps, try to preload data(fetch rss feed and all that) at the start, and when you've got most of the important bits that don't require 'refreshes'/loads frequently, display the app. You will use more memory, but will have more cpu cycles to spare for other tasks.
Also, if it's display objects that are the 'bottleneck' and there's plenty of them, check if you can reuse them using Object Pools.
TweenMax or even TweenLite ( )handles this sort of job pretty well. What else is your app doing while the text is scrolling though? Is it possible that some other processes are interfering?
This may not be helpful, but have you considered putting the crawling text into the html DOM and using CSS transitions to crawl the text. Obviously there's the IE problem, but it should be supported in IE9 and you could use javascript as a fallback.
This may seem silly, but CSS transitions are getting hardware acceleration and separate processes for plugins meaning on a multicore machine you could get parallel threads.
One thing you might consider is to move your label incrementally using a Timer instead of an easing function. That way you can take advantage of the updateAfterEvent method to get smoother rendering. Here's a link to an article/video from Chet Haase (Adobe's Flex graphics dude) that explains usage along with an example app with code:
Hope that helps.

Can I play a video backwards in AIR

I need to play a .mov file backwards in my Flex app. Some help??
Likely not possible.
Video files are simply not designed to play backwards (the compression takes advantage of forwards [and backwards] temporal information) - a decoder would have to be specially-coded for such a feature.
Perhaps use an external tool to reverse the video.
If Flex allows per-frame control, then you may be able to achieve some results (perhaps not good ones) by frame-stepping backwards from the end. Your mileage may vary.
One way to do it is to have the video on the timeline of a flash file (when you drag the video into flash it will give you the option).
then with actionscript you need to make sure the movieclip is paused and manually move the playhead of the currentframe backwards at about the frame rate of the movie.
it isn't trivial but it's possible.
Note that you won't have the sound working.

Linking directly to a SWF, what are the downsides?

Usually Flash and Flex applications are embedded on in HTML using either a combination of object and embed tags, or more commonly using JavaScript. However, if you link directly to a SWF file it will open in the browser window and without looking in the address bar you can't tell that it wasn't embedded in HTML with the size set to 100% width and height.
Considering the overhead of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript needed to embed a Flash or Flex application filling 100% of the browser window, what are the downsides of linking directly to the SWF file instead? What are the upsides?
I can think of one upside and three downsides: you don't need the 100+ lines of HTML, JavaScript and CSS that are otherwise required, but you have no plugin detection, no version checking and you lose your best SEO option (progressive enhancement).
Update don't get hung up on the 100+ lines, I simply mean that the the amount of code needed to embed a SWF is quite a lot (and I mean including libraries like SWFObject), and it's just for displaying the SWF, which can be done without a single line by linking to it directly.
Upsides for linking directly to SWF file:
Faster access
You know it's a flash movie even before you click on the link
Skipping the html & js files (You won't use CSS to display 100% flash movie anyway)
You have little control on movie defaults.
You can't use custom background colors, transparency etc.
You can't use flashVars to send data to the movie from the HTML
Can't use fscommand from the movie to the page
Movie proportions are never the same as the user's window's aspect ratio
You can't compensate for browser incompetability (The next new browser comes out and you're in trouble)
No page title, bad if you want people to bookmark properly.
No plugin information, download links etc.
If your SWF connects to external data sources, you might have cross domain problems.
Renaming the SWF file will also rename the link. Bad for versioning.
In short, for a complicated application - always use the HTML. For a simple animation movie you can go either way.
You also lose external control of the SWF. When it's embedded in HTML you can use javascript to communicate with the SWF. If the SWF is loaded directly that may not be possible.
Your 100+ lines quote seems pretty high to me. The HTML that FlashDevelop generates for embedding a SWF is only around 35 lines, with an include of a single swfobject.js file. You shouldn't need to touch the js file, and at the most would only have to tweak the HTML in very minor ways to get it to do what you want.
In my experience not all browsers handle this properly. I'm not really sure why (or which browsers) but I've mistakenly sent links like this to clients on occasion and they've often come back confused. I suspect their browser prompts them to download the file instead of displaying it properly.
One upside I can think of is being able to specify GET parameters in the direct URL to the SWF, which will then be available in the Flash app (via Application.application.parameters in Flex, not sure how you'd access them in Flash CS3). This can of course be achieved by other means as well if you have an HTML wrapper but this way it's less work.
Why would you need 100+ lines of code? Using something like swfobject reduces this amout quite some (and generally you don't want to do plugin detection, etc. by hand anyway).
More advantages:
Light weight look cuz you can get rid of the header with all the tool bars that seem to accumulate there and even the scroll bar is not needed. This enhances the impact when you are trying to show a lot of action in a short flash.
The biggie: you get it in a window that you can drag larger or smaller and make the movie larger and smaller. The player will resize the movie to fill the window you have. This is great for things like group photos where everyone wants to enlarge to find themselves and their friends. I've done this for a one frame Flash production!
As with popups in general, if you are asking for multiple ones from the same site, and you want different size popups, the browsers tend to simply override the size you ask for in and reuse whatever is up. You need to close any open popup so the will do a fresh create. It gets complicated, and I have not been able to get it to work across pages in a website. Anyone who has done this successfully, pls post how!
Adobe should be ashamed of themselves with the standard embed, which defeats the puprose of convention over configuration. Check ^swfobject (as mentioned above) or swfin
