Reflection: for frameworks only? - reflection

Somebody that I work with and respect once remarked to me that there shouldn't be any need for the use of reflection in application code and that it should only be used in frameworks. He was speaking from a J2EE background and my professional experience of that platform does generally bear that out; although I have written reflective application code using Java once or twice.
My experience of Ruby on Rails is radically different, because Ruby pretty much encourages you to write dynamic code. Much of what Rails gives you simply wouldn't be possible without reflection and metaprogramming and many of the same techniques are equally as applicable and useful to your application code.
Do you agree with the viewpoint that reflection is for frameworks only? I'd be interested to hear your opinions and experiences.

There's the old joke that any sufficiently sophisticated system written in a statically-typed language contains an incomplete, inferior implementation of Lisp.
Since your requirements tend to become more complicated as a project evolves, you often eventually find that the common idioms in statically-typed object systems eventually hit a wall. Sometimes reaching for reflection is the best solution.
I'm happy in dynamically-typed languages like Ruby, and statically-typed languages like C#, but the implicit reflection in Ruby often makes for simpler, easier-to-read code. (Depending on the metaprogramming magic required, sometimes harder to write).
In C#, I've found problems that couldn't be solved without reflection, because of information I didn't have until runtime. One example: When trying to manipulate some third-party code that generated proxies to Silverlight objects running in another process, I had to use reflection to invoke a specific strongly-typed "Generic" version of a method, because the marshalling required the caller to make an assumption about the type of the object in the other process was in order to extract the data we needed from it, and C# doesn't allow the "type" of the generic method invocation to be specified at run time (except with reflection techniques). I guess you could argue our tool was kind of a framework, but I could easily imagine a case in an ordinary application facing a similar problem.

Reflection makes DRY a lot easier. It's certainly possible to write DRY code without reflection, but it's often much more verbose.
If some piece of information is encoded in my program in one way, why wouldn't I use reflection to get at it, if that's the easiest way?
It sounds like he's talking about Java specifically. And in that case, he's just citing a special case of this: in Java, reflection is so wonky it's almost never the easiest way to do something. :-) In other languages like Ruby, as you've seen, it often is.

Reflection is definitely heavily used in frameworks, but when used correctly can help simplify code in applications.
One example I've seen before is using a JDK Proxy of a large interface (20+ methods) to wrap (i.e. delegate to) a specific implementation. Only a couple of methods were overridden using a InvocationHandler, the rest of the methods were invoked via reflection.
Reflection can be useful, but it is slower that doing a regular method call. See this reflection comparison.

Reflection in Java is generally not necessary. It may be the quickest way to solve a certain problem, but I would rather work out the underlying problem that causes you to think it's necessary in app code. I believe this because it frequently pushes errors from compile time to run time, which is always a Bad Thing for large enough software that testing is non-trivial.

I disagree, my application uses reflection to dynamically create providers. I might also use reflection to control logic flow, if the logic is simple and doesn't warrant a more complicated pattern.
In C# I use reflection to grab attributes off Enumeration which help me determine how to display an enumeration to an end user.

I disagree, reflection is very useful in application code and I find myself using it quite often. Most recently, I had to use reflection to load an assembly (in order to investigate its public types) from just the path of the assembly.
Several opinions on this subject are expressed here...
What is reflection and why is it useful?

Use reflection when there is no other way! This is a matter of performance!
If you have looked into .NET performance pitfalls before, it might not surprise you how slow the normal reflection is: a simple test with repeated access to an int property proved to be ~1000 times slower using reflection compared to the direct access to the property (comparing the average of the median 80% of the measured times).
See this: .NET reflection - performance
MSDN has a pretty nice article about When Should You Use Reflection?

If your problem is best solved by using reflection, you should use it.
(Note that the definition of 'best' is something learnt by experience :)
The definition of framework vs. application isn't all that black & white either. Sometimes your app needs a bit of framework to do its job well.

I think the observation that there shouldn't be any need for the use of reflection in application code and that it should only be used in frameworks is more or less true.
On the spectrum of how coupled some piece of code are, code joined by reflection are as loosely coupled as they come.
As such, the code which is doing it's job via reflection can quite happily fulfil it's role in life knowing not-a-thing about the code which is using it.


