Facebook Connect and Wordpress - wordpress

Is it possible to use the facebook connect option I am seeing on a ton of sites now, to allow the user to register for a WordPress account simply by using the Facebook Connect? Note, this will be used on a Wordpress site.

yes it is possible to use facebook connect on wordpress site, i have done that on this site:

You are looking for this http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-facebookconnect/


WordPress “wp-admin” redirecting to a user account login

I’m getting a very strange error. When I try to log in to the back-end of WordPress at the address mysite.com/wp-admin, to access the back-end, I am automatically being redirected to mysite.com/login.php... as if I were trying to log into an account as a regular user or a customer.
I’m a novice with WordPress, and I can’t seem to figure this out. Please help.
I have a website which allows some of the users to post available jobs around the block and others apply through it.
Thank You
I'm not using any plugin to implement the front-end at all.
I tried to login using the regular admin credentials and it didn't work.
A way to login the back-end so i can customize the site
It sounds like you have a theme redirect. Try logging into your site using the login page it should function the exact same way. If not try seeing if the theme has any documentation about its redirect. and if you are able to get to the admin section i personally like having ithemes installed which lets me set my own url for the backend. You can also try /wp-login.php as well.

How do i achieve Wordpress to moodle SSO

I would like to achieve wordpress to moodle sso. If a user logs into wordpress i want the user to also be automatically logged into moodle.
I have already intergrated the courses from moodle into wordpress.
Any ideas on how to achieve this, i would rather not use plugins. Any leads will be appreciated.
I think you're going to be better off using a plugin. As you will need to use wordpress Oauth to authenticate a moodle user againist your wordpress database.
So in short If a user logs into moodle their password will be stored and authenticated in wordpress.
This tutorial on moodle explains how best to handle it in the most efficient way.

how do I test a facebook feed plugin on a website under development on localhost

I am building a website for a friend. I am using WordPress and doing the work on a localhost. My friend wants a Facebook feed. I have a plugin I like. I signed up as a test user on Facebook but because it's a test user and not a real user on a live site I can't get the plugin to work. I now understand that I am doing the wrong thing trying to use a test user Facebook page to give content to the plugin but I don't know what the right way is. Please tell me the correct way to use "dummy" Facebook content to test a Wordpress plugin on a non-live site. I will delete my test user as soon as I know the correct way. I'm working very hard to learn how to develop websites and how to correctly use Wordpress. I am also researching this on the Wordpress forum and on Google but I also need expert advice. Thank you.

Access wordpress admin area without login

Currently I am developing a site in Opencart. For the blog, I am using Wordpress but my client does not want two different login sections for opencart and wordpress. Is it possible to redirect a user from the admin of wordpress to OpenCart and vice versa using a link without them having to enter a password each time?
Please advise. Your valuable suggestion will help me to sort out this problem.
This is possible by adding a simple plugin, which defines the needed (pluggable) login functions.
Basically, rather than logging into WP directly, you'd write the pluggable functions that authenticates the user using OpenCart's details. (Note that hooks allow you to make the login form redirect straight to the latter, too.)
Look for an existing plugin or module that does this. It would be surprising if none exist already.

Wordpress Connect with facebook and other social media

I am running My Wordpress Powered Website on a free hosted platform and the provider blocked PHP curl extension. I want to let visitors login with facebook and other social platforms. I tried with some wordpress plugins (e.g: nextend facebook connect, social connect etc.) But, those plugins requires curl extension to work. Is there any alternatives to activate facebook, twitter connect in my wordpress website for login?
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I found this, but it might be outdated, you can check if it works for you
