Run a script over multiple files in unix - unix

Started to learn some shell scripting. I have a perl script that runs on one file. How would I write a shell script to run the perl script a bunch of times on all files with keyword "filename" in it?
So in English,
for /filename/ in filenames
perl completefilename

find . -name "filename*" -exec perl '{}' \;

for i in $(\ls -d filenames)
perl $i
The backslash in front of the 'ls' command is to temporarily disable any aliases.

find . -path "\*filename\*" -exec perl {} \;
edit: escaped stars, didn't want the markup here

And if you have spaces in your filenames, use the old standby
find . -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 perl

In bash:
files=`ls -1 *`
for $file in $files;
perl $file;

One liner:
$ for file in filename1 filename2 filename3; do perl myscript $file; done
Instead of the space separated list of filenames you can also use wildcards, for instance:
$ for file in *.txt *.csv; do perl myscript $file; done

for f in "$FILES"
perl $f

I personally use the zsh shell, which gives you a very nice way to run a command recursively on a set of subdirectories. It also allows you to change the suffix of the file, which is handly when using lame to create MP3 files of .wav files:
for i in **/*.wav; lame $i $i:r.mp3
You can also pipe the output of one command to another, which I something I use frequently when I'm downloading a number of bittorrent files and want to see the percentage that each download has completed:
for i in **/*.txt; grep -H percent $i | tail -1


How to cat all files with filename with certain words in unix

I have a bunch of file in one directory, what I wanted to do is:
cat a-12-08.json b-12-08_others.json b-12-08-mian.json >> new.json
But there are too many files, is there any command I can use to cat all files with "12-08" in their filename?
I found the solution below.
Here is the answer:
cat *12-08* >> new.json
you can use find to do what you want to archive:
find . -type f -name '*12-08*' -exec sh -c 'grep "one" {} && cat {} >> /tmp/output.txt' \;
In this way you can cat the files with contain the word that you looking for
Use a wildcard name:
cat *12-08* >>new.json
This will work as long as there aren't so many files that you exceed the maximum length of a command line, ARG_MAX (2MB on the Linux systems I checked).

find and then grep and then iterate through list of files

I have following script to replace text.
grep -l -r "originaltext" . |
while read fname
sed 's/originaltext/replacementText/g' $fname > tmp.tmp
mv tmp.tmp $fname
Now in the first statement of this script , I want to do something like this.
find . -name '*.properties' -exec grep "originaltext" {} \;
How do I do that?
I work on AIX, So --include-file wouldn't work .
In general, I prefer to use find to FIND files rather than grep. It looks obvious : )
Using process substitution you can feed the while loop with the result of find:
while IFS= read -r fname
sed 's/originaltext/replacementText/g' $fname > tmp.tmp
mv tmp.tmp $fname
done < <(find . -name '*.properties' -exec grep -l "originaltext" {} \;)
Note I use grep -l (big L) so that grep just returns the name of the file matching the pattern.
You could go the other way round and give the list of '*.properties' files to grep. For example
grep -l "originaltext" `find -name '*.properties'`
Oh, and if you're on a recent linux distribution, there is an option in grep to achieve that without having to create that long list of files as argument
grep -l "originaltext" --include='*.properties' -r .

Recursively search files named string.xml for certain text

This command will search all directories and subdirectories for files containing "text"
grep -r "text" *
How do i specify to search only in files that are named 'strings.xml'?
You'll want to use find for this, since grep won't work that way recursively (as far as I know). Something like this should work:
find . -name "strings.xml" -exec grep "text" "{}" \;
The find command searches starting in the current directory (.) for a file with the name strings.xml (-name "strings.xml"), and then for each found file, execute the grep command specified. The curly braces ("{}") are a placeholder that find uses to specify the name of the file it found. More detail can be found in man find.
Also note that the -r option to grep is no longer necessary, since find works recursively.
You can use the grep command:
grep -r "text" /path/to/dir/strings.xml
grep supports an --include option whose use is to recurse in directories only searching file matching PATTERN. So, try something like below:
grep -R --include 'strings.xml' text .
I also tried using find which seems to be quite faster than grep:
find ./ -name "strings.xml" -exec grep "text" '{}' \; -print
These links speak about the same issue, might help you:
'grep -R string *.txt' even when top dir doesn't have a .txt file
Try below command
find . -type f | xargs grep "strings\.xml"
This will run grep "strings\.xml" on every file returned by find

search and replace a string

is there a way to search and replace a string using single unix command grep recusrsively in multiple directories?
i know it can be done by using the combination of find with other utilities like sed perl etc.but is there a way where we can use only grep for doing this on unix command line?
I don't think that only grep would work here; involving sed and other utilities will be much more easier, than just grep
one way, if you have GNU find and bash shell
find /path -type f -iname "*.txt" | while read -r FILE
while read -r LINE
case "$LINE" in
echo "$LINE" >> temp
done < "$FILE"
mv temp "$FILE"

batch rename to change only single character

How to rename all the files in one directory to new name using the command mv. Directory have 1000s of files and requirement is to change the last character of each file name to some specific char. Example: files are
it should change to
You have to watch out for name collisions but this should work okay:
for i in *.txt ; do
j=$(echo "$i" | sed 's/..txt$/_.txt/')
echo mv \"$i\" \"$j\"
#mv "$i" "$j"
after you uncomment the mv (I left it commented so you could see what it does safely). The quotes are for handling files with spaces (evil, vile things in my opinion :-).
If all files end in ".txt", you can use mmv (Multiple Move) for that:
mmv "*[a-z].txt" "#1_.txt"
Plus: mmv will tell you when this generates a collision (in your example: abc.txt becomes ab_.txt which already exists) before any file is renamed.
Note that you must quote the file names, else the shell will expand the list before mmv sees it (but mmv will usually catch this mistake, too).
If your files all have a .txt suffix, I suggest the following script:
for i in *.txt
r=`basename $i .txt | sed 's/.$//'`
mv $i ${r}_.txt
Is it a definite requirement that you use the mv command?
The perl rename utility was written for this sort of thing. It's standard for debian-based linux distributions, but according to this page it can be added really easily to any other.
If it's already there (or if you install it) you can do:
rename -v 's/.\.txt$/_\.txt/' *.txt
The page included above has some basic info on regex and things if it's needed.
Find should be more efficient than for file in *.txt, which expands all of your 1000 files into a long list of command line parameters. Example (updated to use bash replacement approach):
find . \( -type d ! -name . -prune \) -o \( -name "*.txt" \) | while read file
mv $file ${file%%?.txt}_.txt
I'm not sure if this will work with thousands of files, but in bash:
for i in *.txt; do
j=`echo $i |sed 's/.\.txt/_.txt/'`
mv $i $j
You can use bash's ${parameter%%word} operator thusly:
for FILE in *.txt; do
mv $FILE ${FILE%%?.txt}_.txt
