can i find out when a webpage was last uploaded? - datetime

as the question asks, is there a way of finding when a page was uploaded/updated last. I've got a client who has an 'SEO' company and I've just been asked by client if i've changed the the ftp login details, i haven't but it could be the seo company, want to know if they've updated a page and uploaded it after i did....
thanks in advance....

Yeah, log into the FTP and take a look at the creation date of the file.

If the server provides a "last-modified" header, that would give you the most reliable information without accessing their servers.


wiil do it


Didnt realize "aspx?URL=" added to url. Am i scammed?

I just googled a website and sent my login&password. But just after i realized that at the end of url of website there was an extra "aspx?URL="
So what does it stand for? Is my login information was sent to somewhere else and stolen?
I couldn't find any information on, but considering it throws a 404 error when I try to access the site and it is in all Chinese, it would probably be for the best that you reset your passwords.

Could someone give me a url that uses POST method?

I am writing a http proxy and I need to test if it can handle POST requests, but I can not find a URL that uses POST method.
Could someone give me one?
Try this one:
Read the instructions on the page. To help you further, I suggest that you use Postman, (it doesn't answer requests but is a great tool to help you compose your requests)
Also you need to show that you've done some research first. Or your question will get downvoted to hell.

comment_author also returns the ip

I have a plugin, that gets the comment authors name by "$comment->comment_author", but apparently this also gives you the authors ip and gateway, etc.
Is this normal behaviour or is there a way to stop this?
this is how the email looks:
Autor: Carlotta (IP: ,
E-Mail :
thanks in advance
If you are the site administrator then WordPress will send you this information by default, however it is only the site admin who sees it, and not your average user.
sry, the problem is resolved! The Email to the users looks fine, but its the email to the site admin, that looks like this, which isnĀ“t a problem! Thanks anyways :)

Link to add ics to Google Calendar stopped working

I have a link on a website to let users add an ICS feed to their google Calendar. Using this code:<etc>
It worked for 3-4 years but not anymore. The message Google sends me is:
This email address isn't associated with an active Google Calendar account: https://<etc>
If I enter the ics feed manually things work ok: the feed is parsed as should. No errors.
Any idea where to look to fix this?
I too have this problem. Did you solve it?
My tests show that it works when using URLs with http, like:
But not with https, like:
My workaround for this is to use http in the link, but redirect it to https in the web server. Not very elegant, but it works. The GET won't be encrypted, but at least the answer is.
EDIT: Actually, it can be a huge security risk sending the GET over http instead of https if you don't do any more authentication than via query string parameters, which can be hard for calendar feeds. Anyone who can sniff the GET can send the same request over https themselves.
Right now it works, even with https.
Use webcal protocol for the calendar address:
Ok, so for me, none of the other answers on this page worked. But I figured it out with bits and pieces of others:
Link to my calendar's ics:
The right way to link it to Google Calendar:
The key here is adding it using the webcal protocol instead of the https protocol.
Hope this helps anyone.
They got more strict.
Now you have to use
note the encoding.

What does "killmenothing" in a cookie mean?

I encountered this using Fiddler, e.g.:
Request sent 57 bytes of Cookie data: killmenothing;
Could someone please explain me the exact meaning?
I finally managed to find the source: it's a way to make sure a cookie exists by setting one, just as described quite a bit of time ago in this article.
Thanks for your contributions that helped me to address my search in the right direction.
This is not a built in feature.
Looks like a way for the website developer to eradicate certain cookie data by replacing it with that string.
Check your web config. Its possible its the cookie name used for authentication.
