How to make a link that makes the page their homepage or a bookmark? - bookmarks

Is there a simple way to create a link that does either?
Basically, I would like a very simple way to do this. Any suggestions are helpful.

In just IE:
Bookmark This Site
In firefox and IE:
function addBookmark(title, url) {
if (window.sidebar) { // firefox
window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,"");
} else if( document.all ) { //MSIE
window.external.AddFavorite( url, title);
} else {
alert("Sorry, your browser doesn't support this");
<a href="javascript:addBookmark('My Site','')>Add bookmark</a>

There are ways to add favorites using Javascript, although some browsers don't support it at all. You can find a script here that claims to offer a cross-browser method of adding a bookmark, but actually just tells the user what to press to open the Add Bookmark dialog on Firefox, for example.
In all cases, all that javascript can do is open the add bookmark dialog, and the user will still have to manually add the bookmark themselves.

Check this for adding the site to the user's bookmarks

You can use this code to set your page as the user's homepage.


How to disable clicking off website disclaimer

This is becoming very frustrating now! I have the Disclaimer plugin EMC2 Pop-Up Disclaimer.
On my site it works fine, (Site is under development URL until I can fix this) except for it allows the user to click anywhere off the side of the disclaimer and this closes it, instead of the disclaimer making then click Accept or Decline.
I managed to fix this issue for Chrome users by adding:
.fancybox-opened {
z-index: 8030;
pointer-events: all !important;
.fancybox-lock .fancybox-overlay {
pointer-events: none;
I know it is a lazy CSS fix but it seems to be the only thing that got me there.
But this CSS does not hold for IE/windows.
I just need to have it so that the user cant click off the disclaimer (in the lightbox).
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){
}, false);
prevent from right click
If you are using fancybox then maybe you have 'closeClick' option set to true and then it closes the box on click. Also it matters which version of fancybox you are using.
If you are using v1.3 to prevent the close effect add this to the options
For v2
helpers : {
overlay : {closeClick: false}

How to change css style locally and save this changes

i have an webapp and i need to onclick change css style, but i need to save this change in the webapp instaled into the phone of my user, and only in his phone. The javascript for onclick change css style it's working but i don't have no idea to how to save this css changes.
Can somebody help me with this?
Since now thanks
In general CSS styles can't be directly saved on an HTML client.
What you can do is make an Ajax call back to your server and save the information there. The next time the user asks for the page send HTML with the appropriate style class already on the element you wish to style based on the saved information.
There are several hackish client side possibilities involving JavaScript & cookies or local storage but I would avoid that sort of solution if at all possible since it's very likely to lead to an annoying flicker as the page loads and renders styled one way and then the JavaScript finally runs and corrects the style.
To elaborate on my comment:
el1.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'red';
localStorage['color'] =;
And then on startup:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
if (localStorage['color']) { = localStorage['color'];
Of course, you may want to add error checking and fallbacks as appropriate.

Disable copying data from webpage

I was looking for any way to create web page,so that user wont be able to copy content from my web page. i.e. User wont be able to select the any text present on the webpage.
Let's assume i am working on
Any interesting ideas to accomplish the task ?
Ultimately you can't.
If you disable the ability to select text, the context menu or even just the copy option from the context menu users will still be able to see your content.
If they can see it they can copy it:
Take a screenshot.
Take a photo.
Type the text they see into Notepad.
Dictate the text into a recorder.
It's not worth the development effort and you won't stop the determined copier. All you'll end up doing is annoying your legitimate users.
Add value to your site so people want to keep coming back rather than just taking content and running. This could be:
Allow user generated content to expand on what's there.
Update content regularly so it's always fresh.
You can use user-select CSS3 propertie
HTML like this :
<span class="protected">Datas you wants protect</span>
And the correspondant CSS :
.protected {
See my example :
This solution is not cross browser but work fine with firefox and chrome/safari
EDIT : advanced user can copy your content with view the page source, make pdf or print your page, and some people mention firebug, fiddler.
If you send down any text the user will be able to see the source, so disabling copy and paste by any method will not really help stop the determined copier.
The most effective approach would be to render your text in to an image on the server and send down the image and not the raw text, but before you do that there are several downsides to consider: 1) You will require capacity on your server to generate the image. 2) The data load will be higher than just text and compresion will be less effective. 3) You may also loose some caching options.
Is there a particular reason you don't want the user to copy the text, perhaps if you can provide more details other approaches may be possible?
Try this
<script language="<strong class="highlight">javascript</strong>">
function onKeyDown() {
// current pressed key
var pressedKey = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toLowerCase();
if (event.ctrlKey && (pressedKey == "c" ||
pressedKey == "v")) {
// <strong class="highlight">disable</strong> key press porcessing
event.returnValue = false;
} // onKeyDown
<form name="aForm">
<input type="text" name="aText" onkeydown = "onKeyDown()">
When someone visits your website they receive the html/css/images/JavaScript that makes up the bulk of your site. So they already have your Content, as most browsers cache this too, to allow quicker browsing.
Read more on HTTP here -
So it is not quite possible to totally stop anyone that know how the http protocol works. But what you can do is to maybe listen for right clicks and stop normal end users from right clicking and saving a image etc. You can get a snippet here -
But if you are talking about protecting images/files that are selling please have a look at Protect html/php/image files from tracking as it then applies to your problem.
You can add to your body tag like so:
<body onselectstart="return false">
This is Internet. You can't completely protect the content of the page.
But you can difficult this task for the user.
You can too handle keyboard and mouse inputs, like Ctrl+C or right click of the mouse.
But remember that the user can always see the source code of the page, copy it and paste on a HTML editor.
You can make your site in Silverlight or Flash, but this will "disable" search engines indexing.
convert your page into a image
You can disable the selection, and with out selection you do not have copy/paste, however I suggest do that only on some parts of your page because is frustrate for the user.
This is the simple code that you can do that, eg, if you have a div with id="notme", run the disableSelOnThis("notme");
function disableSelOnThis(IdName) {
var oElem = document.getElementById(IdName);
if (oElem)
disableSelection(oElem); }
function disableSelection(element) {
element.onselectstart = function() {
return false;
element.unselectable = "on"; = "none"; = "default";
The code was from : , but its seams that this site is not longer live.
Of course without javascript enable this is not working and everything ChrisF says still stands.
Just copy and Paste the below javascript in your webpage:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function disableselect(e) {
return false
function reEnable() {
return true
document.onselectstart = new Function("return false")
if (window.sidebar) {
document.onmousedown = disableselect // for mozilla
document.onclick = reEnable
function clickIE() {
if (document.all) {
return false;
document.oncontextmenu = new Function("return false")
var element = document.getElementById('tbl');
element.onmousedown = function () { return false; } // mozilla
Note:If the above code not works for Firefox then add style="-moz-user-select:none" in the body tag which needs to be restricted alongwith the above code.

