Stress Testing ASP.Net application [closed] -

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Closed 7 years ago.
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what are different ways that we can do some optimum level of stress testing for application before moving it to the production environment ?

Here is the free tool for the stress testing in application.
Another is called performance engineering which will tell how we can stress application.
Also go through the following post:
Best way to stress test a website
From my experience before moving to the production environment please take of following things.
set debug=false into the web.config
set trace enabled=false into the web.config
Always use precompiled version of your code.
Compile your project into the release mode.
Publish your code if you are using 2.0 or higher version
User caching api as much as possible.
Decrease your html kb.
remove blank spaces from the html code.
Use stylesheet as external .css file
USE IIS Compression if poosible.
Put your javascript file in .js files
Use Server.Transfer instead of Response.redirect
Use Inproc Session State if possible.
Use Viewstate efficiently- Use controlstate instead of viewstate which is newer feature in 2.0
Avoid giving big name to controls it will increase your html kb.
Use Div instead of tables it will decrease your size.
Do IIS Performance tuning as per your requirement
Here is the good link that teaches us good way of deployment in production environment.

Apache JMeter ( is an excellent tool for stress-testing web applications. It can be used with any web server, not just Apache.

Visual Studio 2010 provides some fantastic Test Automation tools and also for Load Testing the web applications.


prevent extremely slow performance of codeigniter application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently i am developing an student information system and i am using premium bootstrap template for my application development. But the problem is now my web app being extremely slow; at first i thought that all of the different css files and js are the main reason for the issue; so i have magnify both css and js than put it into the one single file.
which makes my application 10 second faster than previous one. But the problem is now my apps gets 30 sec to load a single page. Also i have put all of the models in the single file which is 69KB in size. and i have done same for my controller which is 178KB in size.
I have also tried to implement cache on my controller which make my app just load in 10 sec but the problem is when i do CRUD operation then the changed result is not showing insistently. So my question is how can i make the application load time much faster.
There can be many reasons how your application is slow.
Use Autoload only whenever required.
Keep the config files in cofig directory.
Filter all input before adding them to DB.
Use less of core PHP code if there is an CI alternative.
Use helper or library for frequently used functions.
- Enable GZIP compression if you are on a online server.
- make fewer HTTP requests.
- Config files there are alot of you can disable to speed up.
Although this is just my view. There are many ways to speed up and many reasons slowing your application. It is all onhe your study on how you have coded your application.
hope this helps a little. :)

From WPF development to ASP.NET development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a lot of experience developing rich WPF applications (for CRM scenarios). I am a single developer and use Visual Studio with a TFS for revision control.
I have build a Framework which automatically takes care of the most basic tasks for me. To start a new (WPF) Application project all i have to do is:
create a new project
include references to my function libraries
defining the data structure in an XML file
inherit the new application Class from my custom Application class
My libraries include functionality for
backend creation and connection
a Main Window with user login and administrative/configuration options
custom controls
custom scheduling system for background task
etc. etc.
Every development step from that point out is specific to the current task/costumer/product. I can concentrate 100% on modeling and creating custom ui Pages for special purposes - an average project can contain as little as 100 lines of unique code. If i stumble over any reusable functionality whatsoever, i add that to my libraries.
I can deploy and update all Projects with literally one click. This enables me to handle many projects as a single developer.
My question is: how much of that "developing experience" can (I) translate to ASP.NET development.
I am uncertain of this because of the mix of technologies Javascript(jQuery)/HTML/VB.NET(or C#)
I am familiar enough with each of the languages and feel able to be working effectively with Servicestack after a little learning by doing.
But my biggest concern is: will I have just as much reusability as with my WPF development setup.
My biggest, dealbreaking-if-not-met goals are:
not ever "physically" copy any functionality - everything has to be linked from libraries
have a reusable "Main Page Layout/Setup" with login functionality - this also has to be in a library!
never leave Visual Studio as a Development environment
All my models/function libraries that i need to rely on (backend functionality and utility functions) are developed in .NET 2.0
Thank you very much for your input!
Edit for clarification:
I am not looking for the "Template" functionality of Visual Studio. I am well aware of this and using it where appropriate. This is not enough for me as changes/improvements/expansion of my libraries have to be reflected in all Projects - this also holds for the "Main/Start Page" functionality.
The built-in ASP.NET Templates from Visual Studio are actually a great example for what i do not want. They produce a very specific setup for your "new" application with a lot of autogenerated code - i.e. "physically copying" this code from a template to adjust to your needs.
What I want to do is every time when i start a new Project:
start on an "empty" ASP.NET Project
Create neccessary Cloud services (hosting/database/buckets) etc. in Azure (which VS incorporates very nicely)
include my needed libraries (that for example in turn include the neccessary servicestack libraries)
start modeling/designing specific needs for the new project