Is roslyn a reasonable substitute for reflection related tasks?

Have a question, never used roslyn before so i'm wondering about maybe experimenting it in a task that i would normally use reflection.
I'm given an external dll, i need to go over some classes in that dll and extract some metadata on them.
Like for example, the class name, property names and types and such.
I would normally use reflection to do it. Should be a super simple task.
But i've been told that this can be achieved using roslyn.
Can it? From what i'm seeing, Roslyn can parse a class but i need to give it the code that represents this calss as text. How would i get the code as text in an already complied code?
Is that even a reasonable scenario to use roslyn? Does it worth the effort?
If all you need is information that's already easily available via reflection, then Roslyn is likely to make it much harder. There's quite a lot of setup required, which can be error-prone and brittle in the face of new releases, in my experience.
I would typically use reflection for anything where the starting point is an assembly. When the starting point is source code, that's when it makes more sense to use Roslyn.
When Roslyn is the right tool for the job, it's amazing - but it doesn't sound like that's the case here.
When you using Roslyn, you have lexical info and symbolic info.
The lexical info won't help you, you must use the symbolic info, for that, you must have compilation and you can create it for compiled code.
With the compilation, you indeed can achieve types info but not runtime info. Anyway, using reflection for this is much straight forward.
When your mission is related to tree transverse or syntax rewriting, Roslyn is perfect, but for metadata info, it's the wrong usage.
It depends on your specific needs but maybe there are other "tools" that more suitable for your task (e.g. cecil or dnlib)

Should the usage of reflection be avoided in Go?

I'm new to Go and also new to the concept of reflection, but should and can the usage of reflect package be avoided in Go? Is there a scenario where reflect is unavoidable?
There are a few problem domains where reflection makes it easier to write reusable libraries:
marshalling/unmarshalling, plenty of examples in the standard library, e.g. encoding/json, encoding/xml
formatting, e.g. text/template, html/template, fmt.Printf.
However there is a price you pay for using reflection:
compile time errors become runtime errors (e.g. fmt.Printf("%d", stringVariable))
performance becomes worse
Very often an alternative solution exists that do not require reflection such as code generation, that is used by marshalling libraries like protobuf or thrift.
I agree with #volker that you should use reflection only when you know that it will simplify already existing code and aware of all downsides.
You should avoid reflection.
Some packages (e.g. fmt) cannot be implemented without reflection as you cannot typeswitch on all existing and upcoming types.
If you are new to Go: Keep away from reflection.

Drawbacks of developing ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC apps in F#?

