E4X: Use string as attribute name in expression? - apache-flex

I have a function that has this line:
var returnString:String = items[0].#month;
#month is an attibute on an XML node like so:
<xmlnode month="JAN"/>
OK but I need to abstract the attribute name so I can pass a string to the function and get the contents of the attribute with the name matching the string I passed. So for example If I call the function like this function("stone") it returns items[0].#stone. I hope this is clear.
Does anyone know how to do what I am after?

You'll want to use attribute('stone') rather than #stone, its the same thing, #stone is just a shorthand way of writing it.

You can write this as:
var attrName:String = "month";
return items[0].#[ attrName ];

not only that, but if you ever want to assign a value to an attribute using a variable for the attribute name, you can do this (although it is not documented) like so:
public function setAttr(obj:XML, attrName:String, value:String):void{
obj.#[attrName] = value;


Umbraco: x.GetPropertyValue("myProp") vs x.myProp

I use Umbraco v4, but think this should be a common problem.
I have a generic property "myNode" of "Content Picker", that should obtain a DynamicNode...
so doying myObj.myNode I obtain the node itself... so can use myObj.myNode.Url
But doying the myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode") I obtain the ... string ID value of the node... so can't anymore do myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode").Url (string does not have Url property)
I can't use directly myObj.myNode, because the name is "dynamic" (the same function should use "your"+"Node" or "their"+"Node" upon conditions - the example is very aproximative, but hope the idea is clear)...
I even did myObj.GetPropertyValue<DynamicNode>("myNode"), but the result was the same: "8124" (the node id)
So, how to obtain the real property value, not just string representation of it?
Your content picker does not contain a node, it contains an id of a node.
myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode") does exactly what is says, gets the value of a property called myNode on the instantiated DynamicNode object. It is not designed to return the node itself.
If you want to return the node whose ID your 'myNode' property contains then you have to use that value in a call to instantiate another DynamicNode
DynamicNode myNewNode = new DynamicNode(myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode"))
Use somethings like: mynode = Umbraco.Content(CurrentPage.myNode).Url (for Umbraco 6 and 7) For Umbraco 4 i use this Model.NodeById(Model.myNode).Url; in a script file. (I think it need at least Umbraco 4.7.x)
See also https://our.umbraco.org/documentation/Using-Umbraco/Backoffice-Overview/Property-Editors/Built-in-Property-Editors/Content-Picker
A not so elegant solution, but at least a solution that work:
var linkNode = image.GetPropertyValue("imgLinkNode" + model._lang.ToUpper());
if (linkNode is string)
string id = linkNode;
linkNode = model.NodeById(id);
var linkNodeUrl = linkNode.Url;

Use variable name in StringUtil.substitue in Actionscript

If I have the following code:
var value : String = StringUtil.substitute("The value {0} requested is {1}", user, value);
How can I use the variable name instead of using {0} and {1} in the code.
Please advice. Thanks.
The above code is quoted from http://www.rialvalue.com/blog/2010/05/10/string-templating-in-flex/.
It says that "Also note that we’re substituting the parameters using the order, it’d would fairly easy to do a named-parameter subsitution instead (i.e. using tokens like ${var1})". Therefore, I think it may be very easy to do that, but I don't know how to do.
Looks like it's not possible. And kind of makes sense that it allows zero based ints only, since you're passing a variable number of parameters that you're not identifying (except for their relative position in the params list).
Here's a piece of code that will replace tokens by name:
public static function replacePlaceholders(input:String,replacementMap:Object):String {
// '${', followed by any char except '}', ended by '}'
return input.replace(/\${([^}]*)}/g,function():String {
return replaceEntities(arguments,replacementMap);
private static function replaceEntities(regExpArgs:Array,map:Object):String {
var entity:String = String(regExpArgs[0]);
var entityBody:String = String(regExpArgs[1]);
return (map[entityBody]) ? map[entityBody] : entity;
var test:String = "Hello there ${name}, how is the ${noun} today?";
var replacementMap:Object = {
name : "YOUR_NAME_HERE",
The format I'm using for the placeholders is ${placeholdername}, since it's safer, I think. But if you want to remove the dollar sign, change the regexp accordingly.