IIS 7 web application within a main web application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know this sound confusing.. so I am trying to be as brief as possible.
I have a main web with an ASP.NET 4 classic app pool on a windows server 2008 R2; within this website there is a sub folder that contains all the admin functionality of this site; the main developer decided to convert this sub folder into another ASP.NET 4 classic app pool.
so basically I have the main folder converted to an application and a sub folder also converted into an application.
So far we did not had any issues, however I am not convinced that this solution is an optimal one.
I would like to know your ideas on this.
There are lots of reasons to separate out applications into their own app pools. For one when you have a separate app pool a new W3WP process is spun up, meaning that in some cases it can give you better performance. The new process will also have it's own allocation of memory, so overwriting cache entries for example will not interfere with cache entries on your main site (this could also be bad). Finally and most importantly if your app pool on admin crashes it will not affect the main app pool for your customers. In a lot of cases the app administrative sections are the most likely to fail since they contain so much functionality (but that's not with all cases).
All those good things above can also have negative effects. For example you may want to force expiration of a cache item from the administrative application to the front end portion of the site, this is now going to be more difficult. Also these applications should be split up now in visual studio as two separate applications otherwise deployment will be quirky (both have to use items in the same bin folder). If it's a subdirectory (as you had mentioned) then you'll need to turn of web.config inheritance otherwise you'll get all sorts of problems. Check out this question on how to do that
Avoid web.config inheritance in child web application using inheritInChildApplications
I personally do think in some cases splitting the app pool for an administrative section can be beneficial but that depends on the application itself, you will have to look at your own application and make that decision.
I would not recommend this approach after experiencing it first hand.
Not long ago I developed some new functionality in a large web application which required adding a new HttpModule and the corresponding web.config entry. A short time after the live release we received a phone call stating an application that we don't maintain and I had no idea of was broken.
The cause was my web.config setting requiring this new HttpModule which the sub-application didn't have, therefore it crashed, troubleshooting and mitigating this issue took time and effort.
The next time I wanted to upgrade our application from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4, and we had to confirm that their app would be OK after we upgraded our application, which again took time and effort.
Long story short, it takes minutes if not seconds to create a new app pool and setup an app, it takes excessive time and effort to coordinate these changes for an architecture that simply isn't necessary or beneficial.

Classic ASP vs PHP for a new web app [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am about to make a new Web application. My PHP skills are a little above average - I would'nt put myself under enterprise level coding. However my Classic ASP skills are strong and I have programmed VB in Classic ASP before for powerful websites.
I am going to make a ad network market place - buying and selling ad space online. It would be CDN backed with CDN JS and CDN image distribution with DNS and load balanced mySQL cluster servers.
What are everyones thoughts? I take it, Nginx can't run Windows?
Classic ASP to note, IMO, still handles and performs well on some sites. My concern is for future and speed and performance. Security on Classic ASP and PHP - well, Classic ASP with VB wins for me.
Even if you know Classic ASP better than PHP - Classic ASP is obsolete for nearly ten years:
It [ASP.NET] was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology.
I wouldn't start a new project with a technology that is ten years obsolete.
I don't know if Nginx runs on Windows, but it's definitely possible to run PHP and mySQL on Windows. There are Windows installers for mySQL, and it's even possible to run PHP on IIS.
Why is this even a question? Classic ASP is obsolete. When do you expect the next version of Classic ASP? When do you expect even the next patch?
Now, ask yourself the same questions about PHP.
To paraphrase an old "TV Guide" advertisement, "Get it? Got it? Good.".
I would recommend neither of the two, and would go with ASP.NET MVC. It's closer in pattern to Classic ASP, and I believe you can even program it in the same pattern - don't use a model, use a single controller that takes the view name as a parameter, and do all the work in the view.
A lot of people still use classic ASP all the time. So if your strengths are there, go ahead and use it. I know I still have to use it every day.
That being said, if your skills are that strong in ASP, you should have no problem moving to PHP. A couple of hours with a good code book will help you get through. Here is a basic cross-reference guide to ASP and PHP.
The question invites a pretty subjective answer. However, I'll try to be objectively subjective.
Since 5.3, PHP is the best choice in my opinion.
Also, if you're really intending to build it for scalability, I'd suggest looking at a cloud service like Amazon Web Services for your server (EC2), CDN (S3 + CloudFront) and database (RDS). If you're considering going as far as using Nginx there are some good configuration options at for working with a few different clouds, including AWS.
My recommendation would be PHP, coz it scales well, has a large community support, wide variety of IDEs and editors, robust frameworks and wide spread usage as a choice web development technology. My experience with ASP was long ago and was quite cumbersome, but PHP with all the said features and more like fully OO, works nicely. PHP as of now is on steady footing in web development arena.

License a .Net Web Site [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was wondering what is the preferred method of licensing a web site?
I distribute precomplied versions of my web sites with editable APSX files, the code behind is complied into separate DLL's for each page.
I have thought of implementing some sort of text injection into each page, similar to what Telerik controls do, when using a trial version. This demo text would disappear if using a licensed version.
One way I would think is to have the web site contact a web service to determine the license status but this would be an issue if the web service is down for any reason.
It's absolutely unacceptable to have your controls rely on an external web service to check the license. The only thing you're going to get out of that is pissed off customers and maintenance issues for yourself.
I strongly encourage you to go with the honor system, or a very simple licensing key file (that never expires). You're selling a web site, not video games. Unless you know for a fact that you are losing significant money because of piracy of your product, do not waste your time. Remember the first rule of optimization!
you could build some sort of license controlmechanism into your website. therefore you could use the URL of the site (typically you sell your app for one or two urls to somebody), and e.g. you could also build some hardware-key-references into your license mechanism, so that a copy of your software is not possible to run on a different machine.
but keep in mind, all restrictions you build in will result in more work for your paying clients, and there is always somebody who want to try to use your software without paying it!