I would like to try developing ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC apps in F#. I enjoy using functional langauges, and to my mind the functional paradigm fits better with HTTP and the web than imperative programming (though of course F# can do both).
I am only intending on trying F# for some personal projects, though I hope that eventually F# will be seen as a valid alternative to C# for suitable commercial ASP.NET projects.
What pitfalls and rough edges are there currently for using F# with ASP.NET? One obvious disadvantage is that F# is much more obscure than C#, so there are less code samples and experienced programmers for F#.
What other potential issues should I be aware of?
Personally I am a big fan of F#. My NDjango parser/rendering engine is written in F#.
But trying to do everything in F# can be difficult. To add to your list of the things which are not there yet:
There is no support for visual
designers - neither webforms nor
winforms. You can write the
appropriate code manually, of course
No Code Completion
Debugging in F# can be a challenge, in particular because of anonymous closures
Compiler Diagnostics can be misleading because of type inference - one typo can have profound impact in far away places
My biggest pet peeve is the 'file order matter' rule. You have to specify the order in which the files will be compiled
By no means this is a complete list. On the other end one might hope that some of these points will be addressed in final release.
Despite of all of the listed (and unlisted) problems I enjoy programming in F# - sometimes it gives a very refreshing perspective on the coding and I already started using some of the tricks inspired by F# in my C# code.
Just do not go crazy in it
Is this a home project or a work thing? If it's for work, you need to consider the ability of somebody else to drop in and maintain your code - there aren't too many F# developers out there when compared to competent C# people.
mmmmm f#, the other white meat that dare speak its name. Go for it, F# as Mr Kay would say "its the future!". As for the pitfall...puh!, what pitfalls, you just create stuff that works without chuff and Objects.
C# is great and it has its place. But as you correctly pointed out it does not suite web programming. In that matter neither does the event smoke and mirrors that provides.
Go lower. Think HttpHandlers and REST. You don't need the MVC stuff. Its and Idea and not a product.
The front end GUI has nothing to do with the backend. Do you really need JSON/REST/POX.....develop your middle layer with these in mind and you should be ok. Stay away from WCF its propriety and nasty.
as for the comment of maintainable code. Trail blaze. why be what you don't want to be. If they don't think like you, then do you want them around?
When I work on projects the ideas drive the product not the technology and certainly not the masses or the mob. Large organizations cater for the mob for one reason only, and it has nothing to do with advancing the art and all about the Euro.
Messages and pipes are what I would use in this current climate. Events are great when the environment supports it, but does the async nature of the web lend itself to thinking of a processing pipe with clock ticks and checking if things have been done.
.Net good for one thing. middle layer with DB and logic. As for the front. Use something else. More webby.
Why just F# bring in the whole shooting match of best in class. plenty to choose from php, python, ruby,clojure, haskell etc....
F# is more than what it is, but what it represents, an old way of thinking in new and desperate times of multi-core multi-threading, multi-process.
As a song I once listened to said "I don't care about their different thoughts
Different thoughts are good for me"

How much success is there working on ASP.NET decompiled by Reflector?

I just finished a small project where changes were required to a pre-compiled, but no longer supported, ASP.NET web site. The code was ugly, but it was ugly before it was even compiled, and I'm quite impressed that everything still seems to work fine.
It took some editing, e.g. to remove control declarations, as they get put in a generated file, and conflict with the decompiled base class, but nothing a few hours didn't cure.
Now I'm just curious as to how many others have had how much success doing this. I would actually like to write a CodeProject article on defining, if not automating, the reverse engineering process.
Due to all the compiler sugar that exists in the .NET platform, you can't decompile a binary into the original code without extremely sophisticated decompilers. For instance, the compiler creates classes in the background to handle enclosures. Automating this kind of thing seems like it would be a daunting task. However, handling expected issues just to get it to compile might be scriptable.
Due to all the compiler sugar that exists in the .NET platform
Fortunately this particular application was incredibly simple, but I don't expect to decompile into the original code, just into code works like the original, or maybe even provides an insight into how the original works, to allow 'splicing' in of new code.
i had to do something similar, and i was actually happier than if i had the code. it might have taken me less time to do it, but the quality of the code after the compiler optimized it was probably better than the original code. So yes, if its a simple application, is relatively simple to do reverse engineer it; on the other hand i would like to avoid having to do that in the future.
If it was written in .NET 1.1 or .NET 2.0 you'll have a lot more success than anything compiled with the VS 2008 compilers, mainly because of the syntactic suger that the new language revisions brought in (Lambda, anonymous classes, etc).
As long as the code wasn't obfuscated then you should be able to use reflector to get viable code, if you then put it into VS you should immidiately find errors in the reflected code.
Be on the look out for variables/ method starting with <>, I see that a lot (particularly when reflecting .NET 3.5).
The worst you can do is export it all to VS, hit compile and determine how many errors there are and make a call from that.
But if it's a simple enough project you should be able to reverse engineer from reflector, at least use reflector to get the general gist of what the code is doing, and then recode yourself.

Is data binding a bad idea?