I want to make the browser fullscreen through my flex website

I have a website which is built totally in flex.
I want to make a button, on the click of which the browser becomes fullscreen. I am not talking about a flex fullscreen, by which i mean "Application.application.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;" I dont want to use this.
The reason, I dont want to use it is, that flash does not supports keyboard on flex-fullscreen. But if i can make the browser fullscreen, it will solve my purpose.
Also i am hoping the same method will be good for all browsers on PC and Mac both.
Use ExternalInterface to call a javascript function for it. Sorry this solution is half-baked so I'm not 100% sure it works..
//In ActionScript
public function fullScreen():void
if (ExternalInterface.available)
//In JavaScript
function fullScreen()
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>3) {
//on older browsers just leave it alone
i did the same work using thw solution for which you r saying no, u r saying the keyboard doesn't work, but it's working in ma case
here is the button code :
<mx:Button id="fullscreen" styleName="fullscreen" click="toggleFullScreen();"/>
and here is the function which gets called :-
private function toggleFullScreen():void
if(Application.application.stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL)
Application.application.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
else if(Application.application.stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN)
Application.application.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
also there are some files , that u need to copy in the html-template folder:-
i'll send u those files, mail me, i'll reply u
and yes, when u r in full screen mode, u can press "esc" key to get to the normal mode, and if u want to use keyboard to make fullscreen, then u keyboard events, thats a different story
i hope this helps
tc hav a gr8 time

How do I POST to a web page using Firebug?

How do I POST to a web page using Firebug?
You can send POST request to any page by opening console (e.g. in FireFox ctrl + shift + k) and typing simple JS:
var formPost = document.createElement('form');
formPost.method = 'POST';
formPost.action = ''; //or any location you want
AFAIK Firebug can't do this. However, there is a very useful Firefox extension, in the spirit of Firebug, called Tamper Data. This should be able to do what you want.
It allows you to monitor each request made by the browser, and you can turn on an option that allows you to look at, and edit, every single request before it gets sent.
Firefox 27 (maybe earlier versions too, never checked) has built-in developer tools to modify and resend requests. If you don't have Firebug installed, the console is available by pressing the F12 key. If Firebug is installed, press Ctrl+Shift+K instead.
I know this is an old question, but I recently stumbled upon the same problem and wanted to share the method I am using.
Assuming the web site you want to POST to has a form with method="POST" (a very likely scenario), you can use Firebug's JavaScript command line to programmatically submit a POST request. Just click the "Show Command Line" icon in Firebug and enter something like this in the narrow text box at the very bottom of the window:
Maybe this helps someone.
Another simple solution is to load any webpage that uses jQuery, and type up a $.post() in the console.
HTTP resource test is a firefox plugin that can do this.
Another powerful Firefox plugin to perform post request and some more features is the Hackbar.
To resend a POST already made, right click the POST request in the Net/XHR view and click "Resend".
Using Firebug 1.12.0:
Got here looking for a Firebug way of doing this. Then I realized that I could use Fiddler. This is the most powerful tool I know when it comes to debugging web requests.
Fiddler The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or
Click the Composer tab and write your request as desired - then click Execute.
NO NEED of plugins !!
Just drag any url in BOOKMARK BAR, then right click and EDIT, and insert javascript code:
javascript:var my_params=prompt("Enter your parameters","var1=aaaa&var2=bbbbb"); var Target_LINK=prompt("Enter destination", location.href); function post(path, params) { var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", path); for(var key in params) { if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[key]); form.appendChild(hiddenField); } } document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } parsed_params={}; my_params.substr(1).split("&").forEach(function(item) {var s = item.split("="), k=s[0], v=s[1]; parsed_params[k] = v;}); post(Target_LINK, parsed_params); void(0);
then enter the target site-link, and click that button in BOOKMARK BAR! That's all!
( source: )