AS3: Whats determines the order of: for..in

OK I am looping through the properties in an object like so:
private var _propsList:Object = {'Type':'product_type'
,'Stone Color':'primary_stone_sub'
for(key in _propsList)
val = _propsList[key];
trace(key +" = "+ val);
I am expecting the first trace to be Type = property_type since that is the first one defined in the array, however it is coming up random everytime. I guess this is because my keys are strings and not integers, however is there a way to specify the order it loops through them?
You can't rely on for (v in someObject) ... to return things in a predictable order, no.
Depending on your specific situation, you could just use an array to hold the keys, and just iterate through that:
private var keys:Array = ["Type", "Kind", "Stone", "Stone Color", "Metal", "Brand"];
private function iterate():void
for each (var k:String in keys)
Maybe a bit obvious or non-elegant, but it'd get the job done. :)
you could hack it by classing-out your "_propsList" object creating an array inside of the newly created PropsList class that references the properties in order. At that point, you could run a FOR loop on the array and get your properties in order.
OR, you could have a function inside that new class that would return an Array of those properties. like this:
public function getProps():Array {
return [myPropertyOne, myPropertyTwo, myPropertyThree];
In general, I think this is a case where you shouldn't depend on a particular behavior from the framework/language you are using. This type of behavior is generally poorly documented and can change from version to version.
If you really need a specific retrieval order, I would create a wrapper class as jevinkones suggested above. Maybe there's even a utility class in the framework somewhere to accomplish this (Dictionary, etc.?)
I found this link that gives some background:
Subtle Change in for..in Loops for ActionScript 3
This question is actually a dup of this one.
How about using an array representation like this:
var _propsList:Array = [
['Type', 'product_type'],
['Kind', 'product_type_sub'],
['Stone', 'primary_stone'],
['Stone Color', 'primary_stone_sub'],
['Metal', 'metal_type'],
['Brand', 'product_brand']
for(var i in _propsList) {
var elem = _propsList[i];
var key = elem[0];
var val = elem[1]

How do I delete a value from an Object-based associative array in Flex 3?

I need to remove the value associated with a property in a Flex 3 associative array; is this possible?
For example, suppose I created this array like so:
var myArray:Object = new Object();
myArray[someXML.#attribute] = "foo";
Later, I need to do something like this:
delete myArray[someXML.#attribute];
However, I get this error message at runtime:
Error #1119: Delete operator is not supported with operand of type XMLList.
How do I perform this operation?
delete doesn't do as much in AS3 as it did in AS2:
However, I think your problem might be solved by simply using toString(), i.e.
var myArray:Object = new Object();
myArray[someXML.#attribute.toString()] = "foo";
delete myArray[someXML.#attribute.toString()];
Rather than delete it, try setting the value to null.
myArray[someXML.#attribute] = null;
That way it'll end up the same as any other value in the array that isn't defined.

ActionScript 3 Object to name value string

In a Flex application I am trying to turn an Object into a QueryString such as name1=value1&name2=value2... But I am having trouble getting the names of the Objects children. How do I enumerate the names instead of the values?
I'm guessing you're doing a for each(in) loop. Just do a normal for(in) loop and you'll get the names instead of the values:
for(var name:String in obj) {
var value:* = obj[name];
// do whatever you need
Ok, first off, if you need that query string to actually query a server, you don't really need to get it yourself as this code will query the server for you
protected function callSerivce():void
var o:Object = new Object();
o.action = "loadBogusData";
o.val1 = "dsadasd";
<mx:HTTPService id="service" url="http://www.somewhere.com/file.php" method="GET" showBusyCursor="true"/>
Will make a call to the server like this: http://www.somewhere.com/file.php?action=loadBogusData&val1=dsadasd
But in case you really want to analyze the object by hand, try using ObjectUtil.getClassInfo, it returns a lot of information including all the fields (read more on LiveDocs).
