Wordpress Connect with facebook and other social media - wordpress

I am running My Wordpress Powered Website on a free hosted platform and the provider blocked PHP curl extension. I want to let visitors login with facebook and other social platforms. I tried with some wordpress plugins (e.g: nextend facebook connect, social connect etc.) But, those plugins requires curl extension to work. Is there any alternatives to activate facebook, twitter connect in my wordpress website for login?
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated.

I found this, but it might be outdated, you can check if it works for you


I am not able to see 'create application password' section in wordpress

I am trying to create a script from How to upload images using wordpress REST api in python?
The only problem is that I am not able to see the the section where I can create application password. My only goal is to create a application password, I don't know what else to write but feel free to ask me anything anytime.
Screenshot - https://i.stack.imgur.com/AbM1u.png
After seeing the screenshot of WordPress admin you share, I found that you are using wordpress.com to host your website.
This is surely limited by wordpress.com
See WordPress.com plans to know, which plan includes what.
You can host WordPress at own hosting to get this access. WordPress source code can be downloaded from WordPress.org

jetpack is in offline mode in wordpress. how to enable it and connect to our wordpress.com account

When I am done with jetpack plugin installation. My jetpack dashboard shows the popup like jetpack is offline you can't use some feature in disable mode. How to fix this problem as well as how to connect with my Wordpress.com Account?
If you have already account on jetpack then try to deactivate and delete the plugin then reinstall and activate.
If you still facing the error then ping me.
this is not exactlly a error this is the mode which u have bydefault because of your jepack account not link or in activate state with WordPress. You can use only limited services because of local hosting if go through online then you will be able to all sevices of jetpack

display wordpress posts in a non-wordpress external site

I have looked for almost every info available there but nothing worked for me. I want to show wordpress posts of some users on my website which is not on wordpress platform but hosted in MS Azure.Can someone guide me on this.? The wordpress website is free so i cant use plugin.
Just creating this as an answer:
You can use WordPress Rest API now as it's part of WordPress core and doesn't require any 3rd party plugins.

drupal linkedin integration module

I am trying to get the drupal linkedin integration module working. My configuration is:
Drupal 6.19
OAuth 6.x-2.02
linkedin module 6.x-1.x-dev
I have created my app on the linkedin developer network
I have added the correct keys to my linkedin module on my website
I have checked that all my URL's are correct
I have checked my permissions are correct
When I click on my account, edit linkedin, nothing happens. Nothing is logged either.
I did the same with the twitter module and it worked fine.
I have uninstalled the linkedin and oauth modules numerous times to fix and it made no difference.
Anyone offer any pointers where to try next?
fixed by reinstalling modules and prerequisites

Facebook Connect and Wordpress

Is it possible to use the facebook connect option I am seeing on a ton of sites now, to allow the user to register for a WordPress account simply by using the Facebook Connect? Note, this will be used on a Wordpress site.
yes it is possible to use facebook connect on wordpress site, i have done that on this site:
You are looking for this http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-facebookconnect/