Another discussion (we've been having a lot of them these days!) in our work is whether data binding is a bad idea or not.
Personally, I think it is a Bad Thing™.
My reasons are thrice:
It circumvents my well architectured MVP framework - with databinding, the view communicates bi-directionally with a model. Ewww.
It promotes hooking up view controls to datafields at design time. In my experience, this leads to vital code (binding column A to Field X) being obscure and hidden away in some designer file. IMO this code should be explicit and in-your-face, so that it is easy to modify and see what is going on, without having to use a clunky designer interface.
Relating to Point #1 this direct binding makes it harder to isolate each component (view, model, controller/presenter) and unit-test.
The pros are that it is easy to set up, and you can take advantage of some nice features (validation etc) which come with the plumbing already done for you.
But for me, databinding becomes much more of a hindrance when dealing with a large data-centric application.
Any thoughts?
As we say in the UK, "It's Horses for courses"
First off all, I agree with you! But...
For enterprise level applications, then spending the extra time on the system architecture, modelling and standards will give you a robust and sustainable system.
But it will take longer to develop (or at least longer to get to an initial release) and this may not be appropriate for every system or every part of the system.
Sometimes you just need to "get it done and done quick". For internal applications, back office systems and maintenance applications that are rarely used or very dynamic (the spec's change often) then there is little justification in building the Rolls Royce solution for this. It's better to get the developer spending time on the CRITICAL part of the system.
What you have to avoid / prevent is using these "one click framework" solutions on the MISSION CRITICAL area's of the system where the big transaction rate area's and where data quality and integrity is critical. Spend quality time shaving the milliseconds off on the most heavily used area's on the system!!
Another discussion (we've been having a lot of them these days!) in our work
is whether data binding is a bad idea or not.
Personally, I think it is a Bad Thing™.
Strong opinion, but imho, you bring out all the wrong reasons.
It circumvents my well architectured MVP framework - with databinding, the view communicates bi-directionally with a model. Ewww.
I guess it depends on the implementation of the data binding.
In the early years of my programming career, I used to do a lots of VBA for MS Access programming and Access forms had indeed this direct binding to tables/fields in database.
Most of the general purpose languages/frameworks have databinding as a separate component, do not use such a direct binding and are usually considered as a easy generic dropin for a controller in MVC pattern sense.
It promotes hooking up view controls to datafields at design time. In my experience, this leads to vital code (binding column A to Field X) being obscure and hidden away in some designer file. IMO this code should be explicit and in-your-face, so that it is easy to modify and see what is going on, without having to use a clunky designer interface.
I guess you are talking about the binding in WinForms?
My experience with win forms comes from a long ago, so I might be pretty out of date here.
It sure is a convenience feature, and I would strongly argue against it, unless you are writing really simple modal context CRUD style interfaces.
Relating to Point #1 this direct binding makes it harder to isolate each component (view, model, controller/presenter) and unit-test.
Again - assuming the view (a widget in WinFoms?) is tied together with databinding awareness, you are right.
But for me, databinding becomes much more of a hindrance when dealing with a large data-centric application.
Quite contrary - if data binding is implemented as an independent component (eg. bindings in Cocoa or JFace DataBinding, or JGoodies Binding), that acts as a controller between View and a Model, taking care of all the nitty-gritty of event handling and conversion and validation, then it is just so much more easier to use, change and replace than your custom controller code doing just the same thing.
The only downside of a general purpose data binding framework is that if the binding is off and/or misconfigured, the interactions between bound pieces are just notoriously difficult to debug due to the level of abstraction inside the data binding code... So You better not make any mistakes! ;)
I've used databinding in some pretty large systems and find that it works pretty well.
Seems that I do things a bit differently from you though ...
... I don't databind to the model, instead to a dedicated view class that works as an adapter between the model's structure and what I need on screen. This includes things like providing choices for comboboxes & listviews, and so on.
... I never set up the binding using the UI. Instead, I have a single method (usually called Bind() or BindXYZ() that hooks everything up in one place.
My Model remains agnostic, knowing nothing about databinding; my Presenter sticks to the workflow coordinate it's designed for; my Views are now also simple classes (easy to test) that encapsulate my UI behavior (is button X enabled, etc) and the actual UI is relegated to a simple helper on the side.
I have had a few unshakable realizations about data binding over the last few years:
The claim that the data binding allows for the business and presentation to be designed in isolation of each other is actually really quite far from what actually goes on in reality. Usually the deficiencies in the technologies become readily apparent and then all you have done is break apart the UI from the UI-specific business and the resulting separation often becomes far more unwieldy than a all-in-one approach.
Most data binding engines (HTML / WPF / or whatever) all make assertions on the technical business model, and since the designer is not usually equipped to make said assertions, the developer ends up having to touch the view. Not only that, the view shouldn't be making assertions about the business model---if anything, it should be the other way around.
Most of the time, the view model / controller / model / view are all "coupled" and then all you have really done is "move code around" rather than just simply using code behind. With that said, I do find the most pragmatic approach is often to just use data binding sparingly with code behind and forget about MVVM/MVC esque patterns.
Developers often put view level concerns on the view model and then start to use data binding as a crutch rather than a proper approach. for example, I have seen so many view models controlling visibility of UI elements.
Admittedly, data binding is useful for "small systems". I have observed that the performance, complexity and maintainability dramatically suffer as an application grows in richness.
Memory usage techniques with data binding can often become a real hazard. WPF for example uses a LOT of trickery to avoid issues and often developers can still shoot themselves in the foot. Unless you are using something like Sencha for HTML (I think), you will find your memory foot print on your applications start to suffer even with a modest amount of data.
I have found that data binding / UI patterns in general sometimes tend to break down a little when dealing with hierarchical and situational data / presentation.
My personal outlook on data binding is that it is a tool that can be easily abused yet has some compelling uses. You can say the same for any technique, pattern, or guideline. Like anything, too much of something tends to become a problem. I tend to like to try and use the most pragmatic approach for the situation. Prefer consistency when it is pragmatic to do so, but consistently be pragmatic. In other words, you don't have to go down the path of developing for two years and only then come to the conclusion that the code base has become a grotesque smelly mammoth in a china shop full of orphan kittens.
#Point 1: Isn't the data binding engine the controller, if you really want to think in patterns? You just do not program it yourself, which is the whole point of using data binding in the first place.
No. DataBinding when used correctly is a Good Thing™.
No; but see #2 and #3. Make the Presenter expose the properties/well-defined sources to bind. Do not expose the Model. Nothing is circumvented.
I agree. I do not use any of the standard ASP.NET data-sources. Instead I use GenericDataSourceControl which is wired to a "select method" that returns well-defined types. The DataSource consumers in the View only knows of these Presenter-types; nothing more.
No. Relating to #1. The Presenter exposes the properties/well-defined sources to bind. These can be tested without the view for correctness (unit tests), and with the view for correctness of application (integration tests).
(My Experience is using ASP.NET WebForms, which may differ from other data-binding scenarios.)
Yes and no.... but from a TDD perspective I'd like to cordon-off each controller so that I can test it in isolation. Also, say we want to run each edit via an EditCommand (so that we support Undo, for example) - for me, this rules out databinding.
Yes, this is exactly my POV. For me, databinding is great for very simple apps, but we don't do any of those!
I feel that in many frameworks, data binding is just an excuse to do things the easy way. It often results, as does almost any designer-generated code, in too much code which is too complicated and can't be easily tweaked. I've never come across a task I couldn't do just as well (if not better) and, in most cases, just as quickly, by data binding as by writing the code myself.
I have used databinding on large enterprise systems inconjunction with a framework. In my case it was CSLA.
It worked so well, and was extremly fast to get the view working. CSLA has lots of support for databinding and validation built in though.
If it breaks the MVP patturn, so what? if it works better and faster and is easier to manage. However, I would argue that it doesn't break the patturn at all... You can hook up databind in the presenter as it has a reference to the view and also to the model.
for example this is what you would put in your presenter and it would populate the list box or whatever control you want.
myView.list.datasource = myModel.myCollection;
Also I would like to point out the databinding shouldn't be taken as an all or nothing approch. Many times I use databinding when i have a simple and easy UI requirment to map to my object model. However, when there is special functionality needed I might put some code in the presenter to build up the view as I need it rather than using databinding.
I quite agree with you, data binding have drawbacks...
In our application, if not used carefully, it leads us sometimes to bad data consistency...
But there may be some elegant ways work with databinding with large forms?
Please give me your opinion here:
How to use a binding framework efficiently
